English Essay Writing Topic – Should selling and using tobacco be banned

Should selling and using tobacco be banned





There is no doubt that tobacco can be harmful to your health, but should it be banned altogether? That’s the question that many people have been asking lately, and there are valid arguments on both sides of the debate. On the one hand, it’s hard to argue with the fact that tobacco can cause cancer and other serious health problems. On the other hand, many people say that banning tobacco would infringe on their rights and that it would be difficult to enforce such a ban. Some people believe that selling and using tobacco should be prohibited altogether. They argue that it is not possible to regulate tobacco use to protect people’s health and that the best solution is to get rid of it. Others, however, believe that the Government should not ban tobacco use. They argue that people have a right to make their own choices about their health and that prohibiting tobacco would infringe on personal freedom. There are arguments for and against banning tobacco. On the one hand, it is clear that smoking is harmful and causes serious health problems. It is also addictive, which makes it hard for people to quit.

Read further to know the details about tobacco


What is Tobacco?

Tobacco is a product made from the dried leaves of the tobacco plant. It is smoked, chewed, or sniffed for a variety of reasons. Some people use tobacco for its stimulant effects, while others use it for relaxing results. Tobacco contains nicotine, which is a highly addictive substance. Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in the world. It is responsible for an estimated eight  million deaths each year. Tobacco is most commonly used as a recreational drug by smoking cigarettes, cigars, or pipes. People can also chew tobacco. Chewing tobacco is less common in the developed world but is still used by some people. Smoking tobacco is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States. Smoking tobacco causes cancer, heart disease, and respiratory problems. There is no safe level of tobacco use, and even exposure to secondhand smoke is dangerous. If you smoke tobacco, the best thing you can do for your health is quit.



What is the use and harm of tobacco? 

There is no positive use of tobacco. It is a dangerous, addictive substance that has been linked to numerous health problems, including cancer. While some people may claim that smoking has some benefits, such as helping them relax or focus, the risks far outweigh any potential positives. Tobacco use is harmful to both the user and those around them, and it is essential to be aware of the dangers before using it. Tobacco causes diseases and disability, and it harms nearly every body organ. For each person who dies because of tobacco use, 30 people live with a severe illness related to tobacco use. The effects of smoking include cancer, heart disease, stroke, lung disease, diabetes, and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD), such as emphysema and chronic bronchitis. In addition, it increases the risk of tuberculosis, certain eye diseases, and immune system problems, such as rheumatoid arthritis. Nonsmokers and infants are also affected by secondhand smoke each year, with approximately 41,000 deaths. Countless studies have shown the adverse effects of smoking, yet people continue to do it. Lung cancer is a leading cause of death in the United States. It kills more than 150,000 people each year—about 1 out of every five cancer deaths in this country. Cigarette smoking is responsible for about 90% of all lung cancer deaths among men and about 80% among women today.



Tobacco Damages To Body

Smoke from cigarettes can harm your body in many ways. For example, nicotine narrows your blood vessels, slowing blood flow and reducing oxygen to your limbs. Carbon monoxide stops your heart from getting the oxygen to pump blood around your body. Tar coats your lungs like soot in a chimney, preventing air from getting in and making breathing difficult. Phenols paralyse and kill the hair-like cells that sweep clean the lining of your airways and protect them against infections. Tiny particles irritate your throat and lungs, leading to a dry cough which makes you produce more mucus and damages lung tissue. Ammonia and formaldehyde irritate eyes, nose and throat cells so that these vital organs can no longer function properly. Smoking tobacco can make yellow-brown stains on your fingers, tongue and teeth. It can also increase your risk of tooth loss and bad breath, make your skin saggy, and give you early wrinkles. Smoking tobacco makes your hair lose its natural shine.



Why Should Tobacco Be banned?


It is Injurious to health.

Tobacco is harmful to health, and it is a poison. It contains nicotine, which is a highly poisonous alkaloid. When smoked, the nicotine reaches the brain in about 10 seconds, and its effect on the central nervous system is almost instantaneous. The smoker feels a warm glow at first; this soon gives way to a feeling of exhilaration, lasting perhaps 30 seconds. The smoker then begins to feel dizzy; his pulse quickens, his heart beats faster and harder; his blood pressure rises, and he starts to sweat and feels thirsty. His breathing becomes more rapid, deeper, and more frequent; he may also experience nausea or vomiting. These effects are due to nicotine entering the bloodstream from the lungs and reaching the brain within seconds, producing its stimulating effect on nerve cells.
The initial rush experienced by smokers after inhaling tobacco smoke lasts about five minutes. It then gradually subsides over an hour as the nicotine level in their blood declines with each successive inhalation. Getting high from smoking occurs because nicotine acts on specific nerve cells in your brain called nicotinic receptors.

People Don’t Smoke passively

People do not choose to smoke passively, as the opposition claims. There are few non-smoking bars and restaurants in many places. People cannot avoid passive smoking unless they refuse to go out with friends. Often, people who work in smoky workplaces (e.g. bars) have no choice but to do so. Additionally, it is not true that all smokers smoke actively. Many people smoke because they are addicted to nicotine, and they cannot quit even if they want to stop smoking. It is also inaccurate and misleading when the opposition says that passive smoking does not cause disease or death in non-smokers. The evidence shows that passive smokers have a higher risk of getting lung cancer and heart disease than non-smokers, even if they do not smoke themselves.

Ban on smoking forces to give up on a tobacco

Tobacco Smoking is a nasty habit that can be harmful to your health and the environment. It is also really not good for your lungs or those around you. We believe that smoking should be banned in public places, such as restaurants and bars, to encourage smokers to smoke less or give up entirely. If smoking were banned in public places, it would no longer be a social activity; instead of being able to smoke while hanging out with friends inside, smokers would have to leave them behind and go outside to smoke. This would be particularly unpleasant when it’s cold/wet out—not everyone wants to go out to get their nicotine fix. Smokers who enjoy the social aspect of smoking may be more inclined to quit if they had to leave their friends to smoke.

Smoking Is Expensive for everyone

Smoking is expensive, not just for smokers but also for the general public. According to estimates, the costs of treating smoking-related diseases, productivity losses to the EU economy, and premature mortality in the EU amount to €544 billion per year. For this reason, banning tobacco products can be beneficial to everyone. When smokers quit, it reduces healthcare costs and increases productivity, which means more money in everyone’s pockets. A recent study shows that when France banned smoking in restaurants and bars in 2008, there was an increase in revenue from tourism and restaurant sales by 37% due to healthier environments and increased productivity among workers who didn’t have to worry about second-hand smoke. According to the World Health Organization, smoking-related diseases cost the EU economy $544 billion each year. That’s a lot of money, and it doesn’t even include all of the productivity losses that come from smokers dying early or otherwise working less because they’re sick (or just being on their deathbeds). So how do we pay for these costs? Well, we don’t—at least not directly. The prices are passed onto us in higher healthcare costs and lower productivity. In addition to these medical costs, smoking also involves indirect expenses related to lost productivity in terms of absenteeism from work or school due to illness or reduced productivity at work due to smoking-related illness or death.



Why Tobacco Should Not be banned


Fall in government tax revenue

According to the European Commission, there are high taxes on tobacco throughout Europe and the world, though the precise percentage of taxation varies between member states. In this way, governments make a lot of money.
According to a report by MPs, an EU-wide ban on smoking in public places could cost the UK hundreds of millions of pounds in lost revenue each year.
The House of Commons Health Committee says that the government must be prepared for the impact of an EU-wide ban on smoking in public places. It has called for investment in resources to help smokers quit and funds for research into new products that may help people give up cigarettes. There is high taxation on tobacco throughout the world, though the precise tax percentage varies between member states. In this way, governments make a lot of money.
In India, the taxes on tobacco products are very high compared to other countries like the US and China. The government has imposed various taxes on cigarettes, bidis and chewing tobacco products. The tariffs vary from state to state and are based on the product’s price, production cost, retail price, etc.
Tobacco is also one of the significant contributors to government revenue as it generates around Rs 20,000 crore in excise duty annually. Tobacco taxes vary widely between member states – ranging from €6 per packet in Ireland to €13 per packet in France.

Tobacco ban doesn’t make people healthier

In an immensely informative article by Jacob Grier in Slate, the author finally sorted through the questionable “proof” behind the secondhand smoke myth. 
However, as Grier points out, this belief was based on “a few studies with small samples that involved no more than a handful of people.” These studies weren’t conclusive enough to convince anyone that secondhand Tobacco smoke was unhealthy for non-smokers.
Additionally, the health risks associated with smoking have been overrated for decades now. For example, when the Surgeon General’s Office first released its 1964 report on tobacco use and disease, it reported that smoking was linked to lung cancer in men over age 30 who smoked more than 20 cigarettes per day— but also noted that less than 1% of Americans fell into this category. Governments had primarily implemented the bans because early studies believed there to be a correlation between secondhand smoke and heart disease. That connection, however, was never substantiated through large-scale studies. Indeed, when one looks at the evidence from extensive studies that have examined the effects of secondhand smoke, it’s clear that smoking bans don’t make people healthier.

Many businesses will shut down

A ban on smoking in public places would be devastating to the UK’s businesses and hurt the economy as a whole.
Tobacco products are big business in the United Kingdom. According to the British Heart Foundation, tobacco accounts for £10 billion worth of sales each year. This means that many companies rely heavily on the sale of tobacco products, which is why they would be devastated by a ban on smoking in public places. Tobacco Smokers tend to spend more money per visit than non-smokers, so pubs and bars would suffer significantly if there were a ban on smoking. This could lead to many bars going out of business altogether. In addition to losing business to smokers, these businesses would also lose all their profits from selling tobacco products. The government implemented the most recent ban on smoking in public places in Scotland in 2006, and it has had a significant impact on the country’s economy. The law prohibits smoking in all enclosed public spaces like restaurants, bars and nightclubs. This means that smokers are not allowed to smoke inside these establishments or within four meters of their entrances. The ban has led to many businesses shutting down because they could no longer make as much money as before. According to their owners, their customers stopped coming after the ban was implemented so that they couldn’t smoke inside or near their establishments.

Tobacco ban would take public freedom

There is a possibility that tobacco bans violate freedom of choice. 28% of European adults smoke regularly, yet they cannot freely choose where they would like to smoke.
The tobacco industry has always been controversial and has been accused of targeting minors and promoting smoking to young people. Many countries have banned smoking in public places and areas. This ban affects both smokers and non-smokers alike, as it restricts their right to enjoy the outdoors without being exposed to secondhand smoke. While it’s true that smoking is a legal habit, it’s also true that it can have adverse health effects. Many countries have banned smoking in public places like restaurants, bars, and even outdoor areas. But these bans can be seen as an infringement of freedom of choice. The European Union is currently considering legislation that would ban smoking in public places, including bars and restaurants. This infringement of personal freedom because it takes away a person’s ability to choose where they would like to enjoy their cigarette.

The tobacco ban Would create an Illegal market.

The tobacco ban would create an illegal market, which would increase small-scale bribery.
The tobacco ban has already caused the price of tobacco to increase, and it is likely that when the ban is implemented, the price will continue to rise. This will make it even more difficult for people to afford a pack of cigarettes and lead to illegal tobacco products markets.
When people can’t afford cigarettes legally, they often turn to black markets to get them at lower prices. This creates an environment where bribes are common because police officers need money to look the other way or ignore law violations.
In addition, many smokers may be tempted by cheaper black market cigarettes if they can no longer afford packs at regular prices. This could lead to increased smoking rates among teens and young adults looking for affordable alternatives when their budgets are tight. It’s no surprise, then, that many people try to stop smoking by simply cutting back on or eliminating their intake. But when you do this without replacing the behaviour with something else, you’re left with a space in your life that needs to be filled—something you can’t do until you break the physical habit and become physically unable to smoke any more.

The commercial scenario of tobacco cultivation and trade

Tobacco cultivation and trade is an essential part of the commercial scenario of many countries, especially in developing countries. It employs many people involved in the cultivation and production process.
Tobacco cultivation and trade have a significant impact on a country’s economy because it helps boost the overall economic growth.
Tobacco cultivation is one of the most lucrative businesses that any country can get involved in, as it has many benefits. It not only helps to improve the financial situation but also improves the standard of living for those engaged in this field of work. It has helped them reduce poverty and made them self-sufficient in terms of their economy. The tobacco industry had come a long way since its humble beginnings in the late 1400s, when Spanish settlers brought tobacco seeds to the country. Since then, the industry has become a significant source of income for farmers who grow tobacco and sell it to companies that manufacture cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco and snuff. Today, tobacco is cultivated in many countries worldwide, including India, China, Brazil, Indonesia, and Zimbabwe. About 700 million people are employed by the tobacco industry worldwide.
The major tobacco-producing countries include China (34%), India (18%), Brazil (13%), Turkey (7%) and the USA (6%). Tobacco is a primary U.S. industry, which contributes significantly to the economy and generates billions in tax revenue for our government. In 1998, consumers spent an estimated $59.3 billion on tobacco products, chiefly cigarettes ($55.7 billion). This spending supports thousands of businesses that manufacture, transport, market, and sell these products and some 90,000 farms that grow tobacco leaves. Tobacco products are also an important source of tax revenue for Federal, State, and local governments.




Although there are arguments for both sides of the debate, the evidence does seem to favour those who advocate for this sort of ban. The most valid arguments seem to suggest that banning tobacco would be good from a public health perspective and even from an economic perspective. Though smoking can be harmful to your health, denying it altogether might be pushing things too far from an individual rights standpoint. And even if you disagree with banning tobacco altogether or think that it is impossible to enforce such a prohibition, you would have to admit that further regulation on the sale and use of tobacco is worthy of consideration.

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