Character Sketch of All Characters of Class 9 English Beehive and Moments Book

Character Sketch of Class 9 English – What does a Character Sketch mean? A character sketch is simply a description or study of a particular character that includes information about their background, physical characteristics, personality traits, habits, and other attributes. It defines what the character is like and how he/she evolves or develops throughout the story. In this post you can find the Character Sketch of all the Characters of CBSE Class 9 English Beehive and Moments Book and questions related to Character Sketch. Also don’t miss out on Class 9 English Important Question Answers

Character Sketch of Beehive Book

Character Sketch of Margie, Tommy, Margie’s Mother and County Inspector | The Fun They Had
Write a Character Sketch of Margie,Tommy, Margie’s Mother and County Inspector. Character Sketch of Class 9 English Beehive Book  The Fun They Had.

Character Sketch of Evelyn Glennie and Ustad Bismillah Khan | The Sound of Music
Write a Character Sketch of Evelyn Glennie and Ustab Bismillah Khan. Character Sketch of Class 9 English Beehive Book  The Sound of Music.

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Character Sketch of Kezia, Kezia’s Father, Grandmother and Mr Mc Donald | The Little Girl
Write a Character Sketch of Kezia, Kezia’s Father, Grandmother and Mr Mc Donald. Character Sketch of Class 9 English Beehive Book  The Little Girl.

Character Sketch of Albert Einstein | A truly Beautiful Mind
Write a Character Sketch of Albert Einstein. Character Sketch of Class 9 English Beehive Book  A truly Beautiful Mind

Character Sketch of Narrator| The Snake and The Mirror
Write a Character Sketch of a Narrator. Character Sketch of Class 9 English Beehive Book  The Snake and The Mirror


Character Sketch of Abdul Kalam, Father, Mother, Sivasubramania Iyer and Ramanadha Sastry | My Childhood
Write a Character Sketch of Abdul Kalam, Father, Mother, Sivasubramania Iyer and Ramanadha Sastry. Character Sketch of Class 9 English Beehive Book  My Childhood


Character Sketch of Jerome (Narrator) George, Harris and Montmorency (Dog) | Packing
Write a Character Sketch of Jerome (Narrator) George, Harris and Montmorency (Dog). Character Sketch of Class 9 English Beehive Book  Packing


Character Sketch of Santosh Yadav and Maria Sharapova | Reach for the Top
Write a Character Sketch of Santosh Yadav and Maria Sharapova. Character Sketch of Class 9 English Beehive Book  Reach for the Top


Character Sketch of Narrator, Narrator’s Wife and Bruno (Sloth Bear)| The Bond of Love
Write a Character Sketch of Narrator, Narrator’s Wife and Bruno (Sloth Bear). Character Sketch of Class 9 English Beehive Book  The Bond of Love


Character Sketch of Gerrard and Intruder | If I Were You
Write a Character Sketch of Gerrard and Intruder. Character Sketch of Class 9 English Beehive Book  If I Were You


Character Sketch of Moments Book 


Character Sketch of Lost Child and Unknown Man | The Lost Child
Write a Character Sketch of Lost Child and Unknown Man. Character Sketch of Class 9 English Moments Book Chapter 1 The Lost Child


Character Sketch of Toto, Grandfather and Grandmother| The Adventures of Toto
Write a Character Sketch of Toto, Grandfather and Grandmother. Character Sketch of Class 9 English Moments Book Chapter 2 The Adventures of Toto


Character Sketch of Iswaran and Mahendra‌| Iswaran the Storyteller‌
Write a Character Sketch of Iswaran and Mahendra‌. Character Sketch of Class 9 English Moments Book Chapter 3 Iswaran the Storyteller‌


Character Sketch of the King, Minister, Guru and his Disciple| In the Kingdom of Fools
Write a Character Sketch of the King, Minister, Guru and his Disciple. Character Sketch of Class 9 English Moments Book Chapter 4 In the Kingdom of Fools


Character Sketch of the Happy Prince, Swallow (Bird), Match girl, Seamstress, Writer, Mayor and Councillors | The Happy Prince
Write a Character Sketch of the Happy Prince, Swallow (Bird), Match girl, Seamstress, Writer, Mayor, and Councillors. Character Sketch of Class 9 English Moments Book Chapter 5 The happy Prince


Character Sketch of Prashant | Weathering the Storm in Ersama
Write a Character Sketch of Prashant. Character Sketch of Class 9 English Moments Book Chapter 6 Weathering the Storm in Ersama


Character Sketch of Sue, Johnsy, Doctor and Mr. Behrman | The Last Leaf
Write a Character Sketch of Sue, Johnsy, Doctor and Mr. Behrman. Character Sketch of Class 9 English Moments Book Chapter 7 The Last Leaf


Character Sketch of Narrator, Mother and Cat | A house is Not a Home
Write a Character Sketch of Narrator, Mother and Cat. Character Sketch of Class 9 English Moments Book Chapter 8 A house is Not a Home


Character Sketch of Lushkoff, Sergei and Olga | The Beggar
Write a Character Sketch of Lushkoff, Sergei and Olga. Character Sketch of Class 9 English Moments Book Chapter 9 The Beggar


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