Give a Character Sketch of Gerrard and Intruder from Class 9 English Beehive Book Chapter 9 If I Were You

In this post we have given character sketch Gerrard and the Intruder from Class 9 English Chapter 9 of Beehive Book If I were you.

Character Sketch of Gerrard

Gerrard is associated with the theatre. He writes, acts and provides props for plays. He lives alone in a cottage. He is an intelligent person with a good sense of humour. He is a refined and cultured man, who keeps his cool even in the most difficult situations. He knows how to handle an adverse situation. One day an intruder enters his Cottage. When Gerrard came to know about his intention, he is not scared at all. He talks to him very courteously and pleasantly. He has presence of mind and is very good at story making. He immediately convinces the intruder that Gerrard himself is a criminal and police is after him. The intruder walks into his trap unsuspectingly. Gerrard’s intelligence not only outwits the intruder and saves his own life, but also helps the police in nabbing a wanted criminal. His presence of mind, wit and sense of humour saved him. All these qualities, combined with a cool temperament enable him to handle even a life-threatening situation very successfully and easily.

If I Were You Overview – This play is about a playwright named Gerrard. How he escapes being killed by an intruder who wants to steal his identity and live peacefully. Gerrard fools the intruder, confines him in a cupboard and finally, hands him over to the sergeant.

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Some Questions on Character Sketch of Gerrard

Q1: How would you describe Gerrard?
Q2: What moral dilemmas does Gerrard face in “If I were You”?
Q3: How does Gerrard’s character develop throughout the story in “If I were You”?
Q4: What are Gerrard’s strengths and weaknesses as a character in “If I were You”?

Character Sketch of Intruder

The intruder is a dangerous criminal who has no qualms about taking innocent lives. He enters Gerrard’s cottage with a plan of murdering him and escaping the law by impersonating him. Although he appears to have a plan, he has a major character flaw. He makes the mistake of revealing his plan to Gerrard who in turn uses it against him. Ultimately, he succumbs to Gerrard’s plan and thus gets caught. All his tall claims about his intelligence prove to be hollow. This coldblooded murderer meets a befitting end.

Some Questions on Character Sketch of Intruder

Q1: What kind of man was the intruder?
Q2: What was the Specialty of the intruder?
Q3: Is the intruder a real person?
Q4. How are the characters of Gerrard and intruder in contrast to each other?

You can also see Chapter 11 If I were you summary, explanation and also check out the Extra Question Answers of Chapter 11 . Don’t miss out the MCQ Questions of Chapter 11

If you have read this Chapter,  you will know that this play is about a playwright named Gerrard. How he escapes being killed by an intruder who wants to steal his identity and live peacefully. Gerrard fools the intruder, confines him in a cupboard and finally, hands him over to the sergeant.

class 9 english score full marks