Give a Character Sketch Narrator from Class 9 English Beehive Book Chapter 5 The Snake and The Mirror

Character Sketch of Narrator

The Narrator is a middle-aged doctor who can hardly make some money from his medical practice. He works as a doctor in a small dispensary. Since it is the start of his medical career, he lives in a room with no electricity to light anything. He is obsessed with his own looks. Every evening after work, he sits in front of a mirror admiring himself. The narrator displays a sense of empathy and compassion when he encounters a snake in his room. Like any ordinary man, he is also scared of snakes. When he sees the snake just four inches away from his face, he is too frightened to move. However, after encountering the snake, he becomes more aware of the suffering and vulnerability of others. He reflects on the nature of life and the interconnectedness of all living beings.

The Snake and The Mirror Overview – The story is a narrative within the narrative. The writer tells us the story which was told to him by a homeopathic doctor. As we see from the title, the snake and the mirror are the two most important things in the story. This homeopathic doctor encountered a snake, the snake fell on the doctor. When the snake saw its reflection in the mirror, it was more interested in that and the doctor’s life was saved.


Related:  The Snake and The Mirror Summary, Explanation

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Some Questions on Character Sketch of Narrator

Q1 How would you describe the physical appearance of the narrator in “The Snake and the Mirror”?
Q2 What is the profession of the narrator in the story?
Q3 What is the narrator’s attitude towards his simple lifestyle?
Q4 How does the narrator react when he encounters the snake in his room?
Q5 What transformation does the narrator undergo throughout the story?


Related: The Snake and The Mirror MCQ Question Answer



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