The Past in the Present Question Answers


Maharashtra State Board Class 9 English The Past in the Present Important Question Answers from Kumarbharati Book (MCQs and Extract-based Questions)


The Past in the Present Question Answer: Looking for The Past in the Present question answers for Maharashtra State Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Book? Look no further! Our comprehensive compilation of important questions will help you brush up on your subject knowledge. Practising Maharashtra State Board Class 9 English question answers can significantly improve your performance in the exam. Our solutions provide a clear idea of how to write the answers effectively. Improve your chances of scoring high marks by exploring The Past in the Present question answers now. The questions listed below are based on the latest Maharashtra State Board Class 9 exam pattern, wherein we have given multiple choice questions and extract-based questions (Comprehension Passage)

Maharashtra State Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Book Lesson The Past in the Present Textbook Questions


  1. We find the following in the script of a skit or play. Rearrange these steps in the proper order and write them down in the form of a flow chart.

flow chart


Title →  Characters →  Scene →  Dialogues →  Climax →  Curtain


  1. Think of a play/skit which you have seen enacted on the stage and which has impressed you. Write the following details about it.


Name of the play/skit  …………………………………………………..
Important characters  …………………………………………………..
Any famous actors/actresses  …………………………………………………..
Theme …………………………………………………..
Climax …………………………………………………..
Ending …………………………………………………..
Use of lights and special effects if any …………………………………………………..
Use of background music and sound effects if any …………………………………………………..
Use of sets …………………………………………………..
The costumes, make up, etc. of the characters …………………………………………………..
How well the actors present the play and behave on the stage. …………………………………………………..
Your own opinion about the play …………………………………………………..



Name of the play/skit  Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Important characters  Harry Potter

Ron Weasley

Hermione Granger

Cedric Diggory

Lord Voldemort

Any famous actors/actresses  …………………………………………………..
Theme The theme of the play is probably courage, friendship, and the dangers of magic.
Climax The climax of the play is likely the Triwizard Tournament, where Harry and Cedric compete against other magical schools to win the Triwizard Cup.
Ending The ending of the play probably involves Harry and Cedric facing off against Voldemort, and the eventual defeat of the Dark Lord.
Use of lights and special effects if any The play used a lot of lights and special effects to create a magical atmosphere.
Use of background music and sound effects if any Dramatic music during the Triwizard Tournament, or spooky sounds during scenes involving Voldemort.
Use of sets The play used a variety of sets, such as Hogwarts, the Quidditch pitch, and the graveyard where Voldemort is resurrected.
The costumes, make up, etc. of the characters The costumes and make up for the characters would need to be very detailed and accurate to the books and movies. For example, Harry’s scar would need to be very prominent, and Voldemort’s pale skin and red eyes would need to be captured perfectly.
How well the actors present the play and behave on the stage. Very experienced and talented actors.
Your own opinion about the play It was a fantastic experience to see the characters and story come to life on stage.
  1. Present these points in the form of a review, and give it a suitable title.

Answer- A Magical Journey

I had the incredible opportunity to witness a stage adaptation of “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire,” and it was truly a magical experience. From the moment the curtains rose, I was transported to the enchanting world of Hogwarts.

The cast did an exceptional job of bringing the beloved characters to life. The play was visually stunning, with intricate sets, dazzling special effects, and elaborate costumes. The use of lights and sound effects created a truly immersive atmosphere, enhancing the magical elements of the story.

The climax of the Triwizard Tournament was a highlight, filled with thrilling challenges and breathtaking moments. 

Overall, “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire” was a captivating and unforgettable experience. It’s a must-see for fans of the series and anyone who appreciates a well-crafted theatrical production.


English Workshop

  1. In the diagram below encircle the various features that make the script of a skit/ play. List the other words and mention the form of writing of which it is a feature.



Elements of a Script-

  • List of characters
  • Stage scene and props
  • Leadline
  • Live dialogue
  • Actions/Costumes

Other Form of Writing:

  • Sender’s Address: This is typically found in letters or formal documents, not scripts.
  • Salutation: This is also commonly found in letters and formal documents.
  • Diagram: While diagrams can be used in scripts to visualize stage layouts or character relationships, they are not a core element.
  1. Choose the proper alternative to complete the following.

(i) The skit covers a period of about ……………… in the past.

 (a) 3000 years   (b) 1000 years   (c) 5000 years   (d) 1800 years


(ii) ……………… characters from Neel’s ancestral lineage make an appearance in the play.

 (a) Fourteen   (b) Seven   (c) Sixteen   (d) Twelve


(iii)The task that all boys abhorred was ………………

 (a) cleaning up their room   (b) farm-work   (c) filling up water   (d) making their beds.


(iv)The skit conveys that doing your daily chores at home ………………

 (a) makes you stronger   (b) sharpens your intellect   (c) saves a lot of expenses   (d) inculcates a sense of responsibility. 



(i) (a) 3000 years

(ii) (b) Seven

(iii) (d) making their beds

(iv) (d) inculcates a sense of responsibility


  1. Fill in the table.


Period Way of Addressing a Mother Boy’s Costume Lady’s Costume Daily Chores Games
1950s silk saree
1910 Kurta pyjama and cap
100 AD feed poultry tend sheep keep away birds plaster the yard
3000 BC Chaupar




Period Way of Addressing a Mother Boy’s Costume Lady’s Costume Daily Chores Games
1950s Mama Loose trousers and shirt  silk saree Water garden, bring home groceries, dust the living room, clean bicycle.
1910 Mummy Kurta pyjama and cap Nine-yard saree, nose-ring, jewelry Fetch water, fill up pots, sweep the terrace, collect wood, clean grinding stones. Go play by the riverside
1800s   Mother dear Dhoti, kurta and small turban Nine-yard saree, traditional jewelry Wash and dry the clothes, hop wood, fix the broken fence, take goats for grazing Atya-patya
1500s My dear mother Loose sleeveless V-neck top, hort dhoti Nine-yard saree Milk the cows and take them for grazing, fetch and stack vegetables, sweep the backyard and the front yard. Ashtapada
1000 Most revered mother Flare tunic and churidar, waist band and turban Saree, upper garment, plenty of jewelry  Fetch water, water the crops clear blocked channels, pull out weeds, patch the walls. Watch a puppet show
100 AD Matadevi  Dhoti and waist band; no shirt Saree, upper garment, beads jewelry feed poultry tend sheep keep away birds plaster the yard Bagh-chal
3000 BC Thee  Cloth around the waist held by cord, long hair in a bun or a ponytail. Saree, veil, stone and beads jewelry Hunt for food, carve stone bricks, dust leather clothes, mold and dry the mud pots. Chaupar


  1. Answer in your own words.

(a) What excuses did Neel give to avoid cleaning his room?

(b) Why does mother tell Neel about his Grandpa?

(c) What task did Grandpa wish to avoid?

(d) What did the ancestor from 1910 wish to do instead of making his bed?

(e) How many chores did the ancestor from 1800 have to do?

(f) How is the boy from1500s dressed ?

(g) What chores did the boys from 1000 CE and 1st Century CE, do on their

farms/fields ?

(h) What did Neel realise from his encounter with his ancestors ?



(a) Neel gave several excuses to avoid cleaning his room. He claimed that he had already cleaned it two days ago, that it was unnecessary to clean it every day, and that he was tired of lectures. He also argued that his bed would get messy again anyway after he slept.


(b) The mother tells Neel about his Grandpa to show him that even in the past, teenage boys had to do chores and that it was a common expectation. She wants to teach Neel the importance of responsibility and discipline.


(c) Grandpa wished to avoid making his bed. He had already completed several other chores, including watering the garden, bringing home groceries, dusting the living room, and cleaning his bicycle.


(d) The ancestor from 1910 wished to go to the riverside with his friends instead of making his bed.


(e) The ancestor from 1800 had to do several chores, including washing clothes at the river, chopping wood, fixing the broken fence, taking the goats up the hill to graze, and making everyone’s beds.


(f) The boy from the 1500s is dressed in a loose sleeveless V-neck top and short dhoti.


(g) The boy from 1000 CE had to fetch water from the lake and pour it into the farm channels to water the crops, clear blocked channels, pull out weeds, and patch mud walls. The boy from the 1st Century CE had to feed poultry, tend sheep, keep birds away from the field, and plaster the yard with dung.


(h) Neel realized from his encounter with his ancestors that young teenage boys have always had chores to do, both indoors and outdoors. He also learned that his ancestors had to do much more work than he does, and that he should be grateful for the things he has.

  1. In the play two devices that make use of wheels are given.

The devices are (1) …………………   (2) …………………


From the internet or other sources, trace the history of the use of the wheel. Write ‘An Autobiography of a Wheel’.



In the play, two devices that make use of wheels are given:


  • Bicycle
  • Grinding stones


An Autobiography of a Wheel

I am a humble wheel, a simple yet essential part of the world around us. My story begins in ancient Mesopotamia, where my ancestors were first crafted from wood and stone, used to pull heavy loads across the land.


Over the centuries, I’ve evolved. I’ve become stronger, made of metal and rubber. I’ve helped farmers till their fields, merchants transport goods, and explorers traverse vast distances. I’ve been a part of chariots, wagons, and carts, and I’ve seen civilizations rise and fall.


In India, I’ve been a vital part of life for millennia. I’ve been used in bullock carts, rickshaws, and the iconic “tuk-tuks”. I’ve helped people travel to markets, temples, and festivals. I’ve witnessed the beauty of the Indian countryside and the bustling cities.


Today, I’m still going strong. I’m found in cars, trucks, buses, and trains. I’m the heart of bicycles and motorcycles. I’m even used in machines that make other machines.


I’m proud of my journey. I’ve helped shape the world, and I’ll continue to do so for generations to come.


  1. Imagine that the ancestor from 1910 (AD) visits Neel in his dream.

Compose a dialogue between the two about the various gadgets the visitor sees in Neel’s room.

1910 Boy: Neel, this is such a strange place! What are all these strange objects?

Neel: These are called gadgets, Grandpa. They make our lives much easier.

1910 Boy: This large, flat object with pictures moving on it is called a television? It shows us stories and news from all over the world?

Neel: Yes, Grandpa. And this small device I hold in my hand is called a smartphone. It can do almost anything.

1910 Boy: It can make calls without wires? And it has books and games inside it? That’s amazing!

Neel: And this is a computer. It helps me do my homework and play games.

1910 Boy: I don’t understand. How does it work?

Neel: It uses electricity to process information. It’s very complex.

1910 Boy: I’m glad you have all these things to help you. But I still think it’s important to learn how to do things for yourself, just like we did in my time.

Neel: You’re right, Grandpa. I’m grateful for all the technology we have, but I know that hard work and responsibility are still important.

  1. Imagine and compare an argumentative dialogue between the mothers of the 20th/21st century and those of the earlier era, about which life was better for women.

Mom 2023: “I can’t believe how much women have to do these days. Between work, childcare, and housework, it’s exhausting. I’m so grateful for modern conveniences like washing machines and dishwashers. They save me so much time.”

Mom 1950: “You’re lucky. In my day, we did everything by hand. I’d spend hours washing clothes, cooking, and cleaning. It was backbreaking work. But at least I knew my family was taken care of.”

Mom 1910: “You both have it easy compared to my time. I had to fetch water from the well, cook over an open fire, and clean the house with just a broom and a bucket. I also had to take care of the farm animals and help my husband in the fields.”

Mom 2023: “I can’t imagine doing all that. I’m so thankful for the progress we’ve made in terms of women’s rights and technology.”

Mom 1950: “While I appreciate the conveniences of modern life, I sometimes miss the simpler times. We had stronger family bonds and a slower pace of life. Our children were always at home, and we had more time to spend together.”

Mom 1910: “You’re both right in your own ways. Each era has its own challenges and benefits. But I’m glad to see how far women have come. We have more opportunities and freedoms now than ever before.”


  1. Read the entry about ‘voice’ in the ‘Language Study’ pages. Note that the speeches of all the boys are in the ‘active’ voice. Turn them into passive constructions.

Example :

Neel –           I put the dishes in the dishwasher. (active)

                    Dishes have been put in the dishwasher. (passive)

1950s Boy –  I have watered the garden


                      brought home the groceries


                      dusted the living room


                      cleaned my bicycle …



Original (Active Voice) Passive Voice
I have watered the garden. The garden has been watered by me.
I have brought home the groceries. The groceries have been brought home by me.
I have dusted the living room. The living room has been dusted by me.
I have cleaned my bicycle. My bicycle has been cleaned by me.
  1. Think of suitable names for the boys from the earlier centuries.


3000 BCE: Aakash, Vayu, Agni

1000 BCE: Indra, Surya, Varun

1st Century CE: Balwant, Inderjit

1500 CE: Karna

1910 CE: Ram, Shyam, Mohan

1950 CE: Vivek, Arjun



Maharashtra State Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Book Lesson The Past in the Present  Extra Questions



Multiple Choice Questions


  1. Which task did all the boys in the play seem to dislike?

(a) Making their beds.

(b) Cleaning their rooms.

(c) Doing chores outdoors.

(d) Helping their mothers.


  1. Why did Neel’s mom insist on him cleaning his room daily?

(a) To keep his room tidy.

(b) To build good habits and attitude.

(c) To save time.

(d) To make him happy.


  1. What was the common task that all the boys had to do, regardless of the century they lived in?

(a) Fetch water from the well

(b) Milk the cows

(c) Make their beds

(d) Hunt for food


  1. What did Neel’s mother emphasize the importance of?

(a) Following family traditions

(b) Doing daily chores

(c) Using technology

(d) Having a robot to help with chores


  1. What was Neel’s attitude towards doing chores initially?

(a) Enthusiastic

(b) Reluctant

(c) Indifferent

(d) Proud


  1. How did Neel’s perspective on chores change after hearing about his ancestors’ experiences?

(a) He became more appreciative

(b) He remained resistant

(c) He became angry

(d) He felt sorry for himself


  1. What was the main message conveyed by the skit?

(a) The importance of household chores

(b) The evolution of technology over time

(c) The value of hard work and discipline

(d) The changing roles of mothers and sons


  1. What did the boy from the 1950s wear?

(a) Dhoti Kurta

(b) Loose trousers and shirt

(c) Kurta Pyjama

(d) Flare Tunic and Churidar


  1. Which of the following games none of the characters played?

(a) Atya-Patya

(b) Ashtapada

(c) Bagh-chal

(d) Shatranj


  1. The chapter “The Past in the Present” is a-

(a) Poem

(b) Skit

(c) Diary Writing

(d) Novel



  1. (a) Making their beds.
  2. (b) To build good habits and attitude.
  3. (c) Make their beds
  4. (b) Doing daily chores
  5. (b) Reluctant
  6. (a) He became more appreciative
  7. (a) The importance of household chores
  8. (b) Loose trousers and shirt
  9. (d) Shatranj
  10. (b) Skit




Vocabulary based MCQs


Choose the most appropriate synonym of the underlined word. 


  1. Let me tell you about your ancestor 3000 years ago. 

(a) Offspring

(b) Heir

(c) Successor

(d) Originator


  1. Enters 1000 boy in a flare tunic and churidar.

(a) Flounce

(b) Narrow

(c) Straight

(d) Fancy


  1. His mother in a saree, upper garment and plenty of jewellery.

(a) Scarcity

(b) Deficiency

(c) Meager

(d) Ample


  1. I cleared the blocked channels.

(a) Accessible

(b) Open

(c) Clear

(d) Obstructed


  1. Ok, so young teenage boys have had chores to do outdoors as well as in their homes.

(a) Errands

(b) Hobbies

(c) Pleasures

(d) Recreations


  1. The bottom line is Go and make your bed.

(a) Apex

(b) Ceiling

(c) Zenith

(d) Nadir


Choose the most appropriate antonym of the underlined word.


  1. 1000 boy and his mother recede.

(a) Withdraw

(b) Subside

(c) Fade

(d) Advance


  1. A typical teenage boy’s room, in a messed up state.

(a) Untidy

(b) Chaotic

(c) Well-kept

(d) Disorganized


  1. Most revered mother, I have fetched water from the lake.

(a) Disparaged

(b) Respected

(c) Honored 

(d) Adored


  1. Do not grumble, dear son.

(a) Complain

(b) Whine

(c) Fret

(d) Laude


  1. (d) Originator
  2. (a) Flounce
  3. (d) Ample
  4. (d) Obstructed
  5. (a) Errands
  6. (d) Nadir
  7. (d) Advance
  8. (c) Well-kept
  9. (a) Disparaged
  10. (d) Laude



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