Maharashtra State Board Class 9 English Have you thought of the verb ‘have’… Important Question Answers from Kumarbharti Book
Have you thought of the verb ‘have’… Question Answers: Looking for Have you thought of the verb ‘have’… question answers for Maharashtra State Board class 9 English Kumarbharti Book? Look no further! Our comprehensive compilation of important questions will help you brush up on your subject knowledge. Practising Maharashtra State Class 9 English question answers can significantly improve your performance in the exam. Our solutions provide a clear idea of how to write the answers effectively. Improve your chances of scoring high marks by exploring Have you thought of the verb ‘have’… question answers now. The questions listed below are based on the latest exam pattern, wherein we have given solved exercises and question answers of the textbook and extra questions (Multiple Choice Questions and Vocabulary Based Questions).
- Have you thought of the verb ‘have’… Textbook Questions
- Have you thought of the verb ‘have’… Extra Questions
Maharashtra State Board Class 9 English Kumarbharti lesson Have you thought of the verb ‘have’… Textbook Questions
- Add your own sentences to those given in the passage to illustrate the uses of ‘have’.
(a) To show possession
(b) To indicate relationship
(c) To refer to eating/drinking
(d) To show ownership
(e) To refer to events, activities and experiences
(f) To refer to a physical condition
(a) To show possession
- I have a new cricket bat. Dad gifted it to me on my birthday.
- My sister has a cute little puppy named Coco.
- We have a big mango tree in our backyard.
- Do you have any comics to lend me?
- My friend, Riya, has a really cool collection of stickers.
(b) To indicate relationship
- I have a loving family.
- My grandparents have a beautiful garden.
- Does your brother have a girlfriend?
- My teacher has a baby boy.
- My best friend has a pet parrot.
(c) To refer to eating/drinking
- Let’s have some fries after school.
- I have already had my lunch.
- Can we have ice cream for dessert?
- My dad has coffee every morning.
- Have you had your milk yet?
(d) To show ownership
- I have Harry Potter books.
- I have a Playstation at home.
- We have a new car. It’s really shiny!
- Do you have your own room?
- She has a lot of toys.
(e) To refer to events, activities and experiences
- We have a science exhibition next week.
- I have never been to Delhi.
- We have to finish our homework before dinner.
- Have you seen the new Avengers movie?
- I have a swimming class on Saturdays.
(f) To refer to a physical condition
- I have a headache.
- My grandma has arthritis.
- Do you have a fever?
- He has a cold and cough.
- My sister has a sprained ankle.
- Look up the following verbs in a good dictionary. List at least 20 different uses of each. You may include their use with different prepositions, adverbs, and in idioms.
Go Get Put Catch Pass
- Go to school/trip/vacation/home: I have to go to school every day, even on Saturdays for tuition.
- Go by: The days go by so slowly during summer holidays.
- Go without saying: It goes without saying that we should respect our elders.
- Go broke: If I keep buying video games, I’ll go broke.
- Go dark: The sky will go dark during the storm.
- Go on a trip: We’re going on a trip to Goa next summer.
- Go crazy: My little brother goes crazy when he doesn’t get his way.
- Go wrong: Something went wrong with my phone, it’s not working.
- Go viral: That video of the dancing dog went viral on Instagram.
- Go easy on someone: Please go easy on me, I didn’t mean to break the vase.
- Go blank: I went blank during the math test and couldn’t remember the formula.
- Go downhill: His grades have been going downhill since he started playing PUBG.
- Go through something: My dad is going through a tough time at work.
- Go missing: My favourite comic book is missing, I wonder where it went.
- Go the extra mile: Our teacher always goes the extra mile to help us.
- Go Dutch: Let’s go Dutch on the pizza, we’ll split the bill.
- Go with the flow: Just go with the flow, don’t worry about it too much.
- Go back to square one: We have to go back to square one, our plan didn’t work.
- Go down well: The new ice cream flavor went down well with everyone.
- Go off on a tangent: My grandpa always goes off on a tangent when he starts telling stories.
- Get about: To move around or travel.
- Get along: To have a friendly relationship.
- Get around to: To find time to do something.
- Get away: To escape or leave.
- Get back: To return.
- Get down: To descend or become depressed.
- Get together: To meet or assemble.
- Get off: To leave (a vehicle) or start a journey.
- Get on: To enter (a vehicle) or make progress.
- Get out: To leave or exit.
- Get over: To recover from or overcome something.
- Get through: To finish or complete something.
- Get up: To rise from bed.
- Get back at: To retaliate.
- Get by: To manage or survive.
- Get down to: To start seriously dealing with something.
- Get off with: To escape punishment.
- Get on with: To continue doing something.
- Get out of: To avoid doing something.
- Get over with: To finish something unpleasant.
- Put away: Store something for later use
Sentence-Put away the toys
- Put back: Return something to its original place
Sentence-Put the book back on the shelf.
- Put down: Place something gently, or stop an activity.
Sentence- Put down the baby, Put down the phone.
- Put forward: Propose or suggest something
Sentence-Put forward a new idea.
- Put off: Delay or postpone something
Sentence- Put off the meeting.
- Put on: Wear something
Sentence-Put on your coat.
- Put out: Extinguish a fire
Sentence-Put out the candle.
- Put through: Connect someone by phone.
Sentence-Put me through to the manager.
- Put up: Build or erect something or tolerate something unpleasant
Sentence-Put up a tent , Put up with the noise.
- Put aside: Save something for later.
Sentence-Put aside money for a vacation.
- Put back: Restore something to its original state.
Sentence-Put back the clock.
- Put down: Write something.
Sentence- Put down your thoughts.
- Put forward: Advance or propose something.
Sentence-Put forward a new theory.
- Put off: Delay or postpone something.
Sentence- Put off the decision to go on a vacation.
- Put on: Gain weight.
Sentence-Put on a few pounds.
- Put out: Produce something.
Sentence- Put out a new song album.
- Put through: Cause someone to experience something.
Sentence-Put someone through a lot.
- Put someone in their place: Correct someone who is being rude or arrogant.
Sentence- When the rude customer insulted the waitress, the manager quickly put him in his place.
- Put a damper on something: Spoil or ruin something.
Sentence- The sudden downpour put a real damper on the outdoor picnic.
- Put one’s foot in one’s mouth: Say something embarrassing or offensive.
Sentence-She put her foot in her mouth by making a joke about her coworker’s weight.
- Catch up with: Reach the same level as someone (e.g., Catch up with the work).
- Catch on: Become popular or fashionable (e.g., The new trend is catching on).
- Catch out: Surprise someone by exposing a mistake (e.g., He was caught out lying).
- Catch fire: Start burning (e.g., The building caught fire).
- Catch sight of: See something briefly (e.g., I caught sight of a bird).
- Catch up: Become aware of the latest news (e.g., Catch up on the news).
- Catch hold of: Grasp something firmly (e.g., Catch hold of the rope).
- Catch someone’s eye: Attract someone’s attention.
- Catch someone red-handed: Catch someone in the act of doing something wrong.
- Catch someone’s breath: Pause to rest after a strenuous activity.
- Catch up with someone: Reach the same level as someone.
- Catch someone’s attention: Make someone notice you.
- Catch a glimpse of: See something briefly.
- Catch unawares: Catch someone by surprise.
- Catch fire: Start burning.
- Catch sight of: See something briefly.
- Catch suddenly: Catch someone off guard.
- Catch a cold: Develop a cold.
- Catch a break: Be lucky or fortunate.
- Catch a ride: Get a lift from someone.
- Pass by: Go past without stopping.
- Pass out: Faint or lose consciousness.
- Pass over: Ignore or overlook.
- Pass through: Go through a place.
- Pass up: Decline or reject an opportunity.
- Pass away: Die.
- Pass off: Pretend to be something else.
- Pass on: Transmit or give to someone else.
- Pass quickly: Time passes quickly.
- Pass easily: Pass the exam easily.
- Pass quietly: Pass away peacefully.
- Pass safely: Pass the test safely.
- Pass unnoticed: Pass by without being noticed.
- Pass the time: Engage in activities to occupy oneself.
- Pass the buck: Shift responsibility to someone else.
- Pass the hat: Collect money from a group.
- Pass the test: Succeed in a test or examination.
- Pass the time of day: Engage in casual conversation.
- Pass judgment on: Form an opinion about someone or something.
- Pass muster: Meet a standard or requirement.
Maharashtra State Board Class 9 English Kumarbharti lesson Have you thought of the verb ‘have’… Extra Questions
Negate the following sentences.
- Does she have a bike?
Negative: Does she not have a bike? or Doesn’t she have a bike?
- Did they have fun at the party?
Negative: Didn’t they have fun at the party.
- Have you finished your homework?
Negative: Haven’t you finished your homework?
- Question: Had he completed the project?
Negative: Had he not completed the project?
- Question: Have they been waiting for long?
Negative: Haven’t they been waiting for long?
- I have been studying all day.
Negative: I have not been studying all day. or I haven’t been studying all day.
- We have finished our project
Negative: We have not finished our project. or We haven’t finished our project.
- Have they been playing games all afternoon?
Negative: Haven’t they been playing games all afternoon?
- Have they been waiting for the bus?
Negative: Haven’t they been waiting for the bus?
- Have you seen the new movie?
Negative: Haven’t you seen the new movie?
The following sentences are using the incorrect form of the verb ‘have’. Write the correct sentence.
- I has a dog.
Correct: I have a dog.
- I am having a car.
Correct: I have a car.
- I haven’t a cold.
Correct: I do not have a cold.
- He hasn’t a bike.
Correct: He does not have a bike.
- He is having a headache.
Correct: He has a headache.
- He hasn’t a job.
Correct: He does not have a job.
- I am having a lot of homework.
Correct: I have a lot of homework.
- I has a question about the assignment.
Correct: I have a question about the assignment.
- We haven’t a meeting tomorrow.
Correct: We do not have a meeting tomorrow.
- 10. Let us had a party for your birthday
Correct: Let us have a party for your birthday.
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