Maharashtra State Board Class 9 English Have you ever seen…? Important Question Answers from Kumarbharti Book
Have you ever seen…? – Question Answers: Looking for Have you ever seen…? question answers for Maharashtra State Board class 9 English Kumarbharti Book? Look no further! Our comprehensive compilation of important questions will help you brush up on your subject knowledge. Practising Maharashtra State Class 9 English question answers can significantly improve your performance in the exam. Our solutions provide a clear idea of how to write the answers effectively. Improve your chances of scoring high marks by exploring Have you ever seen…? question answers now. The questions listed below are based on the latest exam pattern, wherein we have given solved exercises and question answers of the textbook and extra questions (Multiple Choice Questions and Vocabulary Based Questions).
- Have you ever seen…? Textbook Questions
- Have you ever seen…? Multiple Choice Questions
- Have you ever seen…? Vocabulary based MCQs
Maharashtra State Board Class 9 English Kumarbharti Poem Have you ever seen…? Textbook Questions
- Words that have the same spelling, but differ in meaning when used in different
contexts are called homographs. For example,
(a) A temple fair attracts a lot of crowd.
Her performance in the test was fair.
(b) A rose is the king of flowers.
The sun rose with a golden glow.
- Think of 5 homographs and list them below. Then write 2 sentences of your own, to bring out the difference in meanings.
Homographs | Sentences |
1. Bat | A. The little bat flew around the cave. (animal)
B. He used a bat to hit the ball. (sports equipment) |
2. Can | A. I can swim very well. (ability)
B. She opened a can of soda. (container) |
3. Kind | A. She is a very kind person. (nature)
B. What kind of cake do you like? (type) |
4. Lead | A. The lead singer of the band was amazing. (position)
B. Lead is a heavy metal. (element) |
5. Present | A. I will be present at the meeting. (existing)
B. She received a beautiful present for her birthday. (gift) |
- When words with the same spelling or pronunciation are used in such a way that
they convey more than one meaning, the figure of speech involved is called pun.
A pun is a play upon words. For example,
A : Hello! How’s life ?
B : Hell, O! It’s a strife.
Find other examples of pun with the help of your parents/teacher.
(1) …………………………. (3) ………………………….
(2) …………………………. (4) ………………………….
- In poetry, when a question is asked, not to get an answer, but to emphasise a point
or fact, it is an example of Interrogation.
For example : • When can their glory fade ? • Isn’t it time for the autumn’s glow?
From a popular book of poems/the internet, write down 3-4 examples of Interrogation
used in poetry.
(1) …………………………. (3) ………………………….
(2) …………………………. (4) ………………………….
(1) “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?” – William Shakespeare, Sonnet 18
(2) “What is it to be lonely?” – Edgar Allan Poe, Annabel Lee
(3) “What happens to a dream deferred?” – Langston Hughes, Harlem
(4) “What is freedom?” – Maya Angelou, various poems
- From each line in the poem, pick out the word that is a homograph. Write its meaning in the context of the phrase used in the poem. Then write the other meaning implied in the question.
Stanza | Word | One Meaning | Other Meaning | |
First Stanza | (1) bed | Piece of furniture | → | bottom of river, sea, etc. |
(2) a hammer’s head | The upper part of the body. | → | The top part of an object (the hammer). | |
(3) foot of a mountain | The lower part of a leg. | → | The base or bottom part of something (the mountain). | |
(4) hose | Stockings or tights | → | A flexible pipe (for watering a garden). | |
Second Stanza | (1) eye | A sensory organ that allows an organism to perceive visual information. | → | The small, circular opening at the end of a needle through which the thread is passed. |
(2) wing | The part of a bird’s body used for flying. | → | A side part or section (of a building). | |
(3) ribs | Bones in the chest. | → | Slender supports or frames (of a parasol). | |
(4) trunk | The main stem of a tree. | → | A large, strong box. | |
Third Stanza | (1) teeth | Hard structures in the mouth. | → | The pointed parts of a tool (the rake). |
(2) hands | Arms | → | The pointers on a clock. | |
(3) plot | A small piece of land for gardening. | → | A plan or scheme. | |
(4) bark | The outer covering of a tree. | → | A sharp, loud cry. |
- Write 2 lines from this poem which you find most humorous. Justify your choice.
“Has the foot of a mountain any toes?” and “And is there a pair of garden hose?”
These lines are the most humorous because they compare human attributes with inanimate objects. Mountains and garden hoses are typically not associated with human-like characteristics such as toes or pairs, making the lines absurd and funny.
- Find from the poem, three examples of each :
(a) Interrogation (b) Pun
(1) ………………………….. (1) ……………………………..
(2) ………………………….. (2) ……………………………..
(3) ………………………….. (3) ……………………………..
(c) Personification (d) Alliteration
(1) ………………………….. (1) ……………………………..
(2) ………………………….. (2) ……………………………..
(3) ………………………….. (3) ……………………………..
(a) Interrogation (b) Pun
(1) Can the garden plot be deep and dark? (1) Or a single hair from a hammer’s head?
(2) Are the teeth of a rake ever going to bite? (2) Has the foot of a mountain any toes?
(3) Can you tickle the ribs of a parasol? (3) And is there a pair of garden hose?
(c) Personification (d) Alliteration
(1) Does the needle ever wink its eye? (1) Or open the trunk of a tree at all?
(2) Why doesn’t the wing of a building fly? (2) Can the garden plot be deep and dark?
(3) Have the hands of a clock any left or right? (3) Or a single hair from a hammer’s head?
- Form groups of four or five. Think, discuss and add at least one more stanza, using the same style and devices as the poet has used. It should include homographs, interrogation and the same rhythm and rhyme-scheme.
Can the wind blow my kite up to the tree?
Can the moon drink water from the sea?
Does the sun play hide and seek with me?
Why does the night come after day?
Where do the stars go when it’s bright day?
- Read the following sentences carefully. Then fill in the blanks using appropriate words from the brackets, to make puns.
(struck, numbered, too tired, developed, put down, homeless, old fashioned, reaction)
(1) She had a photographic memory but never ……………… it.
(2) He was struggling to figure out how lightning works when it ………………him.
(3) Every calendar’s days are ……………….
(4) A bicycle cannot stand on its own because it is .………………
(5) I’m reading a book on anti-gravity. It’s impossible to ……………… the book .
(6) I’d tell you a chemistry joke but I know I wouldn’t get a .………………
(7) What do you call Watson when Sherlock isn’t around? .………………
(8) I would tell a history joke, but it’s too .………………
(1) She had a photographic memory but never developed it.
(2) He was struggling to figure out how lightning works when it struck him.
(3) Every calendar’s days are numbered.
(4) A bicycle cannot stand on its own because it is too tired.
(5) I’m reading a book on anti-gravity. It’s impossible to put down the book.
(6) I’d tell you a chemistry joke but I know I wouldn’t get a reaction.
(7) What do you call Watson when Sherlock isn’t around? Homeless.
(8) I would tell a history joke, but it’s too old fashioned.
Maharashtra State Board Class 9 English Kumarbharti Poem Have you ever seen…? Extra Questions
Multiple-Choice Questions
- What is the rhyme scheme of the poem?
d) None of these
- Which literary device is predominantly used in the poem?
a) Simile
b) Metaphor
c) Personification
d) Rhetorical Question
- The poet asks if a needle can do what?
a) Fly
b) Wink
c) Talk
d) Sing
- What part of a tree is mentioned in the poem?
a) Leaves
b) Branches
c) Roots
d) Trunk
- The poet questions the existence of what on a hammer?
a) Handle
b) Head
c) Nail
d) None of these
6.What is being asked about the mountain?
a) Its height
b) Its color
c) Its shape
d) If it has toes
- What is being asked about the building?
a) Its height
b) Its color
c) Its age
d) Its wings
- What is the poet curious about regarding a rake?
a) Its handle
b) Its teeth
c) Its color
d) Its size
- What is the overall tone of the poem?
a) Serious
b) Humorous
c) Sad
d) Angry
- Who is the author of the poem?
a) Lewis Carroll
b) Robert Burns
c) Ogden Nash
d) Poem is by an Anonymous poet
- b) AABB
- d) Rhetorical Question
- b) Wink
- d) Trunk
- b) Head
- 6.d) If it has toes
- d) Its wings
- b) Its teeth
- b) Humorous
- d) Poem is by an Anonymous poet
Vocabulary based MCQs
Find the Synonym of the highlighted word-
- ‘Hose’ refers to –
A) Garden hose
B) Fire Hose
C) Stockings
D) All of the above
- Can you tickle the ribs of a parasol?
A) Large umbrella
B) Type of flower
C) Bird species
D) Musical instrument
- Can the garden plot be deep and dark?
A) A small piece of land
B) A secret plan
C) A story outline
D) All of the above
- And what is the sound of the birch’s bark?
A) Type of tree
B) Animal species
C) Food item
D) Musical instrument
- Has the foot of a mountain any toes?
A) Slope
B) Peak
C) Base
D) Cliff
- Can the garden plot be deep and dark?
A) gloomy
B) somber
C) dreary
D) all of the above
Find the antonym of the highlighted word-
- Or a single hair from a hammer’s head ?
A) solitary
B) lone
C) only
D) multiple
- Why doesn’t the wing of a building fly?
A) walk
B) run
C) crawl
D) hop
- And is there a pair of garden hose ?
A) couple
B) duo
C) single
D) twin
- Have you ever seen a sheet on a river bed?
A) blanket
B) comforter
C) quilt
D) rock
- D) All of the above
- A) Large umbrella
- D) All of the above
- A) Type of tree
- C) Base
- D) all of the above
- D) multiple
- D) hop
- C) single
- D) rock
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