Autumn Summary


Maharashtra State Board Class 9 English Poem Autumn Summary, Line by Line Explanation, along with difficult word meanings from English Kumarbharati Book


Autumn – Are you looking for Theme, Summary and Poem Explanation for Maharashtra State Board Class 9 Poem Autumn from the English Kumarbharati Book. Get Poem Summary, Theme, Explanation along with difficult word meanings.


Autumn Maharashtra State Board Class 9 English 

–  Kalidas 

Translated by Prof. A. W. Ryder

Autumn Introduction

This poem “Autumn” by Kalidas, translated by Prof. A. W. Ryder, paints a beautiful picture of autumn. It personifies autumn as a graceful young woman, adorned with nature’s beauty. The poem uses vibrant imagery to describe the season’s arrival.

Theme / Central Idea of the Poem Autumn

The poem ” Autumn ” by Kalidas explores the following themes:

  1. Beauty of Nature: The poem celebrates the beauty of autumn, personifying it as a graceful maiden adorned with natural elements like rice stems, lilies, and wildflowers.
  2. Cycle of Life: The poem reflects on the cycle of life, suggesting the transition from youth to adulthood through the imagery of the maiden growing into a woman.
  3. Natural Harmony: The poem highlights the harmony between nature and its inhabitants, as evidenced by the birds’ joyful greetings to the autumn maiden.
  4. Celestial Beauty: The poem draws a parallel between the beauty of nature and the celestial beauty of the night sky, comparing the stars to a diadem and the moonlight to a silken robe.
  5. Femininity and Grace: The poem emphasizes the beauty, grace, and femininity associated with autumn, portraying it as a slender and enchanting maiden.

Autumn Summary 


The poem ” Autumn ” by Kalidas, translated by Prof. A. W. Ryder, describes the arrival of autumn. It says that autumn is like a beautiful young woman. She is wearing flowers and her hair is decorated with rice stems. Birds sing happily as she walks. The night sky is full of stars, like a crown on her head, and the moonlight is like a white dress. Her face is bright and smiling, and she looks like she is growing up, transitioning from a young maiden to a woman.

Autumn Summary in Hindi


कवि कालिदास द्वारा रचित कविता “ऑटम” का अनुवाद प्रोफेसर ए. डब्ल्यू. राइडर द्वारा किया गया है। यह कविता शरद ऋतु के आगमन का वर्णन करती है। यह कहती है कि शरद ऋतु एक सुंदर युवती के समान है। वह फूलों से सजी हुई है और उसके बाल चावल के तनों से सजाये हुए हैं। जब वह चलती है तो पक्षी खुशी से गाते हैं। रात का आकाश तारों से भरा है, जैसे उसके सिर पर मुकुट हो, और चांद की रोशनी सफेद कपड़े जैसी है। उसका चेहरा उज्ज्वल और मुस्कुराता हुआ है, और वह एक युवा लड़की से एक महिला बनने की ओर बढ़ रही है।

Autumn Poem Explanation



THE autumn comes, a maiden fair

In slenderness and grace,

With nodding rice -stems in her hair

And lilies in her face.

In flowers of grasses she is clad;

And as she moves along,

Birds greet her with their cooing glad

Like a bracelet’s tinkling song.


Word Meaning

Slenderness: The quality of being thin and graceful.

Nodding: Moving up and down.

Cooing: Making soft, murmuring sounds.

Tinkling: Making a soft, ringing sound.


Explanation: The poem “Autumn” describes autumn as a beautiful young woman. She is tall and graceful, with rice stems and lilies in her hair. She is wearing flowers and walking through the grass. Birds sing happily as she walks, and their songs sound like a bracelet jingling.


A diadem adorns the night!

Of multitudinous stars;

Her silken robe is white moonlight,

Set free from cloudy bars;

And on her face (the radiant moon)

Bewitching smiles are shown :

She seems a slender maid, who soon

Will be a woman grown.


Word Meaning

Diadem: A crown or headband, especially one worn by royalty or nobility.

Multitudinous: Existing in large numbers; numerous.

Silken: Made of or resembling silk, a soft, lustrous fiber.

Bewitching: Fascinating or captivating in a way that is irresistible.

Slender: Gracefully thin.

Maid: A young unmarried woman.

Grown: Mature or fully developed.


Explanation: The night sky is beautiful, like a crown with many stars. The moon shines brightly, like a white dress. Autumn personified as a young girl looks happy and peaceful. Her face is bright and smiling, and she looks like she is growing up.


Poetic Devices of the Poem Autumn

Personification: Giving human qualities or characteristics to non-human things or abstract ideas.

Example: “The autumn comes, a maiden fair” – Autumn is personified as a young woman.


Imagery: The use of vivid language to create mental pictures.

Example: “With nodding rice-stems in her hair” – This creates a vivid image of autumn adorned with nature’s elements.


Simile: A comparison between two things using “like” or “as.”

Example: “Birds greet her with their cooing glad / Like a bracelet’s tinkling song” – The sound of birdsong is compared to the jingling of a bracelet.


Metaphor: An indirect comparison between two things without using “like” or “as.” It implies a similarity between the two things being compared, often creating a vivid image or idea in the reader’s mind.

Example: “Her silken robe is white moonlight” – Moonlight is metaphorically described as a silken robe.


Symbolism: The use of objects or images to represent ideas or concepts.

Example: The “maiden” represents autumn, symbolizing growth, change, and beauty.


Enjambment: The continuation of a sentence across multiple lines of poetry.



“And on her face (the radiant moon) 

Bewitching smiles are shown 

She seems a slender maid, who soon 

Will be a woman grown.”


The sentence is broken across two lines for a dramatic effect.

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