Essays in English, Essay writing in English Topics, Format


essays in english, essay writing topics,

Welcome to our collection of essays in English, which was put together especially for class 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 school students in India. We know that writing essays in English is an important skill for school and work. Welcome to our huge collection of English essays that were written with school students in India in mind. This post is a collection of English essays topics, such as personalities, families, social issues, the environment, education, national leaders, animals, covid 19 and more. Our essays cover a wide range of topics and give you useful insights and ideas to help you get better at writing essays. Our list has something for everyone, whether you’re looking for ideas or specific topics for writing essays in English. Click on the links to learn more about each essay and start your journey of self-expression through words. Get ready to dive into the world of English essays and find out how good you really are at writing.

Essay Writing in English- On this page, you will find Essay in English, simple Essay Topics for students, examples and format for essay writing. What exactly is essay writing?. Essay are short pieces of writing with a focus on a single subject. It starts with the introduction of the subject, followed by a middle or body in which the author gives his argument as per his understanding of the subject followed by a conclusion paragraph that summarizes the findings of the essay.

In Schools, Colleges and Universities in many Countries (including India), Essays have become a major part of Formal Education. Many Competitive Exams in India like UPSC Civil Services Exams, Bank Exams, etc also has a question on essay writing. Given below are a few example essays on different topics.

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English General Essay Topics List- Essay Writing Topics, Format, and Examples


Essay on Rainy Season in English

Essay on Rainy Season in English. Importance of Rainy Season, Festivals and Foods of rainy season, harms of Rainy season, Ways to Stay Safe during Monsoon.

Essay on My Father in English

Essay on My Father in English. What is the importance of father in our life and how he inspire our life.

Essay on Mahatma Gandhi in English

Essay on Mahatma Gandhi in English. Who was Mahatma Gandhi, Early life, education, career, his association and contribution in India’s freedom struggle

Essay on Shaheed Bhagat Singh in English

Essay on Shaheed Bhagat Singh in English. Who was Bhagat Singh, Life History of Bhagat Singh, His Achievements.

Essay on Swami Vivekanand in English

Essay on Swami Vivekanand in English. Who was Swami Vivekanand, Life History of Swami Vivekanand, His Achievements

India’s 15th President Draupadi Murmu, Essay in English

Essay on India’s New President Draupadi Murmu. Check out some of the lesser known facts about India’s 15th President

Essay on Cruelty to Animals in English

Essay on Cruelty to Animals in English. What is cruelty to animals? Types of cruelties, where it is Prevalent, Legal measures, Organizations working for Animal Rights.

Essay on Importance of English

Essay on Importance of English. What is the importance of English? Why is English important in our life?

Essay on Plastic ban – Are we doing enough? in English

Essay on Plastic ban – Are we doing enough? in English. The Indian government has announced a ban on various low-utility plastics. Let’s check out if we are doing enough to make India Plastic Free.

Essay on my family in English

Essay on My Family in English. What is Family? Importance of family in life, family values.

Essay on My best friend in English

Essay on My Best Friend in English. What is a friend? Importance of Friends in life, Good friends, difference between family and friends.

Essay on Impact of Poverty on Education in English

Essay on Impact of Poverty on Education in English. What is Poverty and How does it impact education? Roll of Government and solutions for reducing the impact of Poverty.

Essay on The Wonder Called Science in English

Essay on The Wonder Called Science in English. What is Science? Why Science is called a wonder? Advantages and Disadvantages of Scientific Advancements.

Essay on Mobile Phones in English

Essay on Mobile Phones in English. What is a Mobile Phone? History of Mobile Phones, Evolution of Mobile phone, Advantages and Disadvantages of Mobile Phone.

Essay on Agnipath – A New Recruitment Scheme of Indian Armed Forces 

Essay on Agnipath scheme. Agnipath scheme is introduced by the Government of India for the recruitment of soldiers in the Indian Armed forces on a short-term contractual basis. Read on for more details.

Essay on Role of Technology in Education? 

Essay on Role of Technology in Education. Check out on how technology has changed the way of imparting education, advantage and disadvantages of Technology in Education.

Essay on What is Exam Result Anxiety and How to Reduce it 

Essay on What is Exam Result Anxiety and How to Reduce it. Check out What is Exam Result Anxiety, Reasons why students experience exam result anxiety, How to cope with exam result anxiety.

Essay on Should Facebook be banned? 

Essay on Should Facebook be banned? Check out an English Essay writing topic. What is Facebook, pros and cons of Facebook, why it should be banned?


Essay on Suicide Among Students Due to Parental Pressure

Essay on Suicide Among Students Due to Parental Pressure. Check out the Effects of parental pressure on students, Do’s & Don’ts for parents.


Essay on Should selling and using tobacco be banned? 

Essay on Should selling and using tobacco be banned ?.Check out English Essay writing topic – Should selling and using tobacco be banned, use and harm of tobacco, why should tobacco be banned.


Essay on Social Media – A cause of Anxiety and Depression

Essay on Social Media – A cause of Anxiety and Depression. Check out English Essay writing topic – Social Media, Effects of Social Media on young minds.


Essay on Should Smoking in Public Places be banned?

Essay on Should Smoking in Public Places be banned? Check out an English Essay writing topic. The effects of smoking on our body, and the harms of smoking.


Essay on Should children get limited access to the Internet?

Essay on Should children get limited access to the Internet? Also check out the important of internet, benefits of internet, harms of internet


Essay on Should Education be Free?

Essay on Should Education be Free? Check out English Essay writing topic – Should Education be Free, importance of education, pros and cons of free education.


Essay on Coronavirus: Coping With Viruses in the 21st Century: Are we ready?

Essay on Coronavirus: Coping With Viruses in the 21st Century: Are we ready? – Coronavirus is a pandemic outbreak. We are Fighting with the 21st Century viruses, So are we ready for the threats of epidemics? Check out what are viruses, origin, sizes, symptoms and discovery.


Essay on To Zoom or Not to Zoom – Is it Safe for Official meetings in 2020?

Essay on To Zoom or Not to Zoom – Is it Safe for Official meetings in 2020? : As the pandemic pushes work online, Zoom is the new office. So, in the context of security, should one use Zoom or not, for Office meetings. Here we list all the factors of the Zoom Application and its pros and cons.


Essay on Online Education : A Boon or A Curse?

Essay on Online Education : A Boon or A Curse? – The pandemic has changed our lives in various ways. We have no alternative but to change our lifestyle according to the rules and preventive measures taken up by the government. These changes include online education.


Essay on Citizenship Amendment Act – Confusion and Arguments Explained

Essay on CAA – Citizenship Amendment Bill passed in the Lok Sabha, states that if a person belonging to Hindu, Jain, Sikh, Buddhist, Parsi or Christian community or one who has migrated from Afghanistan, Bangladesh or Pakistan (on or before 31st Dec, 2014) is no longer an illegal immigrant to the nation.


Essay on Merger of Banks in India – What are the advantages and disadvantages?

Essay on what is the merger of banks and how it will impact you positively or negatively. Here you’ll get the full information why bank merge, types, advantage and disadvantage of merge banks.


Essay on why plastic has been banned in India for students

Essay on the plastic ban in India was probably the best thing that the Indian government did. In this essay, we will discuss the plastic ban in India and about the harmful effects of Plastic.


Essay on the Impact of COVID-19 on the World Economy

Essay on the Impact of COVID-19 on the World Economy: Due to the spread of COVID-19 over 170 countries in the world, the global economy has a fallout. Check out the post to see what will be the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the world economy.


Essay on the Impact of COVID-19 on Global Education and its Solution

Essay on the impact of global pandemic coronavirus on education all over the world. The UNESCO website provides detailed data about closures of schools worldwide.


Essay on the importance of Computers in our life

Essay on the importance of Computers in our life. Check out the article on the uses of computers in education, defence, business, medicine etc.


Essay on Importance of Discipline for success in life

Essay on Importance of Discipline for success in life. Check out the article on the types of discipline and what are the benefits of discipline to live a successful life.


Essay on Swachh Bharat Mission

Essay on Swachh Bharat Mission. The Swachh Bharat Mission aims for universal sanitation coverage and achieving better levels of cleanliness through solid and liquid waste management practices.


Essay on Terrorism

Essay on Terrorism. ‘Terrorism’ is the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims. Find here more information on how to write an essay on Terrorism.


Essay on Skill India Mission

Essay on Skill India Mission. You can find information about the Initiatives and schemes launched by the Government of India under Skill India Mission.


Essay on Renewable Sources of Energy

Essay on Renewable Sources of Energy. Check out this detailed information on what are the different renewable sources of energy and the difference between renewable and non – renewable sources.


Essay on Make in India Project

Essay on Make in India Project. Made in India campaign is aimed at boosting the manufacturing sector, promoting foreign investments, and reducing the dependency on imports.


Essay on Haritha Haram Program

Essay on Haritha Haram Program. Check out the related information on the Tamil Nadu Government’s flagship program called ‘Telanganaku Haritha Haram’, an initiative to increase the tree cover in the state from 24 to 33 percent.


Essay on Corruption in India, corruption essay for students

Essay on Corruption – An Essay on Corruption in India, Also see the Present view of Corruption, Impact of Corruption, and method to stop corruption.


Ten tips on writing a good essay

Ten tips on writing a good essay. Essay writing is an essential task in the academic curriculum and entrance exams. It can be an easy task for natural writers and language lovers.


Essay on “My Aim in Life – to become an astronaut”

Essay on “My Aim in Life – to become an astronaut”. No one can deny the intrigues of the night sky. The first rhymes that we learned in kindergarten were those of the twinkling stars.


Essay on The Importance of Education

Essay on The Important of Education. Education gives us the knowledge of the world around us. It prepares us to face the world. It changes us for better and provides us with a perspective of life.”


Essay on Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao

Essay on Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao. Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao translates to save a girl, educate a girl. The government of India launched the program on 22nd January 2015.


Essay on Importance of sports and games

Essay on Importance of sports and games. Sports and games are not mere physical activities alone. They play a more significant role in making people confident, adaptable, alert, and happy but in most of our schools, the games period is for relaxation.


Essay on Demonetization

Essay on Demonetization. Demonetization is a process in which a currency unit is no longer considered as a legal tender, and a newer version replaces it.Demonetization is a process in which a currency unit is no longer considered as a legal tender, and a newer version replaces it. Many governments across the world have taken this measure to curb black-market and stop counterfeiting of currency notes.


Essay on Pollution

Essay on Pollution. Pollution is introducing something into the environment that is dirty, unclean or has a harmful effect on the ecosystem.Pollution is a key issue that has been affecting our earth. Although it is an issue which has been prevalent since ancient times, in the 21st century its harmful effect has been felt on a large scale. Although the governments of different countries have taken several major steps to curb these effects, there is still a long way to go.


Essay on Water conservation

Essay on Water conservation by Sathyavathi. The earth cooled down and had warm oceans. In these warm water bodies, the first single-celled organisms evolved.Thus, water was instrumental in the origin of life. 70% of the earth is covered with water, and up to 70% of the human body is made of water. Today we have millions of marine species, but many plants and animals evolved to survive in non-saline conditions.


Essay on Global Warming

Essay on Global Warming. The average temperature of the Earth has been increasing continually since the late 19th century.The mean global temperature in the 1960s was 13.9-degree Celsius whereas in 2017 it was 14.9 -degree Celsius. Thus, no one can deny the fact that the temperatures have been rising on our planet.


Essay on Diwali in English

Essay on Diwali in English. The festival of Diwali takes place during the month of October or November every year. It is celebrated exactly 20 days after the festival of Vijayadashami.


Essay on Holi in English

Essay on Holi in English. Holi is a prominent festival of Hindus which falls during the month of March or Phalgun every year. It is celebrated with enthusiasm and fun everywhere.


Essay on Chandrayaan in English- India’s advancement in Space technology

Essay on Chandrayaan for students in English. This essay on Chandrayaan 2 gives detailed information on the launch of Chandrayaan 2 and chandrayaan 1. Students can take help for preparing article on chandrayaan and can read the article on Indian Space technology for exhaustive information.


Essay on Women Empowerment in English

Essay on Women Empowerment in English. These points on women empowerment can be included in your speech on women empowerment.


Essay on Child labour – An Irreversible Social Evil

Essay on Child labour – An Irreversible Social Evil. They are going to believe that money is everything in life. They are at a higher risk to become thieves and criminals.


Swachh Bharat Abhiyan essay in English

Essay on Swachh Bharat Abhiyan in English. The Swachh Bharat Abhiyan aims for universal sanitation coverage and achieving better levels of cleanliness through Solid and liquid waste management practices.


Contributions of DRDO in Indian Defence

Contributions of DRDO in Indian Defence – The Defence Research and Development Organization, DRDO, is India’s leading R&D defence organization. It was established in 1958 by the Directorate of Technical Development and Production in conjunction with the Defence Science Organization.


Essay on Digital India in English

Essay of Digital India in English. Objectives of Digital India Article. What is Digital India? It was launched on 1 July 2015.In 2015, the Government of India launched a massive campaign named “Digital India”. This was done to make the government services accessible in various parts of the country. The main aim was to improve access to technology to the people of the country.