Maharashtra State Board Class 9 English Lesson Tansen Summary, Line by Line Explanation, Theme along with difficult word meanings from English Kumarbharati Book
Tansen – Are you looking for the summary, theme and lesson explanation for Maharashtra State Board Class 9 Lesson Tansen from English Kumarbharati Book. Get Lesson summary, theme, explanation along with difficult word meanings.
Tansen Maharashtra State Board Class 9 English
– Stephen Leacock
- Tansen Introduction
- Theme / Central Idea Lesson Tansen
- Tansen Summary
- Tansen Summary in Hindi
- Tansen Lesson Explanation
- Tansen Poetic Devices
Tansen Introduction
Tansen, a legendary singer, was a prized possession of Emperor Akbar’s court. His melodious voice captivated the emperor and the entire court.
Theme / Central Idea of the Lesson Tansen
The Power of Music: The poem emphasizes the extraordinary power of music, capable of healing, inspiring, and transporting listeners to divine realms. Tansen’s music is described as having the ability to ignite and extinguish flames, and the Ostad’s music is capable of enchanting both humans and animals.
Spiritual Quest: The poem explores the theme of spiritual seeking and the pursuit of higher truths. Akbar, a powerful king, is drawn to the spiritual power of the Ostad and is willing to renounce his worldly status to experience divine music.
Tansen Summary
Tansen was a famous singer in the court of Emperor Akbar. He was so talented that his voice was said to be like the sound of silver bells. Akbar admired Tansen greatly and showered him with gifts and praises.
One day, Tansen sang a powerful song called the “Deepak Raga,” which is known to be a fiery song. The intensity of the song was so great that Tansen’s body caught fire. To save him, a young girl sang the soothing “Malhar Raga,” which is known to have cooling properties. This incident further amazed Akbar and made him wonder about the divine power behind Tansen’s music.
Akbar was curious about Tansen’s teacher, the Ostad, who was said to be a highly spiritual person living in the Himalayas. He expressed his desire to meet the Ostad and hear his celestial music. Tansen, though hesitant, agreed to take Akbar to the Ostad’s cave.
After a long journey, they reached the cave and humbly requested the Ostad to sing for them. The Ostad, impressed by their humility, sang a beautiful and uplifting song called the “Malkous Raga.” The music was so divine that even animals gathered to listen. Akbar was overwhelmed by the experience and felt a deep connection with the divine.
However, as soon as the song ended, the Ostad vanished, leaving Akbar in awe. Akbar asked Tansen about the theme of the song that held such power. Tansen explained that the Ostad’s music was a direct connection to the divine and could not be replicated or controlled. The Ostad sang to God, and his music was a reflection of that divine connection.
Tansen Summary in Hindi
अकबर के दरबार में तानसेन एक प्रसिद्ध गायक थे। उनकी प्रतिभा इतनी अद्भुत थी कि उनकी आवाज चांदी की घंटियों की आवाज की तरह मधुर थी। अकबर तानसेन की बहुत प्रशंसा करते थे और उन्हें उपहारों से नवाजते थे।
एक दिन, तानसेन ने एक शक्तिशाली गीत गाया जिसे “दीपक राग” कहा जाता है, जो एक आग की तरह जलने वाला गीत है। गीत की तीव्रता इतनी अधिक थी कि तानसेन के शरीर में आग लग गई। उन्हें बचाने के लिए, एक युवा लड़की ने सुखदायक “मल्हार राग” गाया, जिसे ठंडक देने वाले गुणों के लिए जाना जाता है। इस घटना ने अकबर को और अधिक चकित कर दिया और उन्हें तानसेन के संगीत के पीछे दिव्य शक्ति के बारे में सोचने पर मजबूर कर दिया।
अकबर तानसेन के गुरु, उस्ताद के बारे में उत्सुक थे, जो हिमालय में रहने वाले एक उच्च आध्यात्मिक व्यक्ति थे। उन्होंने उस्ताद से मिलने और उनके दिव्य संगीत सुनने की इच्छा व्यक्त की। तानसेन, हालांकि हिचकिचाते हुए, अकबर को उस्ताद की गुफा ले जाने के लिए तैयार हो गए।
एक लंबी यात्रा के बाद, वे गुफा पहुंचे और विनम्रतापूर्वक उस्ताद से उनके लिए गाने का अनुरोध किया। उस्ताद, उनकी विनम्रता से प्रभावित होकर, एक सुंदर और उत्थानकारी गीत गाया जिसे “मल्खौंस राग” कहा जाता है। संगीत इतना दिव्य था कि जानवर भी सुनने के लिए इकट्ठा हो गए। अकबर इस अनुभव से अभिभूत हो गए और दिव्य से एक गहरा संबंध महसूस किया।
हालाँकि, जैसे ही गीत समाप्त हुआ, ओस्ताद गायब हो गए, अकबर को विस्मय में छोड़ गए। अकबर ने तानसेन से उस गीत के विषय के बारे में पूछा जिसने आत्मा को मोहित कर लिया था। तानसेन ने समझाया कि ओस्ताद का संगीत दिव्य से सीधा जुड़ा हुआ था और इसे दोहराया या नियंत्रित नहीं किया जा सकता था। उस्ताद भगवान के लिए गाते थे, और उनका संगीत उस दिव्य संबंध का प्रतिबिंब था।
Tansen Lesson Explanation
Poem : Tansen, the singer, in great Akbar’s Court
Won great renown; through the Badshahi Fort
Word Meaning
Renown: fame or widespread acclaim.
Badshahi Fort: A historical fort built by Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan in Lahore, Pakistan.
Explanation: Tansen was a famous singer who lived in the time of a great king named Akbar. Akbar really loved music and had many talented musicians in his court. Tansen was one of the most famous among them. Tansen’s music filled the grand halls of Akbar’s palace, the Badshahi Fort, and brought joy to everyone who heard it.
Poem : His voice rang like the sound of silver bells
And Akbar ravished heard. The story tells
Word Meaning
ravished: Delighted or captivated.
Explanation: Tansen’s voice was very clear, beautiful, and melodious, like the sound of tinkling silver bells. Emperor Akbar was so impressed by the beauty of Tansen’s voice that he was completely absorbed in the music.
Poem : How the King praised him, gave him many a gem,
Called him chief jewel in his diadem.
Word Meaning
diadem: a crown or other ornamental headdress, especially one worn by royalty.
Explanation: Emperor Akbar really liked Tansen and praised him a lot. He gave him many valuable gems as gifts. He even said that Tansen was the most important and precious person in his entire kingdom, like the most beautiful jewel on a crown.
Poem : One day the singer sang the Song of Fire,
The Deepak Râg, and burning like a pyre
Word Meaning
Deepak Raga: A specific classical Indian raga associated with fire and passion.
Pyre: A heap of combustible material, especially one for burning a corpse.
Explanation: Tansen, on that particular day, sang a song called “Deepak Râg.” This song is known for its passionate and fiery nature, much like a burning pyre.
Poem : His body burst into consuming flame.
To cure his burning heart a maiden came
Word Meaning
consuming flame: A very hot and destructive fire.
maiden: A young unmarried woman.
Explanation: Tansen‘s body felt like it was burning up, like a candle’s flame. It was a very intense feeling of pain and suffering. Then a young woman came to soothe the pain and sadness in his heart.
Poem : And sang Malhar, the song of water cold,
Till health returned, and comfort as of old.
Word Meaning
Malhar: A classical Indian raga associated with the rainy season, known for its soothing and cooling effect.
As of old: Like it was before.
Explanation: Tansen sang a song called Malhar, which was like a cool drink of water on a hot day. This song made him feel better and restored his health.
Poem : — Mighty thy Teacher must be and divine, —
Great Akbar said; — magic indeed is thine,
Word Meaning
Mighty: Powerful, strong, or impressive in size, force, or extent.
Divine: Of, relating to, or proceeding directly from God or a god.
Thine: Possessive pronoun, meaning “your” or “yours.”
Explanation: Great Akbar, a powerful king, was very impressed by Tansen’s singing. He said, “Your teacher must be very powerful and holy to teach you such amazing music. Your singing is truly magical.”
Poem : Learnt at his feet. — Then happy Tansen bowed
And said, — Beyond the world’s ignoble crowd,
Word Meaning
Learnt at his feet: This phrase is a figurative expression meaning that Tansen learned from his guru by sitting at his feet, symbolizing deep respect and devotion to the teacher.
Ignoble crowd: This refers to ordinary people who are not spiritually enlightened or focused on higher pursuits. It implies a sense of superiority of the spiritual path over worldly concerns.
Explanation: Tansen acknowledges that his musical abilities are a result of his teacher’s guidance and teachings. Tansen expresses gratitude and bows down to his teacher, recognizing the teacher’s position above the ordinary people of the world.
Poem : Scorning its wealth, remote and far-away
He dwells within a cave of Himalay. —
Word Meaning
Scorning its wealth: Disregarding or rejecting wealth.
Himalay: The Himalayas, a mountain range.
Explanation: Tansen’s teacher lives in a place that is very far away and doesn’t care about the riches and luxuries of the world. Tansen’s teacher lives in a cave in the Himalayas, a very high mountain range. This shows that he has chosen a very peaceful and secluded place to live, far away from the hustle and bustle of the world.
Poem : — Could I but see him once, — desired the King,
— Sit at his feet awhile, and listening
Word Meaning
Could I but see him once: This means “If only I could see him once.”
Sit at his feet awhile: This means “To sit humbly in the presence of a respected teacher or guru.”
Explanation: The king really wanted to meet Tansen’s teacher. Emperor Akbar wished he could sit at the teacher’s feet and listen to his beautiful music.
Poem : Hear his celestial song, I would deny
My state and walk in robes of poverty. —
Word Meaning
Celestial: heavenly, divine, or spiritual.
Deny: to refuse to accept or admit.
Explanation: Emperor Akbar yearns to see Tansen’s teacher, to sit at his feet, and to listen to his heavenly song. He is so captivated by the idea that he expresses a willingness to give up his royal status and wealth to experience this musical bliss.
Poem : Then said Tansen. — As you desire, Huzoor,
Indeed ‘twere better as a slave and poor
Word Meaning
Huzoor: A respectful term used to address a person of high rank, such as a king or emperor. It’s similar to “Your Majesty” or “Your Highness.”
’twere: A contraction of “it were,” meaning “it would be.” It’s an archaic form of the verb “to be.”
Explanation: Tansen said, “Of course, Your Majesty. It’s better to be poor and a servant to you than to be rich and powerful.”
Poem : To come; for he, lifted above the things
Of earth, disdains to sing to earthly kings. —
Word Meaning
lifted above the things of earth: This means that the Ostad is spiritually elevated, above the worldly concerns and desires of ordinary people.
disdains to sing to earthly kings: This means that the Ostad refuses to sing for kings or other powerful people on Earth, as he is focused on higher spiritual goals.
Explanation: Tansen’s teacher, a great musician, is so skilled and spiritual that he doesn’t want to sing for earthly kings. He prefers to sing for higher powers and spiritual beings.
Poem : Long was the road, and Akbar as a slave
Followed Tansen who rode towards the cave
Word Meaning
Slave: servant
Explanation: The journey was very long and tiring. The powerful Emperor Akbar was acting like a servant. He was following Tansen towards the cave where Tansen’s teacher lived.
Poem : High in the mountains. At the singer’s feet
They knelt and prayed with supplication sweet:
Word Meaning
Knelt: went down on knees
Supplication: a humble request or prayer.
Explanation: Emperor Akbar and Tansen gathered high in the mountains, kneeling before the teacher. They are so moved by his music that they are praying to him as if he were a holy person. They are begging him with sweet words to sing for them.
Poem : — Towards thy shrine, lo, we have journeyed long,
O Holy Master, bless us with thy song! —
Word Meaning
thy song: your song
Holy Master: a revered spiritual teacher
Shrine: holy place of worship
lo: Behold, look, see
Explanation: Emperor Akbar and Tansen traveled a great distance to reach the master’s sacred place. They humbly requested for a blessing in the form of the master’s divine song. It’s a heartfelt plea for spiritual enlightenment and grace.
Poem : Then Ostad, won by their humility,
Sang songs of peace and high felicity;
Word Meaning
Humility: The quality of being humble; not proud or arrogant.
Felicity: Great happiness and joy.
Explanation: The Ostad was so moved by their humble request that he sang songs of peace and happiness. He sang with such joy and beauty that everyone who heard him was filled with peace and happiness.
Poem : The Malkous Raga all ecstatic rang
Till birds and beasts, enchanted as he sang,
Word Meaning
Ecstatic: Feeling or expressing overwhelming happiness or excitement.
Enchanted: Filled with delight and wonder.
Malkous Raga: Malkous Raga is a classical raga in Indian music. It is one of the oldest ragas and is considered to be very soothing and meditative.
Explanation: The Malkous raga was so beautiful and enchanting that it even captivated animals and birds. They were so attracted by the music that they forgot their usual activities and just listened to Ostad’s beautiful melody.
Poem : Gathered to hear, o’er Akbar’s dreaming soul
He felt the waves of heavenly rapture roll,
Word Meaning
o’er: Over
rapture: A state of intense joy, delight, or excitement.
roll: To move in waves
The phrase “rapture roll” in the context of the poem suggests a powerful, overwhelming wave of intense joy. It’s as if the person is being swept away by a tidal wave of happiness, so intense that it’s almost physical.
Explanation: This line from the poem describes the powerful effect of Ostad’s singing on Emperor Akbar. Akbar felt like he was experiencing a heavenly, blissful feeling, as if waves of pure joy were washing over his soul.
Poem : But, as he turned to speak his words of praise,
Ostad had vanished from his wondering gaze.
Word Meaning
vanished: disappeared suddenly and completely.
gaze: a steady fixed look.
Explanation: Akbar was so amazed by Ostad’s beautiful singing that he wanted to thank him. But when he turned to speak, Ostad had magically disappeared. It was as if he had vanished into thin air.
Poem : — Tell me, Tansen, what theme this is that holds
The soul enchanted, and the heart enfolds
Word Meaning
theme: the subject of a talk, a piece of writing, a person’s thoughts, or an exhibition
enchanted: charmed or captivated
enfolds: wraps around or embraces
Explanation: Akbar asks Tansen to explain what meaning Ostad’s vanishing holds. Akbar is captivated by music and wants to know what makes it so enchanting and captivating.
Poem : In high delight — ; and, when he knew the name,
— Tell me, — again he said, — could you the same
Word Meaning
In high delight: This means feeling very happy and pleased.
Explanation: Emperor Akbar was so overjoyed and amazed by the music that he wanted to hear it again. He was curious to know the name of the piece and then requested Tansen to perform it once more.
Poem : Theme sing to lure my heart to paths untrod? —
— Ah no, to thee I sing; he sings to God. —
Word Meaning
Lure: To tempt or attract someone or something.
Untrod: Not walked on or traveled on.
Thee: An archaic form of “you”.
Explanation: However, Tansen clarifies that the Ostad’s music is not merely a human creation, but a divine gift (gift from God). Tansen explains to Akbar that his music is not meant for earthly desires or worldly pleasures. It is dedicated to God, a higher power.
Poetic Devices
- Vivid descriptions of sound: “His voice rang like the sound of silver bells”
- Visual imagery of fire and water: “burning like a pyre,” “water cold”
- Sensory experience of divine music: “waves of heavenly rapture roll”
- The Ostad’s music symbolizes divine grace and spiritual enlightenment.
- The cave in the Himalayas symbolizes a place of spiritual retreat and enlightenment.
- Tansen is metaphorically referred to as a “jewel” in Akbar’s court.
- The Ostad’s music is metaphorically described as a powerful force that can heal and transform.
- “burning burst into consuming flame”
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