CBSE Class 10 English Communicative- Interact in English Chapter 7 The Frog and the Nightingale (Poem) Important Question Answers

Looking for The Frog and the Nightingale question answers for Class 10 English Communicative- Interact in English Chapter 7 (Poem)? Look no further! Our comprehensive compilation of important questions will help you brush up on your subject knowledge. Practising Class 10 English Communicative question answers can significantly improve your performance in the exam. Our solutions provide a clear idea of how to write the answers effectively. Improve your chances of scoring high marks by exploring Poem: The Frog and the Nightingale now. The questions listed below are based on the latest CBSE exam pattern, wherein we have given solutions to the chapter’s extract based questions, multiple choice questions, short answer questions, and long answer questions.

Also, practising with different kinds of questions can help students learn new ways to solve problems that they may not have seen before. This can ultimately lead to a deeper understanding of the subject matter and better performance on exams.

The Frog and the Nightingale Question Answers – Book Questions, Extra Questions


  • The Frog and the Nightingale Extract Based Questions
  • The Frog and the Nightingale Short Answer Questions
  • The Frog and the Nightingale Long Answer questions


    Book Questions


    1. Before you read the poem complete the word – web with the words that we associate with a Frog and a Nightingale.

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    class 10 communicative 7


    Frog – Croak, Ugly, Scary, Slimy, Dirty, Harsh Voice, Nocturnal

    Nightingale- Melodious, Sweet, Divine, Polite,Sensational , Meek, Beautiful

    2. The following is a summary of the poem but it is jumbled up. Write out the events in their correct order to form a continuous paragraph.
    a) As a result, her voice lost its beauty and the other creatures stopped coming to hear her sing.
    b) Soon the nightingale became famous and creatures from miles around came to hear her sing.
    c) All the creatures in the bog cheered and clapped at her beautiful song.
    d) He offered to train the nightingale, so that she could sing even more beautifully.
    e) So the frog could sing unrivalled in the bog once more.
    f) The next night the frog introduced himself.
    g) The frog charged an admission fee, and earned a lot of money from these concerts.
    h) Afrog croaked all night in a bog, in an unpleasant voice.
    i) But the frog made the nightingale rehearse continuously in the rain.
    j) One night a nightingale began to sing in a melodious voice.
    k) Finally the nightingale burst a vein and died.

    (h) A frog croaked all night in a bog, in an unpleasant voice.
    (j) One night a nightingale began to sing in a melodious voice.
    (c) All the creatures in the bog cheered and clapped at her beautiful song.
    (f) The next night the frog introduced himself.
    (d) He offered to train the nightingale, so that she could sing even more beautifully.
    (b) Soon the nightingale became famous, and creatures from miles around came to hear her sing.
    (g) The frog charged an admission fee, and earned a lot of money from these concerts.
    (i) But the frog made the nightingale rehearse continuously in the rain.
    (a) As a result, her voice lost its beauty, and the other creatures stopped coming to hear her sing.
    (k) Finally the nightingale burst a vein and died.
    (e) So the frog could sing unrivalled in the bog once more.

    3. Now that you have read the poem, add more personality traits to the word-web of the frog and the nightingale as depicted in the poem. Then complete the given table. (Some of the words in the box below may help you. You may also use the words given in Q. 1.)

    class 10 communicative chapter 7.1.2

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    4. On the basis of your understanding of the poem, complete the sentences given below by choosing the appropriate option.
    1. The frog’s ultimate aim was to______________.
    a. make the nightingale a sensation
    b. make the nightingale as good a singer as him
    c. maintain his supremacy in the bog
    d. make a lot of money
    Ans- (c) maintain his supremacy in the bog

    2. The animals ‘reaction to the nightingale’s song caused the frog to_____________.
    a. turn a blind eye
    b. be green with envy
    c. drive himself up the wall
    d. turn blue in the face
    Ans- (b) admiration

    3. Identify the reason why the nightingale accepted the frog’s tutelage.
    a. She was not confident in herself.
    b. She wanted to become as good a singer as the frog.
    c. She wanted to become a professional singer.
    d. She was not a resident of Bingle Bog.
    Ans- (c) wanted to become a professional singer

    5. Read the stanza given below and complete the sentences by selecting the appropriate option.
    Day by day the nightingale
    Grew more sorrowful and pale.
    Night on night her tired song
    Zipped and trilled and bounced along,
    Till the birds and beasts grew tired
    At a voice so uninspired
    And the ticket office gross
    Crashed, and she grew more morose –
    For her ears were now addicted
    To applause quite unrestricted,
    And to sing into the night
    All alone gave no delight.

    i. The nightingale was sorrowful and pale because she_____________.
    a. had been practicing in the rain
    b. had been performing all night
    c. was losing confidence in herself
    d. was falling ill
    Ans- b. had been performing all night

    ii. Why was the audience tired of the Nightingale’s song?
    a. They had heard it many times
    b. It had become mechanical
    c. She looked tired
    d. She had added trill to her song
    Ans- b. it had become mechanical

    iii. She no longer enjoyed singing alone as she________________.
    a. wanted to sing only for titled crowd
    b. was now used to the appreciation she got
    c. was by herself, without the frog
    d. had become proud of herself
    Ans- b. was now used to the appreciation she got

    6. Answer the following questions briefly.

    a. Support the view that the creatures of Bingle bog liked the nightingale’s singing.
    Ans- The animals of Bingle Bog much preferred the nightingale’s singing. To hear the nightingale sing, they actually gathered in large numbers. Birds and animals gathered from all over to listen to her sing her beautiful melodies.

    b. Which are the different ways in which the frog asserts his importance?
    Ans- The frog does not appreciate the nightingale’s song when all the creatures of the bog like her voice. The assertive nature of the frog could be understood by following points-

    • He introduces himself to the nightingale as the owner of the tree, the writer and critic, and the best singer.
    • He also offers himself to train the nightingale in singing and charges a high tuition fee. He makes her give musical concerts and charges an entry fee.
    • He compells her to give performances and take music lessons from him.
    • He reprimands her for not singing sweetly when the business crashes

    c. Why is the frog’s joy both sweet and bitter?
    Ans- The frog is ecstatic since the nightingale’s song allows him to make a substantial profit. Second, he enjoys the fact that he is successful in harassing the bird and driving her to death. His happiness is clouded by the fact that the nightingale’s voice has gotten worse with time and is now earning less money every day.

    d. What was the frog’s ulterior motive in making the nightingale add fills and trills to her songs?
    Ans- The frog was angry because the nightingale didn’t sing sweetly to enable him to earn more. Secondly, her voice was becoming ‘uninspired’ as her song now zipped, trilled and bounced along.

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    e. Contradict the fact that the nightingale did not deserve the frog’s wrath.
    Ans- After the nightingale died, the frog ascended to the throne as the undisputed ruler of Bingle Bog. Now, no bird or other animal could match the frog’s singing ability. Second, he really frightened every single one of them over there.

    7. Discuss the following questions and write the answers in your note-books.

    a. Bring out the irony in the frog’s statement – ‘Your song must be your own’.
    Ans- When the nightingale claimed that her song was original, the frog replied that she shouldn’t brag about it and offered advice on how to become a better singer. After she passed away, the frog stole her quote and claimed hypocritically that he had taught her to write creative songs.

    b. What was the purpose of the poet to end the poem in this manner? Can you suggest a different ending?
    Ans- No, the end is not justified because the revenge of the nightingale’s ruthless killing could not be taken as nobody could know frog’s reality.

    c. Do you think the nightingale is ‘brainless’? Give reasons for your answer.
    Ans- Yes, the nightingale is truly brainless because she could not understand the crafty scheme of the frog.

    • She let herself be dominated by the frog, and trusted him blindly.
    • She was not confident about her talent, and relied on the frog.
    • She was easily influenced by him and died of her own foolishness.

    d. Inspite of having a melodious voice and being a crowd puller, the nightingale turns out to be a loser and dies. How far is she responsible for her own downfall?
    Ans- Despite being a crowd-pleaser and an exceptionally talented singer, Nightingale completely fails to survive in the world of frivolities and value-less society. She ought to have been sensible and knowledgeable about the frog’s treatment of her. She could have been able to save herself and become a popular singer if she had been secure in her abilities and value rather than mindlessly following the frog. She has a major share of the blame for her awful demise.

    e. Do you agree with the Frog’s inference of the Nightingale’s character? Give reasons for your answer.
    Ans- No, the implication the frog makes about the character of the nightingale is not entirely convincing to me. Although the nightingale is actually a gullible bird, the frog painted her as a greedy and untalented bird. The frog accused her of being stale, but she consistently won the hearts of her audience with her creative songs and music. She was much better a singer than the frog but he made her take lessons from him. The nightingale was depicted by the frog as being the complete antithesis of who she truly was.

    8. The nightingale has scaled the heights of success. But now the audience is dwindling, the frog is unhappy and reprimands her all the time. She is mentally and physically exhausted and fears failure. As the nightingale, write a diary entry highlighting her fears and analyzing the reasons for her failure.

    12th Dec 2020
    9.30 PM

    I can still clearly recall the day the frog approached me and spoke such kind words to me. I was such an idiot for failing to recognise his ruse; I blame my dependent attitude. The frog is a huge fake, but since I was frightened and ignorant, I fell for it.

    I can no longer sing as melodically as I once could, I observe. The clever frog collected a lot of money through fees. He intimidated and coerced me into singing for hours, ruining my wonderful voice. I now understand that the agony he inflicted on me was actually part of his plan to gradually kill me from exhaustion rather than for training purposes. Death now appears to be at the door.

    The frog wants me to sing today, but I am too physically worn out to do so. I made a mistake by not casting any doubt on the frog’s honesty. He therefore unfairly profited from my naivety and drove me to my own demise. I’ve accepted the possibility of what may happen to me shortly. I thus accept death, which is unavoidable, with serenity. I wish to spread the word that we should never blindly trust or believe in people.


    9. Write an obituary for the nightingale. You may begin like this: May the kind soul……… (or you may make use of your own beginning)

    Ans- May the kind and innocent soul of the Nightingale rest in peace! The nightingale was incredibly innocent, modest, uncomplicated, and kind. She represented universal human principles. She possessed great virtue. Her absence from our community is always felt. She had nothing against anyone, but she had to pay for being naïve, obedient, gullible, and simple-minded. The Nightingale’s demise reminds us to be wary of those with sweet-tongues who can change their demeanour at any time. The Nightingale’s sacrifice must teach us all something. We must avoid those who have frog-like traits.


    Extract Based Questions

    Extract-based questions are of the multiple-choice variety, and students must select the correct option for each question by carefully reading the passage.

    A. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow:

    Once upon a time a frog
    Croaked away in Bingle
    Bog Every night from dusk to dawn
    He croaked awn and awn and awn.

    Q1. Name the poem and the poet.
    Ans- “The Frog and the Nightingale” by Vikram Seth.

    Q2. Find a word from the extract which means the same as “an area of ground that is very soft and wet”
    Ans- Bog

    Q3. Write the usage and meaning of this expression- “Awn and awn and awn”
    Ans- ‘Awn and awn and awn’ is made to rhyme with away and means on and on and on.

    Q4. How long did the frog croak?
    Ans- The frog croaked from dusk to dawn.


    B. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow:

    Dumbstruck sat the gaping frog.
    And the whole admiring bog
    Stared towards the sumac, rapt,
    And when she had ended, clapped

    Q1. Find a word from the extract which means the same as “ a shrub or small tree with compound leaves, reddish hairy fruits in conical clusters, and bright autumn colours.”
    Ans- Sumac

    Q2. What is the whole bog admiring?
    Ans- The whole bog is admiring the melodious voice of the nightingale.

    Q3. In line 4, what does the word ‘she’ refer to?
    Ans- In line 4, the word ‘she’ refers to the nightingale.

    Q4. What did the admiring bog do?
    Ans- In delight, the bog made their way to the sumac and applauded when the nightingale finished singing.

    C. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow:

    Toads and teals and tiddlers, captured
    By her voice, cheered on, enraptured:
    “Bravo!” “Too divine!” “Encore!”
    So the nightingale quite unused to such applause,
    Sang till dawn without a pause.

    Q1. Whose voice is being cheered upon?
    Ans- The voice of the nightingale is being cheered upon.

    Q2. What was the nightingale not used to?
    Ans- The nightingale was not used to the praise and appreciation of the bog dwellers.

    Q3. What did the nightingale do after getting all the praise?
    Ans- The nightingale sang till dawn without a pause.

    Q4. What is the poetic device used in line 1 of the stanza?
    Ans- Alliteration

    D. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow:

    Other creatures loathed his voice,
    But, alas, they had no choice.
    And the crass cacophony
    Blared out from the sumac tree
    At whose foot the frog each night
    Minstrelled on till morning night.

    Q1. Whose voice was loathed by other creatures of the bog?
    Ans- Frog’s voice was loathed by other creatures.

    Q2. Explain Crass Cacophony.
    Ans- Crass means very gross or devoid of sensitivity and cacophony means a very loud and unpleasant noise. Therefore ‘crass cacophony’ here describes the unpleasant unrefined noise which blared out from the sumac tree.

    Q3. What was it that blared out from the sumac tree?
    Ans- Unpleasant noise (song) of the frog that blared out of the sumac tree.

    Q4. Find a word from the extract which means the same as “sang”.
    Ans- Mistrelled

    E. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow:

    “bearest frog,” the nightingale
    Breathed: “This is a fairy tale
    And you’re Mozart in disguise
    Come to earth before my eyes.”
    “Well I charge a modest fee.
    Oh!…. But it won’t hurt, you’ll see.”

    Q1. What fairytale is being talked about here?
    Ans- The nightingale is so impressed with the knowledge displayed by the frog with respect to music that when he offers to train her she cannot believe it and expresses that he is Mozart in disguise. All this appeared to be just like a fairy tale.

    Q2. Which poetic device has been used in this stanza?
    Ans- Metaphor- “This is a fairy tale and you’re Mozart in disguise” The nightingale compares the frog to Mozart, indicating a belief in his musical talent.

    Q3. Who speaks the last two lines of the given stanza?
    Ans- The Frog speaks the last two lines.

    Q4. Find a word from the extract which means the same as “ to change the appearance, sound, etc. of somebody/something so that people cannot recognize”
    Ans- Disguise

    F. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow:

    Blind with tears, the nightingale
    Heard him out in silence, tried,
    Puffed up, burst a vein, and died.
    Said the frog: “I tried to teach her,
    But she was a stupid creature—
    Far too nervous, far too tense.
    Far too prone to influence.
    Well, poor bird – she should have known
    That your song must be your own.
    That’s why I sing with panache :
    “Koo-oh-ah! ko-ash! Ko-ash!”
    And the foghorn of the frog

    Q1. Why was the nightingale blind with tears?
    Ans- The Nightingale had lost all self-confidence as a result of the demanding training, lack of sleep and rest, as well as the insults and reprimands from the frog. She was blind with tears as cried so hard that she became blind.

    Q2. How did the nightingale die?
    Ans- The nightingale died as a result of a bursted vein.

    Q3. What light does this extract throw on the character of the frog?
    Ans- It reveals how really ruthless the frog was. He successfully carried out his plan to kill the nightingale. He was able to drive out Nightingale, who posed a threat to his profession from his life, thanks to his confident and domineering personality.

    Q4. Find a word from the extract which means the same as “a stylish, original, and very confident way of doing things that makes people admire you”
    Ans- Panache

    Short Answer Questions

    In this post we are also providing important short answer questions from Chapter 8 Not Marble nor the Gilded Monuments (Poem) for CBSE Class 10 exam in the coming session

    Q 1. Why did other creatures of the bog loathe the frog’s voice? How did they express their disapproval of the frog?
    Ans-The frog’s voice, which croaked in an awful loud sound from day to night, was despised by other animals. They had no option but to endure the pain. They used a variety of methods to criticise the frog. Some people hit him with rocks and sticks. Others asked him to turn down the blaring. Many people continued to make fun of him, complain about him, and throw bricks at him. However, nothing could stop the frog from expressing his joy.

    Q 2. How did the nightingale react to the applause of the bog dwellers?
    Ans-The nightingale had never before had someone appreciate her music. Additionally, all the animals applaud her as she sings while sitting on the sumac tree, saying things like “bravo,” “too divine,” and “encore.” The nightingale was so touched by their compliments that she continued to sing non stop till dawn.

    Q 3. How did the frog convince the nightingale that she needed a trainer?
    Ans- The frog introduced himself as a music critic who was in charge of overseeing all musical performances in the bog. By doing this, he makes an impact on the nightingale and encourages her to ask about her song. He makes the observation that her technique was fine, but that she needed a certain power, which could only come from receiving instructions from a professional like him. And the nightingale missed no chance to woo him into being her mentor.

    Q 4. Why does the nightingale regard her first encounter with the frog to be a fairy tale?
    Ans- The frog’s criticism of the nightingale’s singing had left her feeling so moved that she could not believe her eyes when he volunteered to train her. She thinks she is in a magical place. She believes that Mozart, a famous Italian composer, has come before her in the form of a frog to teach her music. Therefore, she considers it to be a fairy tale.

    Q 5. Why did the frog tell the nightingale to puff her lungs out with a passion?
    Ans- The frog’s motivations for making the nightingale scream with passion are twofold. He would benefit first if the nightingale’s singing picked up, as it would increase his ability to make money. Even if she is unable to do so, puffing out would cause her vein to explode, eventually killing her. That would let him get rid of his opponent. Both ways he was at profit. So he orders the nightingale to blow her lungs out and sing loudly.

    Q 6. How does the frog’s foghorn blare unrivalled through the bog?
    Ans-The frog was a highly cunning and opportunistic character. When he learns that the nightingale is dead, he tries to absolve himself of any responsibility. Therefore, he makes it clear that he did his best to instruct her. He called attention to the nightingale’s flaws, including being very anxious and tense as well as submitting to someone else’s influence too fast, which led to her terrible demise. The frog’s foghorn once more echoed over the bog in this way.

    Q7. The frog considers the nightingale stupid and brainless. Do you agree with the statement? Support your answer with reasons.
    Ans- Even if the frog described the nightingale as a brainless and foolish creature, a sensitive being like the nightingale was not stupid. She was not aware of the clever ways of the world and was naïve enough to recognise the frog’s cunning schemes. But to describe her as a brainless being would be exaggerating the case. Every living thing desires achievement. Even if the nightingale had imagined it, she was not naive. The frog refers to her as brainless and foolish because of her timid, submissive, and gullible character.

    Q 8. How did the creatures of Bingle bog react to the nightingale’s singing?
    Ans- The nightingale’s melody captivated the other bog animals to the point that they were unable to think of anything else. They didn’t clap until she finished her song. After hearing her singing, ducks started swimming again and herons began wading in the lake to show their satisfaction. The melody of the nightingale also moved a lone loon, who broke down in tears. Up until that point, all of these creatures were only gazing in admiration at the sumac.

    Q9. Do you think the end is justified?
    Ans- The end is justified and is a lesson to all those who quickly come under the influence of others and especially those who are strangers. The nightingale makes this mistake and suffers the consequences. The nightingale’s weak and modest attitude is quickly taken advantage of by the frog, who then attempts to destroy her self-esteem by telling her that her singing needs work. And the vain nightingale falls into his trap and is unable to escape. Her tragic demise teaches the lesson that, even if one is extraordinarily brilliant, one must have self-confidence in one’s talents .

    Q 10.Why was the frog angry?
    Ans-The nightingale’s singing had lost its early allure, making it difficult for her to garner a sizable audience, and this angered the frog. The nightingale was so dejected and dull from lack of rest and continuous practise that she disobeyed her master’s orders. She failed to incorporate enough trills and frills into her song to please her master which angered him.

    Long Answer Questions

    Q1. Attempt a character portrayal of the frog on the basis of your reading of the poem.
    Ans-The secret to success is confidence in oneself. This may be attributed to the frog’s personality, who has the ability to make any bad situation work in his favour. He claims to be the only person in his bog who has a “splendid baritone.” He wants to continue being the unmatched musical maestro. This is clear from the way he treated the nightingale who unintentionally dared to question his authority.
    He is aware of all cunning techniques and understands when to use aggression and when to be kind. He makes such an impression on the nightingale by his clever manipulations that she compares him to Mozart. Once she agrees to accept him as her trainer, he begins using all mercenary tactics to dominate her. He corrects, belittles, and criticises her in every manner imaginable to the point that the poor creature loses all sense of self-worth and eventually passes away. Additionally, he is just cunning. By selling her tunes to others who came to hear her music, he makes silver. Nowadays, there are people like the frog in every nook and corner of society. The poet has cautioned the readers to beware of such deceptive companions via his frog’s persona.

    Q 2. In this fast-paced world, simple beings like nightingale bear the brunt of modern society. Keeping in mind the nightingale, attempt a character sketch of the nightingale that led to her doom.
    Ans- There is no getting around the truth that straightforward, upright, and innocent individuals are misfits in today’s society. The audience’s acclaim would have been the nightingale’s reward for her triumph, but she was too modest, kind, and innocent to take it. It was taken by the frog, a cold-blooded, cunning villain.
    The poor nightingale had nothing but respect for her trainer, who completely took advantage of her youth and sold her singing for silver. She was extremely trusting and naïve, so she could not comprehend why the frog made her practise so much. She received so many reprimands and acts of humiliation that she lost control and ruptured a vein. We feel bad for the nightingale since she passes away in agony. Her naivety causes all of her singing skills to go.
    But we also don’t want the crooks of the frog to rule the globe. The nightingale represents the poet’s message that simplicity, gentleness, meekness, and submissiveness are the hallmarks of a person’s character, but that these qualities must be sheltered and protected with the defiant strength so that no cunning creature of the world ever dares to overwhelm them.

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    Q 3. The poem ‘The Frog and the Nightingale’ is a spoof on the present society where success is determined by influence and not by talent. Comment.
    Ans- The poet Vikram Seth aims to make a strong impression on the readers that talent today must contend with fierce competition from all angles in this world of cutthroat competitiveness. The powerful people always walk away with the cake, whilst the brilliant ones toil day and night to earn success’ plaudits.This is especially true of the nightingale’s character, who loses her skill before it can fully develop. The poet describes how the crafty money-seekers, whose pockets are filled by those who have authority, reveal the gates of the back door to the gifted young, destitute artists.
    And the ones like the frog, who are not even aware of the nuances of the field, enjoy sole monopoly. The person who is making money is successful. Even the nightingale, who is poor and modest, must risk their life to be recognised. And the powerful individuals, like the frog, even go so far as to murder the gifted. In the modern day, the hypocrite and the manipulator succeed. It doesn’t matter if they have any talent or not. This precise point is illustrated by the frog’s triumph and the nightingale’s failure.

    Q 4. “The Frog and the nightingale is a social satire, an attempt to criticise the various discriminations that exist in the modern world, that is causing a steady destruction of real talent, by the frogs in the society” What is your opinion on the reality events where children are humiliated by the “judges”, which is perhaps the concern of the poet?
    Ans- Reality events are here to stay. To make their event more ludicrous than the others, channels compete with one another. This is a really sad and worrying truth, in fact. It has been noted several times that the judge is completely unqualified for the position and has no idea how to carry out his duties. The networks frequently adopt harmful methods of reprimanding the participants in order to increase the number of viewers of the show, neglecting the potential harm to the participants’ mental health.
    There have been instances of kids developing depression as a result of the humiliation metted out by the judges. These “frogs” eat into the child’s brain and undermine his own identity and self-confidence, just as the frog destroyed the brilliant nightingale’s very life, sealing his fate for a bleak future. As a result, it becomes imperative that respect for art and the artist be a crucial component of the judging process.
    Most likely, things would go more smoothly if these competitions didn’t cost as much as they do to an artist’s dignity. Along with knowing one’s own strengths and weaknesses, artists and competitors must also become wise in the world and have the mental fortitude to overcome obstacles. Failure is not the end of the world and is unquestionably a step towards success.

    Q 5. Our self-image is often based on what others make us believe we are. A poor self-image can do irreparable damage to us. Do you agree with this statement? Elaborate.
    Ans- Self-image is the assessment of one’s capabilities, attractiveness, and personality type made by the person themselves, as opposed to by a third party. This is the only road that will motor the wheels without allowing spokes to act as hurdles in the journey of “life”. Self-image shouldn’t be used as an excuse to minimise or denigrate oneself, but rather to build on strengths and address weaknesses. Low self-esteem results from having a negative self-image, and this would cause permanent harm to self esteem.

    Similar to this, it would be disastrous if we relied on another person and his perspective to grasp who we are since such an evaluation would be tainted with bias and hypocrisy. We would have the same difficulties as the nightingale, who had no idea of her aptitude or abilities, if we did not understand ourselves. Be a person of strong conviction and a firm sense of grounding to prevent falling prey to flattery or criticism, both of which are harmful to our mental tranquillity.

    “Be not Caesar, who was stabbed in the back, or the frog, who was quite brazen in his act.”

    Q6. Do you agree with the frog’s inference of the nightingale’s character? Give reasons for your answer.
    Ans- When compared to the nightingale’s straightforward personality, the frog is incredibly shrewd and devious. Due to his arrogance, he forms the solid impression that the nightingale is a really kind species. She flatters him by comparing him with Mozart, but he correctly infers that she is foolish and holds this opinion.
    He successfully manipulates her and makes a good living by selling her captivating melodies. But he was also concerned about his reputation as the undisputed bog king. Because of his insensitivity, he secretly chastises and humiliates the poor creature to the point that she is unable to handle her failing health and unhappy existence, and as a result, she passes away.
    And the frog’s foghorn once again blares through the bog unrivalled.


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