“The Thief’s Story” MCQs with Answers from CBSE Class 10 English Footprints without Feet Book Chapter 2
The Thief’s Story MCQs – Here is a compilation of Class 10 English MCQs of Chapter 2 The Thief’s Story by Ruskin Bond have been compiled for students to practice. Students of Class 10 can prepare the MCQs of Chapter 2- The Thief’s Story from the NCERT Footprints without Feet book. Each question has four options followed by the correct answer. Students can also take a free test of the MCQs of The Thief’s Story. These MCQ Questions have been selected based on the latest exam pattern as announced by CBSE.
For Correct Answers, see the end of the post. (below)
Class 10 English Footprints without Feet The Thief’s Story Lesson 2 Multiple Choice Questions
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) are a type of objective assessment in which a person is asked to choose one or more correct answers from a list of available options. An MCQ presents a question along with several possible answers.
For Correct Answers, see the end of the post. (below)
Q1. ‘He’ is a fairly successful hand at _______
A) wrestling
B) stealing
C) deceiving
D) working hard
Q2- What was Hari’s age?
A) 15
B) 25
C) 20
D) none of the above
Q3- How has the narrator described Anil?
A) simple
B) kind
C) easy-going
D) all of the above
Q4- What was Anil doing when the boy met him?
A) cooking
B) watching a match
C) playing
D) writing an article
Q5- How did the narrator attempt to be friends with Anil?
A) By flattering him
B) By teasing him
C) By introducing himself
D) none of the above
Q6- What did the boy ask Anil for?
A) to give him food
B) to employ him
C) to give him money
D) to teach him
Q7- How often did he change his name?
A) every day
B) every week
C) every month
D) every year
Q8- He changed his name in order to stay ahead of _____
A) police
B) employers
C) none of them
D) both of them
Q9- What name did he tell Anil?
A) Anil Singh
B) Hari Lal
C) Hari Singh
D) Anil Lal
Q10- How was the meal that Hari cooked the first night?
A) delicious
B) mouth-watering
C) finger-licking good
D) terrible
Q11- How did Hari infer that the food was terrible?
A) Anil said he liked it
B) Anil couldn’t have enough of it
C) Anil was licking his fingers
D) Anil gave it to a stray dog
Q12- What did Anil promise him to teach?
A) write his name
B) cook
C) write full sentences
D) all of the above
Q13- Did Anil really mind his petty ways of earning money?
A) yes
B) no
C) maybe
D) he didn’t earn through petty ways
Q14- “a queer way to earn money”. What is the meaning of the word “queer”?
A) strange
B) famous
C) rare
D) illegal
Q15- Who was the most trusting person the narrator had ever met?
A) Anil
B) publisher
C) Anil’s friends
D) none of the above
Q16- According to Hari Singh, who is easier to rob?
A) a careless man
B) a greedy man
C) a trusting man
D) Anil
Q17- How much money did Hari steal?
A) 500
B) 600
C) 700
D) 800
Q18- Did Hari Singh get away on the Lucknow Express?
A) yes
B) no
C) maybe
D) none of the above
Q19- How, according to the narrator, would Anil feel upon finding out that he had been robbed?
A) angry
B) fear
C) acceptance
D) sad
Q20- What did Hari do with the stolen money?
A) ran away with it
B) threw it
C) bought a cycle with it
D) returned it
Q21- Did Anil say anything about the robbery?
A) yes
B) no
C) maybe
D) none of the above
Q22- Why does Hari return the money?
A) he wanted to learn to write
B) he was worried about how Anil would feel
C) he felt bad
D) none of the above
Q23- Who does “I” refer to in ‘The Thief’s Story’?
A) Hari
B) Anil
C) a greedy man
D) none of the above
Q24- What do you mean by the word “unlined” as used in the story?
A) in a line
B) showing no sign of worry or anxiety
C) Without underline
D) none of the above
Q25- What was the name of the shop above which Anil lived?
A) Laddu Sweet Shop
B) Rasgulla Sweet Shop
C) Jamun Sweet Shop
D) Jumna Sweet Shop
Q26- The Thief’s Story is set in the month of ________
A) January
B) November
C) December
D) July
Q27- “When the train had gone, I found myself standing alone on the deserted platform.” Here the word deserted means ___________
A) He was in a desert area
B) The platform was empty
C) The platform was full of sweets
D) None of these
Q28- Find a synonym of the word ‘maidan’.
A) Zoo
B) Ground
C) Hall
D) Auditorium
Q29- On returning he money, why was Hari Singh nervous?
A) He was reluctant in returning it
B) He wanted to return it undetected
C) He feared that Anil would have called the police
D) All of these
Q30- Hari wanted to do some ‘real work’. What was it?
A) Commit theft
B) Help a needy person
C) Learn cooking
D) Learn to read and write
Q31- Anil instructed the thief to sleep on the –
(A) Study
(B) Balcony
(C) Dining room
(D) Drawing room
Q32- The thief used to take ___ from the money everyday which was given by Anil for grocery shopping.
(A) 10 Rs
(B) 50 Rs
(C) 5 Rs
(D) Rs 1
Q33- Anil put the money ___
(A) Inside the cupboard
(B) Inside the locker
(C) Under the mattress
(D) Inside the drawer
Q34- There was a little bit of light over Anil’s bed because of –
(A) Bedside lamp
(B) Road light
(C) Tube light
(D) Moonlight
Q35- Hari planned to leave the city by ___ after stealing the money from Anil.
(A) 10:30 p.m.
(B) 1 o’clock
(D) 12:30 p.m.
(D) 1 p.m.
Q36- Hari planned to catch __ while escaping.
(A) Dhanbad mail
(B) Delhi mail
(C) Lucknow Express
(D) Satabdi Express
Q37- On the night of the incident, Hari took shelter _______
(A) Under the clock tower
(B) In the tea shop
(C) At the church
(D) In the barandah of the house
Q38- It was ___ by the clock tower.
(A) 11:30 p.m.
(B) 1 o’ clock
(C) 12:30 a.m.
(D) 12 o’ clock
Q39- Anil’s carelessness made stealing from him _____________for Hari Singh. ((CBSE Sample Question Paper 2021)
A uninteresting
B difficult
C systematic
D predictable
Q40- ‘Anil made money by fits and starts’. Fits and starts means-
A) He suffered from fits
B) Irregularly
C) Continuously
D) All of these
1 | B | 21 | B |
2 | A | 22 | A |
3 | D | 23 | A |
4 | B | 24 | B |
5 | A | 25 | D |
6 | B | 26 | B |
7 | C | 27 | B |
8 | D | 28 | B |
9 | C | 29 | B |
10 | D | 30 | A |
11 | D | 31 | B |
12 | D | 32 | D |
13 | B | 33 | C |
14 | A | 34 | D |
15 | A | 35 | A |
16 | B | 36 | C |
17 | B | 37 | A |
18 | B | 38 | D |
19 | D | 39 | A |
20 | D | 40 | B |
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CBSE Class 10 English MCQs from Footprints without Feet Book
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