The Wonder Called Sleep Question Answers

CBSE Class 6 English Lesson 6 The Wonder Called Sleep Important Question Answers from A Pact With The Sun Book

Class 6 English The Wonder Called Sleep Question Answers – Looking for The Wonder Called Sleep question answers for CBSE Class 6 English A Pact With The Sun Book Chapter 6? Look no further! Our comprehensive compilation of important questions will help you brush up on your subject knowledge. Practising Class 6 English question answers can significantly improve your performance in the exam. Improve your chances of scoring high marks by exploring Chapter 6: The Wonder Called Sleep now. The questions listed below are based on the latest CBSE exam pattern, wherein we have given NCERT solutions to the chapter’s extract-based questions, multiple choice questions and Extra Question Answers 

Also, practising with different kinds of questions can help students learn new ways to solve problems that they may not have seen before. This can ultimately lead to a deeper understanding of the subject matter and better performance in exams. 



Class 6 English The Wonder Called Sleep Lesson 6 – Extract Based Questions




WE know enough about what sleep is, though we don’t know what exactly causes sleep. Sleep is a state of rest — an unconscious rest. When we sleep, our body recovers from fatigue caused by the day’s activities. After a good sleep and the rest that it gives, we become alert and active again, ready for the normal activities of the day.

When we wake up in the morning, it is not always possible for us to remember what happened when we were asleep. We may remember a dream but the rest of our sleep was a kind of darkness in which nothing seems to have taken place.

  1. What is sleep?


Ans. Sleep is a state of rest allowing the body to recover from fatigue caused by daily activities.


  1. What happens to our body during sleep?

Ans. During sleep, our body recovers from the fatigue of the day’s activities, enabling us to become alert and active again upon waking.


  1. How do we feel after a good sleep?

Ans. After a good sleep, we feel alert, active, and ready for the normal activities of the day.


  1. Do we remember what happens while we are asleep?

Ans. Generally, we do not remember what happens during sleep. We may recall a dream, but most of our sleep feels like a period of darkness where nothing seems to have occurred.


  1. Do we know exactly what causes sleep?

Ans. No, while we know a lot about what sleep is, the exact cause of sleep remains unknown.

Several things happen to our body while we are sleeping. As we sink deeper into sleep, our muscles relax more and more. Our heartbeat becomes slower. Our temperature and blood pressure go down. The ever-active brain also slows down so that we can’t think or act consciously. But we dream.

When we wake up, our temperature and blood pressure rise to normal. Our heartbeat and breathing also become normal and we are fully awake and have forgotten most, if not all, the dreams that we had while sleeping.


  1. What happens to our muscles as we sink deeper into sleep?

Ans. As we sink deeper into sleep, our muscles relax more and more.


  1. How does sleep affect our heartbeat, temperature, and blood pressure?

Ans. During sleep, our heartbeat becomes slower, and both our temperature and blood pressure go down.


  1. What happens to our brain activity while we are sleeping?

Ans. While we are sleeping, our brain slows down preventing us from thinking or acting consciously, yet we still dream.


  1. What changes occur in our body when we wake up?

Ans. Upon waking up in the morning, our temperature and blood pressure rise to normal levels, and our heartbeat and breathing return to their usual rates.


  1. How much of our dreams do we usually remember upon waking?

Ans. Upon waking, we usually forget most, if not all, of the dreams that we had while sleeping.


What is a dream? It is an activity of the mind that takes place when we are asleep. Some dreams are probable while others are not. That only means that many of the things that happen in dreams could happen when we are awake. Others could not. Dreams seem to be important for several reasons. One is that a dream can help us to sleep through noise or other disturbances. For example, the alarm clock rings, but our mind causes us to dream that the telephone or doorbell is ringing, and that we are awake and answering it.


  1. How would you define a dream?

Ans. A dream is an activity of the mind that takes place when we are asleep.


  1. Why are dreams considered important?

Ans. Dreams considered important for several reasons, one of which is that help us sleep through any noise or disturbance too. 


  1. How do dreams vary in terms of their likelihood?

Ans. Some dreams are plausible and could feasibly occur while we are awake, while others involve events or situations that are unlikely or impossible in reality.


  1. Can you provide an example of how dreams can help us sleep through disturbances?

Ans. When we are asleep and the alarm bell rings, we dream that the telephone bell or the doorbell is ringing and we are awake and we go to answer it. 


  1. How do dreams contribute to our ability to handle interruptions during sleep?

Ans. Dreams serve as a buffer against sleep disruptions by incorporating external stimuli into the dream narrative, helping us to stay in a deeper and more restful sleep.

Certain doctors have found that one’s dreams often reveal a great deal about one’s problems and that, if understood correctly, they can provide a key to the solution of those problems. But we must remember one thing. Dreams cannot be used as a way to tell the future. They simply can never tell the future.

Sleep is the most common experience, but how many of us really think about the wonder and power of sleep? Many poets have written beautiful poems about sleep. 


  1. What have some doctors discovered about dreams and problem-solving?

Ans. Doctors have found that dreams often contain valuable insights into one’s problems, and if understood correctly, they can provide a key to the solution of those problems.


  1. Can dreams predict the future?

Ans. No, dreams cannot predict the future.


  1. Despite the common experience of sleep, what aspect of it do many people overlook?

Ans. Many people overlook the wonder and power of sleep, despite it being the most common human experience.


4: What have poets often focused on in their writings about sleep?

Ans. Poets have frequently written beautiful poems about sleep, emphasizing its mysterious and captivating nature.


  1. What is one thing that dreams can never tell?

Ans. Dreams can never tell the future.

Class 6 English A Pact With The Sun Book Lesson 6 The Wonder Called Sleep Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)


Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) are a type of objective assessment in which a person is asked to choose one or more correct answers from a list of available options. An MCQ presents a question along with several possible answers.

  1. What is sleep described as?
  2. a) An unconscious rest
  3. b) An active state
  4. c) A conscious rest
  5. d) A dream state

Ans: a) An unconscious rest


  1. What does our body do when we sleep?
  2. a) Becomes more fatigued
  3. b) Recovers from fatigue
  4. c) Stays alert and active
  5. d) Engages in physical activities

Ans: b) Recovers from fatigue


  1. How do we feel after a good sleep?
  2. a) Tired and exhausted
  3. b) More fatigued
  4. c) Alert and active
  5. d) Still sleepy

Ans: C) Alert and active


  1. Can we always remember what happens during sleep?
  2. a) Yes, always
  3. b) No, never
  4. c) Sometimes, but not always
  5. d) Only during dreams

Ans: c) Sometimes, but not always


  1. What do we usually remember from our sleep?
  2. a) Everything
  3. b) Nothing
  4. c) Dreams
  5. d) All unconscious activities

Ans: c) Dreams


  1. What happens to our muscles as we sink deeper into sleep?
  2. a) They become more active
  3. b) They relax more
  4. c) They tense up
  5. d) They start to ache

Ans: b) They relax more


  1. How does our heartbeat change during sleep?
  2. a) It becomes faster
  3. b) It stops
  4. c) It becomes slower
  5. d) It remains the same

Ans: d) It becomes slower


  1. What happens to our temperature and blood pressure while sleeping?
  2. a) They go up
  3. b) They go down
  4. c) They stay the same
  5. d) They become erratic

Ans: b) They go down


  1. How does the brain behave during sleep?
  2. a) It becomes more active
  3. b) It slows down
  4. c) It stops working
  5. d) It speeds up

Ans: b) It slows down


  1. What do we often forget when we wake up?
  2. a) Our dreams
  3. b) Everything we did the previous day
  4. c) The entire night’s events
  5. d) Nothing

Ans: a) Our dreams


  1. What is a dream according to the writer?
  2. a) An activity of the mind while awake
  3. b) A state of deep sleep
  4. c) An activity of the mind during sleep
  5. d) A conscious thought

Ans: c) An activity of the mind during sleep


  1. How do dreams help us sleep through noise?
  2. a) By making us wake up
  3. b) By incorporating the noise into the dream
  4. c) By making us more sensitive to sound
  5. d) By completely blocking out the noise

Ans: b) By incorporating the noise into the dream


  1. What have certain doctors discovered about dreams?
  2. a) They have no significance
  3. b) They reveal a great deal about one’s problems
  4. c) They predict the future
  5. d) They cause health problems

Ans: b) They reveal a great deal about one’s problems


  1. Can dreams be used to tell the future?
  2. a) Yes, always
  3. b) Sometimes
  4. c) Never
  5. d) Only in specific cases

Ans: c) Never


  1. Why is it important to understand dreams according to some doctors?
  2. a) To predict the future
  3. b) To understand one’s problems
  4. c) To prevent sleep disorders
  5. d) To increase sleep duration

Ans: b) To understand one’s problems

Class 6 The Wonder Called Sleep Extra Question Answers

  1. What is sleep? Why is it necessary to enjoy sound sleep?

Ans. Sleep is a state of rest. Sleep gives rest to our tired body. After a good sleep we feel fresh, alert and active.


  1. What is a dream?

Ans. Dream is an activity of the mind that takes place only when we are asleep.


  1. What changes occur in our bodies when we sleep?

Ans. As we enter deep sleep, our muscles relax more rapidly. Our heart rate slows down significantly, and both body temperature and blood pressure decrease. The brain becomes temporarily unconscious, preventing us from thinking or acting consciously.


  1. Why does the body become alert and active after sleep?

Ans. During sleep, the body and brain receive sufficient rest, allowing the body to recover from fatigue and become alert and active again.


  1. What have doctors figured about dreams?

Ans.  According to some doctors, Dreams can provide significant insights into our problems. By closely analyzing and paying attention to them, we might find solutions to these issues.