The Shepherd’s Treasure Question Answers

CBSE Class 6 English Lesson 3 The Shepherd’s Treasure Important Question Answers from A Pact With The Sun Book


Class 6 English The Shepherd’s Treasure Question Answers – Looking for The Shepherd’s Treasure question answers for CBSE Class 6 English A Pact With The Sun Book Chapter 3? Look no further! Our comprehensive compilation of important questions will help you brush up on your subject knowledge. Practising Class 6 English question answers can significantly improve your performance in the exam. Improve your chances of scoring high marks by exploring Chapter 3: The Shepherd’s Treasure now. The questions listed below are based on the latest CBSE exam pattern, wherein we have given NCERT solutions to the chapter’s extract-based questions, multiple choice questions and ExtraQuestion Answers 


Also, practising with different kinds of questions can help students learn new ways to solve problems that they may not have seen before. This can ultimately lead to a deeper understanding of the subject matter and better performance in exams. 



Class 6 English The Shepherd’s Treasure Lesson 3 – Extract Based Questions


IN a village in Iran there once lived a shepherd. He was very poor. He did not even have a small cottage of his own. He had never been to school or learnt to read and write, for there were very few schools in those days.


  1. What was the occupation of the protagonist in the village?

Ans. The protagonist was a shepherd.


  1. What was the economic condition of the shepherd?

Ans. The shepherd was very poor.


  1. Did the shepherd have his own house?

Ans. No, the shepherd did not even have a small cottage of his own.


  1. What was the shepherd’s educational background?

Ans. The shepherd had never been to school and had not acquired the ability to read and write.


  1. Why didn’t the shepherd learn to read and write?

Ans. There were very few schools in those days due to which he lacked the opportunity to learn.


Though poor and uneducated, this shepherd was very wise. He understood people’s sorrows and troubles, and helped them face their problems with courage and common sense. Many people came to him for advice. Soon he became famous for his wisdom and friendly nature. The king of that country heard about him, and thought of meeting him.


  1. What were some notable qualities of the shepherd despite his poverty and lack of education?

Ans. Despite his poverty and lack of education, the shepherd was wise, understood people’s sorrows and troubles, and helped them face their problems with courage and common sense.


  1. How did the shepherd become famous in the village?

Ans. Many people sought advice from the shepherd, and he became famous for his wisdom and friendly nature.


  1. Who expressed a desire to meet the shepherd after hearing about his reputation?

Ans. The king of the country expressed a desire to meet the shepherd upon hearing about his popularity.


  1. What qualities of the shepherd caught the attention of the king?

Ans. The shepherd’s wisdom and friendly nature caught the attention of the king.


  1. How did the shepherd assist those who came to him for advice?

Ans. The shepherd helped people face their problems with courage and common senses, offering them guidance and support.



Disguised as a shepherd and riding on a mule, one day the king came to the cave where the wise shepherd lived. As soon as the shepherd saw the traveller coming towards the cave, he rose to welcome him. He took the tired traveller inside the cave, gave him water to drink and a share of his own meager meal. The king rested for the night in the cave and was greatly impressed by the shepherd’s hospitality and wise conversation.


  1. What disguise did the king adopt to visit the wise shepherd?

Ans. The king disguised himself as a shepherd to observe the hospitality and wisdom of the shepherd.

  1. How did the shepherd initially respond upon seeing the traveller approaching the cave?

Ans. The shepherd rose to welcome the traveller, showing hospitality and kindness.

  1. What acts of hospitality did the shepherd extend to the tired traveller?

Ans. The shepherd provided water to drink and shared his own meager meal with the traveller.

  1. How did the king feel about the shepherd’s hospitality and conversation after spending the night in the cave?

Ans. The king was greatly impressed by the hospitality and wise conversation of the shepherd during his stay.

  1. What mode of transportation did the king use to reach the cave?

Ans. The king rode on a mule disguised as a shepherd to reach the cave.


The king was astonished as well as pleased. ‘He is indeed very wise.’ he thought to himself. ‘I need people like him to work for me.’ And the king appointed this humble shepherd the governor of a small district. Although he rose to power and dignity, the shepherd remained as humble as ever. People loved and honoured him for his wisdom, sympathy and goodness. He was kind and just to one and all. His fame as a fair and wise governor soon spread throughout the country.

  1. How did the king feel about the shepherd’s wisdom and character after spending time with him?

Ans. The king was astonished and pleased, recognizing the shepherd’s wisdom and considering him valuable for his service.

  1. What position did the king appoint the humble shepherd to after being impressed by him?

Ans. The king appointed the humble shepherd as the governor of a small district.

  1. Despite his rise to power, how did the shepherd maintain his demeanor?

Ans. The shepherd remained as humble as ever despite his elevated position.

  1. How did the people respond to the shepherd’s governance?

Ans. The people loved and honored the shepherd for his wisdom, sympathy, and goodness.

  1. What was the reputation of the shepherd as a governor?

Ans. The shepherd gained fame throughout the country for being fair and wise in his governance.


Now the governors of other provinces grew terribly jealous of him and began to talk to the king against him. They said, “He is very dishonest, and keeps for himself part of the money that he collects as tax from the people.” Why did he always carry with him, they added, an iron chest? Perhaps he carried in it the treasure that he had secretly collected. After all,they said mockingly, he was an ordinary shepherd and could behave no better. At first the king did not pay attention to these reports, but how long could he ignore these governors and their endless stories about the shepherd? One thing was certain, the king discovered. The new governor did carry an iron chest with him all the time.


  1. Why did the other governors grow jealous of the new governor?

Ans. The other governors grow jealous of the new governor because people loved and honoured him for his wisdom, sympathy and goodness.

  1. What did the jealous governors speculate about the iron chest always carried by the new governor?

Ans. They speculated that the iron chest might contain treasure, secretly collected by the governor, suggesting he was enriching himself unlawfully.

  1. How did the jealous governors mock the new governor’s background?

Ans. They mocked his humble origins as an ordinary shepherd, suggesting that his behavior was typical of someone of lowly status.

  1. How did the king initially respond to the reports against the new governor?

Ans. Initially, the king didn’t pay much attention to the reports, dismissing them as baseless accusations.

  1. What did the king eventually discover about the new governor?

Ans. The king discovered that the new governor indeed carried an iron chest with him at all times, prompting further investigation into the accusations against him.

So, one day, the new governor was summoned to the palace. He came riding on his camel, and to everyone’s delight, the famous iron chest was there fastened securely behind him on the camel’s back.

Now the king was angry. He thundered, “Why do you always carry that iron chest with you? What does it contain?”

The governor smiled. He asked his servant to bring in the chest. How eagerly the people standing around waited for the shepherd to be found out! But how great was their astonishment, and even of the king himself, when the chest was opened! No gold or silver or jewels but an old blanket was all that came out. Holding it up proudly, the shepherd said, “This, my dear master, is my only treasure. I always carry it with me.”


  1. How did the new governor arrive at the palace?

Ans. He arrived riding on his camel, with the famous iron chest securely fastened behind him on the camel’s back.

  1. What was the king’s reaction when he saw the governor with the iron chest?

Ans. The king was angry and demanded to know why the governor always carried the iron chest and what it contained.

  1. What did the people expect to find inside the iron chest?

Ans. The people expected to find gold, silver, jewels, or some other valuable treasure inside the iron chest.

  1. What was discovered when the chest was opened?

Ans. When the chest was opened, only an old blanket was found inside, much to the surprise of the king and the people gathered around.

  1. How did the governor explain the presence of the old blanket in the iron chest?

Ans. The governor proudly held up the old blanket and explained to the king that it was his only treasure, which he always carried with him.




Class 6 English A Pact With The Sun Book Lesson 3 The Shepherd’s Treasure Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)


Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) are a type of objective assessment in which a person is asked to choose one or more correct answers from a list of available options. An MCQ presents a question along with several possible answers.

  1. What was the profession of the main character in the story?
  2. a) Farmer
  3. b) Shepherd
  4. c) Blacksmith
  5. d) Carpenter

Ans: (b) Shepherd


  1. The poor Shepherd lived in a village in ______.

(a) Africa

(b) Iraq

(c) India

(d) Iran

Ans. (d) Iran

  1. Why was the shepherd famous in the village?
  2. a) For his wealth
  3. b) For his education
  4. c) For his wisdom and friendly nature
  5. d) For his cooking skills

Ans. (c) For his wisdom and friendly nature


  1. How did the king disguise himself when he visited the shepherd?
  2. a) As a merchant
  3. b) As a soldier
  4. c) As a shepherd
  5. d) As a traveler

Ans: (c) As a shepherd


  1. What did the shepherd offer the disguised king when he arrived at the cave?
  2. a) A feast
  3. b) A share of his own meal
  4. c) A luxurious bed
  5. d) A map to the kingdom

Ans: (b) A share of his own meal


  1. What impressed the king the most about the shepherd?
  2. a) His wealth
  3. b) His education
  4. c) His hospitality and wise conversation
  5. d) His royal lineage

Ans. (c) His hospitality and wise conversation


  1. Why did the king decide to meet the shepherd?
  2. a) He wanted to challenge him to a duel.
  3. b) He had heard about the shepherd’s wisdom.
  4. c) He needed help with his taxes.
  5. d) He wanted to buy some sheep.

Ans. (b) He had heard about the shepherd’s wisdom.


  1. What did the shepherd lack despite his wisdom?

(a) Kindness

(b) Wealth

(c) Education

(d) Compassion

Ans: (c) Education


  1. People loved and honoured the Shepherd for his ______.

(a) Wisdom

(b) Sympathy

(c) Goodness

(d) All of these

Ans (d) All of these


  1. The Shepherd did not have even a ______ of his own.

(a) small cottage

(b) small piece of hand

(c) bed

(d) clothes

Ans. (a) small cottage


  1. Though poor and uneducated, the Shepherd was ______.

(a) very educated

(b) very wise

(c) very foolish

(d) very cunning

Ans (b) very wise


  1. The king wanted to test ________________ of the Shepherd.

(a) wisdom

(b) foolishness

(c) cunningness

(d) cleverness

Ans. (a) wisdom


  1. _______________ disguised himself as a shepherd.

(a) The Poor Man

(b) The King

(c) The Shepherd boy

(d) None of these

Ans. (b) The King


14 King appointed shepherd as the _______

(a) Governor

(b) Wajir

(c) Mantra

(d) King

Ans. (a) Governor


  1. Who was jealous of the shepherd?

(a) King

(b) Queen

(c) Villagers

(d) Old Governor

Ans. (d) Old Governor


  1. What did old governors start talking about the new governor to the king?

(a) That he is greedy

(b) That he is very dishonest

(c) That he is very honest

(d) That he is bad governor

Ans. (b) That he is very dishonest


  1. Who was called to the palace?

(a) People

(b) New governor

(c) Old governors

(d) Wajir

Ans. (b) Shepherd


  1. The new Governor came to the King’s palace riding on ______.

(a) His camel

(b) His mule

(c) His horse

(d) None of these

Ans. (a) His camel


  1. What was there in the Iron chest?

(a) Silver

(b) Gold

(c) A crest

(d) None of these

Ans. (d) None of these


  1. What is the oldest friend of a shepherd?

(a) His friend

(b) Old blank

(c) Iron chest

(d) Camel

Ans. (b) Old blanket




Class 6 The Shepherd’s Treasure Extra Question Answers


  1. What impressed the king when he met the shepherd?

Ans. When the king met the shepherd, he welcomed him warmly. He took the king who was disguised as a traveller inside his cave and gave him water to drink and also shared his own meager meal with him. The shepherd’s wise conversation and hospitality impressed the king.


  1. Why did the shepherd become famous in the country?

Ans. The Shepherd became famous for his wisdom, goodness, sympathy and friendly nature.


  1. What did the old governors tell the king about the new governor?

Ans. The old governors told the king that the new governor was dishonest and kept some money for himself which he collects as tax from the people. They said that he always carries  an iron chest which contains the treasure that he had secretly collected.