The Monkey and the Crocodile Question Answers

CBSE Class 6 English Lesson 5 The Monkey and the Crocodile Important Question Answers from A Pact With The Sun Book

Class 6 English The Monkey and the Crocodile Question Answers – Looking for The Monkey and the Crocodile question answers for CBSE Class 6 English A Pact With The Sun Book Chapter 5? Look no further! Our comprehensive compilation of important questions will help you brush up on your subject knowledge. Practising Class 6 English question answers can significantly improve your performance in the exam. Improve your chances of scoring high marks by exploring Chapter 5: The Monkey and the Crocodile now. The questions listed below are based on the latest CBSE exam pattern, wherein we have given NCERT solutions to the chapter’s extract-based questions, multiple choice questions and Extra Question Answers 

Also, practising with different kinds of questions can help students learn new ways to solve problems that they may not have seen before. This can ultimately lead to a deeper understanding of the subject matter and better performance in exams. 



Class 6 English The Monkey and the Crocodile Lesson 5 – Extract Based Questions


ONCE, on the bank of a river, a monkey made a home for himself in a tree laden with fruit. He lived in it happily eating to his heart’s content the fruit of his choice. The monkey was happy but lonely and wanted a companion to talk to and share the fruits with. But there was no one around, not even another monkey, till one day a crocodile appeared on the riverside. “Hello, there,” said the monkey. “Do you live in this river? Would you like to eat some fruit?” “Good morning,” replied the crocodile politely. “I did come here in search of food for myself and my wife. Nice of you to offer me fruit.”

The monkey plucked some from the nearest branch and threw them down. The crocodile found them delicious. “Thanks,” he said. “May I have some on my next visit?” “Certainly, as many as you like and some for your wife too,” said the monkey. “Do come again. I’m rather lonely here.”


  1. Where did the monkey make his home?

Ans. The monkey made his home in a tree laden with fruit on the bank of a river.


  1. Why was the monkey lonely?

Ans. The monkey didn’t have any friends to talk to, so he used to feel lonely


  1. Who appeared on the riverside one day?

Ans. A crocodile appeared on the riverside one day.


  1. What did the monkey offer to the crocodile?

Ans. The monkey offered the crocodile some fruit from his tree.


  1. Why did the crocodile come to the riverside?

Ans. The crocodile came to the riverside in search of food for himself and his wife.


  1. B

The crocodile visited the monkey regularly and ate the fruits which his host threw down. He took some home for his wife. The monkey and the crocodile were now the best of friends. They talked and were never tired of talking. They talked about birds and animals, about the villages nearby and the difficulties villagers faced in raising good crops for lack of rain.

One day, the crocodile stayed with the monkey longer than usual. His wife was annoyed waiting and waiting for managing the little crocodiles that had just been hatched. She said, “Who is this friend of yours you are so fond of?” “Oh, he is a very nice monkey,” he replied. “He lives on a fruit-tree. He sends fruits for you everyday. You don’t expect me to climb trees, do you?”


  1. How often did the crocodile visit the monkey?

Ans.  The crocodile used to visit the monkey regularly.


  1. What did the crocodile take home for his wife?

Ans.  The crocodile took some fruits home for his wife.


  1. On which topics did the monkey and the crocodile talk about?

Ans.  Monkey and Crocodile talked about birds and animals, the nearby villages, and the difficulties villagers faced in raising good crops due to lack of rain.


  1. Why was the crocodile’s wife annoyed one day?

Ans.  The crocodile’s wife was annoyed with the crocodile because he stayed with the monkey longer than usual, leaving her to manage the little crocodiles that had just been hatched.


  1. What was the crocodile’s response when his wife asked about his friend?

Ans.  The crocodile told his wife that his friend is a very nice monkey who lived on a fruit tree and sent fruits for her every day.


“A nice monkey, I’m sure,” replied the wife with obvious sarcasm. “If you ask me, this monkey should be my food. I want to eat his heart so much.” “What a foolish thing to say!” shouted the crocodile. “I can’t kill a friend, though I won’t mind a monkey occasionally for a change of taste.”

“You bring him here,” ordered the wife. “I want to see him.” “So you can eat him. Never!” declared her husband.

His wife was furious and she dived in to hide herself at the bottom of the river leaving the little ones to pester their father.


  1. How did the crocodile’s wife react to hearing about the monkey?

Ans.  The crocodile’s wife responded sarcastically that the monkey was nice and she wished to make that monkey her food.


  1. What was the crocodile’s initial reaction to his wife’s desire to eat the monkey?

Ans. The crocodile shouted in anger and said that he could not kill a friend though he wouldn’t mind eating a monkey occasionally for a change of taste.


  1. What did the crocodile’s wife order him to do?

Ans.  The crocodile’s wife ordered him to bring the monkey to her.


  1. How did the crocodile respond to his wife’s order to bring the monkey to her?

Ans.  The crocodile refused to bring the monkey to her because she wanted to eat him.


  1. What did the crocodile’s wife do after her husband refused to bring the monkey?

Ans.  The crocodile’s wife became furious and dived in to hide herself at the bottom of the river, leaving the little ones to pester their father.

The crocodile was in a serious dilemma. He loved his wife and was very fond of his friend too. Finally, he decided to be on the side of his wife. She was his life-partner after all. ‘I know it’s a sin to betray a friend, but I have no choice,’ he said to himself. ‘I’ll invite the monkey home and hope for the best.’


“My wife wants you over for a meal, dear friend,” said the crocodile when he visited the monkey next. “You must come home with me today.” “With pleasure,” said the monkey. “I’m no swimmer, but can ride on your back.” And they set out.


In the middle of the river, where the current was the strongest, the crocodile could no longer hide his intention. “Sorry, my friend,” he said hesitatingly, “but I have to go underwater now. I’ve brought you here to kill you. My wife cannot survive without eating your heart. Good bye.”

  1. What dilemma did the crocodile face?

Ans. The crocodile was in a serious dilemma because he loved his wife but was also very fond of his friend the monkey too.


  1. What did the crocodile ultimately decide to do?

Ans. The crocodile decided to side with his wife and decided to invite his friend home with the intention of killing him.


  1. How did the crocodile invite the monkey to his home?

Ans. The crocodile told the monkey that his wife wanted him over for a meal and asked him to come home with him.


  1. What was the monkey’s response to the crocodile’s invitation?

Ans. The monkey accepted the invitation with pleasure and agreed to ride on the crocodile’s back since he was not a swimmer.


  1. What did the crocodile reveal in the middle of the river?

Ans. In the middle of the river, the crocodile revealed his true intention to the monkey, saying that he had brought him there to kill him because his wife could not survive without eating the monkey’s heart.


The monkey was scared and distressed. But he was sensible and clever like all monkeys. He kept a cool head. Calmly he said, “I’d do anything for you and your family. You are my only friend. After all, what is a monkey’s heart compared with the life of a crocodile’s wife? But how foolish could you be? Why didn’t you tell me before? I’d have brought my heart along.”

“But where is your heart?” asked the crocodile innocently. “I thought you carried it all the time.”


“Of course not. It’s there on the tree. Let’s swim back at once and get it. Your wife must be waiting,” replied the monkey gaining confidence. “Oh dear! What a mistake!” hissed the crocodile. They laughed loudly as the crocodile took a full turn to reach the tree. 


On the river-bank, the monkey jumped on to the tree and heaved a deep sigh of relief. He plucked a fruit or two from the nearest branch and throwing them down said, “Let your wife have some fruit rather than my heart. Fresh fruits are good for mind and body. Good bye, friend, and if you don’t mind, we won’t meet again.” The crocodile, sadder and wiser, shed a few tears which were genuine and turned back to go home. He was in a hurry to tell his wife a thing or two.


  1. How did the monkey react when he learned about the crocodile’s intention?

Ans. The monkey was scared and distressed but he is also intelligent and sensible. He kept his cool and calmly came up with a plan to save himself.


  1. What excuse did the monkey give to the crocodile?

Ans. The monkey told the crocodile that his heart was on the tree and that he didn’t carry it with him all the time.


  1. How did the crocodile respond to the monkey’s explanation about his heart?

Ans. The crocodile innocently asked where the monkey’s heart was, believing that the monkey carried it all the time. He then agreed to swim back to the tree to get it.


  1. What did the monkey do when they reached the riverbank?

Ans. When they reached the riverbank, the monkey jumped onto the tree, heaved a deep sigh of relief. He plucked a fruit or two from the nearest branch and threw the fruits down to the crocodile and suggested that his wife eat the fruits instead of his heart.


  1. What was the crocodile’s reaction after the monkey escaped?

Ans. The crocodile felt sad and went back home shedding tears.


Class 6 English A Pact With The Sun Book Lesson 5 The Monkey and the Crocodile Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)


Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) are a type of objective assessment in which a person is asked to choose one or more correct answers from a list of available options. An MCQ presents a question along with several possible answers.

  1. Where did the monkey make his home?


  1. a) In a cave
  2. b) On the bank of a river
  3. c) In a tree laden with fruit
  4. d) In a village

Ans. c) In a tree laden with fruit

  1. Why was the monkey lonely?


  1. a) Because he was the only monkey around
  2. b) Because he disliked other animals
  3. c) Because he had no food
  4. d) Because he couldn’t swim

Ans. a) Because he was the only monkey around

  1. Who appeared on the riverside one day?


  1. a) A tiger
  2. b) A crocodile
  3. c) A villager
  4. d) Another monkey

Ans. b) A crocodile

  1. What did the monkey offer to the crocodile?


  1. a) Water
  2. b) Fruits
  3. c) Shelter
  4. d) Nuts

Ans. b) Fruits

  1. Why did the crocodile come to the riverside?


  1. a) To play
  2. b) To hunt
  3. c) In search of food
  4. d) To meet the monkey

Ans. c) In search of food

  1. How did the crocodile’s wife react to his friendship with the monkey?


  1. a) She was happy
  2. b) She was indifferent
  3. c) She was annoyed
  4. d) She wanted to meet the monkey

Ans. c) She was annoyed

  1. What did the crocodile’s wife want to eat?


  1. a) The monkey’s heart
  2. b) The monkey’s fruits
  3. c) The monkey’s brain
  4. d) The monkey’s limbs

Ans. a) The monkey’s heart

  1. How did the crocodile feel about his wife’s demand?


  1. a) He was excited
  2. b) He was indifferent
  3. c) He was angry
  4. d) He was in a dilemma

Ans. c) He was angry

  1. What was the crocodile’s dilemma?


a). Whether to leave his home or stay

  1. b) Whether to betray his wife or his friend
  2. c) Whether to eat the monkey or not
  3. d) Whether to find a new friend

Ans. b) Whether to betray his wife or his friend


  1. What did the crocodile finally decide to do?


  1. a) Protect the monkey
  2. b) Betray the monkey
  3. c) Leave his wife
  4. d) Move to another river

Ans. b) Betray the monkey


  1. What did the crocodile tell the monkey?


  1. a) He wanted to show him the underwater world
  2. b) His wife wanted the monkey over for a meal
  3. c) He needed the monkey’s help with a problem
  4. d) He found a new place to explore

Ans. b) His wife wanted the monkey over for a meal

  1. How did the monkey respond to the crocodile’s invitation?


  1. a) He refused to go
  2. b) He hesitated but agreed eventually
  3. c) He agreed with pleasure 
  4. d) None of these

Ans. c) He agreed with pleasure

  1. How did the monkey travel to the crocodile’s home?


  1. a) By walking
  2. b) By swimming
  3. c) Riding on the crocodile’s back
  4. d) Swinging from tree to tree

Ans. c) Riding on the crocodile’s back

  1. When did the crocodile reveal his true intention to the monkey?


  1. a) Before they left the tree
  2. b) In the middle of the river
  3. c) As soon as they reached the bank
  4. d) Never

Ans. b) In the middle of the river

  1. How did the monkey react upon hearing the crocodile’s intentions?
  2. a) He panicked and cried
  3. b) He fought with the crocodile
  4. c) He kept a cool head and stayed calm
  5. d) He jumped into the river

Ans. c) He kept a cool head and stayed calm

  1. What did the monkey tell the crocodile about his heart?


  1. a) It was with him
  2. b) It was at the bottom of the river
  3. c) It was in the tree
  4. d) He had no heart

Ans. c) It was in the tree

  1. What did the crocodile do after hearing the monkey’s explanation about his heart?


  1. a) He continued to the other bank
  2. b) He swam back to the tree
  3. c) He attacked the monkey
  4. d) He gave up and went home

Ans. b) He swam back to the tree

  1. What did the monkey do as soon as they reached the river bank?


  1. a) Jumped back onto the tree
  2. b) Jumped into the river
  3. c) Ran away
  4. d) Offered his heart

Ans. a) Jumped back onto the tree

  1. What did the monkey offer to the crocodile instead of his heart?


  1. a) Fruits
  2. b) His limbs
  3. c) His brain
  4. d) His friendship

Ans. a) Fruits

  1. What was the crocodile’s emotional state as he turned back to go home?


  1. Happy and relieved
  2. Sadder and wiser
  3. Angry and frustrated
  4. Excited and anxious

Ans. b) Sadder and wiser


Class 6 The Monkey and the Crocodile Extra Question Answers


  1. Why was the monkey lonely?

Ans. Monkey was lonely because he did not have any other companion to talk to and share his fruits with.

  1. Why was the crocodile in a serious dilemma?

Ans. The friendship between the crocodile and the monkey become very strong in a short period. However, his wife ordered him to bring her the monkey so that she can make monkey her food. The crocodile was stuck on choosing either his wife or his friend. Thus, he was in a serious dilemma.

  1. What did the crocodile’s wife do when the crocodile refused to bring the monkey to her? 

Ans: The crocodile’s wife was furious and she dived deep inside the river to hide herself leaving the little ones to pester their father.

  1. How did the monkey react knowing the truth of the invitation?

Ans: The monkey was scared and distressed. He knew his life was in danger. But he was very wise. He kept his cool and quickly thought of a plan.