The Friendly Mongoose Question Answers


 CBSE Class 6 English Lesson 2 The Friendly Mongoose Important Question Answers from A Pact With The Sun Book 


Class 6 English The Friendly Mongoose Question Answers – Looking for The Friendly Mongoose questions and answers for CBSE Class 6 English A Pact With The Sun Book Chapter 2? Look no further! Our comprehensive compilation of important questions will help you brush up on your subject knowledge. Practising Class 6 English question answers can significantly improve your performance in the exam. Improve your chances of scoring high marks by exploring Chapter 2: The Friendly Mongoose now. The questions listed below are based on the latest CBSE exam pattern, wherein we have given NCERT solutions to the chapter’s extract-based questions, multiple choice questions and ExtraQuestion Answers 

Also, practising with different kinds of questions can help students learn new ways to solve problems that they may not have seen before. This can ultimately lead to a deeper understanding of the subject matter and better performance in exams. 



Class 6 English The Friendly Mongoose Lesson 2 – Extract Based Questions



ONCE a farmer and his wife lived in a village with their small son. They loved him very much. “We must have a pet,” the farmer said to his wife one day. “When our son grows up, he will need a companion. This pet will be our son’s companion.” His wife liked the idea. One evening, the farmer brought with him a tiny mongoose. “It’s a baby mongoose,” said his wife, “but will soon be fully grown. He will be a friend to our son.”

Both the baby and the mongoose grew. In five or six months the mongoose had grown to its full size — a lovely animal with two shining black eyes and a bushy tail. The farmer’s son was still a baby in the cradle, sleeping and crying alternately.


  1. Who lived in the village with their small son?

Ans. A farmer and his wife lived in the village with their small son.


  1. Why did the farmer and his wife decide to get a pet?

Ans. The farmer and his wife decide to get a pet so that their son would have a companion when he grew up.


  1. What kind of pet did the farmer bring home?

Ans.  The farmer brought home a tiny mongoose.


  1. How did the farmer’s wife feel about the idea of having a pet?

Ans.  The farmer’s wife liked the idea of having a pet because she believed the pet would be a friend to their son.


  1. How long did it take for the mongoose to reach its full size?

Ans. The mongoose grew to its full size in about five or six months

One day, the farmer’s wife wanted to go to the market. She fed the baby and rocked him to sleep in his little cradle. Picking up the basket, she said to her husband, “I’m off to the bazar. The baby is sleeping. Keep an eye on him. Frankly, I don’t like to leave the child alone with the mongoose.” “You needn’t be afraid,” said the farmer. 

“The mongoose is a friendly animal. It’s as sweet as our baby and they are the best of friends, you know.”

  1. Where did the farmer’s wife want to go?

Ans. The farmer’s wife wanted to go to the market.


  1. What did the farmer’s wife do before she left for the market?

Ans. The farmer’s wife, before leaving for the market, fed the baby and rocked him to sleep in his cradle.


  1. What did the farmer’s wife express to her husband before leaving?

Ans. The farmer’s wife expressed her concern about leaving the baby alone with the mongoose.


  1. What did the farmer’s wife ask her husband to do in her absence?

Ans. The farmer’s wife asked her husband to keep an eye on the baby while she was away.


  1. What assurance did the farmer offer to his wife regarding leaving the baby alone with the mongoose?

Ans. The farmer assured his wife, saying that mongoose was a friendly animal and it was as sweet as their son. He also said that the mongoose and their son were best friends.

The farmer’s wife finished her shopping and came back home with a basketful of groceries. She saw the mongoose sitting outside as if waiting for her. On seeing her he ran to welcome her, as was customary. The farmer’s wife took one look at the mongoose and screamed. “Blood!” she cried. The face and paws of the mongoose were smeared with blood.


  1. What did the farmer’s wife bring home after finishing her shopping? 

Ans.  The farmer’s wife brought home a basketful of groceries.


  1. What was the customary behaviour of the mongoose when the farmer’s wife returned home?

Ans. It was customary for the mongoose to run to welcome her when she returned home.


  1. What was the reaction of the farmer’s wife when she saw the mongoose upon returning home?

Ans. The farmer’s wife screamed in horror upon seeing the mongoose.


  1. What was smeared with blood? 

Ans. The face and paws of the mongoose were smeared with blood.


  1. How did the farmer’s wife react upon seeing the blood on the mongoose?

Ans. The farmer’s wife screamed because she thought that it was her baby’s blood.


You wicked animal! You have killed my baby,” she screamed hysterically. She was blind with rage and with all her strength brought down the heavy basket full of groceries on the blood-smeared mongoose and ran inside to the child’s cradle.

The baby was fast asleep. But on the floor lay a black snake torn and bleeding. In a flash she realised what had happened. She ran out looking for the mongoose.


  1. What did the farmer’s wife accuse the mongoose of when she saw it covered in blood?

Ans. The farmer’s wife accused the mongoose of killing her baby.


  1. You wicked animal! You have killed my baby,” she screamed hysterically. What is the meaning of hysterically in the above line?

Ans. “Hysterically” means that the farmer’s wife screamed in a wild, uncontrollable, and emotionally charged manner.


  1. What action did the farmer’s wife take in her fury towards the mongoose?

Ans. Blinded by the fear inside her, the farmer’s wife brought down the heavy basket full of groceries on the mongoose with all her strength.


  1. What did the farmer’s wife discover upon returning to the baby’s cradle?

Ans. The farmer’s wife found that the baby was fast asleep in the cradle and a torn and bleeding black snake was lying on the floor.


  1. What realization emerged upon the farmer’s wife after seeing the torn black snake?

Ans. She realized that the mongoose had not harmed her baby but had instead killed the black snake and saved her son.


“Oh! You saved my child! You killed the snake! What have I done?” she cried touching the mongoose, who lay dead and still, unaware of her sobbing. The farmer’s wife, who had acted hastily and rashly, stared long at the dead mongoose. Then she heard the baby crying. Wiping her tears, she went in to feed him. 

  1. The mongoose was in what state when the farmer’s wife found it?

Ans. The mongoose was dead and motionless.


  1. What realization did the farmer’s wife have upon seeing the dead mongoose?

Ans. She realized that the mongoose had saved her child by killing the snake and had repentance for her actions.


  1. How did the farmer’s wife express her gratitude towards the mongoose?

Ans. She cried out in recognition of its sacrifice, touching the dead mongoose and acknowledging it for saving her son.


  1. What emotion did the farmer’s wife experience after reflecting on her actions towards the mongoose?

Ans. The farmer’s wife realized her mistake and was regretful for acting hastily and rashly towards the mongoose.


  1. What did the farmer’s wife say to the mongoose when she realized its sacrifice? 

Ans. She cried, “Oh! You saved my child! You killed the snake! What have I done?”




Class 6 English A Pact With The Sun Book Lesson 2 The Friendly Mongoose Multiple Choice Questions


1. Where did the farmer and his family live?
a) In a village
b) In a palace
c) In a town
d) In a city
Ans: a) In a village

2. Who is the main character of this story?
a) Snake
b) Lion
c) Farmer friends
d) Mongoose
Ans: d) Mongoose

3. The story is taken from
a) The Panchatantra
b) The Grandpa’s Tales
c) Dada-Dadi Ki Kahaniya
d) None of these
Ans: a) The Panchatantra

4. Who said these lines “we must have a pet”?
a) The wife said to her husband
b) The farmer said to his wife
c) Mongoose said to baby
d) Baby said to Mongoose
Ans: b) The farmer said to his wife

5. Who liked the idea of keeping a pet?
a) The farmer
b) The farmer’s wife
c) The farmer’s son
d) The farmer’s cousin
Ans: b) The Farmer’s wife

6. What kind of pet did the farmer bring home?
a) A little puppy
b) A little mongoose
c) A little kitten
d) A little hare
Ans: b) A little mongoose

7. Who was shining with black eyes and a bushy tail?
a) A tiny mongoose
b) A tiny rabbit
c) A tiny puppy
d) None of these
Ans: a) A tiny mongoose

8. In how many months did the mongoose grow to its full size?
a) Four or five
b) Five or six
c) Nine or ten
d) Seven
Ans. b) Five or six

8. Where did the farmer’s wife want to go?
a) To her sister’s house
b) For a picnic
c) To the market
d) To her aunt’s house
Ans: c) To the market

9. The farmer’s wife didn’t want to leave the child alone with the ……………..
a) Mongoose
b) Rabbit
c) Dog
d) None of these
Ans: a) Mongoose

10. Who was afraid of leaving the baby alone with the pet?
a) Farmer
b) Farmer’s brother
c) Farmer’s cousin
d) Farmer’s wife
Ans: (d) Farmer’s wife

11. The farmer’s wife returned home with…………..
a) a basket full of vegetables
b) a basket full of potatoes
c) a basket full of groceries
d) a basket full of fruits
Ans: c) a basket full of groceries

12. The farmer’s wife found the mongoose at the entrance of the house with blood………….
a) on his hands
b) on his face and hands
c) on his face
d) None of these
Ans: b) on his face and hands

13. What did the farmer’s wife see inside the house?
a) A mongoose
b) A black snake
c) A neighbour
d) The farmer
Ans: b) a black snake

14. Who saved her son from the deadly snake?
a) Neighbour
b) Farmer
c) Mongoose
d) Farmer’s wife
Ans: c) Mongoose

15. ‘Oh! What have I done’ shows the farmer’s wife ____________
a) repentance
b) pride
c) fear
d) folly
Ans: a) repentance



Class 6 The Friendly Mongoose Extra Question Answers


Q1. What did the farmer’s wife see on returning from the market?
Ans. On returning home from the market, the wife saw the mongoose sitting outside. The face and paws of the mongoose were smeared with blood.

Q2. How did the farmer’s wife react when she saw the mouth and paws of the mongoose smeared with blood?
Ans. When she saw the mongoose’s paws and mouth smeared in blood she immediately leapt to a conclusion that it was his son’s blood and the mongoose had killed him.

Q3. How did the mongoose prove his friendly nature?
Ans. The mongoose killed the snake and saved the life of the farmer’s son from a deadly cobra, ultimately sacrificing its own life in the process. Regrettably, due to a misunderstanding, he was killed by the farmer’s wife.

Q4. What did the farmer’s wife find when she reached inside the room?
Ans. When the farmer’s wife reached inside the room, she found her baby fast asleep in the cradle and a black snake lay dead and bleeding on the floor.

Q5. What made the farmer’s wife first kill the mongoose and then repent soon after?
Ans. The farmer’s wife, who had gone to the market, entrusted her baby to the care of her pet, the friendly mongoose. Upon her return, she saw blood on the mongoose’s face, inciting a rage that led her to kill the mongoose. Only later she realizes that her baby remained unharmed, the mongoose had killed a snake, thus saving the child’s life. She regrets her deed and wept but her actions were irreversible.

Q6. Did the wife feel guilty after she had killed the mongoose? Write the lines from the lesson where she expresses grief.
Ans. When she killed a mongoose and noticed that the mongoose had actually killed a snake to save her child, she broke down and started crying. The lines from the poem that convey her guilt are- “Oh! You saved my child! You killed the snake! What have I done?” she cried touching the mongoose, which lay dead and still, unaware of her sobbing. The farmer’s wife, who had behaved rashly and hastily, watched long at the dead mongoose.