Fair Play Summary, Explanation, Word meanings Class 6

Cl 6 Honeysuckle Book Chp-7
By Jyoti Verma

CBSE Class 6 English Lesson 7 Fair Play Summary, Line by Line Explanation along with Difficult Word Meanings from Honeysuckle Book

Fair Play – Here is the Class 6 English Honeysuckle Book Lesson 7 – Fair Play Summary and Detailed explanation of the Lesson along with meanings of difficult words.



Related: Fair Play Question Answers (Important) | Class 6 English Honeysuckle


Class 6 English (Honeysuckle Book) Chapter 6 – Fair Play

By Premchand [retold]



This story is about the realization of two friends who understood the importance of justice and right things in life. Life made them realize that justice and right things are above everything including friendship.

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Jumman Shaikh and Algu Chaudhary were very good friends. They were known for their loyalty and service to each other. Their friendship was a support to their families as well. The village people respected them a lot for this.

Jumman’s aunt transferred her property to Jumman on the condition that he would look after her throughout her remaining life. But after a couple of years Jumman and his wife changed their behavior. She was not treated well by them and had to face a tough time. She was not given food. When things went beyond limits, she spoke to Jumman and asked him to give her some money on a monthly basis, so that she could run her house independently. Jumman neglected her words and insulted her. So, she dared to  take the matter to the Panchayat. She chose Algu, Jumman’s best friend, as her head Panch. Being a Panch Algu had no choice but to speak the truth. He gave his judgment in  aunt’s favour. Now Jumman had to pay a fixed monthly amount to his aunt as per the judgment. Somehow, Jumman was not able to take this in the right spirit. He developed hatred against Algu.

Few days later, Algu was caught up in a fix (difficult situation). One of his pair of bullocks died so he sold his other bullock to SamjhuSahu. He was supposed to pay money within a month. But alas!  The sold bullock died before the expiry of the period of the payment. So, Samjhu was not ready to pay money to Algu. Now  Algu was left with no other option but to take  the case to the Panchayat.This time, Samjhu Sahu appointed Jumman, now, enemy of Algu as the head Panch. As the head Panch Jumman realized that the responsibility of a head Panch is above everything in this world. Algu was afraid of losing the case but Jumman had to speak for the truth. So he  gave judgment in his favour and ordered Sahu to pay the money to Algu.

Algu was so overwhelmed that he declared aloud that the voice of the Panch is the voice of God.

Both the friends hugged each other. Their tears cleaned their hearts.


Fair Play Summary in Hindi


जुम्मन शेख और अलगू चौधरी बहुत अच्छे दोस्त थे। वे अपनी वफादारी और एकदूसरे की सेवा के लिए जाने जाते थे। उनकी दोस्ती उनके परिवारों के लिए भी एक सहारा थी। इसके लिए गांव के लोग उनका काफी सम्मान करते थे।

जुम्मन की चाची ने अपनी संपत्ति जुम्मन को इस शर्त पर हस्तांतरित कर दी कि वह उसके शेष जीवन भर देखभाल करेगा। लेकिन कुछ साल बाद जुम्मन और उसकी पत्नी ने अपना व्यवहार बदल दिया। उनके द्वारा उसके साथ अच्छा व्यवहार नहीं किया गया और उसे कठिन समय का सामना करना पड़ा। उसे खाना नहीं दिया गया। जब सब कुछ हद से आगे बढ़ गया, तो उसने जुम्मन से बात की और उसे कुछ पैसे मासिक आधार पर देने को कहा, ताकि वह स्वतंत्र रूप से अपना घर चला सके। जुम्मन ने उसकी बातों की उपेक्षा की और उसका अपमान किया। इसलिए उन्होंने मामले को पंचायत तक ले जाने की हिम्मत की। उसने जुम्मन के सबसे अच्छे दोस्त अलगू को अपना प्रमुख पंच चुना।

पंच होने के नाते सच बोलने के अलावा अलगू के पास कोई चारा नहीं था। उसने जुम्मन की चाची के पक्ष में फैसला सुनाया। अब जुम्मन को निर्णय के अनुसार अपनी चाची को एक निश्चित मासिक राशि का भुगतान करना पड़ता था। किसी तरह जुम्मन इसे सही भावना से नहीं ले पाए। उन्होंने अलगू के खिलाफ नफरत विकसित की। कुछ दिनों बाद, अलगू एक मुश्किल (कठिन स्थिति) में फंस गया। उसका एक बैल मर गया इसलिए उसने अपना दूसरा बैल समझु साहू को बेच दिया। उसे एक महीने के भीतर पैसे देने थे। लेकिन अफसोस! बेचा गया बैल भुगतान की अवधि समाप्त होने से पहले मर गया। इसलिए, समझू अलगू को पैसे देने को तैयार नहीं था।

अब अलगू के पास मामला पंचायत में ले जाने के अलावा कोई विकल्प नहीं बचा था। इस बार, समझू साहू ने जुम्मन को, जो अब अलगू का दुश्मन था, प्रधान पंच नियुक्त किया। जैसा कि प्रधान पंच जुम्मन ने महसूस किया कि एक प्रमुख पंच की जिम्मेदारी इस दुनिया में सब कुछ से ऊपर है। अलगू को केस हारने का डर था लेकिन जुम्मन को सच के लिए बोलना पड़ा। इसलिए उसने अलगू के पक्ष में फैसला सुनाया और साहू को अलगू को पैसे देने का आदेश दिया। अलगू इतने अभिभूत हुए कि उन्होंने जोर से घोषणा की कि पंच की आवाज भगवान की आवाज है। दोनों दोस्तों ने एक दूसरे को गले लगाया। उनके आंसुओं ने उनका दिल साफ कर दिया।
See: A House, A Home Class 6 CBSE English Poem Summary, Explanation

Lesson Explanation

Part I

Passage – JUMMAN Shaikh and Algu Chowdhry were good friends. So strong was their bond of friendship that when either of them went away from the village, the other looked after his family. Both were greatly respected in the village.

Word Meaning
looked after: take care
Respected: to have a high opinion of, to show regard

Explanation of the above Passage – Juman Shaikh and Algu Chowdhary were true friends. Their relationship was very deep. They even took care of each others’  families whenever one of them had to go out or away from the village. Both were respected for their loyalty and sincerity to each other.

Chapter 1 A tale of two birds Chapter 2 The Friendly MongooseChapter 3 The Shepherd’s Treasure
Chapter 4 TansenChapter 5 The Monkey and the CrocodileChapter 6 The Wonder Called Sleep
Chapter 7 A Pact with the Sun


Passage – Jumman had an old aunt who had some property. This she transferred to him on the understanding that she would stay with him and he would look after her. The arrangement worked well for a couple of years. Then the situation changed. Jumman and his family were tired of the old relative. Jumman became indifferent to her as his wife, who grudged even the little food that the old lady wanted every day. She swallowed these insults along with her food for a few months. But patience has its limits.

Word Meaning
became indifferent : lost interest in or did not care for
grudged: gave unwillingly : felt angry/ unhappy about giving
swallowed these insults : tolerated

Explanation of the above Passage – Jumman’s aunt had some property which she transferred to his name. In return she expected him to look after her. This settlement worked in her favour for two years. After that Juman and his family’s behaviour towards her changed. They were fed up with her. Juman showed no interest in her. His wife gave her food unwillingly. She tolerated this misbehaviour for a few days.

jumman aunt

Passage – One day she spoke to Jumman, “My son, it is now obvious that I am not wanted in your house. Kindly give me a monthly allowance so that I can set up a separate kitchen.” “My wife knows best how to run the house. Be patient,” said Jumman shamelessly. This made his aunt very angry and she decided to take her case to the village panchayat.

Word Meaning
Obvious: clear
Allowance: some share of money

Explanation of the above Passage – When she could not bear any longer, she spoke to Jumman. She said that she knew it clearly that nobody liked her in the house and she was unwanted. So it would be better if he could give her some amount of money on a monthly basis so that she could manage her kitchen independently. Jumman shamelessly replied to her that his wife knew the house matters better.This kind of response made her angry and upset. She thought of taking the case to the village Panchayat.

Passage – For many days, the old lady was seen talking to the villagers explaining her case and seeking their support. Some sympathized with her, others laughed at her and a few others advised her to make it up with her nephew and his wife. At last she came to Algu Chowdhry and spoke to him. “You know, Chachi, Jumman is my best friend. How can I go against him?” Algu said. “But is it right, my son, to keep mum and not say what you consider just and fair?” pleaded the old lady. “Come to the panchayat and speak the truth,” she said. Algu didn’t reply, but her words kept ringing in his ears.

Word Meaning
make it up: stop quarreling, come to an agreement with
mum: quiet/silent

Explanation of the above Passage – The old lady spoke to the villagers, talked about every detail of the whole matter and asked for their help. Some people pitied her, some made fun of her and some others suggested her to patch up with her nephew and his wife. Finally she met Algu Choudhary and had a word with him. Algu hesitated and said that it was not possible for him to go against his friend. Then old lady requested him and posed a question to him. She asked him if it was the right thing to keep quiet and not to speak anything for which he thought it was right. She further stressed him to come to the Panchayat and speak for what was right. Algu didn’t say anything but her words kept bothering him.

See: Beauty Class 6 CBSE English Poem Summary, Explanation



Part II

Passage – The panchayat was held the same evening under an old banyan tree. Jumman stood up and said, “The voice of the Panch is the voice of God. Let my aunt nominate the head Panch. I will abide by her decision.”

Word Meaning
nominate: propose/ suggest someone’s name for something
abide by: accept

Explanation of the above Passage – The Panchayat was arranged that evening itself under an old Banyan tree.  Jumman said that the voice of the Panch is of highest value and is next to God’s voice. Saying this he asked his aunt to suggest a Head Panch. He would accept whatever the decision would be.

Passage – “The Panch knows neither friend nor enemy. What do you say to Algu Chowdhry?” the old lady announced. “Fine,” replied Jumman hiding his joy over this unexpected piece of luck. “Chachi, you are aware of my friendship with Jumman,” said Algu. “I know that,” replied the aunt, “but I also know that you will not kill your conscience for the sake of friendship. God lives in the heart of the Panch, and his voice is the voice of God.” And the old lady explained her case. “Jumman,” said Algu, “you and I are old friends. Your aunt is as dear to me as you. Now I am a Panch. You and your aunt are equal before me. What have you to say in your defence?” “Three years ago,” began Jumman, “my aunt transferred her property to me. I promised to support her as long as she lived. I have done all I could. There have been a couple of quarrels between my wife and her but I can’t stop it. Now my aunt is claiming a monthly allowance from me. This is not possible. That’s all I have to say.”

Word Meaning
Defence: protection
Conscience: moral sense

Explanation of the above Passage – The old lady declared that the Panch is always impartial and unbiased. Jumman hiding his feeling of joy showed his acceptance of the fact. Algu spoke to  chachi asking her  if she was aware of his friendship with Jumman.  She replied that she was well aware and she also believed that he would not kill his inner voice for the sake of friendship as that is the voice of God and God lives in  the heart of the Panch. With this the old lady started telling every detail of the matter. Algu asked Jumman to speak in his protection making him aware that he and his aunt both were equal to him as at present more than a friend he was sitting on the seat of a Panch. Jumman briefed that his aunt had transferred her property in his name three years back. In return he gave her a word to look after her till the last breath of her life. Whatever he could do to support her he did. But she and his wife fought with each other over some issues which he was unable to control and stop. Because of this reason his aunt was asking for some amount of money from him on a monthly basis.This was not possible for him.

Passage – Jumman was cross-examined by Algu and others. Then Algu announced, “We have gone into the matter carefully. In our opinion, Jumman must pay his aunt a monthly allowance, or else the property goes back to her.”

Word Meaning
Opinion:  view, thinking

Explanation of the above Passage – Jumman was enquired and posed questions over this by Algu and other people sitting there. After questioning Algu declared that they had enquired everything with full care and in their views Jumman must pay monthly allowance to his aunt otherwise the property would be given back to her.

Passage – Now, the two friends were seldom seen together. The bond of friendship between them was broken. In fact, Jumman was Algu’s enemy and wanted his revenge.

Word Meaning
seldom: rarely

Explanation of the above Passage – After this two of them were never seen together. Their friendship bond was over. They were no longer friends.  Jumman felt hurt and wanted to take revenge.

See: The Kite Class 6 CBSE English Poem Summary, Explanation

Part III

Passage – Days passed and, as ill luck would have it, Algu Chowdhry found himself in a tight spot. One of his fine pair of bullocks died, and he sold the other to Samjhu Sahu, a cart driver of the village. The understanding was that Sahu would pay the price of the bullock in a month’s time. It so happened that the bullock died within a month.

Word Meaning
tight spot: difficult situation

Explanation of the above Passage – After sometime, unfortunately, Algu Chowdhary was caught up in a difficult situation. He had a pair of bullocks and one of them died. So he sold the other one to Samju Sahu who was a cart driver in the village. They had a deal that Sahu would pay the price of the bullock within a month. But bullock died within a month.

Passage – Several months after the bullock’s death, Algu reminded Sahu of the money he hadn’t yet paid. Sahu got very annoyed. “I can’t pay you a penny for the wretched beast you sold me. He brought us nothing but ruin. I have a bullock. Use it for a month and then return it to me. No money for the dead bullock,” he said angrily.

Word Meaning
poor and unhappy


Explanation of the above Passage – Many months passed and Algu asked Sahu to pay the money. Sahu was very offended. He spoke with anger that it was not possible for him to pay even a single penny for the poor animal which he sold him because it brought him nothing but just ruin, in other words, bad days. Further he offered  him to take his bullock to use for a month and return. But he would not pay any money for the dead bullock.

Passage – Algu decided to refer the case to the panchayat. For a second time in a few months, preparations for holding the panchayat were made, and both the parties started meeting people seeking their support.

Word Meaning
asking for , to make a request

Explanation of the above Passage – Now Algu decided to take the whole matter to the Panchayat. The Panchayat was being held twice in the time period of a few months. Both the parties started meeting people to ask for support and help.

Passage – The panchayat was held under the old banyan tree. Algu stood up and said, “The voice of the Panch is the voice of God. Let Sahu nominate the head Panch. I will abide by his decision.”

Word Meaning
Nominate: to propose, recommend

Explanation of the above Passage – The panchayat was held under the old banyan tree. Algu stood up and declared that the voice of the Panch is the voice of God, in other words, the Panch had to be fair and just.  With this declaration he suggested Sahu to propose the head Panch. He also said that he would accept whatever would be the decision.

Passage – Sahu saw his chance and proposed the name of Jumman. Algu’s heart sank and he turned pale. But what could he do?

Word Meaning
Proposed; suggested
Algu’s heart sank : Aglu felt discouraged


Explanation of the above Passage – Sahu took it as an opportunity and suggested Jumman’s name. Algu felt disheartened and weak inside. But he was completely helpless.

Passage – The moment Jumman became head Panch, he realized his responsibility as judge and the dignity of his office. Could he, seated in that high place, have his revenge now? He thought and thought. No, he must not allow his personal feelings to come in the way of speaking the truth and doing justice.

Explanation of the above Passage – As soon as Jumman became head Panch, he understood the responsibility of the judge and the respect and decorum this office held. His inner voice forced him to think. He asked himself if it was the right thing to take revenge while being seated at such a high position. His higher voice means inner call did not permit his personal feelings to overpower the way of justice and truth.

Passage – Both Algu and Sahu stated their cases. They were cross-examined and the case was considered deeply. Then Jumman stood up and announced, “It is our opinion that Sahu should pay Algu the price of the bullock. When Sahu bought the bullock, it suffered from no disability or disease. The death of the bullock was unfortunate, but Algu cannot be blamed for it.” Algu could not contain his feelings. He stood up and said loudly over and over again, “Victory to the panchayat.This is justice. God lives in the voice of the Panch.”

Word Meaning
Dignity: high rank, respect
Cross-examined: questioned

Explanation of the above Passage – Both Algu and Sahu spoke their matter and kept their view and concern before everyone. They were questioned and every small detail of the case was looked upon very minutely. After hearing everything Jumman stood up and declared that in their views, Sahu should pay Algu the price of the bullock as at the time of sale and purchase the bullock had no suffering or disability of any kind. The death of the bullock was bad luck. But Algu could not be blamed for this. Algu became emotional. He stood up and declared that it was Victory of the panchayat and a complete justice. God is nowhere but in the voice of the panch.

Passage – Soon after, Jumman came to Algu, embraced him and said, “Since the last panchayat, I had become your enemy. Today I realized what it meant to be a Panch. A Panch has no friend nor enemy. He knows only justice. Let no one deviate from the path of justice and truth for friendship or enmity.” Algu embraced his friend and wept. And his tears washed away all the dirt of misunderstanding between them.

Word Meaning
move away from

Explanation of the above Passage – Immediately, after this Jumman went to Algu, hugged him and felt sorry for being his enemy from the time of last Panchayat. That day he had understood the importance of a Panch. A Panch is impartial and unbiased he could not afford to have friends or enemies. He knows only one thing and that is justice. Nobody should ever move away from the path of justice and truth for anything either friendship or enmity. Algu hugged his friend and cried as if in repentance. His tears cleaned all the misunderstandings between two friends.






Also See : 

Honeysuckle Book Summary

A Pact With The Sun Book Summary


Honeysuckle Book Poems