Non Prefix Words List- Meaning of words with Prefix Non

Non prefix meaning

The “non-” prefix is used to negate or indicate the absence of something.  The prefix “Non” means not or without.


Non Prefix Words List

Here are a few commonly used words which have prefix non. The meanings of the words are also given for the convenience of students.

  1. Non + sense = Nonsense – Someone or something that does not have sense
  2. Non + entity = Nonentity – A person or thing with no special qualities
  3. Non + active = Nonactive – A person or thing which is not active
  4. Non + existent = Nonexistent- A person or thing which does not exist
  5. Non + fiction = Nonfiction – A story that is not a fiction
  6. Non + living = Nonliving – Something that is not living
  7. Non + profit = Nonprofit – Something that does not make profit
  8. Non + renewable = Nonrenewable – Something that cannot be renewed
  9. Non + resident = Nonresident – Someone who is not a resident
  10. Non + smoker = Nonsmoker – Someone who does not smoke
  11. Non + stop = Nonstop – Something that does not stop
  12. Non + toxic = Nontoxic – Something that is not toxic
  13. Non + verbal = Nonverbal – A communication that does not use words
  14. Non + chalant = Nonchalant: Indifferent or unconcerned; appearing casually calm.
  15. Non + conformist = Nonconformist: A person who does not conform to established customs or beliefs.
  16. Non + descript = Nondescript: Lacking distinctive or interesting qualities; dull or ordinary.
  17. Non + entity = Nonentity: A person or thing with no special or interesting qualities; something that doesn’t exist.
  18. Non + essential = Nonessential: Not necessary or crucial; dispensable.
  19. Non + flammable = Nonflammable: Not easily set on fire; not flammable.
  20. Non + profit =  Nonprofit: Not conducted or maintained for the purpose of making a profit.
    List of more words with Prefix “non”
    Nonchalant: Indifferent or unconcerned; appearing casually calm.
    Noncommittal: Not expressing or revealing commitment or opinion.
    Nonconductive: Not allowing the passage of electricity or heat.
    Nonconformity: Failure or refusal to conform to established customs, attitudes, or norms.
    Noncustodial: Not having custody or guardianship, especially in legal terms.
    Nondiscriminatory: Not showing prejudice or bias; fair and equal.
    Nonessential: Not necessary or crucial; dispensable.
    Nonfiction: Literature that is based on real events, facts, and information.
    Nonflammable: Not easily set on fire; not flammable.
    Nonintervention: The policy or practice of not intervening in the affairs of others.
    Nonlinear: Not in a straight line; not following a predictable sequence.
    Nonpareil: Having no equal; unrivaled.
    Nonpartisan: Not biased or affiliated with any particular political party.
    Nonrenewable: Not capable of being renewed or replaced in a relatively short period.
    Nonresident: Not residing in a particular place; someone who lives elsewhere.
    Nonsensical: Lacking sense or meaning; absurd.
    Nontechnical: Not relating to or involving technology; not technical in nature.
    Nonverbal: Not involving or using words; communication without words.
    Nonviolent: Not involving or using physical force or violence.
    Nonchalant: Indifferent or unconcerned; appearing casually calm.
    Nonconformist: A person who does not conform to established customs or beliefs.
    Nondescript: Lacking distinctive or interesting qualities; dull or ordinary.


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