Ful Suffix – Meaning, words with Suffix Ful

Ful suffix meaning

The suffix "Ful" means having the maximum quantity of something.


Words with the suffix ‘Ful’

Here are a few commonly used words which have suffix Ful. The meanings of the words are also given for the convenience of students.

  1. Beauty + ful = Beautiful. Pleasing the senses or mind aesthetically
  2. Awe + ful = Awful. Very bad or unpleasant
  3. Care + ful = Careful. To be cautious of something
  4. Duty + ful = Dutiful. Conscientiously or obediently fulfilling one’s duty
  5. Event + ful = Eventful. Marked by interesting or exciting events
  6. Fruit + ful = Fruitful. Something that gives favourable results
  7. Disgrace + ful = Disgraceful. Shockingly unacceptable
  8. Heart + ful = Heartful. Full of heartfelt emotions
  9. Impact + ful = Impactful. Having a major impact or effect
  10. Insight + ful = Insightful. Having an accurate and deep understanding
  11. Meaning + ful = Meaningful. Having meaning or value
  12. Mind + ful = Mindful. Conscious or aware of something
  13. Power + ful = Powerful. Having great power or strength
  14. Room + ful = Roomful. As much or as many as will fit in a room
  15. Hand + ful = Handful. A quantity that fills the hand


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