Hood Suffix – Meaning, words with Suffix Hood

Hood suffix meaning

The suffix "Hood" means state, condition, character or nature .


Words with the suffix ‘Hood’

Here are a few commonly used words which have suffix hood. The meanings of the words are also given for the convenience of students.

  1. Adult + hood = Adulthood. The condition of being fully grown
  2. Brother + hood = Brotherhood. The relationship between brothers
  3. Neighbour + hood = Neighbourhood. A district or community within a town or city
  4. Mother + hood = Motherhood. The state of being a mother
  5. Parent + hood = Parenthood. The state of being a parent
  6. Child + hood = Childhood. The state or period of being a child
  7. Woman + hood = Womanhood. The state or condition of being a woman
  8. Man + hood = Manhood. The state or period of being a man rather than a child
  9. Likely + hood = Likelihood. The state or fact of something’s being likely; probability
  10. Lively + hood = Livelihood. A means of securing the necessities of life
  11. False + hood = Falsehood. The state of being untrue

Maiden + hood = Maidenhood. The fact or condition of being a young, unmarried woman


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