CBSE Class 9 English Chapter 8 A House is not a Home Question Answers (Important) from Moments Book
Class 9 English A House is not a Home Question Answer – Looking for questions and answers of A House is not a Home (NCERT solutions) for CBSE Class 9 English Moments Book Chapter 8? Look no further! Our comprehensive compilation of important questions will help you brush up on your subject knowledge. Practicing Class 9 English question answers can significantly improve your performance in the exam. Our solutions provide a clear idea of how to write the answers effectively. Improve your chances of scoring high marks by exploring Chapter 8: A House is not a Home now. The questions listed below are based on the latest CBSE exam pattern, wherein we have given NCERT solutions to the chapter’s extract based questions, short answer questions, and long answer questions.
Also, practising with different kinds of questions can help students learn new ways to solve problems that they may not have seen before. This can ultimately lead to a deeper understanding of the subject matter and better performance on exams.
- A House is not a Home NCERT Solutions
- A House is not a Home Extract Based Questions
- A House is not a Home Short Answer Questions
- A House is not a Home Long Answer questions
- A house is Not a Home Summary, Explanation
- A House is not a Home Character Sketch
- A house is Not a Home MCQ Questions
A House is Not a Home NCERT Solutions
1. What does the author notice one Sunday afternoon? What is his mother’s reaction? What does she do?
Ans. While he was doing his homework, Zan saw smoke coming in through the ceiling. The room was full of smoke in a few seconds. They rushed out of the house and saw that the roof was on fire. Zan’s mother ran inside and rescued some documents. She went again to get his father’s photographs and letters which were his only memories with them.
2. Why does he break down in tears after the fire?
Ans. Zan felt that everything was going the wrong way. He was in a new school, did not have his friends. Now, the fire snached all his possessions, namely, his house, clothes, books and even his pet cat.
3. Why is the author deeply embarrassed the next day in school? Which words show his fear and insecurity?
Ans. The author was embarrassed because he did not have his shoes, his clothes were unusual. He did not have his school bag and books. The words showing his fear and insecurity are – I was totally embarrassed by everything. The clothes I was wearing looked weird, I had no books or homework, and my backpack was gone. I had my life in that backpack! The more I tried to fit in, the worse it got. Was I destined to be an outcast and a geek all my life? That’s what it felt like. I didn’t want to grow up, change or have to handle life if it was going to be this way. I just wanted to curl up and die.
4. The cat and the author are very fond of each other. How has this been shown in the story? Where was the cat after the fire? Who brings it back and how?
Ans. The cat and its master, Zan were attached to each other. Every morning Zan would disturb the cat and wake it. The cat would follow him, climb up his robe, sit in his pocket and sleep there. The cat would remain with Zan all the time. While he studied, it would hit its tail on his pen for entertainment.
5. What actions of the schoolmates change the author’s understanding of life and people, and comfort him emotionally? How does his loneliness vanish and how does he start participating in life?
Ans. Zan’s classmates were sympathetic and understood his situation. They arranged all necessities for him like clothes, books, stationery items. They invited him over to their place. All this comforted Zan. He came out of the negativity and made new friends. He realized that he was getting a new life.
6. What is the meaning of “My cat was back and so was I”? Had the author gone anywhere? Why does he say that he is also back?
Ans. “My cat was back and so was I” means that just like Zan got his cat back, similarly, he also got a new life. He came out of the gloom that had surrounded him. No, he had not gone anywhere. He says that he was back which implies that he got a new life which was full of affection and warmth.
A House is not a Home Question Answer (Extract Based Questions)
Extract-based questions are of the multiple-choice variety, and students must select the correct option for each question by carefully reading the passage.
A. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow:
She was never far from me. I had rescued her when she was a kitten, and somehow she knew that I was the one responsible for giving her ‘the good life’. My mother kept stoking the fire to keep the house nice and warm. Suddenly, I smelled something strange, and then I noticed it… smoke pouring in through the seams of the ceiling. The smoke began to fill the room so quickly that we could barely see.
Q1. Who is “she” and “I” in the above extract?
Ans. “I”, here refers to the author of the chapter, Zan and “she” is her pet cat.
Q2. When did the speaker rescue her?
Ans. The author had rescued the cat when it was a little kitten.
Q3. What do you understand by “the good life”?
Ans. “Good life” here refers to the cat being fed and taken care of well.
Q4. Find a word/words from the given extract which means the same as “to poke or incite a fire and fuel it so that it burns higher”
Ans. Stoking the fire
B. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow:
I was about to run after her when I felt a large hand hold me back. It was a fireman. I hadn’t even noticed that the street had already filled with fire trucks. I was trying to free myself from his grasp, yelling, “You don’t understand, my mother’s in there!” He held on to me while other firefighters ran into the house. He knew that I wasn’t acting very logically and that if he were to let go, I’d run. He was right.
Q1. Who is referred to as “her” in the first sentence of the extract?
Ans. Here, ‘her’ is the mother of the author.
Q2. Who held onto whom and why?
Ans. The firefighter held onto the author, Zan. He did so to stop the child from going inside the burning house.
Q3. ‘He was right’. Why?
Ans. He, the firefighter, was correct because if the firefighter had left him to his own will, Zan would have undoubtedly raced into the flaming house in search of his mother, endangering his life as well.
Q4. Find a word from the given extract which means the same as ‘screaming, shouting’.
Ans. Yelling
C. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow:
I broke down in tears and cried and cried. I was suffering loss, big time. The firemen wouldn’t let us go back into the house that night. It was still too dangerous. Dead or alive, I couldn’t imagine leaving without knowing about my cat. Regardless, I had to go. We piled into the car with just the clothes on our backs and a few of the firemen’s blankets, and made our way to my grandparents’ house to spend the night.
Q1. Where did the speaker have to go and why?
Ans. Zan was forced to move to her grandparents’ home because her own home had burned down and was no longer safe to live even after the fire had been put out.
Q2. Regardless, I had to go”. Why does the speaker say this?
Ans. Zan, the speaker, says this since she was forced to leave without finding out whether her cat was alive or dead. In a time of crisis, she had to put her mother’s and her own safety first in order to reclaim her life.
Q3. Why did they take ‘so few’ belongings with them?
Ans. They only carried a few belongings because the house had burned down and destroyed everything they possessed.
Q4. Find a word from the given extract which means the same as ‘menacing, threatening ’.
Ans. Dangerous
D. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow:
It always seems that bad news spreads quickly, and in my case it was no different. Everyone in high school, including the teachers, was aware of my plight. I was embarrassed as if somehow I were responsible. What a way to start off at a new school! This was not the kind of attention I was looking for. The next day at school, people were acting even more strange than usual. I was getting ready for gym class at my locker. People were milling around me, asking me to hurry up. I thought it strange, but in the light of the past few weeks, nothing would surprise me. It almost seemed that they were trying to shove me into the gym — then I saw why. There was a big table set up with all kinds of stuff on it, just for me. They had taken up a collection and bought me school supplies, notebooks, all kinds of different clothes — jeans, tops, sweatsuits. It was like Christmas.
Q1. What bad news spread through the school?
Ans. The news that the author’s home had burned down in fire spread through the school quickly.
Q2. Why was she embarrassed?
Ans. She felt ashamed since she believed she was to blame for her unkempt appearance at school. She lacked the appropriate clothing, footwear, and even a backpack that other kids had.
Q3. What was the surprise waiting for the author in the gym?
Ans. A large table had been set up for her with all the necessary items, including notebooks, other school supplies, all kinds of clothes- jeans, tops, and sweatsuits.
Q4. Find a word from the given extract which means the same as ‘ unusual, bizarre ’.
Ans. Strange
E. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow:
Apparently, my cat had been so freaked by the fire that she ran over a mile away. Her collar had our phone number on it, but our phones had been destroyed and disconnected. This wonderful woman took her in and worked hard to find out whose cat it was. Somehow, she knew this cat was loved and sorely missed.
As I sat there with my friends and my cat curled up in my lap, all the overwhelming feelings of loss and tragedy seemed to diminish. I felt gratitude for my life, my new friends, the kindness of a stranger and the loud purr of my beloved cat. My cat was back and so was I.
Q1. Who is the stranger?
Ans. Stranger was a kind woman who cared for and brought Zan’s pet cat back to her.
Q2. How did the cat save itself?
Ans. When the house caught fire, the cat became so scared that it ran over a mile away.
Q3. How did Zan feel sitting with her friends and beloved cat?
Ans. Zan felt as if all the feelings of loss and tragedy had diminished.
Q4. Find a word from the given extract which refers to the sound a cat makes.
Ans. Purr
Class 9 English A House is not a Home Short Question Answers (including questions from Previous Years Question Papers)
In this post we are also providing important short answer questions from Chapter 8 A House is not a Home for CBSE Class 9 exam in the coming session.
Q1. What happened to the narrator’s mother when she had run into the burning house?
Ans. When the author’s mother rushed into the burning house, she breathed a small amount of smoke. The firefighters pulled her out and put an oxygen mask on her to save her. However, she quickly recovered.
Q2. How did Zan’s mother save important documents from the burning house?
When the narrator’s house was on fire, how did the mother try to save the threads of life?
Ans. Important documents were rescued from the burning house by Zan’s mother, who bravely rushed inside to retrieve a little metal box containing them. By doing so, she put her life in danger but ultimately accomplished her goal.
Q3. Why did Zan try to run after her mother and why did the fireman hold her back?
Ans. Fearing that she would lose her mother, Zan made an effort to follow her. She was concerned that her mother may burn herself in the blaze. Zan’s impulsive and foolish action required the firefighter to hold her back. The action would have put her life in danger and could not have spared her mother.
Q4. Why does Zan break down in tears after the fire?
Ans. After the fire, Zan sobs inconsolably because she has recently experienced losses. Her house, her pet, and her old school were all gone. The teenager’s tears were an emotional outburst caused by adjustment problems.
Q5. Why is the author deeply embarrassed the next day in school? Which words show her fear and insecurity?
Ans. The author feels strange without a uniform, books or a backpack, and this makes her feel uncomfortable. Her fear and insecurity are shown by the words: “Was I destined to be an outcast and geek all my life?”.
Q6. What was the extent of the damage caused by the fire?
Ans. Except for photo albums, papers, and a few personal objects, everything had been destroyed in the fire. The water and chemicals that were used to put out the fire destroyed whatever was left.
Q7.Why did Zan’s mother have to borrow money from her grandparents?
Ans. Zan’s mother was forced to borrow money from her parents because her credit cards, cash, and even the identification she needed to withdraw money from the bank were destroyed in the fire. She had to move immediately, get a new house, and buy new clothes for Zan. She didn’t have enough time to wait until her misplaced documents were found.
Q8. How and why were people acting stranger than usual at Zan’s school?
Ans. People gathered around Zan at her locker as she prepared for gym class and urged her to go quickly. They practically appeared to push her inside the gym, which made this stranger than usual. They acted in this way because they had hidden a collection of clothing, school supplies, and other items for Zan in the gym.
Q9. What help did the author get from her schoolmates after the fire accident?
What kind of gesture did Zan’s schoolmates show to hint?
Ans. The author’s schoolmates supported her by getting her notebooks, clothes, and school materials, including pants, shirts, and sweatshirts. Those who had never spoken to her before made introductions, and several extended invitations to visit their houses.
Q10. When does the author say “It was like Christmas”? Why?
Ans. The author makes this statement after entering the gym and discovering a surprise package of clothing and school supplies waiting for her on a large table. Because these varied gifts were comparable to the unexpected gifts one receives from loved ones during Christmas, hence it seemed like Christmas.
Q11. How did the author’s feelings of loss and tragedy seem to diminish?
Ans. The author was grateful for her life, her new acquaintances, the woman’s kindness in saving her cat, and undoubtedly for the existence of her lovely cat. This appreciation lessened her sense of loss and tragedy.
Q12. Which three things made the author’s house a home?
Ans. The author’s life was altered by the fire catastrophe. She wanted to die and did not want to grow up since she was so miserable. However, after seeing her cat again, making new friends at school, and moving into a new home, she was able to adapt better to her new life.
Q13. What actions of the schoolmates change the author’s understanding of life and people, and comfort her emotionally? How does her loneliness vanish and how does she start participating in life?
Ans. In an effort to support the author, the author’s classmates gave her clothing, notebooks, and various school supplies. It was a surprise to her and too hard for her to believe. She felt a sense of accomplishment. One by one, people who had never spoken to her presented themselves. Her enthusiasm for life returned as everything appeared to be brand-new. She now possessed every item she had in the past. She began living her life as normal.
Q14. How did the narrator realise that she was not alone in the world?
Ans. Unfortunately, the narrator’s home had been destroyed by a violent fire. She felt abandoned since the fire had destroyed everything. But when she returned to school the next day, she discovered that her friends were similarly troubled by what had happened to her. She was given a lot of things. As a result, she gradually lost the feeling of fear and understood she had many people who could help her with her difficulties. She started to be more receptive to the lovely people in her life.
Q15. What happened to the narrator’s cat?
Ans. The narrator loved her cat very much. Unfortunately, a fierce fire broke into her house and burnt down everything. Her cat was nowhere to be found in the house. Anything might have happened to the cat. It might have been either injured in the fire or run away to save its life.
Class 9 A House is not a Home Long Answer Questions Lesson 8
Q1. The cat and the author are very fond of each other. How has this been shown in the story?
Ans. The author had saved the red tabby cat when it was a small kitten. It knew she was the one who had given her a good life and would never be far from Zan. It would teasingly wake up early in the morning and bother her. Then it would follow her, climb up her robe, and slink off to sleep in her pocket. When Zan was doing her homework, she would let the cat sit on her papers and swipe at her pen since she liked her so much. She went over to see the removal of debris in the hopes of finding the cat somewhere because she missed her so much after losing her. The cat purred joyfully and the author felt relieved to receive the beloved cat back. Even the person who saved the cat was aware of how much the cat was cherished and missed.
Q2. Write a brief character sketch of the author. What impresses you the most?
Ans. The author is a bright, loving, affectionate, sensitive and emotional girl. Academically gifted and well-liked by her former teachers and classmates. She takes part in the activities. In the new school, she feels isolated and disoriented. She feels alone and depressed after the tragic fire because her cat was lost and her home were destroyed. She cried because of her sensitive and emotional character. She is excessively devoted to her mother.
She exemplifies the importance of gratitude. She is appreciative of the woman who returned her cat. She thanks her classmates for helping her out at school and expresses her gratitude. Her devotion to her old school and teachers, affection for her mother and cat, and other values have really impressed me.
Q3. The author in the lesson ‘A House Is Not a Home’ had lost everything in the fire. Everyone in the school felt concerned and helped her. Their selfless love and concern touched her heart and changed his misconception about people. Do you agree that selfless love, concern for someone, compassion and gratitude one should always imbibe in one’s personality? Elaborate taking the examples from the story.
Ans. In the lesson “A House Is Not a Home,” the author has lost everything in the fire. Her new school felt worried about her, as did everyone there. They gave her many forms of assistance. Her heart was affected by the unselfish care and concern, which altered her preconception of others. Her new school did not suit her well. She never imagined that she would one day get all of the school’s attention. But after receiving love and attention at the new school, she had a change of heart.
The values that can win someone over are unconditional love and care. Help, care, and courtesy help individuals get along. The woman who returned the cat to the author seemed to be an angel. Her teacher and the students who assisted her served as God’s messengers. The virtues that make a man an ideal human being are unconditional love, care for others, compassion, and thankfulness.
Q4. Describe the fire tragedy that struck Zan’s house?
Ans. Zan and her mother were horrified when their home was reduced to ashes because of something that was started to keep the house warm.
Zan first noticed an odd fragrance before realising smoke was coming in via the ceiling gaps. The room immediately filled with smoke, making it difficult for Zan and her mother to see and breathe. They ran out into the front garden after stumbling their way to the front door.
As soon as they exited the building, the entire roof burst into flames, and the fire immediately spread. While the mother raced back into the house and shortly emerged clutching a little metal box filled with crucial papers, Zan ran to her neighbours to ask them to call the fire brigade. The only things the mother had as a remembrance of her husband were his letters and pictures, so she hurried back inside to get them.
A fireman stopped Zan when she attempted to chase her mother. The fire was already well underway when the fire truck showed up. Firefighters entered the home and pulled Zan’s mother out safely while providing her with an oxygen mask because she had inhaled smoke. The house was nearly entirely burned down when the fire was finally extinguished after five hours, and Zan’s pet cat was nowhere to be seen. Zan felt that it had been set ablaze to death.
Q5. Suppose you are the woman who rescued Zan’s cat. Write a diary entry in about 150 words describing how you found the cat, what efforts you had to make to trace its home, and how happy you felt after handing over the cat to its rightful owner.
Wednesday 9th 10 P.M.
Dear Diary
I discovered a stunning red tabby cat roaming on my doorstep a month ago. The cat was clean and in good health. Her outward appearance suggested that she was a dearly cherished pet. I approached the terrified animal and noticed that it was wearing a collar. I took the cat inside before writing down the phone number engraved on its collar and calling the cat’s owners.
The lovely animal purred softly as I gave her milk and biscuits, seemingly thanking me for caring for her. Then I gave her a cosy new home by placing an old rug in a basket.
I made an attempt to contact its owners while sitting down by the fire.
Sadly, it appeared that the number was out of order. Then I looked up the address of the owners listed next to the phone number in the telephone book. Although the directory lacked the full address, the details of the locality helped me find the correct location. When I got there, I asked a few locals, who led me to a house that was still being built.
Finally, I arrived at the right location. I gave the cat to Zan, who was the rightful owner. The smile, comfort, and thankfulness on this girl’s face brightened my day. I was overjoyed. God had given me the chance to cheer up a young child, her mother, and her friends, thus it was a fantastic day for me. I thank God for using me as an agent for his goodwill.
Good night!
Mrs. XYZ
Class 9 English Moments Book Chapter-wise Question Answers
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