CBSE Class 9 English Chapter 6 Weathering the Storm in Ersama Question Answers (Important) from Moments Book
Class 9 English Weathering the Storm in Ersama Question Answers – Looking for Weathering the Storm in Ersama question answers (NCERT solutions) for CBSE Class 9 English Moments Book Chapter 6? Look no further! Our comprehensive compilation of important questions will help you brush up on your subject knowledge. Practising Class 9 English question answers can significantly improve your performance in the exam. Our solutions provide a clear idea of how to write the answers effectively. Improve your chances of scoring high marks by exploring Chapter 6: Weathering the Storm in Ersama now. The questions listed below are based on the latest CBSE exam pattern, wherein we have given NCERT solutions to the chapter’s extract based questions, short answer questions, and long answer questions.
Also, practising with different kinds of questions can help students learn new ways to solve problems that they may not have seen before. This can ultimately lead to a deeper understanding of the subject matter and better performance on exams.
- Weathering the Storm in Ersama NCERT Solutions
- Weathering the Storm in Ersama Extract Based Questions
- Weathering the Storm in Ersama Short Answer Questions
- Weathering the Storm in Ersama Long Answer questions
- Weathering the Storm in Ersama Summary, Explanation
- Weathering the Storm in Ersama MCQs
- Weathering the Storm in Ersama Character Sketch
Weathering the Storm in Ersama NCERT Solutions
1. What havoc has the super cyclone wreaked in the life of the people of Orissa?
Ans: The super cyclone led to mass destruction. People lost their homes. Many people lost their lives too. Children lost their parents, women became widows and were rendered homeless. The people were left with nothing.
2. How has Prashant, a teenager, been able to help the people of his village?
Ans: Prashant helped the people in the following ways –
- He formed a group of volunteers and got rice for the people.
- They cleaned the shelter and tended to the injured.
- They sent messages to the passing helicopters demanding food and other necessities.
- Prashant guided the widows to work in the food for work NGO.
- He arranged sports events for the orphan children.
- Prashant and the volunteers set up foster families for them.
3. How have the people of the community helped one another? What role do the women of Kalikuda play during these days?
Ans: Under the leadership of Prashant, the people of the community came together and decided to help each other. They went to the local merchant and got his stock of rice. They cooked the rice on a fire burned with the branches from the trees and ate a meal after four days.
They signalled the military helicopters for food and help. The widowed women looked after the orphaned children and the men arranged food and other necessities.
4. Why do Prashant and other volunteers resist the plan to set up institutions for orphans and widows? What alternatives do they consider?
Ans: Prashant and other volunteers resisted the plan to set up institutions for orphans and widows because they felt that isolation would increase their grief. They wanted to settle them in foster families of their own community where they would love and support each other.
5. Do you think Prashant is a good leader? Do you think young people can get together to help people during natural calamities?
Ans: Yes, Prashant is a good leader. He overcame his grief and took charge of the situation. Young people can get together to help others during any calamity. They can use their strength and energy to help others in times of need.
Class 9 English Weathering the Storm in Ersama Question Answers Lesson 6 – Extract Based Questions
Extract-based questions are of the multiple-choice variety, and students must select the correct option for each question by carefully reading the passage.
A. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow:
ON 27 October 1999, seven years after his mother’s death, Prashant had gone to the block headquarters of Ersama, a small town in coastal Orissa, some eighteen kilometres from his village, to spend the day with a friend. In the evening, a dark and menacing storm quickly gathered. Winds beat against the houses with a speed and fury that Prashant had never witnessed before. Heavy and incessant rain filled the darkness, ancient trees were uprooted and crashed to the earth. Screams rent the air as people and houses were swiftly washed away. The angry waters swirled into his friend’s house, neck deep. The building was of brick and mortar and was strong enough to survive the devastation of the wind’s velocity of 350 km per hour.
Q1. Name the chapter from where this extract has been taken?
Ans- This extract has been taken from the chapter “Weathering the Storm in Ersama”.
Q2. What happened in October 1999 in Orissa?
Ans- A cyclone hit Orissa in October 1999.
Q3. Where was Prashant when the calamity hit Orissa?
Ans- Prashant was in Ersama which is a small coastal town when the cyclone hit Orissa. He had gone there to visit a friend.
Q4. Find a word from the given extract which means the same as “terrifying, alarming, frightening”
Ans- Menacing
B. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow:
Prashant and his friend’s family had taken refuge on the roof. Prashant will never forget the shock he experienced at his first glimpse of the devastation wrought by the super cyclone, in the grey light of the early morning. A raging, deadly, brown sheet of water covered everything as far as the eye could see; only fractured cement houses still stood in a few places. Bloated animal carcasses and human corpses floated in every direction. All round even huge old trees had fallen. Two coconut trees had fallen on the roof of their house. This was a blessing in disguise, because the tender coconuts from the trees kept the trapped family from starving in the several days that followed. For the next two days, Prashant sat huddled with his friend’s family in the open on the rooftop. They froze in the cold and incessant rain; the rain water washed away Prashant’s tears.
Q1. How were Prashant’s tears washed away?
Ans- Prashant’s tears were washed away by the rain water that fell upon him.
Q2. Where did Prashant and the friend’s family take shelter during the calamity?
Ans- Prashant and his friend’s family had taken refuge in the open on the roof of their house.
Q3. What did they eat to survive during the calamity?
Ans- Prashant and his friend’s family ate tender coconuts to survive during the storm.
Q4. What do you understand by “blessing in disguise”?
Ans- Blessing in disguise refers to something that seems bad or unlucky at first but causes something good to happen later.
C. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow:
He equipped himself with a long, sturdy stick, and then started on his eighteen-kilometre expedition back to his village through the swollen flood waters. It was a journey he would never forget. He constantly had to use his stick to locate the road, to determine where the water was most shallow. At places it was waist deep, and progress was slow. At several points, he lost the road and had to swim. After some distance, he was relieved to find two friends of his uncle who were also returning to their village. They decided to move ahead together.
Q1. Who is “he” here?
Ans- Here, “he” is Prashant.
Q2. Which journey would he not forget?
Ans- Prashant would never forget the eighteen-kilometre long journey back to his home.
Q3. What did he equip himself with?
Ans- Prashant equipped himself with long, sturdy sticks to navigate through flood water.
Q4. Find a word from the given extract which means the same as “odyssey, voyage”.
Ans- Expedition
D. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow:
Eventually, Prashant reached his village, Kalikuda. His heart went cold. Where their home once stood, there were only remnants of its roof. Some of their belongings were caught, mangled and twisted in the branches of trees just visible above the dark waters. Young Prashant decided to go to the Red Cross shelter to look for his family. Among the first people he saw in the crowd was his maternal grandmother. Weak with hunger, she rushed to him, her hands outstretched, her eyes brimming. It was a miracle. They had long given him up for dead. Quickly word spread and his extended family gathered around him, and hugged him tight in relief. Prashant anxiously scanned the motley, battered group. His brother and sister, his uncles and aunts, they all seemed to be there.
Q1. What was a miracle?
Ans- Survival of Prashant was considered to be a miracle by the grandmother.
Q2. Name Prashant’s village.
Ans- Prashant’s village’s name is Kalikuda.
Q3. Who was among the first people Prashant saw at the Red Cross Shelter?
Ans- Prashant saw his maternal grandmother first.
Q4. Find a word from the above extract which means the same as “apprehensively, cynically”.
Ans– Anxiously
E. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow:
On the fifth day, a military helicopter flew over the shelter and dropped some food parcels. It then did not return. The youth task force gathered empty utensils from the shelter. Then they deputed the children to lie in the sand left by the waters around the shelter with these utensils on their stomachs, to communicate to the passing helicopters that they were hungry. The message got through, and after that the helicopter made regular rounds of the shelter, airdropping food and other basic needs.
Q1. What measures did military helicopter take?
Ans- Military helicopter airdropped some food packages and other basic needs.
Q2. How did children communicate to the military helicopters that they were hungry?
Ans- Youth task force sent out the kids to lie with utensils on their stomachs to signal to the passing helicopters that they were starving.
Q3. Which shelter is being referred to here?
Ans- The shelter being referred to here is the Red Cross shelter.
Q4. Find a word from the given extract which means the same as “famished, ravenous”.
Ans- Hungry
F. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow:
Prashant’s group believed orphans should be resettled in their own community itself, possibly in new foster families made up of childless widows and children without adult care. It is six months after the devastation of the super cyclone. This time Prashant’s wounded spirit has healed simply because he had no time to bother about his own pain. His handsome, youthful face is what the widows and orphaned children of his village seek out most in their darkest hour of grief.
Q1. Name the author of the chapter from which the given extract has been taken.
Ans- Harsh Mander
Q2. How has Prashant’s wounded spirit healed?
Ans- Prashant’s wounded spirit was healed because he got busy in helping the survivors rather than go into grief for his personal loss.
Q3. What did widows and orphaned children seek out in their moment of grief?
Ans- In their darkest hour of grief, the widows and orphaned children of his village sought Prashant’s handsome, youthful face, his presence.
Q4. Find a word from the given extract which means the same as “havoc, wreckage”.
Ans- Devastation
Class 9 English Weathering the Storm in Ersama Short Question Answers (including questions from Previous Years Question Papers)
In this post we are also providing important short answer questions from Chapter 6 Weathering the Storm in Ersama for CBSE Class 9 exam in the coming session.
Q1. Where were Prashant and his friends during the two days of the super cyclone? What did they live on? Where did they get their ‘food’ from?
Ans. During the super cyclone, rainwater began entering the house. So, for two days, Prashant and his friend’s family stayed on the home’s rooftop. Two coconut trees had fallen off and landed on the home’s roof. Prashant and his friend’s family lived on them. These delicate coconuts served as their source of nourishment.
Q2. Why was it difficult for Prashant to travel back to his village?
Ans. There was water all around. To find the road, Prashant had to use his stick. It was up to the waist deep in some areas, and the movement was slow. He occasionally got lost and had to swim. After travelling a while, he met two of his uncle’s friends. Together, they agreed to proceed. They had to push away many human bodies floating on the water.
Q3. ‘His heart went cold’ when he reached his village. Why?
Ans. Prashant finally arrived in his hometown of Kalikuda. It disheartened him. His home was gone. His family was not in sight. Prashant went to the Red Cross Shelter to search for his family. Thankfully, his family was there. When they saw Prashant, they were ecstatic. He learned that 86 people had died in his village and that all 96 homes had been destroyed.
Q4. What were the two important tasks Prashant did after deciding to be the leader of the village?
Ans. He recruited a group of youngsters and elders to force the merchant to give them rice as his first task. Their objective was accomplished. He also assembled a group of young volunteers. They removed the debris, vomit, urine, and floating carcasses from the shelter.
Q5. How did the villagers make the helicopters drop regular quantities of the flood?
Ans. Prashant and others came up with a strategy to draw the helicopters’ notice. They sent children to lie there with empty utensils on their stomachs to let the helicopters know that they were hungry. The plan was successful, and the military helicopters began airdropping food regularly.
Q6. How did Prashant and his friend’s family pass two days of the super cyclone?
Ans. Prashant and his friend’s family were sitting on the open roof of the house as the flood waters rose. They froze in the chilly, never-ending rain. On the roof, there were two fallen coconut trees. These turned out to be an unexpected blessing. They survived by consuming the tender coconuts.
Q7. What havoc had the super cyclone wrecked in the life of the people of Orissa?
Ans. The super cyclone was a terrible storm that washed away hundreds of communities and destroyed homes. It uprooted a lot of trees and killed thousands of people. Dead bodies and carcasses of dead animals were floating all over the place. Many children who had lost their parents became orphans and many people became homeless. This wild destruction continued for the next thirty-six hours. The situation seemed bleak after the super cyclone.
Q8. How has Prashant, a teenager, been able to help the people of his village?
Ans. Prashant arrived in his village to see terrible conditions around. Because of his leadership abilities, he took the initiative to help others get better. He organised a group of young volunteers to pick up waste, faeces, vomit, and floating bodies. His team had a strong commitment to helping others. He convinced ladies who were grieving to take care of the kids. In this way, he became a beacon of hope for all.
Q9. How did Prashant spend his time during the first two days of the super cyclone?
Ans. Prashant was at a friend’s house when the super storm struck coastal Orissa, where the water was up to his neck. They camped out on the roof of the house for two days, subsisting just on tender coconuts that had fallen to the roof.
Q10. What did Prashant see when he reached his village?
Ans. Prashant’s heart grew sad as soon as he arrived in his village. Homes had been lost to flooding. Only roofs were lying on the ground. The items were disorganised and twisted. In the water, only tree branches could be seen. The first family member whom Prashant noticed among the crowds at the Red Cross shelter was his maternal grandmother.
Q11. How did Prashant manage food for village people?
Ans. A military helicopter dropped some parcels but it didn’t return. The children were instructed by the village’s youth task force to lie on their stomachs in the sand. They were able to successfully alert the helicopters about their hunger. Regular food and other supplies were then airdropped on them by the helicopter.
Q12. How did the super cyclone affect the life of the people of Orissa?
Ans. The super cyclone that hit Orissa in October 1999 was extremely destructive. The night was filled with a persistent, heavy downpour. Old trees were uprooted and fell to the ground. Homes and people were lost in the flood.
Q13. What did Prashant do for orphaned children?
Ans. Prashant discovered that there were a lot of orphaned kids. He gathered them and constructed a polythene shelter for them. For kids, he organised cricket games. Prashant attempted to place the kids in new foster homes with childless widows and other kids.
Q14. Do you think Prashant is a good leader? Do you think young people can get together to help people during natural calamities?
Ans. Undoubtedly, Prashant is a good leader. He possesses every trait a leader should have. He has the unique ability to take charge. His vision is quite clear. He bravely handles challenging situations. He has considerable motivational ability and is a source of energy for others. During natural disasters, society can benefit from this power. In these situations, the youth performs their duties with all of their heart, no matter what task is assigned to them.
Q15. How have the people of the community helped one another? What role do the women of Kalikuda play during these days?
Ans. Prashant took the lead and encouraged everyone to lend a hand to one another. The local populace banded together at this moment of need and began providing relief. The “Food- for-Work” Programme, began hiring women to look after the orphans.
Class 9 Weathering the Storm in Ersama Long Answer Questions Lesson 6
Q1. How was Prashant’s village affected by the cyclone? How did he take a lead to help the people? What would have been your reaction in such a condition?
Ans. Prashant noticed that there were 2,500 people crammed into a shelter. His village’s houses were all destroyed by the flood. There were 86 fatalities in the village. The food supply was insufficient. They had been subsisting on inadequate quantities of green coconuts. A gathering of young people and adults was assembled by Prashant. They pressurised the local merchant to part with rice. The youth task group then collected empty utensils from the shelter.
These utensils were placed on the children’s stomachs as they laid on the sand. They were able to communicate their message to the helicopters that dropped food packages.
As a youthful adult, I’d have behaved in the same manner as Prashant. I would head up the charge. I would have set up relief camps and contributed to the planning of food and medical supplies. I would participate actively in the task force for young people.
Q2. The true traits of an individual come to the fore in times of emergency. What traits come to one’s notice in Prashant, during the calamity that struck Ersama in coastal Orissa?
Ans. The storm in Ersama had a profound effect on the observant Prashant, who concluded he had never before witnessed such devastation. He ignored all cautions out of self-determination and headed out to find his family, wading through water for 18 kilometres. The village’s youth and elders were quickly organised by Prashant, a natural leader, to exert pressure on the local merchant to release rice stocks.
To get helicopters to drop food for them, the innovative youngster made kids lie on the sand with utensils on their bellies. Being an optimist by nature, he got the kids to play cricket games to lift their spirits. He also got the women to help with child care and the men to get the food and supplies. Being a very cooperative person, he quickly teamed up with volunteer NGOs to rebuild broken lives and share others’ suffering rather than dwell in his own sorrow.
Q3. In adversity, people like Prashant get extraordinary determination and power to fight. Do you agree that adversity or crisis brings people closer?
Ans. Yes, it is true that certain people, like Prashant, develop extraordinary abilities under challenging circumstances. They rise to fame. Prashant went to his residence to look for his family, and this was only possible because of his incredible bravery and unwavering resolve. He had a really difficult time travelling the eighteen kilometres distance to his village. Even though he was a teenager, he had leadership potential. He had a special quality of taking initiatives. This quality became intense because he had been going through the grief of losing his mother sometime back. He assisted everyone amid the catastrophe. He assembled a group of volunteers to aid the Orissa super storm victims. Crisis or adversity can sometimes bring people together. There is a human connection. The cyclone victims in Ersama assisted one another. They worked together during their resettlement. They provided for widows and orphans. Prashant was able to bring them together and make them cooperate.
Q4. During natural calamities, women and children need more protection. Explain Prashant’s role in organising relief measures for women and children during the storm in Ersama.
Ans. After the storm and incessant rain, the situation was absolutely terrible. Trees had been uprooted, and there were corpses everywhere. Everything was submerged under a sheet of brown water. There was water all around. After two days, the rain stopped, but water was visible as far as the eye could see. There was little chance for the flood victims’ situation to improve because of the persistent rain. Prashant thoroughly approached each of these issues. He took ownership of the group’s leaders’ role right away. He put together a group of teenagers and elders that forced merchants to give up a sizable portion of the rice.
They fed the populace by gathering wood and cooking rice. He then put together a group of young people to clean the area around the shelter. They took care of those who were hurt and injured. He convinced women to take care of the orphans. He planned games for the kids to help people get over their grief. He persuaded women to participate in food-for-work programmes. He rose to become the paradigm of kindness and bravery.
Q5. Describe the destruction caused by the super cyclone as narrated in the story ‘Weathering the Storm in Ersama’.
Ans. On October 27, 1999, Prashant travelled to Ersama to visit an old friend who lived there. The location was 18 km away from his village. Kalikuda. After sunset, a super cyclone came. With enormous vigour, winds pounded against the homes. It rained heavily and continuously. The water carried away homes and people. The friend’s home was made of bricks and mortar. It had the durability to withstand the 350 km/h wind. But one uprooted tree fell on their home, causing some of the roof and walls to be damaged. Prashant and his friend’s family took refuge on the roof as the floods began to rise inside the house.
Prashant huddled on the rooftop with his friend’s family for the following two days. They froze in the cold and rain. Prashant witnessed the cyclone’s devastation in the early hours of the morning. A layer of water covered everything. Cemented houses were only partially visible. Other homes were all gone due to flooding. Even massive trees have collapsed. Animal and human corpses that had swollen due to being submerged were floating everywhere.
Class 9 English Moments Book Chapter-wise Question Answers
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