Wind Important Question Answers


CBSE Class 9 English Poem 2 Wind Question Answers (Important) from Beehive Book


Class 9 English Wind Question Answers – Looking for Wind question answers (NCERT solutions) for CBSE Class 9 English Beehive Book Poem 2? Look no further! Our comprehensive compilation of important questions will help you brush up on your subject knowledge. Practising Class 9 English question answers can significantly improve your performance in the exam. Our solutions provide a clear idea of how to write the answers effectively. Improve your chances of scoring high marks by exploring Poem 2: Wind now. The questions listed below are based on the latest CBSE exam pattern, wherein we have given NCERT solutions to the chapter’s extract based questions, short answer questions, and long answer questions

Also, practising with different kinds of questions can help students learn new ways to solve problems that they may not have seen before. This can ultimately lead to a deeper understanding of the subject matter and better performance on exams.  





Wind NCERT Solution

1. What are the things the wind does in the first stanza?
When the wind blows violently, it destroys everything. It breaks the shutters of windows, scatters the papers, throws the books down from the shelves, tears their pages and brings along a lot of rain.

2. What does the poet say the wind god winnows?
Ans. The wind God winnows means that nature sifts the weak things from the strong ones. Everything that is weak is tossed by the powerful wind and gets destroyed. Just like the winnower separates the grains of wheat from the chaff, similarly, the wind god separates the weak from the strong.

3. What should we do to make friends with the wind?
Ans. We must make ourselves strong to face the violent wind. When we will be strong, the wind will not harm us, instead it will become a friend and help us to grow and flourish.

4. What do the last four lines of the poem mean to you?
Ans. The last four lines of the poem carry an important message that the strong people emerge stronger and victorious in the face of adversities. We must make ourselves strong like a burning fire which grows and flourishes in the violent wind, we also prosper in the face of challenges.


Class 9 English Wind Question Answers Poem 2 – Extract Based Questions

Extract-based questions are of the multiple-choice variety, and students must select the correct option for each question by carefully reading the passage.

A. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow:

Wind, come softly.
Don’t break the shutters of the windows.
Don’t scatter the papers.
Don’t throw down the books on the shelf.

Q1. How does a violent wind disturb and damage things?
Ans. A violent wind breaks the window shutters and scatters the papers. It also throws down the books on the shelf.

Q2. What request does the poet make to the wind?
Ans. The poet requests the wind to blow gently and not to cause any damage or destruction.

Q3. Which poetic device has been used in these lines?
Ans. The poetic device used in these lines is ‘anaphora’ as the imperative ‘Don’t’ is repeated in three consecutive lines.

Q4. What effect does this device create?
Ans. The imperative repetition of the word ‘Don’t’ at the beginning of three consecutive lines expresses the poet’s strong urge to the wind to be gentle and kind. It also creates a unique rhythm in the poem.

B. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow:

There, look what you did – you threw them all down.
You tore the pages of the books.
You brought rain again.
You’re very clever at poking fun at weaklings.

Q1. Whom does the poet address as ‘you’?
Ans. The poet addresses the wind that has been blowing fiercely as ‘you’.

Q2. What does ‘them’ refer to?
Ans. ‘Them’ refers to the books on the shelf.

Q3. How have the pages of the books been torn?
Ans. The wind has blown so fiercely that the books placed on the shelf have fallen down and their pages have been torn when they fluttered because of the wind.

Q4. How does the wind bring rain?
Ans. Wind accumulates and shakes up vapor-laden clouds to cause rain.

Q5. How does the wind deal with the weaklings?
Ans. The wind harms and terrifies the weaklings with its fierce power and thus mocks their weakness.

C. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow:

Frail crumbling houses, crumbling doors, crumbling rafters,
crumbling wood, crumbling bodies, crumbling lives,
crumbling hearts-
the wind god winnows and crushes them all.

Q1. Why are the houses, doors, rafters etc. crumbling?
Ans. The houses, doors, rafters etc. are crumbling because they are weak and cannot stand the onslaught of the destructive wind.

Q2. Explain the expression: “crumbling lives, crumbling hearts”.
Ans. Many lives are lost when wind wreaks havoc. The lives of the survivors are shattered too because their loved ones are dead and their homes and property are destroyed. They are left with no hope in life.

Q3. Why has the wind been called ‘god’?
Ans. Wind has been called ‘god’ because, like ‘god’, he uses his power to remove and crush the undesirable, weak things.

Q4. What does the wind god do?
Ans. The wind god, using its force winnows and crushes everything and everybody that comes in its contact.

Q5. Which poetic device has been used in the first three lines?
Ans. The poetic device used in these lines is anaphora i.e. the repetition of certain words. The word ‘crumbling’ has been repeatedly used to emphasize the destruction caused by the wind.

D. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow:

He won’t do what you tell him.
So, come, let’s build strong homes,
Let’s join the doors firmly.
Practice to firm the body.
Make the heart steadfast.

Q1. Who is ‘he’ in the first line?
Ans. ‘He’ in the first line refers to the wind god.

Q2. According to the poet, what preparations should be made to face the fury of the wind?
Ans. According to the poet, we should build strong homes and close the doors firmly to face the fury of the wind as he attacks and destroys the weaklings only.

Q3. What is his attitude towards people?
Ans. He does not pay any heed to the requests and wishes of people and keeps blowing violently and causing destruction.

Q4. Why should the houses and doors be made strong?
Ans. The houses and doors should be made strong to withstand the onslaught of the violent wind.

Q5. What is the poet’s advice to people?
Ans. The poet advises people to strengthen their bodies as well as hearts to face the hardships that come their way. They should equip themselves with physical & mental strength, grit and determination so that they can remain unruffled and unharmed in difficult times.

Class 9 English Wind Short Question Answers (including questions from Previous Years Question Papers)

In this post we are also providing important short answer questions from Poem 2 Wind for CBSE Class 9 exam in the coming session

Q1. What should we do to make friends with the wind?
Ans. To make friends with the wind, the poet suggests that we build strong houses and secure the doors tightly. Furthermore, we must prepare ourselves mentally and physically to face life’s challenges.

Q2. How does the poet describe the wind in the poem ‘Wind’?
Ans. The poet describes the destructive and constructive forms of the wind in the poem. The wind destroys and crushes the weak while strengthening the strong.

Q3. How does the wind behave with stronger fires?
Ans. It acts like a friend around strong people. It is unable to destroy them. As a result, it accepts their power and ceases to bother them. Rather, it strengthens them by contributing its own.

Q4. How does the wind behave with weak things and persons?
Ans. The wind dislikes weak things and people. It does not interact with them in a friendly manner. It destroys the weak things, such as crumbling houses and doors.

Q5. How does the wind become the cause of rain?
Ans. The wind can become violent at times, resembling a storm. It transports clouds from faraway lands. It goes without saying that clouds bring rain. Clouds bring rain from the blue sky, which is a universal truth and scientific fact.

Q6. What does the poet ask us to do?
Ans. The poet wishes for us to understand the true nature and power of the wind. He advises us to construct sturdy structures. The doors must be tightly shut. Weak hearts will never be successful. Let us strengthen and fortify our hearts and bodies. The wind god does not harm but rather strengthens strength and steadfastness.

Q7. Why should the earthly people build strong houses?
Ans. They should construct strong houses that will not be damaged by the wind. They should be strong enough to withstand strong winds and pose a challenge to the powerful wind.

Q8. Whom does the poet praise and why?
Ans. The wind is praised by the poet. He has accepted the power of the wind, which represents difficulties in our lives. To be successful in life, we must have a strong body and a strong heart. Only strong people can face life’s challenges.

Q9. How does the poet speak to the wind—in anger or with humor? You must also have seen or heard of the wind “crumbling lives”. What is your response to this? Is it like the poet’s response?
Ans. The poet uses humor to address the wind. I believe the poet’s behavior is relevant, and I have also witnessed the wind wreaking havoc on the property. The poet invites the wind to attack him and plans to prepare for the assault.

Q10. What does the wind do with the books?
Ans. The wind rips the pages from the bookshelf and throws them down. The books and sheets of paper on the floor are scattered by the powerful wind. It causes havoc on everything.

Class 9 Wind Long Answer Questions Poem 2

Q1. What kind of destruction can be caused by violent wind?
Ans. The wind’s violent force can wreak havoc on the world. It is extremely dangerous to both people and property. Buildings collapse, window shutters are shattered, papers are strewn, and books are thrown to the ground. The wind causes clouds to form, resulting in heavy showers that cause many problems for the poor and vulnerable. When the violent wind blows, the fragile, flimsy houses crumble, doors fall off hinges, rafters collapse, and wooden panels collapse. The wind also extinguishes the small flames of fires. The wind god crushes and destroys weak people and structures. He causes widespread devastation because he is overjoyed with his power.

Q2. Human life is full of hardships. How does the poet reveal it?
Ans. In relation to humans, the poet uses the wind as a symbol of the difficulties that life brings. Men must endure excruciating pain, sorrow, difficulty, and failure. These difficulties are so powerful that only the most powerful people can overcome them and move forward. People who are weak, infirm, or indecisive surrender to adversity and accept defeat. However, strong people with patience, unwavering minds, and firm will fight the difficulties and emerge even stronger. Human lives are never without struggle. To overcome unfavorable circumstances, all that is required is physical and mental strength. The winds of adversity cannot harm those who have the ability to stand firm. Strong people can turn their difficulties into opportunities and learn lessons from them. They know how to turn tides in their favor.

Q3. Do you think the poem “Wind” is a didactic poem? What moral values does it preach?
Ans. Subramania Bharati’s poem “Wind” teaches a profound moral lesson to humans. The poet uses the wind to represent problems in life, while the sturdy structures represent unwavering, strong human beings. The poet employs both symbols and direct statements to emphasize the importance of physical and mental strength, confidence, and determination.
Life is not a walk in the park; it is riddled with obstacles and challenges. Only the weak-willed and infirm are unable to overcome these obstacles and challenges, and must accept their failures and defeats meekly.
The forces of unfavorable, unhappy circumstances cannot defeat those who are courageous. Such people overcome all odds to emerge victorious and move on. Similarly, just as the wind extinguishes only small flames and causes high flames to rise higher with the wind, troubles terrify only those who have not prepared themselves with an act of unwavering courage and determination. Difficulties are an inevitable part of life; they cannot be avoided, but they can be overcome with courage and confidence. As a result, the poem is didactic in nature, emphasizing the values of courage, confidence, and strength of will.

Q4. Why does the poet suggest to the people that they have to be strong? Write your answer in the context of the poem, ‘Wind’.
Ans. The wind, according to the poet, is extremely powerful. It has the ability to break the window shutters, scatter the papers, and toss the books off the shelf. Clouds are formed when the wind blows violently. It mocks the vulnerable and destroys their homes. The weak are completely helpless in the face of the wind. But the poet is optimistic. He believes that if people build strong houses, they can stand up to the wind. Actually, the poet advises the audience to be strong at heart because weak people cannot face life’s challenges. Only those with a strong heart and body have the courage to face life’s challenges.

Q5. How can you say that friendship with the strong wind is good? Explain with reference to the poem ‘Wind’.
Ans. When we make friends with the powerful, we learn a lot of new things. We learn that when we face challenges, we can grow stronger. People say that if we are strong enough, the wind will be our friend. Because the wind prefers strong companions. So, if we want to be strong enough to be our friends, we must be courageous. This is the primary reason why the poet mentions the steadfast heart in the poem.

Q6. How can you say that the poet of the poem ‘Wind’ is a great lover of mankind?
Ans. The poet wishes to strengthen people’s hearts. His wish is for them to be courageous enough to face life’s challenges. We can protect ourselves from the angry wind if we have strong houses. Similarly, when we have a strong heart, we can face life’s challenges. Only the weak are defeated by life’s difficulties. Similarly, the poet wishes for people to face life’s challenges and find happiness. His thought demonstrates that he is a true humanist. His heart is filled with love and concern for humanity.

Q7. The wind is a symbol of power and strength. How can we befriend it and survive in our struggle for existence?
Ans. The wind represents nature’s uncontrollable and raw power. The wind god represents steadfastness and strength. Weaklings who are weak in mind and body are swept away by the wind’s mighty power. Only those blessed with steadfast minds and hearts survive life’s bitter struggle. The poet conveys a larger message. Whatever we do or think must be founded on strength and power. Only strong minds and bodies can withstand the wrath of the wind and the trials of life. We can make friends with the god of wind by constructing sturdy houses and doors. We can also gain his favor by strengthening our bodies and strengthening our hearts. Similarly, we must make ourselves powerful and strong in order to survive the harsh struggles of life.

Q8. What moral lesson do you get from the poem ‘Wind’?
Ans. Wind contains many moral lessons. In this poem, the poet has poured out his heart. He claims that people must have a strong heart because only the weak are troubled by difficulties of life. Wind represents difficulties that have the potential to destroy life on Earth. People who are strong at heart, on the other hand, face the challenges thrown out by difficulties. They struggle and eventually pass with flying colors.

Q9. Does the poem reflect the human suffering being initiated by wind? Explain with examples.
Ans. For a variety of reasons, I believe wind is a poignant metaphor for God’s will. The first wind is imperceptible, but its effects on the rest of the world are palpable. Our poem considers the wind’s constructive and destructive paths. Wind is extreme and violent, but not always legitimately associated with anger and emotions. In human life, wind fosters both compassion and apathy. Winds emphasize the poet’s passionate, intense nature, while the decay and death implied by the metaphor suggest human sacrifice and suffering.
We also see that wind is a metaphor for the god’s will because its effects in this world can be both beneficial or ostensibly destructive.

Q10. What challenges are posed by wind in the life of the poet and the common man ?
Ans. Wind destroys our daily routines in our lives. It stifles and dampens the spirit of life. Rain and wind, according to the poet, are natural acts that are perceived as tempest forces that destroy the old and evil within a man in order to create joy and liberty in his mind. Wind is a difficult natural phenomenon that is difficult to predict accurately, just as our problems can appear out of nowhere. It can strike at any time in our lives. It makes fun of the very fact of being alive. Wind creates barriers for frail people, both literally and metaphorically.
Winds do not let a frail body or a frail mind survive but on the other hand if you are strong, you have the power and the will to survive and fight back, wind can never be a threat to your living being.


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