CBSE Class 9 English Chapter 7 Reach for the Top Part 1 Santosh Yadav Question Answers (Important) from Beehive Book
Class 9 English Reach for the Top Part 1 Question Answers – Looking for Reach for the Top Part 1 question answers (NCERT solutions) for CBSE Class 9 English Beehive Book Chapter 7? Look no further! Our comprehensive compilation of important questions will help you brush up on your subject knowledge. Practising Class 9 English question answers can significantly improve your performance in the exam. Our solutions provide a clear idea of how to write the answers effectively. Improve your chances of scoring high marks by exploring Chapter 7: Reach for the Top Part 1 now. The questions listed below are based on the latest CBSE exam pattern, wherein we have given NCERT solutions to the chapter’s extract based questions, short answer questions, and long answer questions.
Also, practising with different kinds of questions can help students learn new ways to solve problems that they may not have seen before. This can ultimately lead to a deeper understanding of the subject matter and better performance on exams.
- Reach for the Top Part 1 NCERT Solutions
- Reach for the Top Part 1 Extract Based Questions
- Reach for the Top Part 1 Short Answer Questions
- Reach for the Top Part 1 Long Answer questions
- Reach for the Top Part 1 Question Answers
- Reach for the Top Part 1 Summary, Explanation, Word meanings
- Reach for the Top Part 2 Question Answers
- Reach for the Top Part 2 Summary, Explanation, Word meanings
- Reach for the Top Character Sketch
Reach for the Top Part 1 NCERT Solutions
Answer these questions in one or two sentences each. (The paragraph numbers within brackets provide clues to the answers.)
Q1. Why was the ‘holy man’ who gave Santosh’s mother his blessings surprised?
Ans. The holy man who blessed Santosh’s mother was surprised because Santosh’s grandmother said that they did not want a son. As she already had five sons, they only wanted to be blessed with a gifted child. The holy man was surprised because every mother wanted to give birth to a son, contrary to Santosh’s mother.
Q2. Give an example to show that even as a young girl Santosh was not ready to accept anything unreasonable.
Ans. Santosh was not always content with her place in a traditional way of life. She began living life on her own terms from the start. Where other girls wore traditional Indian dresses, Santosh preferred shorts.
Q3. Why was Santosh sent to the local school?
Ans. Although her parents were wealthy and could send her to a good school in the city of Delhi, they sent her to the village school because they followed the traditions.
Q4. When did she leave home for Delhi, and why?
Ans. At the age of sixteen, Santosh left for Delhi and got admission in a school there. She wanted to get good education before getting married. Although her parents did not support her initially, they heeded to her determination and accepted her decision.
Q5. Why did Santosh’s parents agree to pay for her schooling in Delhi? What mental qualities of Santosh are brought into light by this incident?
Ans. Initially, Santosh’s parents refused to support her financially. She accepted this and decided to work part – time to pay her school fee. Then, her parents softened and consented to support her. This shows she was determined and did what she thought was right and that others had to change their path accordingly.
Answer each of these questions in a short paragraph (about 30 words).
Q1. How did Santosh begin to climb mountains?
Ans. When Santosh joined the Maharani college at Jaipur, she resided at the Kasturba hostel. It was located near the Aravalli hills. Every day she saw the villagers climb the hills and disappear behind them. She grew inquisitive and finally, one day, joined a group of mountaineers to unfold the mystery. This way she started climbing mountains.
Q2. What incidents during the Everest expedition show Santosh’s concern for her team-mates?
Ans. Santosh tried to save a fellow climber but was unsuccessful at it. Later, she was successful in saving the life of a fellow climber named Mohan Singh by sharing her oxygen cylinder with him.
Q3. What shows her concern for the environment?
Ans. She brought down five hundred kilograms of garbage from the Himalayas. This shows her concern for the environment.
Q4. How does she describe her feelings at the summit of the Everest?
Ans. Santosh was full of happiness and pride when she was literally on top of the world. As she unfurled the Indian flag, she felt proud of being an Indian. It was a spiritual moment for her.
Q5. Santosh Yadav got into the record books both times she scaled Mt Everest. What were the reasons for this?
Ans. The first time when Santosh climbed the Everest, she became the youngest woman to scale the Everest. When she climbed it the second time, she became the first woman in the world to have climbed the Everest twice.
Complete the following statements.
1. From her room in Kasturba Hostel, Santosh used to _________
2. When she finished college, Santosh had to write a letter of apology to her father because _________
3. During the Everest expedition, her seniors in the team admired her _____________
while ___________ endeared her to fellow climbers.
1. From her room in Kasturba Hostel, Santosh used to watch the villagers climb the Aravalli hills.
2. When she finished college, Santosh had to write a letter of apology to her father because she had enrolled for a mountaineering course at the Nehru Institute of Mountaineering, Uttarkashi.
3. During the Everest expedition, her seniors in the team admired her determination
While her concern for others endeared her to fellow climbers.
Pick out words from the text that mean the same as the following words or expressions. (Look in the paragraphs indicated.)
1. took to be true without proof (1): _________
2. based on reason; sensible; reasonable (2): ____________
3. the usual way of doing things (3): _______________
4. a strong desire arising from within (5): ____________
5. the power to endure, without falling ill (7): __________________
1. assumed
2. rational
3. custom
4. urge
5. resistance
Class 9 English Reach for the Top Part 1 Question Answers Lesson 7 – Extract Based Questions
Extract-based questions are of the multiple-choice variety, and students must select the correct option for each question by carefully reading the passage.
A. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow:
The girl was given the name ‘Santosh’, which means contentment. But Santosh was not always content with her place in a traditional way of life. She began living life on her own terms from the start. Where other girls wore traditional Indian dresses, Santosh preferred shorts. Looking back, she says now, “From the very beginning I was quite determined that if I chose a correct and a rational path, the others around me had to change, not me.”
Q1. Who speaks these words?
Ans. These words have been spoken by mountaineer Santosh Yadav.
Q2. What type of decisions did the speaker make?
Ans. Santosh Yadav always chose the correct and rational path.
Q3. How was the speaker able to change those around her?
Ans. Santosh Yadav was able to influence individuals around her by convincing them to accept her solid judgement through reasoning and logic.
Q4. What do these words tell us about the speaker?
Ans. These words demonstrate Santosh’s desire to follow logic and reason rather than mindlessly following convention and tradition from a young age.
B. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow:
Santosh’s parents were affluent landowners who could afford to send their children to the best schools. even to the country’s capital, New Delhi, which was quite close by. But in line with the prevailing custom in the family, Santosh had to make do with the local village school.
Q1. What kind of family did Santosh come from?
Ans. Santosh came from a prosperous Haryana-based family of landowners.
Q2. Where did the parents of Santosh send their child to school? Why?
Ans. As was typical, Santosh’s parents sent their daughter to study at the neighbourhood village school.
Q3. What does this tell about Santosh’s family?
Ans. The members of Santosh’s family held conservative views.
Q4. At what age did Santosh start to challenge the accepted practices?
Ans. At the age of sixteen, Santosh started to challenge the system.
C. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow:
So, she decided to fight the system in her own quiet way when the right moment arrived. And the right moment came when she turned sixteen. At sixteen, most of the girls in her village used to get married. Santosh was also under pressure from her parents to do the same. A marriage as early as that was the last thing on her mind. She threatened her parents that she would never marry if she did not get a proper education.
Q1. In this extract, who is she, and which system did she choose to challenge?
Ans. She mentions to renowned mountaineer Santosh Yadav. She made the decision to oppose the system of rigid traditions that prevented people, especially girls, from moving forward.
Q2. She decided to rebel against the system, but how and why?
Ans. Santosh Yaday made the decision to challenge the system in a subdued yet determined manner since she didn’t want to offend people who upheld the traditions or submit to the system.
Q3. What was the “right moment”?
Ans. When she turned sixteen and was compelled by her parents to get married like the other girls in her village, that was the right time.
Q4. What did she do at this moment?
Ans. Santosh Yadav threatened her parents that she would never marry if they prevented her from receiving a suitable education since she did not want to get married at such a young age.
D. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow:
A marriage as early as that was the last thing on her mind. She threatened her parents that she would never marry if she did not get a proper education. She left home and got herself enrolled in a school in Delhi. When her parents refused to pay for her education, she politely informed them of her plans to earn money by working part time to pay her school fees. Her parents then agreed to pay for her education.
Q1. What is meant by “a marriage as early as that’?
Ans. Girls in Santosh’s village were wed off at age sixteen.
Q2. What did her parents want Santosh to do?
Ans. Santosh’s parents wanted her to get married at the age of sixteen.
Q3. What did Santosh do to avoid her parents’ demands?
Ans. Santosh Yadav moved away from home and enrolled herself in a Delhi school.
Q4. What light does this throw on Santosh’s character?
Ans. Santosh had a forward-thinking perspective and a strong sense of purpose.
Class 9 English Reach for the Top Part 1 Short Question Answers (including questions from Previous Years Question Papers)
In this post we are also providing important short answer questions from Chapter 7 Reach for the Top Part 1 for CBSE Class 9 exams in the coming session
Q1. What made Santosh Yadav achieve fame and greatness?
Ans. The only woman in history to climb Mount Everest twice is Santosh Yadav. Santosh Yadav conquered Mount Everest when she was just 20 years old, making her the youngest woman in history to do it. As a part of an Indo Nepalese Women’s Expedition, Santosh scaled Everest a second time within a year. As the only woman to have scaled Everest twice, she established a record.
Q2. Why was the holy man, who gave Santosh’s mother his blessings, surprised?
Ans. The holy man anticipated that the family would hope for the birth of a son just like every other family in the villages. He was taken aback when Santosh’s grandma informed him that they desired a daughter.
Q3. What kind of society was Santosh born in?
Ans. Santosh was born in Joniawas, a small village in the Rewari District of Haryana, where the culture was extremely traditional and conservative. People had rigid gender bias and patriarchal values. The arrival of a female was typically undesired, and conservative traditions were closely followed.
Q4. The grandmother wished her daughter-in-law to give birth to a daughter. What light does this throw on her character?
Ans. Despite coming from a traditional family, the grandmother longed to have a granddaughter. This was due to the fact that the family already included five males. As a result, the family was now hoping for a daughter. This further demonstrates her status as a progressive lady.
Q5. What do you know about Santosh’s family?
Ans. Santosh was born in the wealthy landlord family of Joniyawas in the Haryana district of Rewari. She was the only sister of five brothers and the sixth child in a traditional family. Despite being financially successful, her family was traditional and conservative when it came to girls’ education and upbringing.
Q6. Why was Santosh sent to the local school?
Ans. Because of their wealth, Santosh’s parents could afford to enroll her in a Delhi school. But because they strictly adhered to tradition and it was the norm in their society to only send girls to the local school, they sent her to the nearby village school.
Q7. How was Santosh different from the other girls of her village?
Ans. Santosh was dissatisfied with the traditional way of life, in contrast to other females in her area. She previously wore shorts and continued her education in Delhi. Unlike the majority of the females in her village, she did not get married at age sixteen.
Q8. Why was Santosh Yadav not content with a traditional way of life? What path did she choose and why?
Ans. Santosh was dissatisfied with the old way of life since she was a little child and believed that if she made the right decision and followed reason, those around her would have to change rather than just her. Instead of adhering to the venerable rituals and traditions, she wished to forge her own path in life. When girls in her village began getting married, she chose to study in Delhi while donning shorts rather than the customary clothing. She convinced her parents to agree to pay for her education after they initially objected by explaining her plans to work part-time to pay for the cost of her education. She made the decision to follow the road of excellence, which involved hard labour, education, and reasonable thought. As a woman climber, she attained unmatched accomplishment.
Q9. When did Santosh leave home for Delhi, and why?
Ans. When Santosh became sixteen, her parents started pressuring her to get married in accordance with the custom in their society, so she departed for Delhi. She surreptitiously enrolled herself in a school in Delhi to pursue her studies after deciding that it was the proper time to rebel.
Q10. Why did Santosh’s parents agree to pay for her schooling in Delhi? What mental qualities of Santosh are brought to light by this incident?
Ans. Santosh enrolled herself in a Delhi school when she was sixteen years old. When her parents balked at paying for her education there, she politely informed them that she planned to work part-time to cover her costs. Her parents soon realised that their daughter was independent, had a strong sense of self-worth, and could make decisions and stick to them. They could see her strong sense of conviction and her love of learning. So they agreed to cover the cost of her education in Delhi.
Class 9 Reach for the Top Part 1 Long Answer Questions Lesson 7
Q1. Briefly write what you learn about Santosh Yadav’s parents.
Ans. Santosh enrolled herself in a Delhi school when she was sixteen years old. When her parents baulked at paying for her education there, she politely informed them that she planned to work part-time to cover her costs. Her parents soon realised that their daughter was independent, had a strong sense of self-worth, and could make decisions and stick to them. They could see her strong sense of conviction and her love of learning. So they agreed to cover the cost of her education in Delhi.
Santosh Yadav’s parents were affluent but orthodox, conservative landlords. They liked to live according to the prevailing customs in the family. However, whenever they tried to make Santosh toe the line set by traditions and the girl offered resistance, they yielded because they loved her from the core of their hearts, and knew that she had chosen a correct and a rational path. Thus, Santosh kept on getting support from her parents, which in the long run helped her reach the zenith of glory.
Q2. Write a brief note on Santosh’s journey from her local village school to the Nehru Institute of Mountaineering at Uttarkashi
Ans. Santosh was a rebel from a young age, having been raised in a wealthy but traditional and conservative family of landowners in a tiny village in the Rewari area of Haryana. the neighbourhood village school, but she refused to get married at the age of sixteen when her parents recommended she do so because she wanted to finish her studies first.
Despite her parents’ opposition, she managed to enroll in the Delhi school and politely told them that she would be earning money by working part-time. After she graduated from high school, Santosh convinced her parents to send her to Jaipur for further education. She was accepted into Jaipur’s Maharani College. In the Kasturba Hostel, she was given a room with views of the Aravalli hills. The people used to ascend the hill and vanish from her view.
This piqued her interest in the mountains. Santosh came upon some climbers as she walked close to the hills one day. They pushed her to begin climbing. She saved money and enrolled in Uttarkashi’s Nehru Institute of Mountaineering after this piqued her interest in climbing.
Q3. “If I chose a correct and a rational path, the others around me had to change, not me, said Santosh Yadav.” How does her life justify her words?
Ans. Santosh, who was raised by conservative parents, refused to live her life according to the severely conventional, patriarchal, and gender-biased social conventions. Even though Santosh’s name is a synonym for contentment, she wasn’t always happy with her place in a conventional lifestyle and yearned to lead an independent life. In reality, she thought that if she took the right course and acted rationally, others would have to adjust and conform to her decisions rather than her.
As a child, she wore shorts rather than the usual dresses. At the tender age of sixteen, Santosh resisted the urge to get married by announcing that she would never marry if she weren’t given a good education. She enrolled in a Delhi school, defying custom.
She told her parents that she would work part-time to pay for her school expenses when they refused to pay for her education. Her parents were forced to cave after witnessing their daughter’s tenacity. Her choice to pursue mountaineering as a career was also her own. She made an effort not to upset her parents, though, and wrote her father a letter of apology for not getting his approval before enrolling in the Nehru Institute of Mountaineering in Uttarkashi. in spite of all odds. Santosh made a decision for herself that was completely unheard of and unfathomable for girls in a traditional society.
Q4. “Santosh decided to fight the system in her own quiet way when the right moment arrived.” Elaborate.
Ans. Santosh told her parents that she would work part-time to pay for her school expenses when they refused to pay for her education. Her parents were forced to cave after witnessing their daughter’s tenacity. Her choice to pursue mountaineering as a career was also her own. She made an effort not to upset her parents, though, and wrote her father a letter of apology for not getting his approval before enrolling in the Nehru Institute of Mountaineering in Uttarkashi. in spite of all odds. Santosh made a decision for herself that was completely unheard of and unfathomable for girls in a traditional society.
Santosh’s parents were pressuring her to follow suit as well. She refused to submit to her parents’ plan to wed her at the young age of sixteen, enrolling herself instead in a Delhi school. She calmly informed her parents that she would be earning money for her fees by working part-time when they refused to pay for her education in the city. She expressed her resolve to conquer all challenges in a polite but forceful manner.
Her parents were finally forced to give up. She also acted courageously when she decided to pursue mountaineering as a career. Her parents had no choice but to accept her decision after she enrolled in Uttarkashi’s Nehru Institute of Mountaineering without asking their permission. Santosh thus quietly but firmly rebelled against the traditional, conservative order.
Q5. Santosh had all the qualities of a good mountaineer. Comment.
Ans. Mountaineering is a difficult profession that requires tremendous physical and mental strength. It necessitates audacity, courage, sturdiness, and confidence in one’s skills. Santosh Yadav had an incredible amount of mental fortitude, physical stamina, and willpower, making him a natural mountaineer. Santosh successfully climbed Mount Everest in just four years after beginning her mountain climbing training, breaking the record for being the youngest woman to do so.
She was the only woman in the world to have ascended Everest twice after accomplishing this accomplishment twice in less than a year. She used her climbing prowess, physical fitness, and mental toughness to make all of this possible. She proved to have additional advantages due to her altitude and cold resistance. She was not only a good mountaineer but also very well-liked by both her supervisors and her fellow climbers because of all these traits, her sense of teamwork, and her compassion for others.
Class 9 English Beehive Book Chapter-wise Question Answers
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