The sound of Music part 1 Important Question and Answers class 9 English


CBSE Class 9 English Chapter 2 The Sound of Music Part 1 Question Answers (Important) from Beehive Book

Class 9 English The Sound of Music Part 1 Question Answers – Looking for The Sound of Music Part 1 question answers (NCERT solutions) for CBSE Class 9 English Beehive Book Chapter 2? Look no further! Our comprehensive compilation of important questions will help you brush up on your subject knowledge. Practising Class 9 English question answers can significantly improve your performance in the exam. Our solutions provide a clear idea of how to write the answers effectively. Improve your chances of scoring high marks by exploring Chapter 2: The Sound of Music Part 1 now. The questions listed below are based on the latest CBSE exam pattern, wherein we have given NCERT solutions to the chapter’s extract based questions, short answer questions, and long answer questions

Also, practising with different kinds of questions can help students learn new ways to solve problems that they may not have seen before. This can ultimately lead to a deeper understanding of the subject matter and better performance on exams. 




The Sound of Music Part 1 NCERT Solutions

Answer these questions in a few words or a couple of sentences each.

1. How old was Evelyn when she went to the Royal Academy of Music?
Ans.Evelyn was seventeen years old when she got admission in the Royal Academy of Music, London. She was nervous as she boarded the train from Scotland as she lived on farms in the countryside and was not exposed to the life in cities. Evelyn was excited as she was about to begin her career in music which was her aim in life.

2. When was her deafness first noticed? When was it confirmed?
Ans. When Evelyn was eight years old, her mother, Isabelle Glennie noticed that Evelyn did not respond to her name being called out at the piano class. Evelyn’s loss of hearing was gradual and for some time she was able to hide her disability from her teachers and friends. By the time she turned eleven, her marks deteriorated, and her parents took her to a doctor. Then, it was discovered that Evelyn was profoundly deaf.

Answer each of these questions in a short paragraph (30–40 words).

1. Who helped her to continue with music? What did he do and say?
Ans. Evelyn was discouraged by her teachers but master – percussionist Ron Forbes spotted her talent and potential. He guided Evelyn to feel music some other way rather than hearing it. He got two large drums and tuned them to different notes. When he played the drums, Evelyn reacted to the distinct notes differently. She realized that she could feel the higher notes produced by one of the drums through the upper part of her body, above the waist and the lower notes of the other drum through the lower part of her body, below the waist. This worked well for Evelyn and gradually, she found that she could sense different sounds and vibrations through different parts of her body.

2. Name the various places and causes for which Evelyn performs.
Ans. Evelyn made her first tour at the age of sixteen when she performed with a youth orchestra. She toured the United Kingdom and after that tour she decided that she would make a career in music. She has made her name in the field of music. Evelyn is a popular musician with a busy international schedule. Apart from the regular concerts, she also does charity and performs for hospitals and prisons. Evelyn also holds classes for young musicians.

Answer the question in two or three paragraphs (100–150 words).

1. How does Evelyn hear music?
Ans. Evelyn Glennie was passionate about music but unfortunately, she lost her sense of hearing by the age of eleven. She wanted to learn playing the xylophone but was discouraged by her teachers. They opined that as she could not hear, she could not learn music. Master percussionist Ron Forbes spotted Evelyn’s potential. He guided her to feel music some other way than to hear it through her ears. He trained her by tuning two large drums to different notes. Evelyn realized that she could sense different sounds and vibrations through different parts of her body. She could feel the higher notes produced by one of the drums through the upper part of her body, above the waist and the lower notes of the other drum through the lower part of her body, below the waist. This experiment worked well for Evelyn and she responded to the finer sounds of music too.
Evelyn can feel music penetrate her body through various parts – cheeks, hair, skin, etc. When she plays the xylophone, she feels the sound move from the sticks into her fingertips. When the drums are played, she can feel the echo of the drum beats through her body. Evelyn removes her footwear as she performs on a wooden floor so that she can feel the vibrations produced by different instruments pass through her feet up her legs. Thus, Evelyn has sensitized her body to music.


Class 9 English The Sound of Music Part 1 Question Answers Lesson 2 – Extract Based Questions

Extract-based questions are of the multiple-choice variety, and students must select the correct option for each question by carefully reading the passage.


A. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow:

It was her first day at the prestigious Royal Academy of Music in London and daunting enough for any teenager fresh from a Scottish farm. But this aspiring musician faced a bigger challenge than most: she was profoundly deaf. Evelyn Glennie’s loss of hearing had been gradual. Her mother remembers noticing something was wrong when the eight-year-old Evelyn was waiting to play the piano.

Q1. Who is referred to as the aspiring musician?
Ans. Evelyn Glennie is referred to as the aspiring musician in this text.

Q2. How old was this aspiring musician when she went to the Royal Academy of Music?
Ans. She was seventeen years old when she went to the Royal Academy of Music in London.

Q3. What was likely to “daunt any teenager”?
Ans. Any youngster would probably feel intimidated on their first day at a prestigious and famous institution like The Royal Academy of Music in London.

Q4. Why did she pose “a bigger challenge than most”?
Ans. She faced a bigger challenge than most as she was profoundly deaf and was yet joining a music academy.


B. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow:

Evelyn Glennie’s loss of hearing had been gradual. Her mother remembers noticing something was wrong when the eight-year-old Evelyn was waiting to play the piano “They called her name and she didn’t move. I suddenly realised she hadn’t heard,” says Isabel Glennie.


Q1. Who is Isabel Glennie?
Ans. Isabel Glennie is Evelyn Glennie’s mother.

Q2. Why didn’t Evelyn Glennie go to the piano to play?
Ans. Inability to hear her name being called prevented Evelyn from moving.

Q3. When was her deafness first noticed?
Ans. When Evelyn was eight years old, her deafness was first noted.

Q4. How did Evelyn lose her hearing?
Ans. Evelyn’s hearing loss developed over time as a result of nerve injury.


C. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow:

It was then discovered that her hearing was severely impaired as a result of gradual nerve damage. They were advised that she should be fitted with hearing aids and sent to a school for the deaf. “Everything suddenly looked black,” says Evelyn. But Evelyn was not going to give up. She was determined to lead a normal life and pursue her interest in music.

Q1. Who are they? By whom were they advised?
Ans. They are the parents of Evelyn Glennie. They were advised by the specialist to whom Evelyn’s parents had taken her for a check-up.

Q2. Who is she?
Ans. She is Evelyn Glennie.

Q3. What was the advised line of action for her?
Ans. It was recommended that she should be provided with hearing aids in order to be able to hear and that she be sent to a school for the deaf.

Q4. How did her mother learn that Evelyn was having hearing issues?
Ans. When Evelyn’s mother saw that her daughter wasn’t at her piano concert when her name was called, she realised that Evelyn had hearing issues.


D. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow:

But Evelyn was not going to give up. She was determined to lead a normal life and pursue her interest in music. One day, she noticed a girl playing a xylophone and decided that she wanted to play it too. Most of the teachers discouraged her but percussionist Ron Forbes spotted her potential.

Q1. Evelyn was not going to give up. Why was she not going to give up?
Ans. She was not going to give up because of her interest in music. Music was her passion.

Q2. What did she want to do?
Ans. She wanted to learn to play the xylophone.

Q3. Why did her teachers not encourage her?
Ans. They did not encourage her because they felt it was impossible for a deaf girl to pursue her career in music.

Q4. Who encouraged her? What did he say?
Ans. Ron Forbes, who saw her potential and capabilities, encouraged her. He suggested she hear with the whole of her body.


E. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow:

She never looked back from that point onwards. She toured the United Kingdom with a youth orchestra and by the time she was sixteen, she had decided to make music her life. She auditioned for the Royal Academy of Music and scored one of the highest marks in the history of the academy. She gradually moved from orchestral work to solo performances. At the end of her three-year course, she had captured most of the top awards.

Q1. Who is she?
Ans. She refers to Evelyn Glennie

Q2. What does that point refer to?
Ans. At that time, Evelyn began to learn how to listen to music by physically sensing the vibrations.

Q3. Where did she go with a youth orchestra?
Ans. She toured United Kingdom with a youth orchestra.

Q4. What was her age when she made the decision to dedicate her life to music?
Ans. She chose to make music her career when she was barely sixteen years old.



Class 9 English The Sound of Music Part 1 Short Question Answers (including questions from Previous Years Question Papers)

In this post we are also providing important short answer questions from Chapter 2 The Sound of Music Part 1 for CBSE Class 9 exam in the coming session. 

Q1. What were Evelyn’s feelings as she stood on the platform waiting for the London underground?
Ans. Evelyn had anxiety and excitement as she waited for a train in London that would take her to the famed Royal Academy of Music, which was her dream destination. She was cautious because she was a young, 17-year-old student from Scotland entering such a prominent music school. She was also extremely deaf, but despite this, she had managed to enrol in the Academy.

Q2. How old was Evelyn when she went to the Royal Academy of Music? Why was she nervous on her way to the academy?
Ans. Evelyn got admitted to the Royal Academy of Music in London at the age of just seventeen. She had not travelled much because she had just moved from farms in Scotland. She also attended a large institution like The Royal Academy of Music and was profoundly deaf. Her inexperience, lack of exposure, and hearing impairment contributed to her anxiety.

Q3. Why was Evelyn “nervous yet excited” as she waited for the train?
Ans. Evelyn was anxious yet excited as she headed to the Royal Academy of Music because she had always wanted to attend the London school. She was about to enrol in a three-year programme at an institution she had always wanted to attend. She was elated to believe that she had managed to go to such a distinguished institute despite her hearing impediment.

Q4. Why was Evelyn Glennie going to face a bigger challenge at the prestigious Royal Academy of Music in London?
Ans. Evelyn Glennie had a strong passion for music and would not let anything stand in her way, but she found it difficult to study music at the famed Royal Academy of Music in London because she was deaf and had grown up on a Scottish farm. A deaf rural girl found it difficult to compete with singers who had perfect hearing.

Q5. When and how was Evelyn’s hearing problem noticed?
Ans. Evelyn’s mother first became aware of her hearing impairment when she was only eight years old and failed to reply to a request for a piano performance. She gradually lost her hearing, though, and her deafness wasn’t discovered until she was eleven years old when her parents were compelled to seek a specialist’s advice due to her subpar academic performance.

Q6. Who advised Evelyn’s parents to take her to a specialist? Why?
Ans. For a while, Evelyn was able to keep her deteriorating hearing a secret from the students and teachers. But, by the time she was eleven years old, her academic ability had declined and her grades had started to drop. The headmistress then suggested that her parents seek the advice of an expert.

Q7. When was Evelyn’s deafness confirmed? What advice was given to her?
Ans. Evelyn lost her hearing gradually. Her grade point average had declined by the time she was eleven. Parents should take her to a professional, according to her teachers. Her hearing was severely damaged, as the doctor revealed, as a result of slow nerve damage. He suggested to her parents that they have her fitted with hearing aids and enrol her in a deaf school.

Q8. “Everything suddenly looked black.” Why did Evelyn feel this way?
Ans. Evelyn thought her future was hopeless and gloomy when she was told to wear hearing aids and enrol in a school for the deaf. She believed she would not be able to live a regular life or pursue her interest in music, which made her miserable.

Q9. How did Evelyn Glennie respond to the discovery of her deafness?
Ans. Upon discovering that she was deaf as a result of gradual nerve damage, Evelyn Glennie first believed that her future was gloomy and hopeless. Instead of giving up, she made the decision to live a typical childhood life and follow her dream of becoming a musician.

Q10. How did Evelyn’s teachers respond when she expressed her desire to play a xylophone?
Ans. Although being deaf, Evelyn had always enjoyed music, and when she spotted another girl playing the xylophone, she voiced her desire to learn how to play it. Due of her hearing impairment, her teachers believed she would not be able to play it, thus they advised against it.

Q11. Most of the teachers discouraged her but percussionist Ron Forbes spotted her potential. How did he respond to it?
Ans. Ron Forbes, a percussionist, encouraged Evelyn when her teachers advised against having a career in music and assisted her in pursuing music. He was determined to assist her in realising her potential after noticing it. He instructed Evelyn to teach various body parts to recognise musical notes. To have her hear the higher notes from her upper body and the lower ones from her waist down, he tuned two drums with distinct pitches.

Q12. “I had learnt to open my mind and body to sounds and vibrations,” says Evelyn. How did she do this?
Ans. Ron Forbes helped Evelyn learn how to listen using her body’s organs other than her ears. Her body and mind grew sensitive to hear and distinguish distinct musical sounds and vibrations. Her body made up for the loss of hearing by awaking and honing other senses to make up for it.

Q13. What kind of recognition did Evelyn get at the Royal Academy of Music?
Ans. Evelyn enrolled in the Royal Academy of Music when she was seventeen. She received the highest grades ever recorded by the academy. She was among the academy’s brightest students and received numerous prestigious honours during the course of her three-year education.

Q14. Why did Evelyn say “Men with bushy beards give me trouble”?
Ans. Evelyn was able to decipher what people were saying by observing facial expressions and eye contact as well as the movement of lips. She found it challenging to interpret the bushy-bearded men’s lip motions in order to understand what they were saying. She joked that she had problems with males with thick beards.

Q15. Which qualities of character enabled Evelyn to achieve unprecedented success in life?
Ans. Evelyn advanced in life thanks to her unwavering resolve and diligence. She made the decision to live a normal life rather than give up to her disability. She was passionate about music, and her earnest efforts enabled her to experience unheard-of success.


Class 9 The Sound of Music Part 1 Long Answer Questions Lesson 2

Q1. Evelyn did not succumb to her disability. Comment.
Ans. Evelyn Glennie had a lifelong passion for music. In fact, when she was eight years old, her mother first noticed she had hearing issues. Evelyn was scheduled to perform a piano recital, but she failed to hear her name being called. Evelyn began to experience hearing loss from the age of twelve. She nevertheless persisted in following her passion for music in spite of everything.
Evelyn persisted despite being instructed to use a hearing aid and enrol in a deaf-specific school. She wanted to live a regular life and play the xylophone in spite of the discouragement she received from her teachers. She was taught to listen to the musical sounds and vibrations using other areas of her body instead of her ears by the legendary percussionist Ron Forbes.
To let her hear the higher beats coming from her upper body and the lower beats coming from below her waist, he made two drums with differing sounds. Evelyn opened her mind and body to the lovely sounds of music as a result of the experiment’s success. Evelyn is now certain that music permeates every part of her, including her skin, cheeks, and hair.
She perceives a movement of the sounds from the stick into the tips of her fingers while she plays the xylophone. She can feel the resonant sounds of the drums flooding into her body as they are played. On a wooden stage, she takes off her shoes, exposing her bare feet to the instrument vibrations, which travel up her legs. Evelyn’s body has become more sensitive to the various musical sounds as a result.

Q2. “If you work hard and know where you are going, you’ll get there,” remarks Evelyn Glennie. What does it reveal about her character?
Ans. In her statement, Evelyn effectively demonstrates her strong resolve, her labour of love, and her dedication to her aim. She has been able to successfully overcome her disability of being deaf thanks to these qualities of her character. Despite having hearing loss since she was eight years old and becoming completely deaf by the time she was twelve, she has never let it stand in the way of her achievements.
Evelyn was passionate about pursuing music and living a normal life, and she did not let her disability get in the way of those goals. She advanced thanks to the support and instruction she received from drummer Ron Forbes, and she persisted in her goals with unwavering conviction. She auditioned for the Royal Academy of Music in London, where she won the most honours, because she had faith in herself and the courage to do so.
Evelyn puts forth a great deal of hard work. She has put forth a lot of effort—far more than the other classical musicians—to elevate percussion in the orchestra. She holds that for those that put in the necessary effort and maintain their focus, no objective is insurmountable. She worked hard to transition from orchestra to solo concerts, and because of her proficiency on several different instruments, she eventually rose to become an internationally famous percussionist. She is an example to everyone because of her strength of character and ability to overcome her impairment.


Q3. Evelyn is very down-to-earth and does not succumb to hero worship. Comment.
Ans. She gradually moved from orchestral work to solo performances. At the end of her three-year course, she had captured most of the top awards and for all this, Evelyn doesn’t accept any hint of heroic achievement “If you work hard and know where you are going, you’ll get there” And she got right to the top, the world’s most sought-after multi-percussionist with a mastery of some thousand instruments, and hectic international schedule.
Despite losing her hearing, Evelyn Glennie did not let it depress her. She trained herself to feel music in every area of her body with the aid of percussionist Ron Forbes since she was determined to pursue a career in music. From that moment on, she didn’t look back. When she was sixteen, after touring the UK with a youth orchestra, she made the decision to dedicate her life to music. She received one of the best scores in the Royal Academy of Music’s history during her audition.

Q4. Evelyn is an inspiration to all. Justify.
Ans. Despite her impairment,  Evelyn accomplished a lot as a musician. She notes when discussing music, “In every part of my body, it seeps in. My cheekbones, face, and even my hair are tingling.” She can feel the sound travelling up the stick and into her fingertips as she plays the xylophone. She can sense the resonances streaming through her body as she leans against the drums. She takes off her shoes and stands on a wooden platform, allowing the vibrations to go up her legs through her bare feet.
Evelyn charms her audiences, and the Royal Philharmonic Society honoured her with its renowned Soloist of the Year Award in 1991. James Blades, a renowned percussionist, says “While God may have taken her hearing, he has given her something truly remarkable back,” She is much more sensitive to what we hear than any of us. She conveys music so well because of this.
Evelyn acknowledges that she only needs to put in more effort than classical musicians do. Nonetheless, the benefits are substantial. In addition to her regular performances, Evelyn offers free concerts in hospitals and jails. She also places a great premium on music lessons for young people. Ann Richlin of the Beethoven Fund for Deaf Children says, “She is a shining inspiration for deaf children. They see that there is nowhere that they cannot go.”
Those with disabilities who look at her and think, “If she can do it,” have found inspiration in her. I can Not to mention, she has brought millions of people a great deal of joy.

Class 9 English Beehive Book Chapter-wise Question Answers

 The Fun They Had Question Answers  The Sound of Music Part 1 Question Answers  The Sound of Music Part 2 Question Answers
The Little Girl Question Answers  A Truly Beautiful Mind Question Answers The Snake and the Mirror Question Answers
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