The Concert Summary


Maharashtra State Board Class 10 English Lesson The Concert Summary, Line by Line Explanation, along with difficult word meanings from English Kumarbharati Book


The Concert – Are you looking for Theme, Summary and Lesson Explanation for Maharashtra State Board Class 10 Chapter The Concert from English Kumarbharati Book. Get Chapter Summary, Theme, Explanation along with difficult word meanings.


The Concert Maharashtra State Board Class 10 English 

-Shanta Rao


The Concert Introduction

“The Concert” by Shanta Rao is a moving story about a young boy who is very sick. Two famous Indian musicians, Pandit Ravi Shankar and Ustad Allah Rakha, visit him and play beautiful music to bring him peace and comfort in his final moments.

Theme / Central Idea of the Lesson The Concert

The Power of Music: The story highlights the transformative power of music. Even in a difficult situation, music can bring great joy and comfort. Pandit Ravi Shankar and Ustad Allah Rakha’s music surrounds the dying boy with “a great and beautiful happiness.”


Family and Love: The story emphasizes the importance of family and love in difficult times. The family does everything they can to make Anant comfortable, and the musicians’ visit shows their compassion and willingness to share their gift.


Unfulfilled Dreams: The story touches on the sadness of unfulfilled dreams. Anant, a talented musician himself, is robbed of his future by his illness.

The Concert Summary 


  • Smita: A teenage girl
  • Anant: Smita’s older brother who is very sick
  • Aunt Sushila: Smita and Anant’s aunt
  • Pandit Ravi Shankar: A famous Indian classical musician (sitar player)
  • Ustad Allah Rakha: A famous Indian classical musician (tabla player)


Smita reads the newspaper and gets excited because the legendary musician Pandit Ravi Shankar is performing the next day. She remembers how much her brother Anant loves music, especially the sitar. However, Anant is very sick and needs rest. Smita feels guilty for wanting to go to the concert when her brother is so unwell.

Smita tells Anant about the concert, and he expresses a strong desire to hear Pandit Ravi Shankar play. Sadly, Anant’s condition is serious, and the doctors haven’t been very hopeful. 

Smita decides to try and make Anant’s wish come true. She goes to the concert hall and asks Pandit Ravi Shankar if he would consider playing for her brother at her Aunt Sushila’s home. At first, the mustached man is hesitant, but Pandit Ravi Shankar himself agrees.

The next morning, Pandit Ravi Shankar and Ustad Allah Rakha arrive at Aunt Sushila’s apartment. This is a huge surprise for everyone! The two musicians play beautiful music for Anant, filling the room with joy and happiness. Even though Anant is very sick, the music brings him a sense of peace. Sadly, as the music plays, Anant peacefully passes away.

The Concert Summary in Hindi 

स्मिता अखबार पढ़ रही थी और बहुत उत्साहित हो गई क्योंकि प्रसिद्ध संगीतकार पंडित रवि शंकर अगले दिन कार्यक्रम करने जा रहे थे। उसे याद आया कि उसका भाई अनंत संगीत को कितना पसंद करता है, खासकर सितार । हालाँकि, अनंत बहुत बीमार था और उसे आराम की ज़रूरत थी। जब उसका भाई इतना अस्वस्थ था तब संगीत कार्यक्रम में जाने की इच्छा करने के लिए स्मिता को बुरा लगा।

स्मिता ने अनंत को संगीत कार्यक्रम के बारे में बताया, और उसने पंडित रवि शंकर को सुनने की तीव्र इच्छा व्यक्त की। दुर्भाग्य से, अनंत की हालत गंभीर थी, और डॉक्टरों ने बहुत उम्मीद नहीं जताई थी। 

स्मिता ने अनंत की इच्छा को पूरा करने की कोशिश करने का फैसला किया। वह संगीत कार्यक्रम स्थल पर गई और पंडित रवि शंकर से पूछा कि क्या वे उसकी आंटी सुशीला के घर उसके भाई के लिए वादन करने पर विचार करेंगे। पहले तो, उनके साथ मौजूद एक मूंछ वाला आदमी हिचकिचाया, लेकिन पंडित रवि शंकर स्वयं सहमत हो गए।

अगली सुबह पंडित रवि शंकर और उस्ताद अल्लाह रक्खा आंटी सुशीला के घर पहुंचे। यह सबके लिए बहुत बड़ा आश्चर्य था! दोनों संगीतकारों ने अनंत के लिए सुंदर संगीत बजाया, जो कमरे को खुशी और आनंद से भर देता था। भले ही अनंत बहुत बीमार था, लेकिन संगीत उसे शांति का अहसास करा गया। दुख की बात है कि जैसे ही संगीत बजा, अनंत शांति से दिवंगत हो गया।

The Concert Lesson Explanation


Passage: One morning in a small apartment in Bombay a girl of about sixteen looked up from the newspaper and said excitedly, ‘Pandit Ravi Shankar is playing tomorrow at the Shanmukhananda auditorium.’ 


Word Meaning

Auditorium: A large hall designed for public audiences, typically used for performances, lectures, or meetings.


Explanation: It’s morning time in a small apartment in Bombay, and a teenage girl, about 16 years old is reading a newspaper. Suddenly, she gets all excited and says that a famous musician named Pandit Ravi Shankar is having a concert tomorrow at a place called Shanmukhananda Hall.

Passage: ‘Sh-sh,’ said her mother pointing to the figure sleeping on the bed. ‘You’ll wake him up. You know he needs all the sleep and rest he can get.’ 


Explanation: The girl’s mother whispered “Sh-sh” pointing at someone who was sleeping on the bed. She didn’t want any loud noises to wake him up. She says that the person needs to sleep and rest.


Passage: But the boy on the bed was not asleep. ‘Pandit Ravi Shankar!’ he said. ‘Pandit Ravi Shankar, the sitar maestro? He raised himself up on his elbows for one second, then fell back. But his eyes were shining. ‘We mustn’t miss the chance,’ he said. ‘I’ve – ‘I’ve – always wanted to hear him and see him…’


Word Meaning

Maestro: A highly skilled conductor or musician


Explanation: The boy in bed wasn’t sleeping. He suddenly woke up when he heard the name “Pandit Ravi Shankar.” Ravi Shankar is a famous musician who plays a special string instrument called a sitar. The boy was excited because he really wanted to see and hear Ravi Shankar play, but he was too weak to get up.

Passage: ‘Lie down son, lie down.’ His mother sprang to his side. ‘He actually raised himself up without help,’ she murmured with a catch in her throat and her eyes turned to the idols on a corner shelf. The prayer, which she uttered endlessly, came unbidden to her lips.


Word Meaning

Sprang: To jump or move suddenly and quickly, often in surprise or to help someone. 

Murmured: To speak softly or in a low voice, often because you don’t want other people to hear you. 

Catch in her throat: This is a physical sensation caused by strong emotion that makes it difficult to speak normally.

Unbidden: This means not asked for or planned.


Explanation: The mother rushed over to her son very quickly and told her son to rest flat on his back. The mother was surprised and happy because her son was able to sit up by himself for the first time. Her voice gets shaky with emotion and she looks at the religious statues on a shelf in the corner and says a prayer again. 

Passage: ‘I must hear him and see him,’ the boy repeated. ‘It’s the chance of a lifetime.’ Then he began to cough and gasp for breath and had to be given oxygen from the cylinder that stood under the bed. But his large eyes were fixed on his sister.


Word Meaning

Gasped: To breathe in suddenly and sharply, often because of surprise, shock, or difficulty breathing.


Explanation: The boy was really excited about the concert of Pandit Ravi Shankar. He said it was so important, he just had to see and hear it in person. It was like a super special opportunity, maybe even the only chance he’d ever get. But then he coughed and had trouble breathing. He needed some help to feel better, but he still looked determined, staring at his sister with big eyes.

Passage: Smita bit her lip in self-reproach. She had been so excited at seeing the announcement, that she had not remembered that her brother was very ill. She had seen how the doctors had shaken their heads gravely and spoken words that neither she nor even her parents could understand. But somewhere deep inside Smita had known the frightening truth – that Anant was going to die. The word cancer had hung in the air – her brother was dying of cancer even though she pretended that all would be well and they would return together, a small family of four, to their home in Gaganpur. 


Word Meaning

Self-reproach: Blame directed at oneself; feeling guilty about something you did or didn’t do. 

Gravely: In a serious and solemn way.

Ununderstandable: Impossible to understand.

Frightening: Causing fear or alarm. 

Hung in the air: This is a metaphor suggesting a heavy or unspoken feeling permeated the atmosphere. 


Explanation: Smita felt bad because she forgot something important. She saw an announcement that made her really happy, but she forgot that her brother was very sick. She had seen the doctors who seemed worried and their words were confusing. Even though nobody said it clearly, Smita somehow knew that her brother Anant wouldn’t get better and was going to die of cancer. Smita pretended things would be okay and that they would all go back home together in Gaganpur, but she knew it might not be true.

Passage: And he was only fifteen and the best table-tennis player in the school and the fastest runner. He was learning to play the sitar; they were both taking sitar lessons, but Anant was better than her as in many other things. He was already able to compose his own tunes to the astonishment of their guru. Then cancer had struck and they had come to Bombay so that he could be treated at the cancer hospital in the city.


Word Meaning

Compose: To create (here, to create a piece of music)

Astonishment: Great surprise or wonder.

Guru: A teacher, especially one who imparts spiritual knowledge 


Explanation: Anant was only 15 years old. He had been really good at two things in school: table-tennis and running. Anant and his sister had been learning to play a special string instrument called a sitar. Anant seemed to be natural at many things, even music. He could already play his own tunes on sitar, which surprised their teacher. Unfortunately, Anant got a serious illness called cancer. Because of this, they traveled to a big city called Bombay to get treatment at a special hospital.

Overall, Anant was a gifted young person who got sick and had to travel for treatment.

Passage: Whenever they came to Bombay they stayed with Aunt Sushila. Her apartment was not big but there was always room for them. 


Word Meaning

Apartment: A unit of housing that occupies part of a larger building, typically having one or more complete floors.


Explanation: The speaker and her family always stayed at Aunt Sushila’s apartment whenever they visited Bombay. Even though Aunt Sushila’s apartment wasn’t very big, she always made enough space for everyone to stay comfortably.

Passage: They had come with high hopes in the miracles of modern science. They told themselves that Anant would be cured at the hospital and he would again walk and run and even take part in the forthcoming table-tennis tournament. And, he would play the sitar, perhaps be a great sitarist one day. 


Word Meaning

Miracles: Extraordinary and seemingly impossible feats that are attributed to a divine or supernatural agency.

Cured: Restored to health from an illness or disease.

Forthcoming: Coming or about to happen soon.


Explanation: The speaker’s family went to the hospital with a lot of hope because of all the amazing things modern doctors could do. They believed that the treatments would fix Anant, and he would be able to walk, run, and even play table tennis again just like he used to. They even imagined him becoming a talented sitar player in the future.

Passage: But his condition grew worse with each passing day and the doctors at the cancer hospital said, ‘Take him home. Give him the thing he likes, indulge him,’ and they knew then that the boy had not many days to live. But they did not voice their fears. They laughed and smiled and talked and surrounded Anant with whatever made him happy. They fulfilled his every need and gave him whatever he asked for. And now he was asking to go to the concert. ‘The chance of a lifetime,’ he was saying.


Word Meaning

Indulge: To allow someone to have something they enjoy, especially something that is not good for them in large quantities.


Explanation: The boy’s sickness was getting really bad. The doctors at the special hospital for sick people like him knew he wasn’t going to get better. They didn’t say that out loud though, instead they acted happy and made the boy smile. They gave him everything he wanted, like going to a concert he was super excited about.

Passage: ‘When you are better,’ his mother said. ‘This is not the last time they are going to play.’ 

Smita stood at the window looking at the traffic, her eyes wet with tears. Her mother whispered, ‘But you Smita, you must go. Your father will take you.’ 


Word Meaning

Traffic: Movement of vehicles, people, or goods along a route or in a congested area.

Wet with tears: This phrase describes someone’s eyes being moist or filled with tears.


Explanation: The boy’s mother tells her boy (Anant) that he needs to recover first and that the concert will happen again soon. There will be more chances to attend the concert in the future.

Smita is sad, looking outside with tears in her eyes as she doesn’t want to miss the chance to see Pandit Ravi Shankar play in real life. Her mother understands and tells her that she should attend the concert and that her father will take her to the concert.

Passage: When she was alone with Aunt Sushila, Smita cried out in a choked voice, ‘No, how can I? We’ve always done things together, Anant and I.’ 

‘A walk in the park might make you feel better,’ said Aunt Sushila and Smita was grateful for her suggestion. 


Word Meaning

Choked voice: This describes a voice that is strained or interrupted by strong emotion, often sadness or crying.

Grateful: This means feeling thankful or appreciative for something.


Explanation: Smita was really sad because she and her brother, Anant, did things together and that wasn’t going to happen anymore as she was going to the concert but Anant couldn’t go with her. When she was alone with her aunt, cried a little, saying it wasn’t possible to do it without Anant. Her aunt, Sushila, understood and kindly suggested that Smita take a walk in the park and maybe feel a bit better. Even though Smita was sad, she appreciated her aunt’s caring suggestion.

Passage: In the park, people were walking, running, playing ball, doing yogic exercises, feeding the ducks and eating roasted gram and peanuts, Smita felt alone in their midst. She was lost in her thoughts.


Word Meaning

Midst: surrounded by or in the middle of


Explanation: In the park, some people were walking, some were running, others were playing ball. There were even people doing yoga and feeding ducks. Everyone seemed happy and busy. In the middle of all this, there was Smita. She was surrounded by people but felt alone because she was lost in her own thoughts.

Passage: Suddenly a daring thought came to her and as she hurried home she said to herself. ‘Why not? There’s no harm in trying it.’


Word Meaning

Daring: Bold, brave, or adventurous. 

Hurried: To move quickly or go somewhere in a rush. 


Explanation: Smita had an idea that seemed a little scary at first, but then she decided it might be okay to try it anyway.

Passage: ‘It would be nice to go to the concert. I don’t know when we’ll get another opportunity to hear Pandit Ravi Shankar,’ she said to her mother later. And her father agreed to get the tickets. 


Word Meaning

Opportunity: A good chance to do something.


Explanation: Smita really wanted to go to Pandit Ravi Shankar’s concert. She told her mom it might be their only chance to hear him play, and because of that, her dad decided to buy them tickets.

Passage: The next day as Smita and her father were leaving for the concert, her brother smiled and said, ‘Enjoy yourself,’ though the words came out in painful gasps. ‘Lucky you!’


Explanation: Smita’s brother Anant was sad that he couldn’t go to the concert. Even though he felt bad, he still wanted Smita and their father to have a good time. So, he told them to “enjoy themselves” and said they were “lucky” to get to go.

Passage: Sitting besides her father in the gallery, Smita heard as in a dream the thundering welcome the audience gave the great master. Then the first notes came over the air and Smita felt as if the gates of a land of enchantment and wonder were opening. Spellbound, she listened to the unfolding ragas, the slow plaintive notes, the fast twinkling ones, but all the while the plan she had decided on the evening before remained firmly in her mind. ‘The chance of a lifetime.’ She heard Anant’s voice in every beat of the tabla.


Word Meaning

Thundering welcome: A very loud and enthusiastic applause.

Enchantment: A feeling of great pleasure and delight.

Spellbound: Captivated and completely held by something.

Unfolding ragas: The gradual development of the melody in Indian classical music.

Plaintive notes: Sad and mournful musical sounds.

Twinkling notes: High-pitched, rapid musical notes.

Firmly: Steadfastly, with determination.


Explanation: Smita was at a concert with her dad. The crowd cheered in excitement when the famous musician, Pandit Ravi Shankar arrived. When the music started, Smita felt like she was entering a magical world. The music was beautiful, with both slow and fast parts. Even though Smita was totally captivated by the music, she secretly remembered a plan she had made the night before. With every drumbeat, she felt connected to Anant, who also loved that kind of music.

Passage: The concert came to an end, the audience gave the artistes a standing ovation. 

A large moustachioed man having a long moustache, made a long boring speech. Then came the presentation of bouquets. Then more applause and the curtain came down. The people began to move towards the exits.


Word Meaning

Bouquet: Bunch of flowers


Explanation: The concert was over. Everyone clapped and cheered while standing up because they really liked the performance. Then, a man with a very big mustache gave a long speech that wasn’t that exciting. After that, people gave flowers to the performers, there was more clapping, and a big curtain closed in front of the stage. Finally, it was time to leave, so everyone started leaving.

Passage: Now was the time. Smita wriggled her way through the crowds towards the stage. Then she went up the steps that led to the wings, her heart beating loudly. In the wings a small crowd had gathered to talk about the evening concert, to help carry bouquets and teacups and instruments. 


Word Meaning

Wriggled: To move in a twisting, sideways motion, often with difficulty because of a crowd or tight space.


Explanation: This was the perfect moment for Smita to make her move. She squeezed through the crowd and went backstage, where there were fewer people. Her heart was pounding because she was nervous about what she was about to do.

Passage: He was there, standing with the man who played the tabla for him, the great wizard of music, Ustad Allah Rakha. Her knees felt weak, her tongue dry. But she went up and standing before them, her hands folded, ‘Oh sir,’ she burst out. 


Word Meaning

Wizard: In this context, a master or genius of music.

Burst out: To speak suddenly and with emotion.


Explanation: The girl finally found the famous musician, Ustad Allah Rakha. He was with another musician who played a drum-like instrument called the tabla. Smita was so nervous her legs felt wobbly and her mouth got all dry. But even though she was scared, she walked right up to them, put her hands together politely, and blurted out “Oh sir,” to get their attention.

Passage:  ‘Yes?’ he asked questioningly but kindly. And her story came pouring out, the story of her brother who lay sick at home and of how he longed to hear him and the Ustad play.


Word Meaning

Poured out: This is a phrasal verb that means to tell something quickly and emotionally, as if it cannot be held back.


Explanation: The man asked Smita if she needed something in a gentle way. Smita then felt comfortable telling him everything about her sick brother who wanted to listen to Ustad Allah Rakha and Pandit Ravi Shankar play.

Passage:  ‘Will you come to Aunt Sushila’s house and play for him?’ she asked at the end breathlessly. ‘Please,’ she begged, ‘Please come.’


Word Meaning

Breathlessly: Out of breath, possibly from excitement or exertion.

Begged: Pleaded in a very earnest and urgent way.


Explanation: Smita asks Ustad if they could visit her Aunt Sushila’s house as her brother Anant would love to hear them play. 

Passage:  ‘Little girl,’ said the moustachioed man who had made the long speech. ‘Panditji is a busy man. You must not bother him with such requests.’


Word Meaning

Bother: annoy or cause inconvenience and trouble


Explanation: The man with a mustache told Smita that Panditji was very busy and should not be disturbed with her request.

Passage:  But Pandit Ravi Shankar smiled and motioned him to be quiet. He turned to Ustad Sahib and said, ‘What shall we do, Ustad Sahib?’


Word Meaning

Motioned: Used a gesture to signal someone to do something.


Explanation: Pandit Ravi Shankar politely asked the man with a mustache to be quiet. Then, he turned to Ustad Sahib to ask what they should do about Smita’s plan.

Passage:  The Ustad moved the wad of paan from one cheek to another. ‘Tomorrow morning we perform for the boy – Yes?’ he said. 

‘Yes,’ Panditji replied. ‘It’s settled then.’ 


Word Meaning

Wad: This refers to a small, tightly compressed mass of something soft, like a wad of chewing gum or, in this case, the prepared paan leaf.


Explanation: The Ustad chewed his paan (betel leaf) and said that the next day they would perform music for the boy. Panditji agreed to it. 

Passage: It was a very excited Smita who came home late that night. Anant was awake, breathing the oxygen from the cylinder.


Explanation:  Smita came home very late and was very excited. At home, Anant was awake. He was breathing using the oxygen cylinder as he was sick.

Passage:   ‘Did you – did you hear him?’ he whispered. 

‘I did,’ she replied, ‘and I spoke to him and he’ll come tomorrow morning with the tabla Ustad and they’ll play for you.’


Explanation: Anant asked his sister Smita if she heard the legends play music. Smita replied that she did. She said that she even talked to him and that he had agreed to come the next morning. SAhe added that they would play the tabla for Anant.

Passage: And the following morning Aunt Sushila’s neighbours saw two men get out of a taxi which pulled up outside their block… they could not believe their eyes. ‘Is it… It’s not possible?’ they said.


Word Meaning

Pulled up: The car stopped


Explanation: The next day, people living next to Aunt Sushila saw two men come out of a taxi that stopped near her building. They were so surprised they couldn’t believe what they were seeing. They wondered if it was really happening or if they were just imagining things.

Passage: Pandit Ravi Shankar and Ustad Allah Rakha went up the wooden staircase and knocked softly on the door of Aunt Sushila’s apartment. They went in, sat down on the divan by the window and played for the boy, surrounding him with a great and beautiful happiness as life went out of him gently, very gently.


Word Meaning

Knocked softly: Gently rapped on the door

Divan: A long, low couch or sofa. It’s a type of seating traditionally used in India.


Explanation: Two famous musicians, Pandit Ravi Shankar and Ustad Allah Rakha, visited them. They climbed up the stairs made of wood and tapped on Aunt Shushila’s apartment door. They went inside, sat on a comfortable couch by the window, and played beautiful music for Anant. Their music filled the room with happiness and peace as the boy’s life slowly came to an end.

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