Stephen Hawking Question Answers


Maharashtra State Board Class 10 English Stephen Hawking Important Question Answers from Kumarbharti Book 


Stephen Hawking – Question Answers: Looking for Stephen Hawking question answers for Maharashtra State Board class 10 English Kumarbharti Book? Look no further! Our comprehensive compilation of important questions will help you brush up on your subject knowledge. Practising Maharashtra State Class 10 English question answers can significantly improve your performance in the exam. Our solutions provide a clear idea of how to write the answers effectively. Improve your chances of scoring high marks by exploring Stephen Hawking question answers now. The questions listed below are based on the latest exam pattern, wherein we have given solved exercises and question answers of the textbook and extra questions (Multiple Choice Questions and Vocabulary Based Questions).

Maharashtra State Board Class 10 English Kumarbharti Lesson Stephen Hawking Textbook Questions


  1. Get into pairs and match the prominent personalities with the disabilities they had:


‘A’ ‘B’
(1) John Milton (a) The great German composer and musician who became deaf at the age of 28 years.
(2) Beethoven (b) The great English poet who became blind at the age of 43 years.
(3)  Stephen Hawking (c) An American entrepreneur, animator, voice actor, had a learning disability.
(4) Walt Disney (d) Famous scientist of the 20th century who was paralyzed.
(5) Albert Einstein (e) Great inventor who has over 1000 patents had a learning disability and became deaf.
(6) Thomas Edison (f) Great 20th Century scientist and noted physicist who had a learning disability.
(7) Hellen Keller (g) Dancer whose leg had to be amputated because of an accident.
(8) Sudha Chandran (h) Was blind and deaf.
(9) Tanay Grey-Thompson (i) Had polio and was elected as the President of the United States for four terms.
(10) Franklin Roosevelt (j) Is a wheelchair racer.



‘A’ ‘B’
(1) John Milton (b) The great English poet who became blind at the age of 43 years.
(2) Beethoven (a) The great German composer and musician who became deaf at the age of 28 years.
(3)  Stephen Hawking (d) Famous scientist of the 20th century who was paralyzed.
(4) Walt Disney (c) An American entrepreneur, animator, voice actor, had a learning disability.
(5) Albert Einstein (f) Great 20th Century scientist and noted physicist who had a learning disability.
(6) Thomas Edison (e) Great inventor who has over 1000 patents had a learning disability and became deaf.
(7) Hellen Keller (h) Was blind and deaf. 
(8) Sudha Chandran (g) Dancer whose leg had to be amputated because of an accident.
(9) Tanay Grey-Thompson (j) Is a wheelchair racer. 
(10) Franklin Roosevelt (i) Had polio and was elected as the President of the United States for four terms.


  1. Word Building.

(a) Reduplication: The root/stem of a word is repeated exactly the same or with a slight change.

 For example, tweet-tweet, pitter-patter, chit-chat, bang-bang, riff-raff.


(b) Blending: Parts of two or more words combine to form a new one.

 For example, 

  • l breakfast + lunch = brunch
  •  l smoke + fog = smog
  •  l motor + hotel = motel


(c) Clipping: Reducing a word to one of its syllables or a part of it.

 For example, 

  • Mathematics – Maths
  •  Advertisement – Ad
  •  Laboratory – Lab


(d) Acronym: Words formed from the first letter of each of the words involved.

 For example, 

  • radar, scuba, Unicef, Nasa
  •  DOB, KYC, PM, GN, TY etc.


In your notebook, write five examples of each of the above types of word-building devices. (You may take the help of a Dictionary/the Internet)



(a) Reduplication:

  1. Tick-tock (sound of a clock)
  2. Zigzag (movement pattern)
  3. Hush-hush (secretive whispering)
  4. Mumbo-jumbo (gibberish)
  5. Flip-flop (sandal type)

(b) Blending:

  1. Brunch (breakfast + lunch)
  2. Smog (smoke + fog)
  3. Podcast (iPod + broadcast)
  4. Spork (spoon + fork)
  5. Webinar (web + seminar)

(c) Clipping:

  1. Gym (gymnasium)
  2. Doc (doctor)
  3. Flu (influenza)
  4. Info (information)

(d) Acronym:

  1. LASER (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation)
  2. WIFI (Wireless Fidelity)
  3. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
  4. URL (Uniform Resource Locator)
  5. GIF (Graphics Interchange Format)


Q. What was Hawking convinced of?
Ans. Hawking was convinced that time travel is possible, and that humans may indeed colonize other planets in the future.

Q. When did Hawking first notice his health problems?
Ans. Hawking first began to notice problems with his physical health while he was at Oxford – on occasions he would trip and fall, or slur his speech.

Q. In the mid 1970’s what did the Hawking’s family do?
Ans. By the mid-1970s, the Hawking family had taken in one of Hawking’s graduate students to help manage his care and work.

Q. Why was Hawking forced to use a wheelchair?
Ans. ALS is a progressive disease that weakens muscles. Due to this disease, Hawking was forced to use a wheelchair.

Q. What do Stephen Hawking works include?
Ans. Hawking’s work not only included numerous scientific papers, but also information for the non-scientific community.

Q. What remains a constant anxiety?
Ans. Hawking’s health remained a constant anxiety and concern (while he was alive).


  1. Observe the timeline and search the occurrences according to it. Prepare a chart.




  1. Make a list of books written by Stephen Hawking.


Name of the  book What’s in it? (topics covered) His contribution to the world
1. ………………………….. (a) …………………………..
2. ………………………….. (b) …………………………..
3. ………………………….. (c) …………………………..
4. ………………………….. (d) …………………………..



Name of the  book What’s in it? (topics covered) His contribution to the world
1. A Brief History of Time (a) An introduction to cosmology for the general public, covering space and time, the existence of God, and the future of the universe. Made complex scientific ideas accessible to a wide audience.
2. The Grand Design (b) Argues that the Big Bang was the inevitable consequence of the laws of physics and there is no need for a creator God. Contributed to the debate on science and religion.
3. The Universe in a Nutshell (c) A more illustrated guide to cosmology’s big theories, following up on A Brief History of Time.  Provided a clearer explanation of complex cosmological concepts.
4. A Briefer History of Time (d) Further simplified the core concepts of A Brief History of Time and touched upon new developments in physics. Made cutting-edge physics more understandable for a broader audience.
  1. Make a list of Hawking’s physical inabilities after 1963.

(a) …………………… 

(b) …………………… 

(c) ……………………

(d) ……………………

(e) ……………………

(f) ……………………



(a) Difficulty walking and using muscles, leading to wheelchair use by 1969.

(b) Slurred speech, becoming increasingly difficult to understand for those who weren’t familiar.

(c) Loss of ability to perform many daily tasks, requiring assistance with most activities.

(d) Loss of voice following a tracheotomy in 1985.

(e) Need for 24-hour nursing care due to extensive physical limitations.

(f) Gradual loss of most bodily control, with communication maintained through a cheek muscle and computer program.


  1. Shape your mind. Complete the network of cluster diagram with the name of great personalities and their contributions.

 cluster diagram


Field of Excellence

  • Fine Art:
  1. Leonardo da Vinci: Known for his paintings like Mona Lisa and The Last Supper, anatomical drawings, and inventions.
  2. Rabindranath Tagore: Bengali poet who wrote the national anthem of India and won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1913.

iii. Satyajit Ray: Renowned Indian filmmaker who directed masterpieces like Pather Panchali and The Apu Trilogy.


  • Mathematics:
  1. Srinivasa Ramanujan: Indian mathematician who made significant contributions to number theory, analysis, and infinite series.
  2. Euclid: Greek mathematician known for his geometry text “Elements,” which laid the foundation for geometry for centuries.

iii. Alan Turing: British mathematician and computer scientist who is considered the father of theoretical computer science and artificial intelligence.


  • Literature:


  1. William Shakespeare: English playwright and poet widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language.
  2. Gabriel Garcia Marquez: Colombian novelist, journalist, and short-story writer known for his magical realism style and works like One Hundred Years of Solitude.

iii. Toni Morrison: American novelist, essayist, book editor, and college professor whose works explore themes of race, gender, and history.


  • Science:


  1. Stephen Hawking: British physicist and cosmologist who made significant contributions to our understanding of black holes and the Big Bang.
  2. Marie Curie: Polish and naturalized-French physicist and chemist who conducted pioneering research on radioactivity.

iii. Albert Einstein: German-born theoretical physicist who developed the theory of relativity, one of the two pillars of modern physics (alongside quantum mechanics).


  1. Complete the following web.




  1. Explain how the life of Stephen Hawking proves the proverb ‘Every cloud has

 a silver lining’. Write it down in your notebook.

Answer- Here’s how Stephen Hawking’s life exemplifies the proverb “Every cloud has a silver lining”:


The Cloud: A Devastating Diagnosis


  • At 21, Stephen Hawking received a life-changing diagnosis of ALS, a deadly disease that progressively weakens muscles.
  • Doctors gave him only a few years to live.


The Silver Lining: Resilience and Focus

  • The diagnosis forced Hawking to confront his mortality and re-evaluate his priorities.
  • It sparked a newfound determination to make the most of his limited time.
  • He poured his energy into research and writing, becoming a world-renowned physicist and cosmologist.


Achievements Despite Challenges

  • Hawking continued his research and published groundbreaking papers despite his physical limitations.
  • He developed new ways to communicate using a speech synthesizer.
  • He wrote popular science books like “A Brief History of Time,” making complex ideas accessible to a wide audience.


Inspiration for Others

  • Hawking’s story became an inspiration for millions facing challenges.
  • He showed that limitations don’t have to define your potential.
  • His perseverance and intellectual curiosity served as a beacon of hope.

While ALS was a devastating news, it also became a catalyst for Hawking’s greatest achievements. His story embodies the proverb “Every cloud has a silver lining” by demonstrating that even in the face of immense difficulty, there can be unexpected opportunities for growth and accomplishment.


  1. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Justify your stand/

 answer by quoting a line from the text.

 (a) Stephen Hawking was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease.

 (b) Hawking believed that man cannot live on other planets in the future.

 (c) Though Hawking lost control over his body, he wrote with a prolific rate with the help

 of assistants.

 (d) Hawking has written or co-written more than 25 books.



(a) Stephen Hawking was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease.

Ans. Disagree

Stephen Hawking was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).


(b) Hawking believed that man cannot live on other planets in the future.

Ans. Disagree

Hawking was convinced that time travel is possible, and that humans may indeed colonize other planets in the future.”


(c) Though Hawking lost control over his body, he wrote with a prolific rate with the help

 of assistants.

Ans. Agree

Despite his illness, Stephen Hawking has continued to write at a prolific rate.


(d) Hawking has written or co-written more than 25 books.

Ans. Disagree

Over the years, Stephen Hawking has written or co-written a total of 15 books.

  1. The following incidents in Stephen Hawking’s life are given in jumbled order. Arrange the incidents in proper sequence as per their order of occurrence in Hawking’s life.

(a) Hawking’s book ‘The Universe in a Nutshell’ offered illustrated guide to cosmology’s big theories. 

(b) Hawking published the book ‘A Brief History of Time’ that offered an overview of space and time. 

(c) Hawking was unable to attend a conference in Arizona. 

(d) Hawking was diagnosed with ALS while studying cosmology at the University of Cambridge. (e) Hawking published ‘A Brief History of Time’ that contained the newest development.  



  1. (c) Hawking’s book ‘The Universe in a Nutshell’ offered an illustrated guide to cosmology’s big theories,
  2. (d) Hawking published the book ‘A Brief History of Time’ that offered an overview of space and time.
  3. (b) Hawking was unable to attend a conference in Arizona.
  4. (a) Hawking was diagnosed with ALS while studying cosmology at the University of Cambridge.
  5. (e) Hawking authored ‘A Briefer History of Time’ that contained the newest developments.
  1. Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the Verbs as per the Subject: 

(1) Mother ………. a good meal. (cook/cooks) 

(2) Mother and her daughter  ………. a good meal. (cook/cooks) 

(3) The rise and fall of the Empire  ………. recorded in History. (is/are) 

(4) Neither Ritesh nor Alok  ………. well. (play/plays) 

(5) Either of the two  ………. guilty. (is/are)

(6) Everyone  ………. mistakes. (make/makes) 

(7) That news  ………. published today. (is/are) 

(8) Eight lakh rupees  ………. a big amount. (was/were) 

(9) The Committee ………. approved of it. (has/have) 

(10) The cost of all the goods ………. risen. (has/have)


(1) Mother ………. a good meal. (cook/cooks) 

Ans. Mother cooks a good meal.


(2) Mother and her daughter  ………. a good meal. (cook/cooks) 

Ans. Mother and her daughter cook a good meal.


(3) The rise and fall of the Empire  ………. recorded in History. (is/are) 

Ans. The rise and fall of the Empire is recorded in History.


(4) Neither Ritesh nor Alok  ………. well. (play/plays) 

Ans. Neither Ritesh nor Alok plays well.


(5) Either of the two  ………. guilty. (is/are)

Ans. Either of the two is guilty.


(6) Everyone  ………. mistakes. (make/makes) 

Ans. Everyone makes mistakes.


(7) That news  ………. published today. (is/are) 

Ans. That news is published today.


(8) Eight lakh rupees  ………. a big amount. (was/were) 

Ans. Eight lakh rupees was a big amount.


(9) The Committee ………. approved of it. (has/have) 

Ans. The Committee has approved of it.


(10) The cost of all the goods ………. risen. (has/have)

Ans. The cost of all the goods has risen.


  1. From the following sentences, underline the Nouns and encircle their Determiners

that specify the noun in a noun phrase.

(articles/possessive pronouns/demonstratives or quantifiers)

(1) He lost his voice for good.

(2) Over the years, Hawking has written 15 books.

(3) These three books articulate his search for science’s Holy Grail.

(4) A few events prevented him from despondency.

(5) That dream made him realize it.



(1) He lost his voice for good. (Determiner: his) 

(2) Over the years, Hawking has written 15 books (Determiners: Over, the) 

(3) These three books articulate his search for science’s Holy Grail. (Determiners: These, three)

(4) A few events prevented him from despondency. (Determiners: A, few) 

(5) That dream made him realize it. (Determiner: That)

  1. Complete the information from the following graphic organiser and prepare a summary.


Summary Maker

Title of the text :

(a) Name of the personality: ……….……….……….……….……….……….……….………

(b) Age: ……….……….……….……….……….……….……….………

(c) Books (As Author): ……….……….……….……….……….……….……….………

(d) Field of Excellence: ……….……….……….……….……….……….……….………

(e) Achievements: ……….……….……….……….……….……….……….………



Title of the text: Stephen Hawking

Name of the personality: Stephen Hawking

Age: Stephen Hawking was born on 8 January 1942.

He was diagnosed with ALS at 21 

He passed away in 2018.

Books (As Author):

  • A Brief History of Time
  • The Grand Design
  • The Universe in a Nutshell
  • A Briefer History of Time

Field of Excellence: Physics and Cosmology


  • Made significant contributions to our understanding of the universe, especially black holes and the Big Bang.
  • Authored popular science books, making complex scientific ideas accessible to a wider audience.
  • Continued research and published papers despite physical limitations due to ALS.
  • Became an inspiration for millions facing challenges due to his perseverance and intellectual curiosity.
  1. You have come to know from the text that ‘The Theory of Everything’ is a film describing the life and work of Stephen Hawking. Watch the film on internet and write a complete review of it. You can take help of the following points while writing the review of the film.


(1) Title

(2) Characters

(3) Story

(4) Dialogues

(5) Picturisation

(6) Music

(7) Special features (if any)

(8) Opinion / Views

(9) Message/Moral values.


Answer-The Theory of Everything: A Review

(1) Title: The Theory of Everything

(2) Characters:

  • Eddie Redmayne as Stephen Hawking
  • Felicity Jones as Jane Hawking


  • Charlie Cox as Jonathan Hellyer


  • Emily Watson and David Thewlis as Stephen’s parents

(3) Story:

The film follows Stephen Hawking’s life, from his early days as a bright and promising physics student at Cambridge to his diagnosis with ALS and his journey as a renowned scientist living with a deadly disease. It explores his relationship with Jane, the challenges they face, and the unwavering love that binds them together.

(4) Dialogues:

The dialogues are intelligent and thought-provoking, particularly those exploring Stephen’s theories on physics and the universe. The film also portrays moments of tenderness and humor in Stephen and Jane’s relationship.

(5) Picturisation:

The cinematography is breathtaking, capturing the vastness of the universe and the beauty of everyday life. The use of slow-motion and close-ups effectively emphasizes the emotional weight of certain scenes.

(6) Music:

The score by Jóhann Jóhannsson is beautiful, perfectly complementing the film’s emotions.

(7) Special Features (if available on the version you watch):

Many versions of the film offer bonus features like behind-the-scenes footage, interviews with the cast and crew, and featurettes exploring Stephen Hawking’s life and work.

(8) Opinion / Views:

The Theory of Everything is a powerful film that celebrates the human spirit in the face of adversity. It’s a moving love story intertwined with a fascinating exploration of scientific discovery. 

(9) Message/Moral Values:

The Theory of Everything is a reminder to cherish life, embrace our passions, and never give up on our dreams, regardless of the obstacles we face.

Maharashtra State Board Class 10 English Kumarbharti Chapter Stephen Hawking Extra Questions

Multiple-Choice Questions


  1. What is Stephen Hawking’s field of study? 

(a) Biology

(b) Physics and Cosmology 

(c) Literature 

(d) Engineering


  1. When was Stephen Hawking diagnosed with a deadly disease? 

(a) In his 30s 

(b) At the age of 21

(c) After graduating from university 

(d) None of the above


  1. Which of the following is the title of the movie based on the life and work of Stephen Hawking?

(a) The Big Bang Theory

(b) Interstellar

(c) The Theory of Everything 

(d) A Beautiful Mind


  1. What does Stephen Hawking believe about time travel?

(a) It is definitely not possible.

(b) It is a myth with no scientific basis.

(c) He believes that it is a  possibility. 

(d) He has proven it to be achievable.


  1. What, according to Hawking, caused the Big Bang?

(a) Divine intervention by God

(b) The inevitable consequence of physical laws 

(c) A random accident in space

(d) The expansion of black holes


  1. What did Sir Isaac Newton believe about the origin of the universe?

(a) It was created through the Big Bang.

(b) It was the result of natural physical laws.

(c) It had to be designed by a God. 

(d) It formed spontaneously from nothing.


  1. What was Stephen Hawking diagnosed with at the age of 21?

(a) Leukemia

(b) Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)

(c) Multiple sclerosis

(d) Muscular Dystrophy


  1. How did Stephen Hawking feel about his diagnosis?

(a) He was relieved.

(b) He became completely disheartened.

(c) He was initially devastated but found reasons to not give up.

(d) He didn’t care much.


  1. What event helped Stephen Hawking cope with his diagnosis?

(a) The support of his family

(b) Sharing a room with a boy with leukemia

(c) A successful surgery

(d) A dream about winning an award


  1. How did Stephen Hawking’s diagnosis impact his approach to his studies?

(a) It made him lose interest in research.

(b) It motivated him to work harder and achieve his goals.

(c) It didn’t affect his studies much.

(d) He changed his field of study.


  1. (b) Physics and Cosmology 
  2. (b) At the age of 21
  3. (c) The Theory of Everything
  4. (c) He believes that it is a possibility. 
  5. (b) The inevitable consequence of physical laws 
  6. (c) It had to be designed by a God. 
  7. (b) Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
  8. (c) He was initially devastated but found reasons to not give up.
  9. (b) Sharing a room with a boy with leukemia
  10. (b) It motivated him to work harder and achieve his goals.



Vocabulary Based MCQs


Choose the synonym that best replaces the underlined word in each sentence.


  1. Stephen Hawking was a British scientist, professor, and author who did groundbreaking work in physics and cosmology.

(a) traditional  

(b) well-known  

(c) pioneering  

(d) complex


  1. Part of his life story was depicted in the 2014 film ‘The Theory of Everything.’

(a) portrayed 

(b) imagined 

(c) discussed 

(d) debated


  1. A few of the most noteworthy include: The Grand Design, The Universe in a Nutshell, The Theory of Everything.

(a) significant  

(b) unimportant  

(c) dull  

(d) fictional


  1. In 1988 Hawking catapulted to international prominence with the publication of A Brief History of Time.

(a) achieved 

(b) descended into  

(c) doubted (d) questioned


  1. The short, informative book became an account of cosmology for the masses.

(a) unimportant people  

(b) general public  

(c) experts only  

(d) students


  1. Spontaneous creation is the reason there is something rather than nothing, why the universe exists, why we exist.  What does the phrase “Spontaneous creation” refer to in the passage?

(a) The birth of new stars 

(b) The existence of dark matter 

(c) The universe coming into being from nothing  

(d) The development of life on Earth


Choose the answer that has the MOST OPPOSITE meaning to the underlined word in each sentence.


  1. He’s convinced that time travel is possible, and that humans may indeed colonize other planets in the future.

(a) explore 

(b) discover

(c) abandon

(d) visit


  1. His new work, however, concluded that the Big Bang was the inevitable consequence of the laws of physics… 

(a) predicted 

(b) avoidable 

(c) expected 

(d) necessary


  1. In 2005, Hawking authored the even more accessible ‘A Briefer History of Time,’ which further simplified… 

(a) complex 

(b) clear 

(c) obscure 

(d) brief


  1. The predicament caught the attention of a California computer programmer.

(a) Solution 

(b) Assistance

(c) Challenge

(d) Recognition



  1. (c) pioneering  
  2. (a) portrayed 
  3. (a) significant 
  4. (a) achieved 
  5. (b) general public  
  6. (c) The universe coming into being from nothing  
  7. (c) abandon
  8. (b) avoidable 
  9. (c) obscure 
  10. (a) Solution 




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