On Wings of Courage Question Answers


Maharashtra State Board Class 10 English On Wings of Courage Important Question Answers from Kumarbharti Book 


On Wings of Courage Question Answer: Looking for On Wings of Courage question answers for Maharashtra State Board class 10 English Kumarbharti Book? Look no further! Our comprehensive compilation of important questions will help you brush up on your subject knowledge. Practising Maharashtra State Class 10 English question answers can significantly improve your performance in the exam. Our solutions provide a clear idea of how to write the answers effectively. Improve your chances of scoring high marks by exploring  On Wings of Courage question answers now. The questions listed below are based on the latest exam pattern, wherein we have solved textbook questions and given extra MCQ questions for practice.


  1. The ranks of officers in Indian Army, Navy and Air Force are jumbled up. Discuss with your group and put them in the appropriate boxes.


Commander, Brigadier, Wing-Commander, Vice-Admiral, Squadron-Leader, Major, Colonel, Field Marshal, Air Marshal, Admiral of Fleet, Lieutenant-General, Flying Officer, Commodore, Rear Admiral, Air-Commodore





Field Marshal


Admiral of Fleet


Rear Admiral



Air Marshal


Flying Officer




  1. Homophones/ Homographs

(A) Make sentences to bring out the difference between-


(1) (a) wear ………………………………………………………………………..

(b) ware ………………………………………………………………………..


(2) (a) here ………………………………………………………………………..

(b) hear ………………………………………………………………………..


(3) (a) there ………………………………………………………………………..

(b) their ………………………………………………………………………..


(4) (a) cell ………………………………………………………………………..

(b) sell ………………………………………………………………………..



(1) (a) Wear: I need to wear a jacket because it’s cold outside. 

(b) Ware: My grandmother collects beautiful antique ware. 


(2) (a) Here: Come and sit here next to me. 

(b) Hear: I can hear the music playing from downstairs.


(3) (a) There: I left my book there on the table. 

(b) Their: They are going to visit their grandparents this weekend. 


(4) (a) Cell: Our body is made up of millions of cells.

(b) Sell: The store is having a Pink Friday Sale tomorrow.  


(B) Write what the underlined Homographs in the following sentences mean.


(1) (a) A bear is an omnivorous animal.  …………………………………….

(b) She could not bear the injustice. …………………………………….


(2) (a) A bat is the only bird which is a mammal. …………………………………….

 (b) His bat broke as it struck the ball. …………………………………….


(3) (a) He had to pay a fine for breaking the traffic signal. …………………………………….

(b) Use a fine cloth for the baby’s clothes. …………………………………….


(4) (a) We enjoyed a lot at the temple fair. …………………………………….

(b) She has a fair complexion. …………………………………….



(1) (a) Bear: A large, furry mammal with a heavy build.

(b) Bear: To tolerate or endure something difficult or unpleasant.


(2) (a) Bat: flying mammals

(b) Bat:  A wooden piece used in sports like baseball or cricket.


(3) (a) Fine: A penalty or payment for an offence.

(b) Fine: Of high quality or delicate texture.


(4) (a) Fair: A festive event or exhibition, often held outdoors.

(b) Fair: Light in skin color or complexion.


Why is Air Force Marshal Arjan Singh considered an outstanding military personality?

Ans. Air Force Marshal Arjan Singh is considered an outstanding military personality because he achieved the highest rank in IAF.


What personality traits of Arjan Singh are mentioned here?

Ans. The personality traits of Arjan Singh mentioned here are-

  • Courageous –  He is described as a fearless pilot who faced danger.
  • Skilled leader – His ability to inspire and guide the IAF to victory is a proof of his strong leadership.
  • Dedicated –  His long and accomplished career demonstrates dedication to his country and the IAF.


What enabled Arjan Singh to win the DFC award?

Ans. For his role in successfully leading the squadron in combat, Arjan Singh received the Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC) in 1944.


At what age did Arjan Singh become a Squadron Leader?

Ans. Arjan Singh became a Squadron leader at the age of 25 only.


For how long did Arjun Singh hold the post of AOC?

Ans. Arjan Singh held the post of AOC of Operational Command, from 1949-1952 and again from 1957-1961.


What uphill task did Singh face when he took over as Air Marshal? 

Ans. When Arjan Singh took over as Air Marshal he faced the uphill task of rebuilding IAF and gearing it up to meet new challenges.


What other important positions did Arjan Singh hold after his retirement?

Ans. After retirement, Arjan Singh held the following positions-

  • Ambassador to Switzerland
  • Lieutenant Governor of Delhi


  1. Read the text and fill in the flow chart of the promotions received by Arjan Singh.



Member of No. I RIAF  Squadron Leader Wing Commander
Air Vice Marshal  Air Commander Group Captain
Marshal of the Air Force
  1. With the help of facts given in the text prepare a Fact file of Air Marshal Arjan Singh.


(a) Date of Birth …………………………..

(b) Place of Birth …………………………..

(c) Education …………………………..

(d) First Assignments …………………………..

(e) Important posts held 

  • (a) In Air Force …………………………..
  • (b) After retirement …………………………..

(f) Awards …………………………..

(g) Most outstanding contribution in IAF …………………………..

(h) Retirement …………………………..



(a) Date of birth –  April 15, 1919

(b) Place of birth –  Lyalpur

(c) Education –   Montgomery; Empire Pilot Training Course at RAF (Cranwell)

(d) First Assignment –  to fly Westland Wapiti biplanes in the North-Western Frontier Province as a member of the No. 1 RIAF Squadron

(e) Important posts held-

  • (a) In Air Force – Member of No. 1. RIAF, Flying Officer, Squadron Leader, Wing Commander, Group Captain, Air Commodore, Air Officer Commanding, Air Vice Marshal, Air Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Deputy Chief of Air Staff, Vice Chief of Air Staff, Chief of Air Staff, Air Chief Marshal.
  • (b) After retirement – Ambassador to Switzerland, Lieutenant Governor of Delhi

(f) Awards –  Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC) (1944) ,  Padma Vibhushan

(g) Most outstanding contribution in IAF – He played a major role in transforming the IAF into one of the most potent air forces globally and the fourth biggest in the world.

(h) Retirement – in August 1969.


  1. Fill in the web.

qualities of arjan singh


qualities of arjan singh

  1. Say what actions preceded the following promotions of Arjan Singh in his

career in the IAF.


(a) Selected for Empire Pilot training course at RAF



(b) Promoted to Squadron Leader



(c) Leader of a flypast of over 100 aircrafts at Red Fort, Delhi



(d) Awarded Padma Vibhushan



(e) First Air Chief Marshal of Indian Air Force





(a) Selected for Empire Pilot training course at RAF

Ans. He completed his education at Montgomery.


(b) Promoted to Squadron Leader

Ans. He flew against the tribal forces and moved back to No. 1 Squadron as a Flying Officer to fly the Hawker Hurricane.


(c) Leader of a flypast of over 100 aircrafts at Red Fort, Delhi

Ans. He was promoted to the rank of Squadron Leader and awarded Distinguished Flying Cross.


(d) Awarded Padma Vibhushan

Ans. Astute leadership of the Air Force during the 1965 Indo-Pak war


(e) First Air Chief Marshal of Indian Air Force

Ans. He was a source of inspiration to all the personnel of the Armed Forces through the years.


  1. Replace the underlined words/phrases with the appropriate ones, to retain the proper meaning.

(be the epitome of, gear up, a brief stint, play a major role, in recognition of, take over reins)


(a) He contributed notably in bringing up the school.

Ans. He played a major role in bringing up the school.


(b) Our school cricket team got ready for the final match against P. Q. R. High


Ans. Our school cricket team geared up for the final match against P.Q.R.High School.


(c) After a short period of working as a lecturer, Ravi took up an important post

in a multi-national company.

Ans. After a brief stint as a lecturer, Ravi took up an important post in a multinational company.


(d) Our class monitor is a perfect symbol of duty and discipline.

Ans. Our class monitor is the epitome of duty and discipline.


(e) Accepting the great value of his research; they awarded him with a Ph.D. (degree)

Ans. In recognition of his research, they awarded him with a Ph.D. (degree)


(f) After the murder of King Duncan, Macbeth took over the control of Scotland.

Ans.  After the murder of King Duncan, Macbeth took over the reins of Scotland.


  1. Build the word wall with the words related to ‘Military’.





Army Soldiers Pilots Captains


Ammunitions Trenches Commands War


Guns Tanks Aircrafts Submarines
  1. (A) State the different meanings of the following pairs of Homophones and make sentences of your own with each of them.


Word Meaning Sentence
(a) led


…………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
(b) role


………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
(c) air


………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
(d) feat


………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
(e) reign



…………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………




Word Meaning Sentence
(a)  led


Led – past participle of lead (to guide or conduct) The captain led his team to safety.
Lead- graphite used as part of a pencil Do you need a new lead for your pencil?
(b) role


Role- a part (in a play, film, etc.) Sheena got the leading role in the school play.
Roll – move in a particular direction by turning over and over The children loved to roll down the grassy hill.
(c) air


Air- the invisible gaseous substance surrounding the earth Due to the high altitude, the thin air made it difficult to breathe.
Heir – successor or inheritor Prince Robert was the rightful heir to the throne.
(d) feat


Feat – a great achievement Passing exams with flying colours is a remarkable feat. 
Feet – the plural of “foot” Her sore feet needed a rest after the long walk.
(e) reign



Reign- rule as king or queen Queen Elizabeth II has had a long and successful reign.
Rein-a restraining influence The cowboy skillfully pulled on the reins to steer the horse around the obstacles.
Rain – water that falls In drops from clouds in the sky We stayed indoors due to heavy rain. 


(B) The following Homographs have the same spelling and pronunciation; but can have different meanings. Make sentences of your own to show the difference.


Firm  The Minister’s voice sounded firm and determined as she addressed the crowd.
Rajat applied for a job at a new law firm downtown.
Train We waited at the railway station for the train.
Priya needs to train everyday for the upcoming marathon.
Type I can type with my keyboard very quickly.
What type of movie are you interested in watching?
post I’ll post this letter in the letterbox tomorrow.
I have applied for the post of school prefect. 
Current The fashion show showcased the current trends in sportswear.
It was difficult to swim against the strong current in the river.


  1. Glance through the text and prepare notes from the information that you get. Take only relevant points. Don’t use sentences. Arrange the points in the same order. You may use symbols or short forms. Present the points sequentially. Use highlighting techniques.




Arjan Singh – Indian Air Force Officer

  • Icon of Indian Military History
  • Marshal of the Air Force (Highest Rank)
  • Exceptional Pilot (Flown 60+ Aircraft Types)
  • Transformed IAF into a Global Power

Early Career

  • Selected for RAF Cranwell Training (1938)
  • Squadron Leader in IAF (1944) – Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC)

1965 War

  • Led IAF to Victory Against Pakistan Air Force
  • Awarded Padma Vibhushan

Later Career

  • First Air Chief Marshal of IAF (1966)
  • Retired in 1969 (Held Diplomatic & Government Positions)
  • Ambassador to Switzerland and Lieutenant Governor of Delhi
  • Awarded Marshal of the Air Force (2002) – First & Only Five-Star Rank


  1. Develop a story suitable to the conclusion/end given below. Suggest a suitable title.









and so, with tears of joy and pride, the 10 year old Sanyogita More received the National Bravery Award from the Prime Minister.



Sanyogita’s Quick Thinking

Sanyogita and her friends were playing by the river when the current suddenly grew stronger. One by one, her friends slipped and were swept away by the churning water. Sanyogita, the bravest girl in class, didn’t panic. She grabbed a long, sturdy branch and threw it to her closest friend. With all her strength, she pulled her friend back to safety, then one by one, she helped the others. 

News of her bravery spread throughout the village, and soon Sanyogita found herself standing proudly in Delhi. With tears of joy and pride, the 10 year old Sanyogita More received the National Bravery Award from the Prime Minister.


  1. You wish to join any one of the Indian Armed Forces. Fill in the following

application form.



The Advertiser

 N/AF Recruitment Service

 Purangaon – 456 789


Affix recent passport size photograph



Rect notice No 1234


  1. Post applied for  ……………………………………………………………………..
  2. Name and surname of Candidate (in Block letters)


  1. Father’s Name ………………………………  Mother’s Name ………………………………
  2. Date of Birth


  1. Contact details :

 Tel. No. (Res) ………………………….……………

Mobile No. 


 Email ID …………………………………………………………………………………………….


  1. Permanent Address :

 House No./Street/Village ………………………………………………………

 Post Office ………………………………………………………………………

 District ………………………………  State ……………………………………

 Pincode ………………………………


  1. Educational Qualifications :


Serial Number Qualification Name of School/College Name of Board/University Percentage obtained


  1. Whether registered at any employment exchange Yes/ No ………………………………….

(If yes, mention registration number and the name of the Employment Exchange.) 


  1. Outstanding achievements in extra-curricular activities/ sports/ games, etc. 




  1. Why you wish to join Armed Forces





Maharashtra State Board Class 10 English Kumarbharti Chapter On Wings of Courage Extra Questions


Multiple-Choice Questions


1. What is the highest rank held by Air Marshal Arjan Singh?
(a) Air Chief Marshal
(b) Air Vice Marshal
(c) Marshal of the Air Force
(d) Wing Commander

2. During which war did Air Marshal Arjan Singh deny success to the Pakistani Air Force?
(a) World War II
(b) 1965 Indo-Pak war
(c) Kargil War
(d) None of the above

3. In which year was Arjan Singh awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC)?
(a) 1919
(b) 1938
(c) 1944
(d) 1969

4. What was Arjan Singh’s first assignment after being commissioned?
(a) Flying Hawker Hurricane aircrafts
(b) Leading a fly-past over Red Fort
(c) Flying Westland Wapiti biplanes
(d) Training at Royal Air Force (RAF) Cranwell

5. Where was Arjan Singh born?
(a) Delhi
(b) Lahore
(c) Sahiwal (formerly Montgomery)
(d) Lyalpur

6. Immediately after Indian independence, which city did Arjan Singh command in the rank of Group Captain?
(a) Delhi
(b) Mumbai
(c) Kolkata
(d) Ambala

7. What was the name of the joint air training exercise involving IAF, RAF, and RAAF that Arjan Singh commanded?
(a) Shakti
(b) Vijay
(c) Shiksha
(d) Meghdoot

8. Why was Arjan Singh awarded the Padma Vibhushan?
(a) For his astute leadership during the 1965 war.
(b) For his role in rebuilding the IAF.
(c) For being youngest IAF Air Marshal
(d) For becoming the first Air Chief Marshal of the IAF.

9. What post did Arjan Singh hold after his retirement?
(a) Lieutenant Governor of Delhi
(b) Ambassador to Switzerland
(c) Both A and B
(d) Lieutenant Governor of Lyalpur

10. What does the term “Five Star” rank refer to in the passage?
(a) The highest rank achievable in the Indian Air Force
(b) A specific military decoration
(c) A position held for five years
(d) A type of aircraft



  1. (c) Marshal of the Air Force
  2. (b) 1965 Indo-Pak war
  3. (c) 1944
  4. (c) Flying Westland Wapiti biplanes
  5. (d) Lyalpur
  6. (d) Ambala 
  7. (c) Shiksha
  8. (a) For his astute leadership during the 1965 war.
  9. (c) Both A and B 
  10. (a) The highest rank achievable in the Indian Air Force


  1. Complete the following table.


Statement Who said For whom
“His contribution to the Indian Air Force is monumental to the least. The IAF grew with him. He was the epitome of military leadership in classical sense and it is, therefore, not surprising that he was honoured with the rank of Air Force Marshal”  ………………………….. …………………………..
“Air Marshal Arjan Singh is a jewel of a person, quite efficient and firm; unexcitable but a very able leader.” ………………………….. …………………………..



Statement Who said For whom
“His contribution to the Indian Air Force is monumental to the least. The IAF grew with him. He was the epitome of military leadership in classical sense and it is, therefore, not surprising that he was honoured with the rank of Air Force Marshal”  Vice Chief of IAF Kapil Kak Air Force Marshal Arjan Singh
“Air Marshal Arjan Singh is a jewel of a person, quite efficient and firm;

unexcitable but a very able leader.”

Then Defence Minister, Y B Chavan Air Force Marshal Arjan Singh


Vocabulary Based MCQs

1. “Air Force Marshal Arjan Singh, an icon of India’s military history.”
What is the closest synonym for “icon” in this context?
a) Enemy
b) Critic
c) Symbol
d) Soldier

2. “His (Arjan Singh’s) contribution to the Indian Air Force is monumental to the least.”
What is the opposite of “monumental” in this sense?
a) Important
b) Significant
c) Historical
d) Insignificant

3. “Singh was a fearless and exceptional Pilot”.
What word suggests something similar to “exceptional”?
a) Average
b) Ordinary
c) Outstanding
d) Common

4. “He (Arjan Singh) played a major role in transforming the IAF into one of the most potent air forces globally and the fourth biggest in the world.”
What is another word for “potent” in this context?
a) Weak
b) Fragile
c) Powerful
d) Incompetent

5. “After a brief stint with the newly formed No. 2 RIAF Squadron where the Marshal flew against the tribal forces, he(Arjan Singh) later moved back to No.1 Sqn as a Flying Officer to fly the Hawker Hurricane.”
Which option best describes the meaning of “a brief stint” in this context?
a) A glorious tenure
b) A permanent position
c) A short-term involvement
d) A lifelong dedication

6. “Arjan Singh took over reins of IAF, at a time when it was still rebuilding itself”
Which option best resonates with the phrase “took over reins” in this context?
a) Gained momentum
b) Faced a challenge
c) Assumed control
d) Experienced difficulty

7. “ Having flown over 60 different types of aircraft from pre-World War II era biplanes to the more contemporary Gnats and Vampires, he has also flown in transport aircraft like the Super Constellation.”
What is the antonym for “contemporary” in this context?
a) Modern
b) Outdated
c) Advanced
d) Sophisticated

8. “He(Arjan Singh) inspired IAF to victory, despite the constraints imposed on the full-scale use of Air Force combat power.”
Choose the option which is an antonym of “constraints”?
a) Limitations
b) Freedom
c) Restrictions
d) Challenges

9. “Singh was awarded Padma Vibhushan for his astute leadership of the Air Force during the war.”
Choose the option which is an antonym of the word “astute”?
a) Sharp
b) Skilled
c) Intelligent
d) All of the above

10. “He(Arjan Singh) was the epitome of military leadership in classical sense”
You would likely use the word “epitome” to describe someone who is:
a) Frequently wrong
b) Only occasionally successful
c) The ultimate embodiment of a quality
d) Prone to making mistakes



  1. c) Symbol
  2. d) Insignificant
  3. c) Outstanding
  4. c) Powerful
  5. c) A short-term involvement
  6. c) Assumed control
  7. b) Outdated
  8. b) Freedom
  9. d) All of the above
  10. c) The ultimate embodiment of a quality


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