Class 7 English Honeycomb book Chapter Wise Word Meanings

Class 7 NCERT Honeycomb book Chapter Wise difficult word meanings 


Here, the difficult words and their meanings of all the Chapters of CBSE Class 7 English Honeycomb Book have been compiled for the convenience of the students. This is an exhaustive list of the difficult words and meanings of all the Chapters from the Honeycomb Book for NCERT Class 7 English. The difficult words’ meanings have been explained in an easy language so that every student can understand them easily.

Chapter 1 Three Questions


  1. Advice – suggestion, guidance, help (He decided to seek the guidance of a certain hermit.)
  2. Affairs – things, matters, business (What matters are the most important?)
  3. Alone – only (The most important business is to do that person good, because we were sent into this world for that purpose only.)
  4. Avoid – to stop oneself from doing something, to keep away from someone or something (The king should notice all that was going on and keep away from foolish pleasures.)
  5. Awake – not sleeping, the state of being alert and not asleep
  6. Bearded (adjective) – a person who has a beard
  7. Beds – small patches of ground for plants
  8. Begin – to start (What is the right time to start something?)
  9. Certain – (here, the meaning is not the same as before) particular, specific (He decided to seek the advice of a particular hermit.)
  10. Certain – here, it means a particular or specific king.
  11. Council – a group of people chosen to make rules or to give advice (The king needed a group of wise men.)
  12. Councillors – people of the council, members of the council (Some said that the people most necessary to the king were his members of the council.)
  13. Differently – dissimilarly, contrastingly (Many wise men came, but they all answered him dissimilarly.)
  14. Fainted – lost consciousness (When he reached the king he lost consciousness.)
  15. Faithful – loyal and true
  16. Foolish – unwise, pointless (The king should avoid pointless pleasures.)
  17. Heavily – here, it means slowly and loudly (As the hermit worked, he breathed slowly and loudly.)
  18. Hermit – a person who lives alone and leads a simple life. (The king decided to seek the advice of a man who lives alone and leads a simple life.)
  19. Impossible – something which does not seem possible.
  20. Known – to be famous, popular (The hermit was widely famous for his wisdom.)
  21. Messengers – people who spread messages or transmit a message from one person to another person.
  22. Moment – second, time (The most necessary person is the person you are with at a particular time.)
  23. Necessary – essential, important (The most important person is the person you are with at a particular moment.)
  24. Ordinary – Simple, plain, not too fashionable (The king put on plain clothes)
  25. Peace – the state of friendship and harmony, no conflict, war or any type of violence
  26. Pitied – felt sorry (If you had not felt sorry for my weakness yesterday, you wuld have gone away.
  27. Pleasures – luxuries, enjoyment, satisfaction (The king should avoid foolish luxuries.)
  28. Purpose – reason, point, aim (The most important business is to do that person good, because we were sent into this world for that reason alone.)
  29. Recognised – to remember someone
  30. Re-dressed – dressed again (The king dressed the wound again.)
  31. Revenge – a wish to injure someone who injured you in the past
  32. Satisfied – to be happy, enjoyed, filled with contentment (The king was not happy and gave no reward.)
  33. Seek – to look for, to search for (He decided to search for a certain hermit and his advice.)
  34. Seemed – appeared, looked (The king should always do whatever looked necessary at that time.)
  35. Seized – took by force (You put my brother to death and took my property by force.)
  36. Several – two or more (When he awoke, it was two or more minutes before he could remember everything.)
  37. Simple – Here, it means uncomplicated, innocent (The hermit saw only innocent people.)
  38. Sowing – planting
  39. Spade – a tool with a sharp-edged used for digging.  
  40. Stretching – straightening or extending one’s body or a part of one’s body to its full length, typically so as to tighten one’s muscles or in order to reach something.
  41. Strictly – obediently and resolutely, diligently (Some said that the king must prepare a timetable, and then follow it obediently and resolutely.)
  42. Stuck – push a sharp or pointed object into or through something.
  43. Sum – quantity or volume (the king sent messengers throughout the kingdom promising a large quantity of money.)
  44. Swore – promised, vowed
  45. Throughout – all over a particular place (the king, therefore, sent messengers all over his kingdom.)
  46. Urgent – important, emergency matters (Others said that there were some things which could be of emergency.)  
  47. Widely – largely, on a big scale (The hermit was largely known for his wisdom.)
  48. Wise – someone who has a better judgement, experience and great intelligence.
  49. Wood – a small forest (The hermit lived in a small forest.)
  50. Wound – injury, cut


Chapter 2  A Gift of Chappals


  1. Alarmed: shocked, frightened
  2. Alms: money, clothes or food given to poor people
  3. Ancient: old
  4. Apparently: obviously
  5. Awkwardly: weirdly
  6. Backyard: the garden behind the house
  7. Bastet: an Egytian goddess
  8. Beamed: smile proudly
  9. Beneath: under
  10. Beringed: The music master is wearing a ring.
  11. Betel-chewing: a type of smokeless tobacco
  12. Blisters: boils/ bubbles on the skin, from burns or rubbing
  13. Blubbering: crying uncontrollably
  14. Bony: skeleton-like
  15. Booming: echoing
  16. Bowstring: a stick-like piece of equipment which is used to play the violin
  17. Brashly: shamelessly
  18. Chatting: talking, gossiping
  19. Choked: filled with feelings which were making him sound choked
  20. Clattered off: gone off noisily (with the noise or clatter of chappals)
  21. Concentration: focus
  22. Creature: living being
  23. Crept: moved slowly and noiselessly
  24. Crouching: being in a position in which your knees are bent and your upper body is bending downwards, this position is used to search for something lost
  25. Curiously: eagerly
  26. Demanded: asked in a stern way
  27. Derailing: causing a train to come off a railway track
  28. Descended from: a descendent of, or comes from, the same family
  29. Effortlessly: without any effort
  30. Expectantly: confidently, with an expected look
  31. Eyes filling: with tears 
  32. Fed up: tired and unhappy
  33. Feeble: weak
  34. Feed: give food to
  35. Fine: excellent, rare
  36. Flashed: shone brightly in anger
  37. Float: go up slowly in the air
  38. Flourished: waved
  39. Flung: threw
  40. Frightened out of his wits: very scared
  41. Fringe: the part of your hair that is cut so that it hangs over your forehead
  42. Frying: cooking in heat
  43. Gazed: to look at something for a long time
  44. Generosity: the quality of being generous or giving
  45. Giggled: laughed lightly and repeatedly in a silly way
  46. Glanced: took a quick look at something
  47. Glazed: filled
  48. Gleamed: shone, sparkled
  49. Glided: moved along smoothly
  50. Glittered: sparkled
  51. Grimly: in a very serious manner
  52. Groaned: a deep sound which indicates despair
  53. Grunted: made a short, low sound in the throat
  54. Harassed: troubled with anxiety
  55. Helpless: something which cannot be helped
  56. Howled: roared in pain
  57. Impressed: felt or showed admiration 
  58. Incarnate: a god taking a form of a human
  59. Invisible: something is not visible 
  60. Jutting: sticking out further than the surrounding surface
  61. Kept my body and soul together: managed to stay alive
  62. Lapping: licking
  63. Leathery: tough, flexible
  64. Lit up: filled with happiness
  65. Lurking: waiting quietly (without attracting attention)
  66. Miserably: sadly
  67. Nodded: shook his head in agreement
  68. Noise: unpleasant sound
  69. Odd-looking: strange-looking
  70. Off track: outside the railway track
  71. Paati: grandmother (in Tamil)
  72. Pleased: happy, delighted
  73. Protested: complain, retort
  74. Rushed: said urgently or hurriedly
  75. Scrawny: thin (suggesting skinny toes)
  76. Scurried: moved hurriedly
  77. Scurried: ran
  78. Settle: fit, go into place
  79. Shabby-looking: messy or dirty looking 
  80. Sharpening: making something sharp and pointy
  81. Shrieked: screamed
  82. Snapped: scolded
  83. Snooze: short sleep
  84. Sparkling: shining
  85. Squawk: kreech, high-pitched noise
  86. Startled: to move or jump up in fright or alarm
  87. Sternly: strictly, sharply
  88. Stowaway: someone who hides himself/ herself in a ship or an aircraft to travel unnoticed 
  89. Stumbled: followed haltingly
  90. Sturdy: steady
  91. Tar: a substance which is used to construct roads
  92. Thatha: grandfather (in Tamil)
  93. Throw her off the scent: mislead her so that she won’t understand the real purpose
  94. Tiffin: food
  95. Tipped: put
  96. Tuft: a small amount of hair growing together
  97. Tumbler: a glass which has no handles
  98. Unappreciative: disapproving
  99. Upsetting: disappointing
  100. Vendors: shopkeepers
  101. Verandah: porch
  102. Veshti: dhoti (in Tamil)
  103. Wail: cry 
  104. Wearily: tirily, exhaustedly
  105. Weird: strange or unusual
  106. Whizzing: moving very quickly, often making a high continuous sound
  107. Withered: something which was weak and dead-like


Chapter 3  Gopal and the Hilsa-fish


  1. Comical: funny, cartoon-like
  2. Disgraceful: shameful
  3. Downcast: disheartened
  4. Fishmonger: a person who sell fish
  5. Householder: the head of the house
  6. Mystic: a person who believes in supernatural and spiritual truths which are beyond the intellect
  7. Rags: shabby, torn and worn-out clothes
  8. Ridiculous: silly
  9. Smearing: spreading on a surface


Chapter 4  The Ashes That Made Trees Bloom


  1. A being with a soul: like a human child (showing emotion)
  2. A particle: even a little bit
  3. Bare: not covered
  4. Blaze: flame
  5. Carcass: dead body
  6. Coaxed: persuaded; enticed 
  7. Competent: skilful
  8. Covetous: greedy 
  9. Crone: old woman (old man’s wife)
  10. Custom: prevailing tradition
  11. Daimios: (in 19th century Japan) wealthy landowners 
  12. Dainties: tasty food
  13. Dame: the woman of the household
  14. Envious: jealous
  15. Flung: threw 
  16. Gleamed: shone/ glittered
  17. Green: healthy, active and prosperous
  18. Humbly: politely
  19. Impertinence: rudeness, lack of manners
  20. Lively: energetic
  21. Mighty: huge
  22. Mortar: bowl 
  23. Motioning: pointing
  24. Mourning: the expression of sorrow for someone’s death
  25. On purpose: intentionally
  26. Palanquin: royal van/ cart
  27. Plentifully: very much
  28. Pomp: pride
  29. Pounding: crushing; grinding
  30. Prostrate: lying on the ground face downward
  31. Seized: caught
  32. Smothered: suffocated
  33. Snug: comfortable 
  34. Sod: the surface of the ground, with the grass growing on it
  35. Soundly: a lot
  36. Spinning: becoming dizzy
  37. Stingy: miserly
  38. Tidbits: small pieces
  39. Train: procession
  40. Tumbled: threw
  41. Turned up their noses: treated him with contempt
  42. Turned up: dug up on 
  43. Wayside: edge of the road
  44. Whining: making high-pitched voices
  45. Withered: bare and dry
  46. Wonder: things which cannot be explained why or how they happened


Chapter 5  Quality


  1. Absent-mindedly: not paying attention
  2. Aged: old
  3. By street: side street
  4. Circumstances: conditions
  5. Contempt: disrespect
  6. Distinction:  difference 
  7. Disturbed: alarmed, shocked
  8. Fashionable: famous or trendy
  9. Firms: companies
  10. Flowery: overelaborate
  11. Genuinely: really
  12. Given up: thought they would never come
  13. Grave: sad
  14. Guttural: harsh and grating
  15. Hardships: the hard times
  16. Hunting: searching
  17. Ill-omened: something which gave bad luck
  18. Incense: The smell of leather is compared to the smell of incense in a church.
  19. Lasted terribly: lasted very long
  20. Lined: having wrinkles
  21. Long: prolonged
  22. Peered: looked closely and carefully
  23. Pinched: stressed
  24. Qualify: modify
  25. Quiet: small 
  26. Remarks: comments
  27. Slack: break, relax
  28. Splendidly: perfectly
  29. Wan: weak
  30. Withdraw:  take back
  31. Youthful: young


Chapter 6  Expert Detectives


  1. Accompanied: came together
  2. Accomplice: a helper in crime
  3. Afford: have enough money to do something
  4. Alias: an alternate name
  5. Asaf: someone who is clumsy or unintelligent, fool
  6. Blinding: so bright that it was blocking the vision
  7. Bribing: giving someone money in exchange of the person doing a favour
  8. By appointment to: officially chosen (by someone important)
  9. Crook: criminal (informal) 
  10. Doubtful: suspicious, disbelieving
  11. Expenses: the cost incurred in or required for something.
  12. Firmly: strictly, confidently
  13. Following: coming after
  14. Fury: rage
  15. Gaunt: sickly
  16. Impression: impact
  17. Loot: stolen money 
  18. Merely: just, only
  19. Nasty: harsh, unfriendly
  20. Ordinary: normal
  21. Particular: specific, picky
  22. Patting: touching quickly and gently 
  23. Peek: look quickly and secretively
  24. Pleased: delighted
  25. Protested: retorted
  26. Rubbish: nonsense
  27. Seven: nickname for Nishad because Nishad is the seventh note on the musical scale)
  28. Shootout: a fight in which guns are used to take down the enemy
  29. Sort out: arrange systematically
  30. Stashed away: hidden away
  31. Stout: fat, plumpy, chubby
  32. Tenant: a person who occupies land or property rented from a landlord.
  33. Thrust: shoved, pushed violently and in a specific direction
  34. Tips well: gives a generous tip (money in thanks for services)
  35. Unsure: doubtful


Chapter 7  The Invention of Vita-Wonk


  1. Bubbling: making bubbles
  2. Create: make
  3. Dendrochronologist: a person who studies the scientific method of dating tree rings to the exact year they were formed. 
  4. Fantastic: awesome, amazing
  5. Fir: a tree with needlelike leaves, and cones 
  6. Flea: a small insect living on the skin of animals, for their blood
  7. Oak: a family of large trees with a hard wood. The Chinar in Kashmir is a kind of oak tree. cedar: an evergreen tree with hard, red sweet-smelling wood, used for making boxes, pencils, fences, etc. 
  8. Ounce: a unit of measurement
  9. Pine: an evergreen tree with needle shaped leaves, and cones
  10. Recipe: instructions for making something
  11. Set to work: began to work 
  12. Shrivelling: wrinkling and contracting or causing wrinkles and contract, especially due to loss of moisture.
  13. Squeezed: press firmly
  14. Tracked down: found, by searching for it
  15. Volunteer: someone who agrees to take part in something. The person is usually someone who is watching from the sidelines and is a part of the crowd.
  16. Wrinkling: making or causing lines or folds in (something, especially fabric or the skin).
  17. Yards: a unit of measurement



Chapter 8 – A Homage to our Brave Soldiers

  1. century: a period of one hundred years
  2. post-independence: after independence
  3. territorial integrity: safeguarding nation’s borders
  4. Recall: remember
  5. Looking forward: to be excited about something that is about to happen
  6. Monument: a statue or building erected in the memory of a famous person or event
  7. Inspiring: something which encourages others
  8. Envisioned: imagined a future possibility
  9. Iconic: something which represents a thinking or a time
  10. Tribute: an act or gift to show respect, admiration
  11. Aspiration: a strong desire
  12. Decade: a period of ten years.
  13. Toll: suffering
  14. Supreme sacrifice: to give one’s life
  15. Etched: to cut a pattern in a surface
  16. Gallantry: courageous behaviour especially in war
  17. Posthumously: after the death of the originator
  18. Exemplary: serving as a perfect example 
  19. Citation: a mention of a praiseworthy act in an official report, especially that of a member of the armed forces in wartime
  20. Awestruck: shocked
  21. Aspire: direct one’s hopes or ambitions towards achieving something
  22. Installation: the action of installing someone or something, or the state of being installed
  23. Commemorates: to recall and show respect for something
  24. Immortal: alive forever
  25. Ablaze: on fire
  26. Revere: respect
  27. Obelisk: a tapering stone pillar, typically having a square or rectangular cross section, set up as a monument or landmark.
  28. Wreaths: an arrangement of flowers, leaves, or stems fastened in a ring and used for decoration or for laying on a grave
  29. Majestic: having or showing impressive beauty or scale
  30. Overwhelmed: have a strong emotional effect on
  31. Interminable: never ending
  32. Metaphor: to draw a similarity between two things
  33. Valour: bravery
  34. Murals: a painting or other work of art executed directly on a wall
  35. Graphic: visual or pictoric depiction
  36. Depicting: showing
  37. Valiant: brave
  38. Concentric: circles of varying radii with the same centre
  39. Etched: inscribed
  40. Integrity: the quality of being honest and having strong moral principle
  41. Immersed: involve oneself deeply in a particular activity 
  42. Ambience: atmosphere
  43. Solemn: sacred
  44. Emotive: to arise emotions
  45. Discourses: serious discussion of a subject
  46. Massive: huge
  47. Devastation: destruction
  48. Martyrs: one who gives up his or her life for his nation
  49. Depicting: showing
  50. To have an eye for detail: one who observes small details too
  51. Essence: core or depth of something
  52. Edifice: a large imposing building
  53. Supreme sacrifice: here, means sacrificing their life
  54. Valiant: very brave
  55. Bougainvillea: the name of a flower
  56. Inconsequential: not important or significant
  57. Memoir: account of one’s personal life and experiences
  58. Exemplary: exceptional
  59. Excerpt: a part
  60. Interactive: influencing each other
  61. Enchanting: attractive
  62. Collage: a piece of art made by sticking various pieces of paper, fabric to a backing



Deleted Chapters

Fire: Friend and Foe

  1. Add fuel to the flames (idiom): say or do something that makes people react more strongly and Fiercely 
  2. Bands: groups
  3. Blaze: intensely burning fire
  4. Cope: deal with; manage
  5. Damp: slightly wet
  6. Equipment: things needed
  7. Extinguish: put out 
  8. Generate: produce
  9. Gradually: slowly, eventually, finally
  10. Puzzled: confused
  11. Released: given out
  12. smothered: suffocated (from lack of air) 
  13. Smouldering: burning slowly without flame


Fire: Friend and Foe Summary, Lesson notes

A Bicycle in Good Repair


  1. Ass: idiot
  2. Balls: ball-bearings
  3. Bearings: ball-bearings
  4. Cheery: cheerful
  5. Confess: admit
  6. Degenerated into: were reduced to
  7. Disposition: nature
  8. Dissuade: disappear
  9. Fascinates: attracts, makes someone interested
  10. Fork: each of a pair of supports in which a bicycle or motorcycle wheel revolves.
  11. Gravel: a loose aggregation of small water-worn or pounded stones
  12. Grovelled: crawled on the ground
  13. Inexplicable: that can’t be explained; mysterious
  14. Knack: special skill, talent
  15. Lunatic: mad person
  16. Muddle: mix up things
  17. Proceedings: happenings
  18. Proposed: suggested
  19. Providence: here, God
  20. Ravages: damages
  21. Remnant: remaining parts
  22. Scruff: back of the neck
  23. See to: examine
  24. Solemnly: with deep sincerity
  25. Stiffly: in a way that is firm and difficult to bend or move.
  26. Subsequent: next
  27. Topsy-turvy: upside down
  28. Turning up: coming into view
  29. Twiddling: turning
  30. Whacking: beating; striking


A Bicycle in good Repair Summary, Lesson notes

The Story of Cricket


  1. Amateur: someone who does something not for money or fame, but for enjoyment; unprofessional
  2. Baseball: game (popular in the U.S.A.) played with a bat and ball by two teams of nine players each on a field with four bases
  3. Centre of gravity: point of major importance
  4. Codified: standardised with rules and regulations
  5. Compatriots: fellow countrymen
  6. Contemporaries: persons or things living or existing at the same time as another.
  7. Coverage: reportage, footage
  8. Deception through the air: The ball is no longer rolled along the ground but sent through the air. Hence the possible variety or ‘deception’ in bowling. 
  9. dimensions: length, breadth, etc. 
  10. Draw: result of a game in which neither side wins or loses 
  11. Fundamentally: basically, essentially
  12. Imitating: copying, mimicking
  13. Length: the distance from the bastman at which the ball pitches
  14. Oval: shaped like an egg
  15. Peculiarities: weird differences
  16. Pioneer: a person who is among the first to explore or settle a new country or area.
  17. Polo ponies: horses used in the game of polo.
  18. Prejudiced: preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience.
  19. Prime: the state or time of greatest vigour or success in a person’s life, youth
  20. Shot selection: choice of strokes 
  21. Sovereign: a supreme ruler, especially a monarch.
  22. Triumph: victory
  23. Viewership: the audience for a particular television programme or channel.


The Story of Cricket Summary, Lesson notes


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