6 Common Mistakes in Analytical Paragraph Writing for Class 10


Common Mistakes Students of Class 10 do in Analytical Paragraph Writing


Many students lose marks in Analytical Paragraph Writing and in this article we will try to identify the mistakes and provide ways to avoid the common mistakes in analytical paragraphs. Students of class 10 have to write an analytical paragraph. As the name suggests, the paragraph must analyse the given data and information. Mere summary or rewording of the given information does not constitute an analytical paragraph. An analytical paragraph is different from a general paragraph or descriptive paragraph writing question. 


Let us have a look at the common mistakes in analytical paragraph writing


  1. Summarizing of information – Many questions of analytical paragraph have a lot of information and students simply re-write it in brief. Students have to use that information to reach a conclusion and analyse it whether it is favourable or not for the said purpose. 
  2. Number of analysis – Students must write at least four points of analysis which help them reach a conclusion. 

For example – if the suggested student is suitable for the post of head girl, then you have to mention at least four such qualities from the given information, which make the person fit for it. Like hardworking, intelligent, team work, etc. Students must also elaborate that how that quality will help the person perform well in the said post.

  1. Format – Students must divide the analytical paragraph into an introduction, body and conclusion. This gives a logical coherence to the paragraph. In the introduction, write about what the analysis is about. In the body, try to add four to five points of analysis which help you reach the conclusion. In conclusion you can write about how you have reached there.
  2. Keep in mind the word limit – do not waste words on repeating or over analysing one point. You have to stick to the prescribed word limit in order to avoid time wastage and deduction of marks.
  3. Sequence must be followed – In order to avoid causing confusion to the reader, it is important that you maintain a proper sequence of the analysis. 
  4. Lack of written practice – Students do not write and practice the questions. This leads to grammatical errors in the exams. Use of proper tenses and good describing words is essential to score full marks.


Tips for writing a good analytical paragraph


In order to write a good analytical paragraph and score full marks, follow the given tips – 

  1.  Analysis of relevant information and data given in the question
  2. Structuring material in a logical and coherent order to reach the conclusion
  3. Making appropriate comparisons and reasons that are supported by the evidence and analysis of the data
  4. Make sure you use language which is suitable for the audience you are addressing to.
  5. Practice previous year question papers and sample papers to get familiarity with the types of analytical paragraph writing questions
  6. Read as many samples and solved examples as you can. It will give you an idea as to how analytical paragraphs are actually written.
  7. Read the question at least twice and highlight the important information. Do not forget to use maximum information given in the question.


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