What is a Preposition? Definition, Types, Exercise, and Preposition of Place Examples in Hindi and English

Prepositions of Place | Definition, Types, Exercise in Hindi, and Prepositions of Place Examples


Preposition of Place Definition, Types, Exercise and Examples in Hindi of English Grammar


Preposition of Place is used to denote the place or position of something or someone.

सम्बन्ध सूचक अव्यय (स्थान) किसी व्यक्ति या वास्तु के स्थान की सूचना देते हैं।


Preposition of Place – This article includes a definition, a list of different prepositions of place with examples, usage of prepositions of place in sentences. All this is simultaneously explained in Hindi and English for better understanding. There are examples and exercises at the end of the lesson in order to help you assess how much you have learned about Prepositions of Place.






Prepositions (of place) संबंध सूचक अव्यय (स्थान)



The different prepositions of place are as follows:-



on, in, at, by, above, below, under, beside, near, behind, between, among, against.

Let us see some example sentences:-



1. The book is kept under the table.

Here ‘under’ tells us the position of the book.



2. The cat is sitting on the bench.

Here ‘on’ tells the position of the cat.



3. The boy is sitting beside the girl.

Here ‘beside’ tells the position of the boy.






Let us discuss the important prepositions of place one by one


‘at’ is used for a particular place with respect to a noun or pronoun.

Like – ‘at my house’, ‘at the cinema hall’, ‘at the bus stop’, ‘at the top’.

Let us see some example sentence-



मैं बस स्टॉप पर इंतज़ार कर रहा हूँ।

I am waiting at the bus stop.


वे मुझे सिनेमा हॉल पर मिले थे।

They met me at the cinema hall.


2. ‘on’

‘on’ is used to be more specific as to the place of any noun / pronoun.

Like – ‘on the highway’, ‘on the table’, ‘on the floor’, ‘on Jan path’, ‘on the railway track’, ‘on my arm’

Let us see some example sentences-



किताब मेज़ पर रखी हुई है।

The book is kept on the table.


मैं सड़क पे खड़ा हूँ।

I am standing on the road.


गाड़ी रेल की पटरी पर फँस गई।

The car got stuck on the railway track.


3. ‘in’

Like – ‘in the U.S.A.’, ‘in the bag’, ‘in the hole’, ‘in the train’, ‘in the car’

Let us see some example sentences-



थैले में सब्ज़ियां हैं।

There are vegetables in the bag.


ट्रैन में बहुत सारे यात्री हैं।

There are many passengers in the train.


मेरे बैग में दो पुस्तकें हैं।

There are two books in my bag.


सामान गाड़ी में रख दो।

Keep the luggage in the car.


4. ‘by’

‘by’ identifies the place of any noun / pronoun with respect to another.

Like- ‘by the roadside’, ‘by the gate’

Let us see some example sentence-



हम झरने के किनारे खड़े थे।

We were standing by the waterfall.


वे मुझे सड़क के किनारे मिले।

They met me by the roadside.


5. ‘above’

‘above’ identifies the place of any noun / pronoun with respect to another when it is higher than it.

Like – ‘above the clouds’, ‘above the danger mark’

Let us see some example sentence-



हवाई जहाज़ बादलों के ऊपर उड़ रहा है।

The aeroplane is flying above the clouds.


6. ‘below’

‘below’ identifies the place of any noun / pronoun with respect to another when it is lower than it.

Like – ‘below melting point’, ‘below the horizon’

Let us see some example sentence-



सूरज क्षितिज के नीचे है।

The Sun is below the horizon.


7. ‘under’

‘under’ identifies the place of any noun / pronoun with respect to another when it is lower and covered by it.

Like – ‘under the mat’, ‘under the tree’

Let us see some example sentence-


लड़की पेड़ के नीचे खड़ी है।

The girl is standing under the tree.


8. ‘beside’

‘beside’ identifies the place of any noun / pronoun placed next to another.

Like – ‘beside me’, ‘beside the book’

Let us see some example sentence-


गिलास किताब के साथ रख दो।

Keep the glass beside the book.


9. ‘near’

‘near’ identifies the place of any noun / pronoun to be within a reasonable distance to the other.

Like – ‘near my house’, ‘near the market’

Let us see some example sentence-



मैं मार्किट के पास हूँ।

I am near the market.


10. ‘behind’

‘behind’ identifies the place of any noun / pronoun to be at the back of the other.

Like – ‘behind my house’, ‘behind us’

Let us see some example sentence-


चोर हमारे पीछे ही खड़ा था।

The thief was standing behind us.


11. ‘between’

‘between’ identifies the place of any noun / pronoun to be in the space which separates two things.

Like – ‘between the two buildings’, ‘between me and her’

Let us see some example sentence-



वो सड़क दोनों इमारतों के बीच में है।

That road is in between both the buildings.


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Translate the sentences using the correct Preposition of place and check answers given –

  1. चीनी अलमारी में रखी है।

  3. मैं बैंक में नौकरी करता हूँ।

  5. मैं चंडीगढ़ में पीजीआई में पैदा हुआ था।

  7. गिलास मेज़ पर रखा है।

  9. चिठ्ठी मैट के नीचे है।

  11. वो पेड़ के पीछे है।

  13. सोमवार और शुक्रवार के बीच में कभी भी आ जाना।

Answers –

  • Sugar is kept in the cupboard.

  • I work in a bank.

  • I was born in Chandigarh at the P.G.I.

  • The glass is kept on the table.

  • The letter is under the mat.

  • He is behind the tree.

  • Come anytime between Monday and Friday.


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