With the Photographer Question Answers


ICSE Class 10 English With the Photographer Important Question Answers from Treasure Chest Book (MCQs and Extract based Questions)


With the Photographer Question Answer: Looking for With the Photographer questions and answers for ICSE Class 10 English Treasure Chest Book? Look no further! Our comprehensive compilation of important questions will help you brush up on your subject knowledge. Practising ICSE Class 10 English question answers can significantly improve your performance in the board exam. Our solutions provide a clear idea of how to write the answers effectively. Improve your chances of scoring high marks by exploring With the Photographer question answers now. The questions listed below are based on the latest ICSE exam pattern, wherein we have given multiple choice questions and extract based questions (Comprehension Passage)



Also See :  With the Photographer Summary, Explanation | ICSE Class 10 English


With the Photographer Text Based Multiple Choice Questions

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
are a type of objective assessment in which a person is asked to choose one or more correct answers from a list of available options. An MCQ presents a question along with several possible answers. 


Answer the following questions by choosing the most appropriate options.


(i) The story ‘With the Photograph’ is penned by …………. .

(a) Katherine Mansfield
(b) Stephen Leacock
(c) W.Somerset Maugham
(d) Alphonse Daudet

(ii) The photographer looked at the narrator …………….. .

(a) cheerfully
(b) with enthusiasm
(c) without enthusiasm
(d) indifferently

(iii) The narrator was asked to wait for ………………. .

(a) 15 minutes
(b) 30 minutes
(c) one hour
(d) 45 minutes

(iv) The studio was …………….. .

(a) well-furnished
(b) quite modern
(c) dimly lighted
(d) very big

(v) The photographer had the looks of …………………. .

(a) a sick man
(b) an angry man
(c) a natural scientist
(d) a crooked politician

(vi) The second visit to the photographer was paid by the narrator ………….. .

(a) next day
(b) the same evening
(c) next saturday
(d) after a fortnight

(vii) The narrator’s face was found to be …………… by the photographer.

(a) quite ugly
(b) quite attractive
(c) quite wrong
(d) very innocent

(viii) While waiting for the photographer the narrator ………………. .

(a) read the latest news
(b) read a journal for the infants
(c) listened to the music
(d) kept writing something in his diary

(ix) What was the age of the narrator when he went to the photographer to have his photograph taken?

(a) fifty
(b) forty
(c) thirty
(d) forty five

(x) The Delphide is a process employed by the photographer to ………………. .

(a) add new features
(b) remove unwanted features
(c) adjust body posture
(d) show attractive teeth

(xi) Which process is used to remove unwanted features?

(a) Delphide
(b) Drawing
(c) Sulphide
(d) All of these

(xii) What was the narrator’s purpose of getting a photograph?

(a) for marriage
(b) for parents
(c) for friends
(d) All of these

(xiii) Why did the narrator want to give his photograph to his friends?

(a) for making a collage for the college magazine
(b) for remembrance after his death
(c) for making his identity card
(d) All of these

(xiv) Why did the narrator suggest that the photographer keep the photo for himself and his friends?

(a) to show his talent
(b) for record purpose
(c) for showing that he photographed a famous writer
(d) All of these

(xv) What does the phrase ‘broke into tears’ mean?

(a) to break something
(b) to start crying
(c) to enter a restricted area
(d) to earn profit

(xvi) Which of these magazines the narrator did NOT read while waiting for his turn?

(a) Ladies Companion
(b) Girls Companion
(c) Girls Magazine
(d) Infants Journal

(xvii) “The photographer rolled a machine into the middle of the room and crawled into it from behind”. Find a suitable word which represents the ‘machine’.

(a) Clothes dryer
(b) Camera
(c) Telescope
(d) Radio set

(xviii) Which of the following is the most suitable for something that is three-quarters fuller?

(a) 100 percent more
(b) 25 percent less
(c) 75 percent more
(d) 75 percent less

(xix) Find a suitable antonym of ‘ceased’

(a) started
(b) ended
(c) stopped
(d) culminate

(xx) Which body feature was not mentioned anywhere in the story?

(a) ears
(b) cheeks
(c) mouth
(d) eyes


i. (b) Stephen Leacock

ii. (c) without enthusiasm

iii. (c) one hour

iv. (c) dimly lighted

v. (c) a natural scientist

vi. (c) next saturday

vii. (c) quite wrong

viii. (b) read a journal for the infants

ix. (b) forty

x. (a) add new features 

xi. (c) Sulphide

xii. (c) for friends

xiii. (b) for remembrance after his death

xiv. (a) to show his talent

xv. (b) to start crying

xvi. (b) Girls Companion

xvii. (b) Camera

xviii. (c) 75 percent more

xix. (a) started

xx.(b) cheeks


Also See: ICSE Class 10 English Language and Literature Syllabus 2024-25

ICSE Class 10 English With the Photographer Extract Based Questions


Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow.


Passage 1

The photographer looked at me without enthusiasm. He was a drooping man in a gray suit, with the dim eyes of a natural scientist. But there is no need to describe him. Everybody knows what a photographer is like.


(i) Why do you think the photographer did not look at the narrator with enthusiasm?

Ans. The photographer looked at the author without enthusiasm because his face was not attractive and worthy of being photographed.


(ii) Why did the narrator not feel fit to describe the photographer?

Ans. He did not feel like describing the photographer because he just just like any other photographer and so, everyone knows how they look like.


(iii) What was the narrator’s experience with the photographer?

Ans. The narrator did not have a pleasant experience. The photographer was dull, drooping with dim eyes.


(iv) What tells you about the appearance of the photographer?

Ans. The photographer lacked vitality. He was dull, bent forward and had dim eyes. He wore a gray suit.


(v) How did the narrator spend his time while waiting for the photographer?

Ans. The narrator was kept waiting for an hour. In the meantime, he read various magazines – the Ladies Companion for 1912, the Girls Magazine for 1902 and the Infants Journal for 1888.


Passage 2

He was only in it a second,– just time enough for one look at me, — and then he was out again, tearing at the cotton sheet and the window panes with a hooked stick, apparently frantic for light and air.


(i) Who is ‘he’ here in this extract? Was ‘he’ at peace with himself?

Ans. ‘He’ refers to the photographer. He was not at peace because he was not able to get the perfect setting to click a photo.


(ii) What do you think of the studio where the photographer was to take the narrator’s photograph?

Ans. The studio was dimly lit with a beam of sunlight entering it. The photographer had hung cotton curtains to filter the light inside the studio.


(iii) What was the photographer trying to do in his studio?

Ans. He was trying to get the right amount of light and air into the studio by tearing off the curtains.


(iv) What was the photographer’s reaction when he came out of the black cloth on the camera?

Ans. The photographer was frantic. He pulled the curtains with a hooked rod to get more light and air into the studio.


(v) What was thought to be the problem with the face of the narrator?

Ans. The narrator’s face was quiet wrong. The photographer thought that it would be better if it were seventyfive percent fuller.


Passage 3

“I’m sure it would,” I said enthusiastically, for I was glad to find that the man had such a human side to him. “So would yours. In fact,” I continued, “how many faces one sees that are apparently hard, narrow, limited, but the minute you get them three-quarters full they get wide, large, almost boundless in – –”


(i) What was the narrator sure of ?

Ans. He was sure that his face would look better if it were three quarters fuller.


(ii) “The man had such a human side to him”. What does the narrator wish to convey about the man ?

Ans. He wishes to convey that the photographer is inhuman and rude. He felt insulted when the photographer said that his face was quiet wrong.


(iii) How are the faces of the human beings made to look better and how much?

Ans. Faces look better when they are fuller. They become wide, large and boundless. The photographer feels that three quarters fuller face is better.


(iv) What is the tone of the narrator when he says that human faces are made to look better?

Ans. The narrator is being sarcastic


(v) Did the photographer himself need some improvement in his face or mind? How do you know?

Ans. Yes, his face also required to be fuller to get a better photo. The author commented so.


Passage 4

“The ears are bad,” he said; “droop them a little more. Thank you. Now the eyes. Roll them in under the lids. Put the hands on the knees, please, and turn the face just a little upward. Yes, that’s better.


(i) Which body features are asked to be improved upon and how?

Ans. The ears, eyes and face have to be improved upon. The ears need to be bent, the eyes must be rolled under the eyelids and the face be turned upwards.


(ii) Do you think the narrator is happy and satisfied with the photographer?

Ans. The narrator is not happy because the photographer is trying to make him pose unnaturally to get a perfect photograph. However, the narrator wants a picture of himself just as he looks.


(iii) Which things other than the ones mentioned later in the context are to be set right?

Ans. The mouth, eyebrows and hairline have to be set right.


(iv) Did all these body features of the narrator meet the due approval of the photographer? How do you know?

Ans. The features did not meet his approval because he used his drawing and technical skills to improve the negative of the narrator’s photograph.


(v) What does it tell you about the photographer’s art?

Ans. He was proud of his talent. He created a nice photo, using his drawing and technical skills. However, the photograph looked different from the narrator’s appearance.


Passage 5

“Stop,” I said with emotion but, I think, with dignity. “This face is my face. It is not yours, it is mine. I’ve lived with it for forty years and I know its faults. I know it’s out of drawing. I know it wasn’t made for me, but it’s my face, the only one I have –”


(i) Who is the speaker here? Who is he talking to? What is the occasion?

Ans. The narrator says this. He is talking to the photographer. He has gone to the studio to get himself photographed and is hurt by the man’s behaviour of finding faults with his body features.


(ii) What prompted the speaker to say. “It is not yours, it is mine”?

Ans. He said this to insist that it was his face, his property and he accepted it. The photographer had no right to say that it was wrong or to find faults in it.


(iii) What is the tone of the speaker?

Ans. The speaker is annoyed and hurt


(iv) What does the extract tell about the narrator’s present mood?

Ans. The narrator is hurt and annoyed

(v) The narrator seems to assert some idea.
Ans. The idea is of accepting the real self and not trying to shift towards the deviated or made up self.


Passage 6

The photographer beckoned me in. I thought he seemed quieter and graver than before. I think, too, there was a certain pride in his manner.
He unfolded the proof of a large photograph, and we both looked at it in silence.
“Is it me ?” I asked.


(i) Where was the narrator asked to come?
Ans. He was asked to come inside the photographer’s studio.

(ii) What made the photographer feel proud of?
Ans. He was proud of his drawing and technical skills which he had used in improvising the negatives.

(iii) Both the photographer and the narrator looked at the proof of the photograph in silence. Why do you think both were silent?
Ans. The narrator was silent because he was unable to recognize himself while the photographer was silently admiring his talent.

(iv) What was the narrator’s reaction on seeing his photograph?
Ans. He could not recognize if it was his photo.

(v) What more changes did the photographer want to make in the final finish of the photograph?
Ans. He suggested that the ears had not been touched but they could be adjusted in the final finish.

Passage 7

“Yes,” said the photographer thoughtfully, “that’s so; but I can fix that all right in the print. We have a process now – the Sulphide – for removing the ears entirely. I’ll see if – –”


(i) What had not been tempered with as far as the body features were concerned?
Ans. The ears.

(ii) To which question of the narrator does the photographer say ‘yes’?
Ans. To the narrator’s comment that the ears looked just like his.

(iii) Which body features had the photographer retouched to make them look better?
Ans. The eyes and mouth had been retouched, the eyebrows had been removed and new ones were added while the hair line had been shifted to the back.

(iv) How do the photographers bring about changes in a photograph that looks completely different from the original ?
Ans. They use their drawing skills to improve features. They also apply technical process called Sulphide to remove features and Delphide to add new features.

(v) How did the narrator blast the photographer later?
Ans. He made an animated face to show his anger and spoke with a withering scorn to blast him.

Passage 8

“Coat it with an inch of gloss, shade it, emboss it, gild it, till even you acknowledge that it is finished. Then when you have done all that – keep it for yourself and your friends. They may value it. To me it is but a worthless bauble.”


(i) What is the narrator’s reaction on his photograph in his next visit?
Ans. It is a valueless thing because it does not look like him.

(ii) Mention at least three different processes with the help of which the photographers effect facial features.
Ans. They use drawing, Sulphide and Delphide to change facial features.

(iii) Does the narrator approve of the techniques of the photographers in bringing about changes in the original photograph?
Ans. No, because they change the appearance drastically

(iv) Would you justify the narrator’s viewpoint or the photographer’s? Why?
Ans. The narrator is justified because a photograph must look like the person.

(v) Why does the narrator call the photograph a worthless ‘bauble’?
Ans. It is a worthless bauble because it does not resemble the narrator.

Passage 9

 I waited an hour. I read the Ladies Companion for 1912, the Girls Magazine for 1902 and the Infants Journal for 1888. I began to see that I had done an unwarrantable thing in breaking in on the privacy of this man’s scientific pursuits with a face like mine.
After an hour the photographer opened the inner door.


(i) Why did he wait for an hour?
Ans. The photographer wanted him to think that he was a busy man.

(ii) What does ‘breaking in’ mean?
Ans. It means to enter into a prohibited place.

(iii) Why did the narrator think that he had done an unwarrantable thing?
Ans. He tought so because he had to wait for a long period of time. Perhaps it was so because the photographer was busy in some great scientific research and he had disrupted his work.

(iv) ‘with a face like mine means ……………………………
Ans. It means that his face was not photogenic and perhaps that was the reason for the photographer’s reluactanc ein taking its photograph.

(v) Find a synonym of ‘confidentiality’ from the extract.
Ans. Privacy


Passage 10

The photographer had pulled a string. The photograph taken. I could see the machine still staggering from the shock.
“I think,” said the photographer, pursing his lips in a pleased smile, “that I caught the features just in a moment of animation.”
“So!,” I said bitingly, – “features, eh? You didn’t think I could animate them, I suppose? But let me see the picture.”


(i) When the narrator spoke ‘bitingly’, what does it tell about his feeling?
Ans. He was hurt and annoyed.

(ii) What does the extract indicate about the machine?
Ans. It was old.

(iii) Why was the photographer pursing his lips in a pleased smile?
Ans. He was proud of his accomplishment of capturing the perfect expressions.

(iv) What was the moment of animation?
Ans. When the narrator was speaking to the photographer and was getting up from the stool, there was a moment when his facial expressions were perfect. This is called the right moment of animation when the photograph was clicked.

(v) Why did he want to see the picture?
Ans. He wanted to verify the claim of the photographer by seeing the photo that he had clicked. 

Also See: 

ICSE Class 10 English Summary, Explanation



ICSE Class 10 English Important Question Answers