WBBSE Class 9 English Second Language Syllabus


West Bengal Board of Secondary Education (WBBSE) Class 9 English (Second Language) Syllabus for Academic Session 2024-25


WBBSE Class 9 English Syllabus for 2024-25 – West Bengal Board of Secondary Education (WBBSE) has released Class 9 English (Second Language) Syllabus on its official website. Students can check our post for WBBSE Class 9 English Syllabus 2024-25 as per the latest exam pattern. 


WBBSE Class 9 Syllabus of English as Second Language 


The following competencies included under the heading of LSRW skills are reflected in the syllabus:


Listening skill:

Ability to—

  • fill up charts/ tables by listening to a passage read out, or a pre-recorded audio/audio-visual clip (e.g. news bulletin, commentary, a story or a narration
  • listen and follow instructions with the objective of composing process writing


Speaking skill:

Ability to—

  • express oneself clearly, correctly, and appropriately
  • participate in debates and group discussions
  • elocute
  • simulate
  • dramatize a situation
  • speak from a mimed cue
  • narrate stories from given cues


Reading skill:

Ability to—

  • skim for specific information
  • scan for general information
  • read top-down and bottom-up
  • read intensively/in-depth for total comprehension
  • read extensively
  • develop reference skills (to consult a library/ a dictionary/electronic media)


Grammar and Vocabulary:

Ability to—

  • change Active Voice to Passive Voice and vice versa (Present and Past perfect, Simple Future tense)
  • identify and use of Gerund in meaningful sentences
  • change Direct speech into Indirect speech and vice versa (based on types of sentences)
  • Identify the types of sentences (Simple, Complex, Compound)
  • transform sentences
  1. simple, complex and compound
  2. assertive, interrogative, exclamatory
  3. based on parts of speech
  • do phrasal verb applications
  • do idiomatic applications


Writing skill:

Ability to do—

  • process writing
  • newspaper report writing
  • formal letter writing
  1. letter of enquiry
  2. letter for seeking leave

All the grammatical items and writing skills practised in the previous classes of Upper Primary level are to be recapitulated and reinforced.


Textbook: ‘Bliss: English Textbook for class IX’ (Second Language)


Lessons for English (Second Language)

  1. Tales of Bhola Grandpa—Manoj Das
  2. All about a Dog—A.G Gardiner
  3. Autumn—John Clare
  4. A Day in the Zoo—Gerald Durrell
  5. All Summer in a Day—Ray Bradbury
  6. Mild the Mist upon the Hill—Emily Jane Bronte
  7. Tom Loses a Tooth—Mark Twain
  8. His First Flight—Liam O’Flaherty
  9. The North Ship—Philip Larkin
  10. The Price of Bananas—Mulk Raj Anand
  11. A Shipwrecked Sailor—Daniel Defoe
  12.  Hunting Snake—Judith Wright
  • Reading Comprehension


Distribution of Marks and Question pattern:


Testing Areas MCQ 1 mark each  Short Answer Type Questions (SAQ) 1 mark each Long Answer Type Questions (LAQ)  2 mark each Descriptive Answer Type Questions (DAQ) 10 mark each Total Marks
(A) Textual Questions Prose: – 

No. of Questions-5 Total: 1×5=5

Prose: – 

No. of Questions-4 Total: 1×4=4

Prose: – 

No. of Questions-3 Total: 2×3=6

Prose: – 

No. of Questions-6 Total: 1×6=6

Prose: – 

No. of Questions-2 Total: 2×2=4

nil 25
(B) Reading Comprehension No. of questions-5 Total: 1×5=5 No. of questions-3 Total: (1+1)x3=6 No. of questions-2 Total: 2×2=4 nil 15
(C) Grammar and Vocabulary No. of questions – 3 Total: 1×4=4 No. of questions – 10 Total: 1×10=10 No. of questions – 3 Total: 2×3=6 nil 20
(D) Writing nil nil nil No. of questions – 3 Total 10×3=30 30
Total Marks per Question type 20 20 20 30 Total 90

Types of Questions:

  1. Multiple choice question (MCQ): All compulsory questions
  2. Short answer type question (SAQ): Answer not exceeding 15 words
  3. Longer answer type question (LAQ): Answer not exceeding 25 words
  4. Descriptive answer type question (DAQ): Answer not exceeding 100 words


Total marks: 100

  • Internal Formative Evaluation: 10 marks 
  • 3rd Summative Evaluation: 90 marks