Tales of Bhola Grandpa Summary


West Bengal Board Class 9 English Tales of Bhola Grandpa Summary, Lesson Explanation with difficult word meanings from Bliss Book


Tales of Bhola Grandpa– Are you looking for Summary and Lesson Explanation for West Bengal  Board Class 9 English Lesson 1 Tales of Bhola Grandpa from Bliss Book. Get notes, summary of the Lesson followed by line by line explanation of the lesson along with the meanings of difficult words.


Tales of Bhola Grandpa West Bengal Board Class 9 English 

Manoj Das  


Tales of Bhola Grandpa Introduction

The lesson “Tales of Bhola Grandpa” by Manoj Das tells us about a charming old man named Bhola Grandpa who lived at the edge of a village. Bhola Grandpa was known for his funny and adventurous stories. He lived with his wife under a large bokal tree where a troop of monkeys also lived, but they did not bother each other. One night, while returning from a festival, Bhola Grandpa accidentally lost his grandson but quickly found him again. In another funny story, he told his family about a treasure hidden by pirates, which turned out to be just a dream. The most thrilling tale is about Bhola Grandpa’s encounter with a Royal Bengal tiger in the Sunderbans. Despite being terrified, he cleverly escaped from the tiger and made it back to safety.

Through these stories, we see Bhola Grandpa as a lovable character, whose life was filled with humorous and exciting experiences. 


Theme of the Lesson Tales of Bhola Grandpa 

The theme of “Tales of Bhola Grandpa” by Manoj Das revolves around the charm and wisdom found in storytelling and the adventurous spirit of old age. Through the humorous and thrilling incidents of Bhola Grandpa’s life, the lesson explores how stories from the past can be both entertaining and insightful. Bhola Grandpa’s experiences, ranging from a simple mistake at a festival to a dramatic encounter with a tiger, show us the value of imagination, humor, and courage. The lesson emphasizes that old age is not just a time of reflection but also a period filled with exciting memories and stories worth sharing. 


Tales of Bhola Grandpa Summary

The lesson “Tales of Bhola Grandpa” by Manoj Das talks about an elderly man named Bhola Grandpa who lived with his wife at the edge of a village. Their home was shaded by a large bokal tree where a group of monkeys also lived, but Bhola Grandpa and his wife did not mind their presence. The story tells us Bhola Grandpa’s adventurous and imaginative nature through several entertaining anecdotes. One night, after a village festival, Bhola Grandpa realized that he had lost his grandson, whom he had been holding onto by the boy’s fingers. Panicking, he only remembered the boy when someone asked him what he was holding. The group quickly found the boy hiding under a cow. Another story tells of how Bhola Grandpa excitedly claimed he had seen pirates burying treasure, only for it to be revealed that it was just a dream. In another tale, Bhola Grandpa bravely faced a Royal Bengal tiger in the jungle by climbing a tree and later escaping as dawn broke. The story ends with Bhola Grandpa passing away at the age of ninety-five, and his wife’s comment about him “forgetting to breathe” shows how much she loved him. Through these stories, the lesson shows that old age can be full of interesting adventures and that sharing these stories is a way to bring joy and wisdom to others.


Tales of Bhola Grandpa Summary in Hindi

मनोज दास द्वारा लिखित पाठ “भोला दादाजी की कहानियाँ” भोला दादाजी नाम के एक बुजुर्ग व्यक्ति के बारे में बात करती है जो गाँव के किनारे अपनी पत्नी के साथ रहता था। उनका घर एक बड़े बोकल पेड़ की छाया में था जहाँ बंदरों का एक समूह भी रहता था, लेकिन भोला दादाजी और उनकी पत्नी को उनकी उपस्थिति से कोई आपत्ति नहीं थी। कहानी हमें कई मनोरंजक किस्सों के माध्यम से भोला दादाजी के साहसी और कल्पनाशील स्वभाव के बारे में बताती है। एक रात, एक गाँव के उत्सव के बाद, भोला दादाजी को एहसास हुआ कि उन्होंने अपने पोते को खो दिया है, जिसे वह लड़के की उंगलियों से पकड़े हुए थे। घबराते हुए उसे उस लड़के की याद तभी आई जब किसी ने उससे पूछा कि उसके हाथ में क्या है। समूह ने तुरंत लड़के को गाय के नीचे छिपा हुआ पाया। एक अन्य कहानी बताती है कि कैसे भोला दादाजी ने उत्साहपूर्वक दावा किया कि उन्होंने समुद्री डाकुओं को खजाना दफनाते देखा था, लेकिन बाद में पता चला कि यह सिर्फ एक सपना था। एक अन्य कहानी में, भोला दादाजी ने जंगल में एक पेड़ पर चढ़कर रॉयल बंगाल टाइगर का बहादुरी से सामना किया और बाद में सुबह होते ही भाग निकले। कहानी का अंत भोला दादाजी के नब्बे वर्ष की आयु में निधन के साथ होता है, और उनकी पत्नी की उनके बारे में टिप्पणी “साँस लेना भूल जाना” दर्शाती है कि वह उनसे कितना प्यार करती थी। इन कहानियों के माध्यम से, पाठ से पता चलता है कि बुढ़ापा दिलचस्प रोमांच से भरा हो सकता है और इन कहानियों को साझा करना दूसरों के लिए खुशी और ज्ञान लाने का एक तरीका है।


Tales of Bhola Grandpa Lesson Explanation



Bhola Grandpa and his wife lived at the western end of our village. A large bokal tree overshadowed their hut. In the bokal tree lived a small troop of monkeys. Bhola Grandpa and his wife did not mind it. 


Word Meanings:

bokal tree (n): A large tree with spreading branches, providing shade

overshadowed (v): to be much taller than another building and therefore block the sun from it

troop (n): a group


Explanation: Bhola Grandpa and his wife lived at the west side of the narrator’s village. A big bokal tree shaded their small house. A group of monkeys also lived in the tree. Bhola Grandpa and his wife did not mind the monkeys being there.


One moonlit night, we were returning from a festival. The road was long and foggy. I was riding on the village chowkidar’s shoulders. Suddenly, Bhola Grandpa let out a loud wail. Everyone in our party was surprised. We halted. Enquiry revealed that Bhola Grandpa had taken his grandson to the festival. He had tightly held on to the two fingers of the boy. He did not realize when those fingers slipped out. Bhola Grandpa was continuing as before. Then someone asked Bhola Grandpa what he was gripping. He remembered his grandson and let out a loud wail. 


Word Meanings:

wail (v): to make a long, high cry, usually because of pain or sadness

chowkidar (n): a watchmen or gatekeeper

enquiry (n): the process of asking a question


Explanation: One night when the moon was bright, the narrator and others were coming back from a festival. The road was long and covered in fog, and the narrator was sitting on the shoulders of the village guard (chowkidar). Suddenly, Bhola Grandpa cried out loudly, surprising everyone in the group. They stopped and found out that Bhola Grandpa had brought his grandson to the festival and was holding the boy’s two fingers tightly. However, he did not notice when the boy’s fingers slipped out of his hand. Bhola Grandpa kept walking without realizing it. When someone asked Bhola Grandpa what he was holding, he remembered his grandson and cried out loudly.


My father chose two sharp-eyed men from our party to go back with Bhola Grandpa to the festival. The grandson was found before long. He had taken a cozy shelter under a cow’s belly.


Word Meanings:.

sharp-eyed (adj.): very good at noticing things


Explanation: The narrator’s father chose two observant men from their group to go back with Bhola Grandpa to the festival to find the lost grandson. It did not  take long for them to find the boy. He had taken a comfortable shelter under a cow’s belly.


I remember another funny incident about Bhola Grandpa related by my father. It had been a rainy afternoon. Bhola Grandpa, wild with excitement, told my father and his friends that he had seen a gang of pirates. They were burying a large box under one of the sand dunes on the seashore by our village. At once father and his friends started looking for the hidden treasure. Evening passed on to night. Moonlight came in through the clouds. A pack of jackals were howling. It was past midnight. At this point of time, Bhola Grandpa confessed that there was no real treasure. It was all a dream which he had during his midday nap. 


Word Meanings:

sand dunes (n): small hills of sand formed by the wind

pirates (n): a person who sails in a ship and attacks other ships in order to steal from them

seashore (n): the land along the edge of the sea

jackals (n): a wild animal like a dog that lives in Africa and southern Asia and eats animals that have died or been killed by others


Explanation: The narrator recalls another event as told by his father. In this story, on a rainy afternoon Bhola Grandpa once excitedly told the narrator’s father and his friends about a dream he had. He claimed he had seen some thieves  burying a treasure chest under a sand dune at the village seashore. Filled with excitement, the group rushed to find the hidden treasure as evening turned into night, and the howls of jackals filled the air. They searched eagerly, hoping for a great discovery. However, after hours of searching, Bhola Grandpa confessed that there was no real treasure. It was all just a dream he had during his midday nap! The tale shows us Bhola Grandpa’s playful nature and the humorous situation that resulted from his tall tale.



Once Bhola Grandpa had a great adventure in the Sunderbans. In those days Royal Bengal tigers freely roamed the dense jungles of the Sundarbans. People took care to move about only in groups, particularly after sundown.


Word Meanings:

sundarbans (n): a mangrove forest spreading across india and bangladesh


Explanation: Bhola Grandpa once had a dangerous adventure in the Sunderbans, where Royal Bengal tigers roamed freely.People in the Sundarbans made sure to move around only in groups, especially after sunset. This was to stay safe from wild animals like tigers.


One evening, Bhola Grandpa was returning from the weekly market. Suddenly at a distance of about five yards behind him, he heard the growl of a Royal Bengal tiger. Bhola Grandpa turned and found the bright gaze of the tiger on his face. 


Word Meanings:

yards (n): a unit of measurement

growl (n): a long, low sound, like the threatening sound


Explanation: One evening, as he was returning from the market, he heard a tiger’s growl close behind him. When he looked, he saw the tiger’s fierce eyes staring at him.


Bhola Grandpa instantly climbed up a nearby banyan tree. The tiger roared and circled the tree about a hundred times. Then it settled down under a bush without taking its eyes off him. With nightfall, the forest grew dark and silent. Bhola Grandpa could hear the tiger beating its tail on the dry leaves. Hours passed. 


Word Meanings:

roar (n): a loud, deep sound


Explanation: Quickly, Bhola Grandpa climbed a nearby banyan tree to escape the tiger. The tiger circled the tree many times, roaring loudly and keeping its eyes on him. As night fell, the forest became dark and quiet, and Bhola Grandpa could only hear the tiger’s tail thumping on the ground. He spent hours in the tree, scared, and did not get down until daybreak.


Dawn broke with the cooing of doves. Bhola Grandpa came down. There was a group of men on a mound a little away. Bhola Grandpa climbed the mound and requested the first man he saw for some water to drink. The man had seen the tiger waiting. He was much bewildered. “What is your secret that you simply walked past the hungry beast and it did nothing?” he asked Bhola Grandpa. 


Word Meanings:

mound (n): a large pile of earth, stones, etc. like a small hill

doves (n): a white or gray bird, often used as a symbol of peace

bewildered (adj.): confused

cooing (v): when birds such as doves and pigeons coo, they make a low soft sound.


Explanation:  At dawn, as doves cooed, Bhola Grandpa climbed down from the banyan tree. He saw a group of men on a nearby mound and went to them to ask for some water. The men were amazed that he had survived the night near the hungry tiger. They asked Bhola Grandpa how he managed to stay safe.


The tiger was stretching its limbs and yawning. Then, Bhola Grandpa remembered the tiger and looked at it. Bhola Grandpa almost lost his senses in fear. He ran back home.  


Word Meanings:

limbs (n): an arm or leg of a person or animal


Explanation: Bhola Grandpa saw the tiger, which was now stretching and yawning. Terrified by the close call, he ran back home.


Half a century later, Bhola Grandpa left us forever one morning at the age of ninety-five. His eighty-year old wife lamented much. She said with a sigh, “The old man must have forgotten to breathe.”


Word Meanings:

lamented (v): to express sadness and regret about something

Explanation: Years later, when Bhola Grandpa passed away at ninety-five, his eighty-year-old wife mourned his loss. She reflected on his long life and the many stories he shared, saying with a touch of humor that the old man must have forgotten to breathe.


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