Apostrophes Examples – Apostrophes emerge as the small yet mighty punctuation marks that wield a significant impact on language. In the vast landscape of written communication, apostrophe marks serve as the guardians of possession, the architects of contractions, and the arbiters of clarity. An apostrophe is indicated with (‘) symbol. In this article, we delve into the world of apostrophes, unraveling their multifaceted roles through a tapestry of examples of apostrophes. From indicating ownership to breathing life into contractions, apostrophes play a pivotal role in shaping the precision and meaning of our expressions. Join us on a linguistic journey as we navigate through a myriad of instances where these seemingly modest punctuation marks wield their grammatical prowess, adding depth and coherence to the written word.


Examples of Apostrophes

Possessive Forms:
The cat’s tail is so long.
The teacher’s desk is at the front of the classroom.
Mary’s bag is on the shelf.
The dog’s collar is black.
The company’s success relies on development of new products.
The children’s toys were scattered across the garden.
The farmer’s market opens early on Saturdays and Sundays.
My friend’s car broke down on the way.


I don’t know where he’s going. (He is going.)

They’re excited about the upcoming event. (They are excited.)

We’ll meet you at the restaurant. (We will meet you.)

She’s been working hard. (She has been working hard.)

It’s a beautiful day. (It is a beautiful day.)

I can’t believe it! (I cannot believe it.)

We haven’t met yet. (We have not met yet.)


Omitted Letters in Informal Writing:

That’s the way it should be. (That is the way it should be.)

I don’t think he’d be interested. (He would be interested.)

You’re going to love this. (You are going to love this.)

I’ll see you later. (I will see you later.)


Pluralizing Letters and Numbers:

Mind your p’s and q’s.

The class of ’92 is having a reunion.

The CD’s from the ’90s bring back memories.

He received straight A’s on his report card.

Dot your i’s and cross your t’s.


Apostrophe in Names:

The Johnsons’ house is on the corner. (Possession for a plural last name.)

This is Mary’s and Tom’s favorite restaurant. (Possession for multiple individuals.)


Time Expressions:

I’ll be there in five minutes’ time. (Indicating possession with time expressions.)


Apostrophes in Plural Possessive:

The students’ projects were displayed in the hallway. (Multiple students possessing projects.)

The employees’ break room is on the third floor.


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