Poetic Devices in Class 12 English Poems


List of Poetic Devices used in Class 12 English Flamingo Book Poems

Poetic Devices in Class 12 English Poems – A “poetic device” refers to anything a poet uses to enhance the literal meaning of their poem. Poetic devices or literary devices are an essential part of English poetry. It is therefore a tool that significantly enhances a poem’s substance, heightens its feel, or provides the essential rhythm. Let’s have a look at the poetic devices which have been used in class 12 English Flamingo Book Poems.


Poem 1 My Mother at Sixty-six Poetic Devices

Literary Devices
1. Assonance: Here we see the use of vowel sound that is ‘o’. (To Cochin last Friday morning)
Use of vowel sound ‘o’, ’a’, ‘e’ (doze, open-mouthed, her face ashen like that
of a corpse)
2. Consonance: use of the sound ‘s’ and ‘t’
3. Imagery: when the poet say trees sprinting, merry children spilling
4. Repetition: Repeated use of ‘looked’ , use of ‘smile’
5. Rhyme scheme – The poem does not follow any rhyme or rhythm. It has been written in free verse.
6. Simile: The colour of the mother’s face has been compared to that of a corpse – ashen. use of ‘like’ (her face ashen like that of a corpse)
Mother’s face is compared to the late winter’s moon – both are dull and lifeless. use of ‘as’ (as a late winter’s moon).


Poem 2 – An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum Poetic Devices

Literary devices
1. Alliteration: Use of ‘f’ sound (From fog)
2. Allusion: Reference to well-known person or place ( Shakespeare’s head, Tyrolese valley)
3. Anaphora: Use of repeated words in two consecutive lines (Run azure And Run naked)
4. Assonance: repetition of vowel sound ‘e’ (Belled, flowery, Tyrolese valley)
5. Metaphor: boy is compared with paper as he is thin (paper seeming boy)
Their homes are very small like holes (cramped holes)
books and nature are expressed in form of white and green leaves (the white-green leaves open)
i. Walls are described to be dull as sour cream (sour cream walls)
ii. The future of the kids is described as limited (Narrow Street sealed with a lead sky)
6. Repetition: ‘far’ repeated
use of far to stress on the distance
7. Simile: children are compared with rootless weed (like rootless weed)
their repaired spectacles (like bottle bits on stones)

Poem 3 – Keeping Quiet Poetic Devices

Literary devices
1. Alliteration: the repetition of a consonant sound at the start of 2 or more closely placed words.
‘we will’ – ‘w’ sound is repeated
we would’ – ‘w’ sound is repeated, ‘sudden strangeness’ – ‘s’ sound is repeated, ‘his hurt hands’ – ‘h’ sound is repeated
‘wars with’ – ‘w’ sound is repeated, ‘clean clothes’ – ‘c’ sound is repeated
we were, so single – minded
2. Anaphora: Two consecutive lines starting with the word ‘Let’s’
let’s not speak in any language,
let’s stop for one second,
3. Assonance: use of vowel ‘o’ (victory with no survivors, would put on clean clothes and walk about with their brothers)
Use of vowel sound ‘o’ and ‘e’ (Now we will count to twelve, not move our arms so much)
4. Enjambment: and for once could perhaps a huge silence……..of threatening ourselves with death.
5. Repetition: use of ‘war’


Poem 4 – A Thing of Beauty Poetic Devices

Literary devices
1. Alliteration: Use of consonant sound at the start of two words which are close in series (Sleep-Sweet)
Use of consonant sound at the start of two words which are close in series (‘b’ in Band Bind, ‘n’ in Noble nature, ‘s’ in some shape).
Use of consonant sound at the start of two words which are close in series (‘h’ in have heard)
Use of consonant sound at the start of two words which are close in series (‘s’ in Sprouting Shady, Simple sheep, ‘c’ in cooling covert)
2. Anaphora: Use of same word in two consecutive lines (of noble natures- Of all the unhealthy)
3. Antithesis: opposite words placed together (old and young)
4. Metaphor: Immortal drinks ( beautiful objects of nature are forever like a neverending portion of a drink)
wreathing a flowery band (the beautiful things of our life bind us to the earth)
bower Quiet (calmness of the bower is compared to the calming effect of a beautiful thing)
5. Inversion: normal order of words is reversed ( Are we wreathing a flowery band)
6. Imagery: Bushes full of musk roses (sprinkling of fair musk rose blooms), books describing valor of fighters (grandeur-..mighty dead), god providing us with best things (pouring from the heaven’s brink)
Trees giving shade (sprouting shady boon), growing process of daffodils (daffodils with the green world they live in), Clean river streams (Clear rills)
creating a sensory effect of beautiful things lined up in a string ( A flowery band to bind us)
7. Rhyme scheme: aabbc (forever, never, keep, sleep, breathing)
8. Rhyme: Rhyme scheme is used in every stanza of the poem (forever; never, keep; sleep, dead; read etc.)


Poem 5 – A Roadside Stand Poetic Devices

Literary Devices
1. Metaphor: Trusting Sorrow
2. Oxymoron & Alliteration: ‘Greedy good-doers’ and ‘beneficent beasts’ of prey.
3. Personification: 1) A roadside stand that too pathetically pled
4. Transferred Epithet: (a) Polished traffic (b) Selfish cars


Poem 6 Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers Poetic Devices

Literary Devices
1. Alliteration: ‘f’ sound is repeated in finger fluttering
‘p’ is repeated in prancing proud
2. Anaphora: use of same word in two consecutive lines (they do not … and they pace in…)
3. Metaphor: Use of topaz to describe the yellow color of tigers (Bright topaz)
4. Rhyme scheme: aabb