Are you at a crossroad where you do not know whether working or joining a B-school will be better? Well they say that you should always choose the lesser evil! Does that mean that doing a job or your B-school education is malevolent? Okay not necessarily but keep in mind this point in life might be the most career defining moment in your life.
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The dilemma of joining a work force or marching straight towards a B-school is definitely weighing on most students today. Know this before joining either of two that as many as 77 per cent of the students at IIM Bangalore’s flagship PGPM program were those who had two to three years of work experience. So although completing your education all the way before working might seem like a more sane way to go, think again!
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You will find, also many studies suggest, that clearly B-schools will give preference to graduates with prior work experience. Not only colleges, but most recruiters will place their bets on candidates with some work experience. If this has started to churn the wheels a bit, then think again because there are other reasons for why you should think of working before joining a B-school and not join one immediately after completing your graduation.
Are you a 100 per cent sure?
Let’s face it; most of your decisions are either because of your parents, your friends taking admission somewhere or peer pressure and it you’re real lucky then all three put together. How many of us exactly where we were headed at the time of graduation even. What is to say that mid way your MBA you will not decide that this is not for you? Well, it might not be the best decision you will make after investing so much time and money into the degree. If you decide to work before you can finish what might be the last most important education degree in your life, you might just be able to make up your mind to what exactly it is you would be looking for and attain it.
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Your job will reflect on your college application
Now you didn’t think of that one, did you? There are also a lot many things considered than just the qualifying and competitive exams to get into a B-school of repute. Well you might want to do your MBA from the best possible option, if you’re going to do, then do it well. While you will be applying to colleges, your work experience will definitely weigh down on your application for applying to a B-School and definitely give you an edge over the others. Also for all those candidates who have not been the top scorers all their lives but have had a recent epiphany to do well, then this will in many ways cover up some of your past profile.
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Not just another subject
Well, most of us have completed their education till now reading, writing and learning what comes our way. Never stopped and pondered how this is any way going to help us in the coming years of practicality. Well that is not the case when it comes to a MBA program. You will have to relate real world work problems and also find solutions for them and who better to tell you all this than you. If you have already worked before in the real world then you will find it easy to comprehend the subjects in your MBA program. Also since the subjects for MBA are more practical it will be easier for you to relate to the same. Education will any day be better when you can understand it rather than just rote learning and work experience sure does make the job easier.
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Most important of them all, Higher pay packages!
Well like we spoke in the beginning of this article that, chances mostly are that candidates with past work experience are not only preferred by B-schools during admission but also by recruiters. Let us face it; the basic notion of completing higher education is not because you feel like doing it out of good will. Everyone wants to get associated with the top notch recruiters and also get better and higher pay packages. While the candidates with work experience might just bag the higher pay package, but it is not unusual for that fresh MBA pass out to catch up to him and might just run ahead of the race.
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Since an MBA might just be the most important and expensive degree of your life; it would seem right to make it worth your time, energy and money. It makes just a little more sense to enter the ‘work land’ and learn the most important does and don’ts rather than spend that money and realize what a big mistake it has been.
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