Madurai Kamaraj University PhD and M.Phil Admission 2021


Madurai Kamaraj University (MKU) announces for Admission to M.Phil Program for Session 2022-23, Apply now


Madurai Kamaraj University M.Phil Admission 2022 – Madurai Kamaraj University invites applications for Admission to the following M.Phil Program offered by the departments of the University for the Academic year 2022-2023. The candidates who have got the MKU Eligibility certificate (2022-2023) and SLET, SET/UGC-NET/CSIR-NET Examinations are eligible to apply for the M.Phil Programs.


M.Phil Program Offered




Art History 21.  Library and Information Science 
2.  Biotechnology  22.  Linguistics 
3.  Botany  23.  Malayalam 
4.  Chemistry  24.  Management 
5.  Commerce  25.  Marine Biology 
6.  Comparative Religion (Tamil Medium)  26.  Material Science 
7.  Computer Applications  27.  Mathematics 
8. Computer Science  28.  Media and Communication 
9.  Economics  29.  Microbiology 
10.  Education  30.  Peace Making & Gandhian Thought 
11.  English  31.  Physical Education 
12.  English Language Studies  32.  Physics 
13.  Entrepreneurship  33.  Political Science 
14.  Environmental Science  34.  Saiva Siddhanta Philosophy 
15.  Folklore  35.  Sanskrit 
16.  French  36.  Sociology 
17.  Geography  37.  Tamil 
18.  History  38.  Telugu 
19.  Journalism and Mass Communication  39.  Tourism and Hotel Management 
20.  Kannada  40.  Vedangas 


Important Dates

  • Prospectus and Applications available in website from: 12.12.2022
  • Last date for filled-in application: 30.12.2022


Eligibility Criteria

  • M.Phil. Art History: A pass in P.G. Arts History with 55% of total marks.
  • M.Phil. Biotechnology: A pass in M.Sc. with Botany, Zoology, Microbiology, Biochemistry, Genetics, Biotechnology and other related areas of Life Sciences with 55% of total marks.
  • M.Phil. Botany: A pass in M.Sc. with Botany or its Equivalent degree with 55% of total marks.
  • M.Phil. Chemistry: A pass in M.Sc. Chemistry with 55% of total marks.
  • M.Phil. Commerce: A pass in P.G. Degree in Commerce with 55% of total marks.
  • M.Phil Comparative Religion: A pass in any PG Degree with 55% of total marks.
  • M.Phil. Computer Applications: A Pass in M.C.A Degree with 55% Total marks.
  • M.Phil. Computer Science: A pass in M.Sc in Computer Science/MCA/ with 55% of total marks. Candidates should have studied Mathematics at least in +2 level.
  • M.Phil. Economics: A pass in M.A Economics with 55% of total marks.
  • M.Phil. Education: Any P.G Degree with 50% and above as well as M.Ed./M.Ed.Tech. Degree with 55% and above.
  • M.Phil. English: A pass in M.A.English with 55% of total marks.
  • M.Phil. English Language Studies: A pass in M.A. English with 55% of total marks.
  • M.Phil. Entrepreneurship: Master’s Degree of this University or of any other university recognized as equivalent thereto in any discipline related to Social Entrepreneurship such as Business Administration, Commerce, Social Work, Energy, Environment and Natural Sciences etc., that are related to Entrepreneurship with not less than 55% of marks in the aggregate.
  • M.Phil. Environmental Science: B.Sc. in any branch of Life Sciences (Biology /Bio-chemistry/ Botany / Zoology /Biotechnology/Physics/Chemistry/Microbiology and Environmental Science) with 55% of total marks.
  • M.Phil. Folklore: A pass in M.A. Tamil/ Folklore/ History/ Sociology/ Journalism & Mass Communication and Cultural Studies with 55% of total marks.
  • M.Phil. French: A pass in M.A. French with 55% of total marks.
  • M.Phil. Geography: A pass in M.A / M.Sc. Geography with 55% of total marks.
  • M.Phil. History: A pass in M.A.History/ Art History/ Archaeology/ Indian Culture with 55% of total marks.
  • M.Phil. Journalism and Mass Communication: A pass in M.Sc. Communication and Journalism/Communication Studies/ Electronic Media / Visual Communication or M.A. Journalism and Mass Communication / Advertising and Public Relations of MCJ-Master of Communication and Journalism of any P.G. degree with diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication or an optional paper on Journalism and Mass Communication with 55% of total marks.
  • M.Phil. Kannada: A Pass in M.A Kannada with 55% of total marks.
  • M.Phil. Library & Information Science: A Pass in M.L.I.Sc or its equivalent degree in a recognized University with 55% of total Marks.
  • M.Phil. Linguistics: A pass in P.G degree in Linguistics with 55% of total marks.
  • M.Phil. Malayalam: A pass in M.A. Malayalam with 55% of total marks.
  • M.Phil. Management: A pass in P.G. Degree in Management with 55% of total marks.
  • M.Phil. Marine Biology: A pass in Master’s Degree in Sub-Aqua Marine Ecology / Marine Studies / Marine Biology / Ocean Sciences / Biotechnology / Zoology / Botany / Animal Science / Plant Science / Biochemistry / Microbiology and related subjects with a minimum of 55% marks scored in the P.G. Examination or that recognized as equivalent thereto.
  • M.Phil. Material Science: A pass in M.Sc. Physics / Chemistry / Material Science with a minimum of 55% of total marks.
  • M.Phil. Mathematics: A pass in M.Sc. Mathematics with 55% of total marks.
  • 28.M.Phil. Media and Communication: A pass in M.Sc. E.Media Communication / M.Sc. Communication Studies/ Electronic Media / Visual Communication or M.A. Journalism & Mass Communication / Communication & Journalism/ Media Communication & management / Advertising and Public Relations or any P.G. degree with a Diploma and P.G. Diploma in Journalism / Mass Communication / Film Technology with 55% of total marks.
  • M.Phil. Microbiology: Candidates who have qualified for Post Graduate Degree in Microbiology / Botany/ Zoology/ Environmental Science/ Biotechnology/ Home Science/ Nutrition and Deities/ M.Sc.,MLT/Genetics/ Bioinformatics/ Marine Biology of this University or any other University recognized by the Syndicate as equivalent thereto shall be eligible to apply for the degree of Master of Philosophy in Microbiology.
  • M.Phil. Peace Making and Gandhian Thought: A pass in any PG Degree in a recognized University with 55% of total marks.
  • M.Phil. Physical Education: A pass in M.P.Ed. or its equivalent degree in a recognized University with 55% of total marks.
  • M.Phil. Physics: A pass in M.Sc. Physics with 55% of total marks.
  • M.Phil. Political Science: A pass in M.A. Political Science/ Public Administration/ M.A. Development Administration with 55% of total marks.
  • M.Phil. Saiva Siddhanta Philosophy: A pass in any PG Degree with 55% of total marks.
  • M.Phil. Sanskrit: A Pass in M.A Sanskrit with 55% of total marks.
  • M.Phil. Sociology: A pass in M.A. Sociology/ Rural Development / Women Studies/ Co-operation / M.S.W/M.Sc. in Rural Development and other related Programmes i.e. M.A. Development studies/ M.A. Development Administration including 5 years course (INT) M.A. Applied Social Sciences/ M.Sc. Applied Psychology with 55% of total marks.
  • M.Phil. Tamil: A pass in M.A. Tamil with 55% of total marks.
  • M.Phil. Telugu: A pass in M.A. Telugu with 55% of total marks.
  • M.Phil. Tourism and Hotel Management: Candidates who have Qualified P.G Degree in Tourism and Hotel Management either through Distance mode or Collaborate program with 55% of marks.
  • M.Phil. Vedangas: A pass in any P.G degree with 55% of total marks. 
  • For SC/ST/PWD candidates a pass in P.G Course with minimum of 50% Marks is required


Application Process

  • The interested and eligible candidates may apply online mode through
  • Please read all instructions before filling the online application.


Application Fee

  • For Ph.D : Rs. 2,000/- (Rs.1,000/- for SC/ST Students)
  • For M.Phil : Rs. 1,500/- (Rs.750/- for SC/ST Students)
  • Mode of Payment : Through “SBI I Collect online payment link”


Selection Process

  • By integrating the entrance test marks and the performance of the candidate in the interview, the department research committee shall rank the candidates on the basis of the marks obtained in the entrance test and the interview.


For more details and apply online visit the official website


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