Dayalbagh Educational Institute announces Admission to UG, PG Diploma and Doctoral Programmes 2021-22
Dayalbagh Educational Institute Admission 2021 – Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra has invited applications for the admission to UG, PG, Diploma, PG Diploma and Doctoral Programmes for the Academic Year 2021-22 starting from July 2021. Interested candidates can apply online & offline mode through the official website.
Interested candidates can check all the details of Dayalbagh Educational Institute Admission 2021-22 like application form, eligibility criteria, Admission procedure etc. from this post.
Programmes Offered
UG Programmes
- B.A. (Hons.) in Arts/Fine Arts, B.A. Social Science (Hons.)/B.A. Soc. Sc.(Cognitive Science), B.Sc. (Cognitive Science), B.A. Soc. Sc. (Human Service Management)
- B.Com.(Hons.),B.Com. in Corporate Accounting & Law & B.B.A.(Hons.)/B.B.A (Logistics)/B.B.A (Retail Specialization), B.Com./B.B.A. Combined Degree with B.Tech. Footwear Technology & Bachelor of Architecture
- B.Sc. (Hons.)/B.Sc. (Hons.) Applied Botany Science, B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture, B.Sc. (Hons.) Home Science
- Bachelor of Homoeopathic Medicine and Surgery (BHMS) & B.Voc. in Apparel Design/(b) Textile/ Dairy Technology/Food Processing Tourism and Hospitality Management/ Commercial Arts/ Pottery and Ceramic Design/(h) Accounting and taxation/ Banking & Finance/ Bamboo & Wood Technology/Recycled Craft Design
- B.Ed. Program & BFA & BVoc
- B.Tech. in Electrical/Mechanical/Civil/Footwear Tech., B.Tech. (Part-time) in Electrical Engineering
PG Programmes
- M.A. in Hindi/Sanskrit & Culture/Drawing & Painting/ English/Music(Sitar/Tabla/Vocal), M.A. (Social Science) in Psychology/ M.A. (Social Science)in Political Science/ M.A. (Social Science) in Sociology/Economics
- M.Com. with or without specialization in International Business, M.B.A. & M.B.A. (Agricultural Management)/
- MSc in Botany, Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics / Mathematics with specialisation in Computer Applications, Physics / Physics with specialisation in Electronics / Computer Science, Zoology
- M.Ed Program
- M.Tech in Engineering Systems, M.Tech in Computer Science
- Professional courses
- MPhil & PhD Programmes
PG Diploma Programmes
- PG Diploma in Devotional & Folk Music, PG Diploma in Theology, PG Diploma in Textile Designing & Printing, Computer Science & Applications, Industrial Mathematics, Business Economics, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Safety, Health and Environment, Journalism & Mass Communication, Environmental Biotechnology)
Diploma Programmes
- Diploma in Elementary Education (D.El.Ed.), Diploma in Ayurveda, Diploma in Engineering and Polytechnics, Automobile Electrical, Mechanical Electronics, Leather Technology Footwear (CASD), Textile Designing Interior Designing & Decoration, Modern Office Management & Secretarial Practice
Important Dates
Last Date for Submission of Complete Application Online
- For Diploma, Undergraduate, B.Voc., B.F.A., B.Arch. & B.Tech. Courses :- 30th June 2021
- For B.Ed., M.Ed., M.Voc. and other Postgraduate & P.G. Diploma Courses :- 30th June 2021
- For Certificate/Modular Courses :- 07th August 2021
- Last date for Submission of Migration/Transfer Certificate :- 30th September 2021
Eligibility Criteria
For UG, Diploma Programmes : Passed 10+2 with minimum marks
- For PG, PG Diploma Programmes : Passed Bachelor’s degree with minimum marks
- M.Phil/Ph.D. Programmes : Passed Master’s Degree with minimum marks
- For all the courses, eligibility details, visit the website
Application Process
- Dayalbagh Educational Institute releases the application form for admission to various UG, PG and Diploma courses on the official website,
- Candidates can apply through either mode i.e. online or offline through official website
- Candidates can submit the application form and application fee. Applicants are required to provide the personal and academic details in the application form.
Application fee
- For BA (Honours)/BA (Social Science) (Honours)/BCom (Honours)/BSc (Home Science) (Honours)/ BSc (Honours)/MA (Arts)/MA (Social Science)/MCom/MSc(Home Science)/MSc. :Rs. 230/-
- For B. Tech/M.Tech/BArch/BEd/MEd/BBA (Honours)/BFA/BVoc/MVoc./MBA/MBA (Agriculture Management)/PG Diploma Courses/Diploma in Ayurveda/MPhil/PhD : Rs. 270/-
- Mode of Payment : Through Online Net banking or Debit/Credit Card by choosing “State bank Collect”
For more details and to apply online, please visit the official website