UPESMET 2020 selection and application process


UPESMET 2020 (UPES Dehradun Online Management Entrance Test)-How to apply

  • Interested and eligible candidates can fill their Application Form for admission into MBA Course. Application Form can be filled online from the website www.upes.ac.in
  • Candidates can apply by any one of the following methods:
    1. By Demand Draft: Candidates can purchase the UPES Prospectus & Application Form by sending a Demand Draft of Rs.1850/- in favour of "UPES Fee Account", payable at New Delhi to "University of Petroleum & Energy Studies, Enrolment Office, 210, 2nd Floor, Okhla Industrial Estate, Phase III, New Delhi-110020".
    2. By Cash: Candidates can purchase UPES Prospectus and Application on a Cash Payment of Rs.1750/- from admission counters at Ahmedabad, Chandigarh, Cochin, Coimbatore, Delhi, Dehradun, Hyderabad, Kolkata and Mumbai
    3. By Online: Candidates can apply online by paying Rs.1850/-


Cost of Prospectus & Application Form

  1. For Indian Resident – By Demand Draft / Online/Cash – Rs.1850/- for all Programs
  2. For Foreign Resident – Fee US$ 75 (as per prevailing Indian conversion rate)
  3. For clarifications, please send email at enrollments@upes.ac.in or Call Toll Free: 1800-102-8737

For any query, candidates are requested to check the official Website: www.upes.ac.in


Selection Procedure

Admission to UPES MBA Programs is Open through two Pathways:

  1. Non-Examination Pathway CAT/MAT/XAT/CMAT/GMAT followed by Group Discussion and Personal Interview.
  2. If you fulfill our eligibility criteria (Minimum 50 % marks in class 10th and 12th, as well as in graduation – Appeared but Result awaited can also apply) and have any of the following test scores
  3. MBA Port & Shipping Mgt. /Aviation Mgt./Urban Infrastructure & Smart Cities/Business Analytics/ MBA General Mgt. with Specialization in HR / Operations/Mkt/Finance)
  4. Minimum MAT/CMAT score of 75 Percentile
  5. Minimum CAT/XAT score of 70 Percentile
  6. MBA Oil & Gas Mgt./Logistics & Supply Chain Mgt. /Power Mg/Energy Trading /International Business
  7. Minimum MAT/CMAT score of 80 Percentile
  8. Minimum CAT/XAT score of 75 Percentile
  9. NOTE: NMAT Score – Minimum required score is 140
  10. Exam Pathway – Apply for UPES Management Entrance Test 2020
  11. Candidates whose CAT/ XAT/ MAT/CMAT scores do not meet our criteria, but they still have minimum 50% marks in Class 10th and Class 12th and in graduation, can seek admission to UPES MBA programs by taking the UPES Management Entrance Test


UPES MET Exam Scheme

  1. General English: Reading Comprehension, Verbal Reasoning, Verbal Ability – 35 questions
  2. Quantitative: Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency – 35 questions
  3. General Awareness: General Knowledge, Current Affairs, Business Scenario – 35 questions
  4. Analytical & Logical Reasoning – 35 questions
  5. Total no. of Questions – 140 questions


Reservation of Seats

  1. For Uttarakhand Bonafide resident candidates: 15% of the seats in all program will be reserved for residents of Uttarakhand subject to producing "Sthai Niwas Praman Patra certificate"
  2. These Seats will be filled by separate merit list declared for Uttarakhand resident candidates. However in the event of the seats remaining unfilled by the stipulated date in the above mentioned category the same shall be treated as unreserved



  1. 5% seats in each program for 25% tuition fee waiver in 1st semester
  2. Minimum 80 percentile in CAT/XAT
  3. Minimum 90 percentile in MAT, NMAT, UPESMET & CMAT


Also See :

UPESMET Admission 2020 Eligibility Criteria

UPES MET 2020 Management Entrance Test for MBA Admission