CBSE Class 9 Political Science Chapter 4 Working of Institutions MCQs with Answers
Here is a compilation of Working of Institutions MCQs of Class 9 Political Science Book Chapter 4 Students can practice The MCQs as have been added by CBSE in the new exam pattern. At the end of Multiple Choice Questions, the answer key has also been provided for your reference.
Practicing the MCQs on Class 9 Chapter 4 “Working of Institutions” can help you understand the lesson better! We have a lot of questions that cover all the important topics in the chapter. You can use these questions to check your knowledge and find out what you need to work on. MCQs listed below are like the real exam questions. If you’re a student who needs help studying or a teacher who wants to help their students, our Practice MCQs on “Working of Institutions “, Class 9 Political Science Chapter 4 can be very useful. Start practicing today and get ready for your exams!
Q1. The Government collects taxes and spends the money thus raised on…?
A. Administration, defence and development programmes
B. To formulate and implement several welfare schemes
C. Private organizations working for welfare
Q2. A democracy works well when
A. Pvt Companies have great profits
B. When assigned institutes work well
C. When MNCs come in
D. When NGOs work
Q3. The Prime Minister and the Cabinet are institutions that take
A. Steps to implement the ministers’ decisions.
B. Steps to settle the disputes between citizens and the government finally
C. all important policy decisions
D. None
Q4. What is not the role of the Parliament?
A. Parliament is the final authority for making laws in any country
B. Parliament all over the world can make new laws, change existing laws, or abolish existing laws and make new ones in their place.
C. Any parliament make decisions regarding international warfare
D. Parliaments control all the money that governments have
Q5. If any ordinary law needs to be passed by both the Houses. But if there is a difference between the two Houses
A. The final decision is taken in a joint session in which members of both the Houses sit together.
B. Rajya Sabha takes the decision
C. Lok Saha takes the decision
D. President takes the decision
Q6. Lok Sabha has more powers than Rajya Sabha in
A. Administrative matters
B. Passing different bills
C. Money matters
D. None
Q7. By how many days can the Rajya Sabha delay a money bill?
A. 10 days
B. 14 days
C. 21 days
D. 30 days
Q8. What is the Political Executive?
A. Functionaries who take day-to-day decisions but do not exercise supreme power on behalf of the people
B. That is elected by the people for a specific period
C. People are appointed on a long-term basis.
D. None
Q9. These officers work under political executive and assist them in carrying out the day-to-day administration, Who are they?
A. Functionaries who take day-to-day decisions but do not exercise supreme power on behalf of the people
B. That is elected by the people for a specific period
C. Permanent executive or civil services
D. All
Q10. Why does a minister take the final say although the advisors and experts working the department may be more qualified?
A. He is finally answerable to the people for all the consequences of his decision.
B. The minister is an elected representative of the people and thus empowered to exercise the will of the people on their behalf
C. The minister decides the overall framework and objectives in which decisions on policy should be made.
D. All
Q11. The President appoints other ministers in the Prime Minister’s council of ministers…
A. With the advice of Prime minister
B. Without the advice of the Prime minister
C. Taking some ministers into confidence
D. With the help of the Election commissioner
Q12.Who are the Cabinet Ministers?
A. Top level leaders of the ruling party
B. Usually in-charge of smaller Ministries
C. Attached to and required to assist council of ministers
D. The official name for the body that includes all the Ministers
Q13. How many ministers does the council ministers consist of?
A. 40 to 60
B. 30 to 50
C. 60 to 80
D. 50 to 70
Q14. When the Prime Minister quits…..?
A. The entire ministry quits
B. The PM quits alone
C. Some ministers quit
D. None
Q15. Parliamentary democracies are sometimes seen as……….
A. Prime Ministerial form of government
B. Presidential Form of govt
C. Cabinet Government
D. All
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Q16. The Prime minister of a coalition government – which is not true?
A. Can take decisions as he likes
B. He has to accommodate different groups and factions in his party as well as among alliance partners
C. He also has to heed to the views and positions of the coalition partners and other parties
D. He has to keep in interest the views of the people
Q17. Which is true- the president….?
A. The President of India is like the Queen of Britain whose functions are to a large extent ceremonial.
B. He is the head of the cabinet ministry
C. He runs the activities of the ministers
D. He runs the council of ministers
Q18. Which is not a feature related to the President?
A. The President is elected directly by the people.
B. The elected Members of Parliament (MPs) and the elected Members of the Legislative Assemblies (MLAs) elect him
C. A candidate standing for President’s post has to get a majority of votes to win the election.
D. The President can never claim the kind of direct popular mandate that the Prime Minister can
Q19. What is the role of the President incase of the Judiciary?
A. The appointment of the Chief Justice of India
B. Appointment of the Judges of the Supreme Court
C. Appointment of High Courts of the states
D. All
Q20. Which not true- the prime minister
A. He is the head of the cabinet ministry
B. He runs the activities of the ministers
C. He runs the council of ministers
D. Appointment of High Courts of the states
Q21. Which is not true?
A. President exercises all these powers only on the advice of the Council of Ministers
B. The President can ask the Council of Ministers to reconsider its advice.
C. A bill passed by the Parliament becomes a law only after the President gives assent to it
D. If the President wants, she cannot delay this for some time and send the bill back to Parliament for reconsideration.
Q22. What is the Executive?
A. An assembly of people’s representatives with the power to enact laws for a country. In addition to enacting laws, legislatures have authority to raise taxes and adopt the budget and other money bills
B. A set of procedures for regulating the conduct of government and political life in the country
C. A body of persons having authority to initiate major policies, make decisions and implement them on the basis of the Constitution and laws of the country
D. A set of institutions that have the power to make, implement and interpret laws so as to ensure an orderly life. In its broad sense, the government administers and supervises over citizens and resources of a country.
Q23. Which is not true? The Supreme Court can take up any dispute
A. Between citizens of the country;
B. Not Between citizens and government
C. Between two or more state governments
D. Between governments at the union and state level.
Q24. If you are elected as the President of India, which of the following decisions can you take on your own?
A. Select the person you like as Prime Minister.
B. Dismiss a Prime Minister who has a majority in Lok Sabha.
C. Ask for reconsideration of a bill passed by both the Houses.
D. Nominate the leaders of your choice to the Council of Ministers
Q25. Who among the following is a part of the political executive?
A. District Collector
B. Secretary of the Ministry of Home Affairs
C. Home Minister
D. Director General of Police
Q26. Which of the following statements about the judiciary is false?
A. Every law passed by the Parliament needs approval of the Supreme Court
B. Judiciary can strike down a law if it goes against the spirit of the Constitution
C. Judiciary is independent of the Executive
D. Any citizen can approach the courts if her rights are violated
Q27. Which of the following institutions can make changes to an existing law of the country?
A. The Supreme Court
B. The President
C. The Prime Minister
D. The Parliament
Q28. The judges of the Supreme Court are appointed by ….
A. President
B. Prime minister
C. Auditor General
D. Law minister
Q29. The council of ministers at the center is responsible to whom?
A. The Parliament
B. The Prime minister
C. President
D. Lok Sabha
Q30. What is the government formed by an alliance of two or more political parties called?
A. Joint government
B. Coalition government
C. Cooperation government
D. All
Answer key for Class 9 Political Science Book Chapter 4 “Working of Institutions” MCQs
Question No. | Answer | Question No. | Answer | Question No. | Answer |
1 | A | 11 | A | 21 | D |
2 | B | 12 | A | 22 | C |
3 | C | 13 | C | 23 | B |
4 | C | 14 | A | 24 | D |
5 | A | 15 | A | 25 | A |
6 | C | 16 | A | 26 | A |
7 | B | 17 | A | 27 | A |
8 | B | 18 | A | 28 | A |
9 | C | 19 | D | 29 | B |
10 | D | 20 | D | 30 | B |
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