Learn English Grammar in Hindi – Step by Step Explanation of Basic English Grammar – English Video Lessons
Learn English Grammar in Hindi – Step by Step-Explanation of Basic English Grammar Videos with Examples and Translation in English/Hindi. Learn English Speaking video lessons —Active and Passive voice,—Articles – Definition, Examples, Types, Exercises,–Conjunctions, Countable and uncountable nouns,–Direct and Indirect speech, Tenses –Future Perfect Continuous Tense-,-Future Perfect Tense,-Vocabulary- for Bank PO Exams.
English Grammar Lessons in Hindi – Check out English Learning videos with Step by Step guidance
One Word Substitution – List of One Word Substitutions
One Word Substitution (Give One Word). Check out the list of important word substitutions for Generic, Professions and People, Place or Institutions, Government or Systems, Group or Collection, Nature and Environment.
Nouns – Definition, Examples, Types, Exercises
This article includes definition, types of nouns and example sentences. All this is simultaneously explained in Hindi and English for better understanding. The lesson is followed by exercises based on nouns and types of nouns. There is a video explanation attached too.
Pronoun Examples | Pronoun With Examples, Definition, Types, Exercises
This article includes definition, types of pronouns and example sentences. All this is simultaneously explained in Hindi and English for better understanding. The lesson is followed by exercise.
What are Verbs? Verbs Definition, Types, Exercise and Verb Examples
This article includes definition, transitive and intransitive verbs with examples, usage of verbs in sentences. All this is simultaneously explained in Hindi and English for better understanding. The lesson is followed by examples and exercises based on verbs.
Adjective Definition | What are Adjectives, Types and Adjective Examples
This article includes definition, example sentences of Adjectives and Degrees of Comparison. All this is simultaneously explained in Hindi and English for better understanding. The lesson is followed by exercises based on adjectives.
Singular and Plural Nouns | Definition, Rules, Exercise, Singular and Plural Nouns Examples
The article defines Singular and plural Noun. Also, it gives a complete list of rules for changing singular into plural. It also tells about the words which are exceptions to the rule given.
Articles | Definition, Use of Articles in English Grammar and Articles Examples
This article includes definition, types of articles – a, an, the. There are example sentences. All this is simultaneously explained in Hindi and English for better understanding. The lesson is followed by exercises.
Active and Passive Voice Rules, Definition and Example Sentences of Active and Passive Voice
This article on Active and Passive voice gives the Definition of Active and Passive voice. There are examples of each and rules to convert active voice in to passive voice. Rules for the identification of passive voice and exercises on active and passive voice have also been given.
Prepositions of Time | Definition, Types, Exercise in Hindi, and Prepositions of Time Examples
This article includes definition, list of different prepositions of time with examples, usage of prepositions of time in sentences. All this is simultaneously explained in Hindi and English for better understanding. There are examples and exercises at the end of the lesson in order to help you assess how much you have learnt about prepositions of time.
Prepositions of Motion | Definition, Types, Exercise in Hindi, and Prepositions of Motion Examples
This article includes a definition, a list of different prepositions of motion examples, usage of prepositions of motion in sentences. All this is simultaneously explained in Hindi and English for better understanding. There are examples and exercises at the end of the lesson.
Prepositions of Place | Definition, Types, Exercise in Hindi, and Prepositions of Place Examples
Preposition of Place – This article includes a definition, a list of different prepositions of place with examples, usage of prepositions of place in sentences. All this is simultaneously explained in Hindi and English for better understanding. There are examples and exercises at the end of the lesson in order to help you assess how much you have learned about Prepositions of Place.
Conjunctions Definition, Types, Meaning, and Conjunctions Examples in English Grammar
This article includes definition, list of different types of conjunctions with examples, usage of conjunctions in sentences. All this is simultaneously explained in Hindi and English for better understanding. There are examples and exercises at the end of the lesson.
Countable and Uncountable Nouns Definition, Difference, and Examples in Hindi
This article includes definition, the difference between Countable and Uncountable Nouns, Identification of Countable and Uncountable nouns. All this is simultaneously explained in Hindi and English for better understanding. There are examples and exercises at the end of the lesson.
Direct and Indirect Speech, Format, Rules, Exercise, and Examples| English Grammar
Direct speech is a report of the exact words used by a speaker or writer. The words spoken appear within inverted commas “……” and should be exactly word to word as spoken or written.
Reported Speech for Class 8 English Grammar
Reported Speech – Reported speech refers to recording the speaker’s speech, whether it is done directly by recording the speaker’s words or indirectly by recording the speaker’s words but changing them.
Reported Speech in English Grammar for Class 9
Reported Speech – Reported speech refers to recording the speaker’s speech, whether it is done directly by recording the speaker’s words or indirectly by recording the speaker’s words but changing them.
Determiners | Determiners Definition, Use, Exercise, Rules, Types and Examples
Determiners Definition, Types, Examples, Exercises. Check out on CBSE class 9 and 10 English Grammar topic Determiners definition, types, examples and exercise.
Exercises on Determiner Rules (True or False), Determiner Exercises
Exercises on Determiner Rules (True or False). Visit to explore and practise True or False quiz on Determiner..
Determiners for Class 8 Rules, Exercises
Determiners for Class 8. What are Determiners in English Grammar? Determiners Exercises for Class 8 With Answers.
Determiners for Class 9, types, exercises
Determiners in English Grammar for Class 9. What are Determiners in English Grammar? Determiners Exercises for Class 9 With Answers.
What are Modals? Modals Definition, Uses, Examples, Exercises
Modals are special verbs that are different from normal verbs. They are never used alone and are always followed by a principal verb. They provide additional information about the principal verb. They are used to express certainty, possibility, willingness, obligation, necessity and ability.
Modals for Class 8 use, examples, exercises
Modals Class 8 English Grammar Exercises. Modals Explanation and its uses. Exercises on Modals for Class 8 with answers
Modals for Class 9 Definition, Examples, Exercises
Modals in English Grammar for Class 9 Definition.Als see examples and exercises on Modals for Class 9 with answers
Subject Verb Agreement Rules, Examples and Exercises
Subject-Verb agreement means that the number and person of the subject must agree with the verb in any given sentence. This agreement of the subject and the verb is called Concord. There are certain rules for this agreement.
Class 8 Subject Verb Agreement, Examples, Exercise
Subject Verb Agreement Rules for class 8. Check out English Grammar topic Subject Verb Agreement for Class 8
Subject Verb Agreement for Class 9, rules, Exercise
Subject Verb Agreement for class 9. Check out English Grammar topic Subject Verb Agreement for Class 9
Tenses Examples | Types of Tenses in English Grammar with Examples
Examples of Tenses – English tenses are the form the verb takes to show the time of an action. There are three major tenses in English. These include past, present, and future.
Simple Present Tense | Definition, Formula, Rules, Exercises and Examples in Hindi
This article includes the definition, formulas, examples, and video explanation for forming sentences in the simple present tense. It has examples of positive, negative, interrogative and negative interrogative sentences with rules.
Present Continuous Tense | Definition, Formula, Rules, Exercise with Examples in Hindi
This article includes definition, formula for forming sentences in the Present Continuous Tense with negative and interrogative sentences in Present Continuous tense. All this is simultaneously explained in Hindi and English for better understanding. These are followed by examples and exercise.
Present Perfect Tense Examples, Formula, Structure, Rules, Exercises in Hindi
Present Perfect Tense – This article includes definition, formulae and rules for forming sentences in the present perfect tense. Video explanation,positive, negative, negative interrogative and interrogative sentences examples have been given with each formula. All this is simultaneously explained in Hindi for better understanding. There are exercises at the end so that you can assess how much you have learnt about the present perfect tense.
Present Perfect Continuous Tense Examples, Structure, Rule, Formula, Exercises in Hindi
Present Perfect Continuous Tense – This article includes definition, rules for forming sentences in the present perfect continuous tense, difference between ‘for’ and ‘since’. Also examples of negative, interrogative and negative interrogative sentences have been given along each formula.
Simple Past Tense | Definition, Formula, Rules, Exercises and Examples in Hindi
This article includes definition, formula and rules for forming sentences in simple past tense. It also includes examples, video explanations and rules. All this is simultaneously explained in Hindi for better understanding. There are examples of negative, interrogatory and negative interrogative sentences and exercises at the end of the lesson in order to help you assess how much you have learnt about Simple Past Tense.
Past Continuous Tense | Definition, Formula, Rules, Exercise with Examples in Hindi
This article includes definition, formula for forming sentences in past continuous tense. All this is simultaneously explained in Hindi and English for better understanding. There are examples of negative and interrogatory sentences and exercises at the end of the lesson in order to help you assess how much you have learnt about Simple Past Tense.
Past Perfect Tense | Definition, Formula, Rules, Exercises with Examples in Hindi
This article includes definition, formulae and rules for forming sentences in past perfect tense. All this is simultaneously explained in Hindi for better understanding. There are examples of negative, interrogative sentences, negative interrogative sentences and exercises at the end of the lesson in order to help you assess how much you have learnt about the Past Perfect Tense.
Past Perfect Continuous Tense, Formula, Rules, Examples | Past Perfect Continuous Tense Sentences
This article includes definition, formula for forming sentences in past perfect continuous tense. All this is simultaneously explained in Hindi and English for better understanding. There are examples of negative and interrogative sentences and exercises at the end of the lesson in order to help you assess how much you have learnt about Past Perfect Continuous Tense.
Simple Future Tense | Definition, Formula, Rules, Exercises and Examples in Hindi
This article includes definition, formulae and rules for framing sentences in Simple Future Tense and example sentences. All this is simultaneously explained in Hindi for better understanding. The lesson also includes video explanation of the rules and practise exercise at the end so that you can assess how much you have learnt about the Simple Future Tense.
Future Continuous Tense | Future Continuous Tense Examples, Definition, Types, Formula, Rules, Exercise in Hindi
Future Continuous Tense – This article includes definition, rules and formulae for framing sentences in Future Continuous Tense and example sentences. All this is simultaneously explained in Hindi for better understanding.
Future Perfect Tense Examples, Definition, Types, Formula, Rules, Exercise in Hindi
Future Perfect Tense – This article includes definition, rules and formulas for framing sentences in Future Perfect Tense and example sentences. All this is simultaneously explained in Hindi for better understanding.
Future Perfect Continuous Tense, Formula, Rules, Examples | Future Perfect Continuous Tense Sentences
Future Perfect Continuous Tense – This article includes definition, rules and formulas for framing sentences in Future Perfect Continuous Tense. All this is simultaneously explained in Hindi for better understanding
Tenses for class 9 | Types of Tenses with Examples
Tenses for class 9. Check out Types of Tenses in English Grammar, Tenses Examples and Exercise on Tenses with Answers.
Tenses for class 8 | Types of Tenses with Examples
Tenses for class 8. Check out Types of Tenses in English Grammar, Tenses Examples and Exercise on Tenses with Answers.
Antonyms MCQs – English Vocabulary for Bank Po Exams
Check out these five videos of English Antonyms test for bank PO exams which is in multiple choice questions. This will help the candidates to have a practical experience for the Bank PO exams.
English Vocabulary for Bank PO Exams – Synonyms MCQ Videos
Check out these videos of English Synonymstest for Bank PO examswhich is in multiple choice questions. This will help the candidates to have a practical experience for the Bank PO exams.
Past Tense of Fall | Fall Past Tense in English Grammar with Examples
The simple past tense of ‘fall’ is ‘fell.’ This is also called the preterite of ‘fall.’ The past participle of this verb is ‘fallen.’
Past Tense of Bite | Bite Past Tense in English Grammar with Examples
Bit is the past tense of the verb bite. Bitten is the past participle
Past Tense of Come | Come Past Tense in English Grammar with Examples
The past tense of the verb “come” is “came”, spelled with an ‘a’. The verb “come” has an irregular past tense form as it does not accept the addition of “-ed” or “-d”. What is more puzzled for second and/or foreign learners of English is that the past participle of the verb “come” goes back to the root form “come”, and not “came”.
Past Tense of Lead | Lead Past Tense in English Grammar with Examples
The past tense of the verb lead is led, not lead. One reason for the confusion might be that a similar verb, read, has an infinitive that’s spelled the same as the past tense. But with lead, that’s not how things are.
Past Tense of Read | Read Past Tense in English Grammar with Examples
The past tense of “read” is “read”, spelled the same but pronounced differently – it is pronounced as ‘red’. The verb “read” has an irregular past tense form as it does not accept the addition of “-ed” or “-d”. The past participle of the verb “read” is the same as the past form “read” which is pronounced as “red”.
Literary Devices in Poems – List, Definitions, Examples, Common Literary Devices
Literary Devices in Poems – List, Definitions, Examples, Common Literary Devices. Here is the list of different literary devices used in poetry.