Past Tense of Read and Other Verb Forms | Past Tense of Read Example Sentences

Past Tense of Read | Read Past Tense in English Grammar with Examples


What is the Past Tense of Read? Read Past Tense in English and Hindi with Example Sentences

The past tense of “read” is “read”, spelled the same but pronounced differently – it is pronounced as ‘red’. The verb “read” has an irregular past tense form as it does not accept the addition of “-ed” or “-d”. The past participle of the verb “read” is the same as the past form “read” which is pronounced as “red”.


Past tense of Read and other forms of the verb “READ”

In Hindi, ‘Read’ means पढ़ना

root or present form
Read पढ़ता हूं पढ़ते हैं
third person singular / ‘s’ form
reads पढ़ता है पढ़ती है
past form
read पढ़ रहा था पढ़ा था पढ़ रही थी पढ़ रहे थे
present participle/ ‘ing’ form
reading पढ़ रहा हूं पढ़ रहे हैं
past participle form
read पढ़ चुका हूं पढ़ चुके हैं पढ़ चुकी है




Let us see some example sentences to understand the usage of the different forms of the verb ‘read’.

Please read loudly.
(Present form)
My son reads Harry Potter books.
(III person singular / ‘s’ form)
I have read this book.
(past form)
She is reading the newspaper.
(present participle form)
Have you read my latest book?
(past participle form)


Please watch the following video to understand the lesson better-



अंग्रेजी मैं Kriya के अलग-अलग भेद यहां बताए गए हैं (forms of Verb). उदाहरण के वाक्य भी दिए गए हैं जिससे आपको पूरी जानकारी मिलेगी कि इसका सही प्रयोग कैसे किया जाए

