Where do all the Teachers Go Summary, Explanation, Word meanings Class 6

Cl 6 Honeysuckle Book Poem-5

By Jyoti Verma

CBSE Class 6 English Poem 5 Where do all the Teachers Go Summary, Line by Line Explanation along with Difficult Word Meanings from Honeysuckle Book

Where do all the Teachers Go – Here is the Class 6 English Honeysuckle Book Poem 5 – Where do all the Teachers Go Summary and Detailed explanation of the poem along with meanings of difficult words.

Related: Where do all the Teachers Go Question Answers (important)| Class 6 English Honeysuckle


Class 6 English (Honeysuckle Book) Poem 5 – Where Do All the Teachers Go?

By Peter Dixon



This poem speaks about a child’s love and curiosity for his/her teacher. Teachers are just next to superbeings for children.They can’t imagine that teachers are also ordinary human beings.


Where Do All the Teachers Go Summary

For young kids, a teacher is an extraordinarily special person.
It is difficult for a small child to accept that a teacher is also any common man or woman living around him. The child wonders and questions if teachers also behave like other people, If they also do all the work or things, other people do? Like do they live in houses, do they wear pyjamas (clothes), wash socks or watch T.V? Do they also have parents and children to live with? All these questions bother a child’s mind and out of curiosity, one day the child decides to follow his teachers to keep a check  and to write a poem about them so that the teachers read that poem to their students.It shows the cuteness, purity, curiosity and dilemma a young mind has for his teachers. It also shows their expectations from teachers.


Where Do All the Teachers Go Summary in Hindi

छोटे बच्चों के लिए, एक शिक्षक असाधारण रूप से विशेष व्यक्ति होता है।
एक छोटे बच्चे के लिए यह स्वीकार करना मुश्किल होता है कि शिक्षक उसके आसपास रहने वाला कोई आम आदमी या औरत भी है। बच्चा आश्चर्य करता है और सवाल करता है कि क्या शिक्षक भी अन्य लोगों की तरह व्यवहार करते हैं, यदि वे भी सभी काम या चीजें करते हैं, तो अन्य लोग करते हैं? जैसे वे घरों में रहते हैं, पजामा (कपड़े) पहनते हैं, मोज़े धोते हैं या टी.वी. देखते हैं? क्या उनके साथ रहने के लिए माता-पिता और बच्चे भी हैं? ये सभी प्रश्न एक बच्चे के मन को परेशान करते हैं और जिज्ञासा से बाहर, एक दिन बच्चा अपने शिक्षकों का अनुसरण करने के लिए जाँच करने और उनके बारे में एक कविता लिखने का फैसला करता है ताकि शिक्षक उस कविता को अपने छात्रों को पढ़ सकें। यह क्यूटनेस, पवित्रता, एक युवा मन में अपने शिक्षकों के लिए जिज्ञासा और दुविधा होती है। यह शिक्षकों से उनकी अपेक्षाओं को भी दर्शाता है।

Poem 1 A House, A HomePoem 2 The Kite
Poem 3 The QuarrelPoem 4 Beauty


Poem Explanation

Where do all the teachers go
When it’s four o’clock?
Do they live in houses
And do they wash their socks?

Explanation of the above poem : The child wonders and questions where all the teachers go after school hours. When it is 4 0’ clock. He wants to know if like any other ordinary being they also live in houses and wash their socks, means do they also do all the routine work like other people.

Do they wear pyjamas
And do they watch TV?
And do they pick their noses
The same as you and me?

Word meaning
pyjamas here is used for clothes
pick their noses; an activity to waste time, poking and inserting finger in the nose to clear
boogers means dried mucus

Explanation of the above poem : The child wants to know if teachers also wear clothes like pyjamas and watch TV like them? Do they also clean their noses the way other people do and waste their time?

Do they live with other people
Have they mums and dads?
And were they ever children
And were they ever bad?

Explanation of the above poem : Further, the child wonders by asking if they are also surrounded by people? If they also have parents and children like us to live with? Did they commit any mistakes or did anything wrong when they were children?

Did they ever, never spell right
Did they ever make mistakes?
Were they punished in the corner
If they pinched the chocolate flakes?

Explanation of the above poem : Now he wants to know if they also made mistakes or were ever punished for stealing chocolates
Or doing any silly or naughty?

Did they ever lose their hymn books
Did they ever leave their greens?
Did they scribble on the desk tops
Did they wear old dirty jeans?

Word meaning
Hymn books: religious books
draw or write something that is not readable

Explanation of the above poem : The tender mind is also bothered to know if their teachers also ever lost their religious books and said no to green vegetables. Did they also waste time by scribbling on tables and wear torn and old jeans.

I’ll follow one back home today
I’ll find out what they do
Then I’ll put it in a poem
That they can read to you.

Explanation of the above poem : To overcome his curiosity the child decides to follow or spy his teacher on his way home after school. Once he is clear about everything, he would also like to compose or write a poem about it and thinks that the teacher would read that poem to his students.

Poem 5 Where do all the teachers go?Poem 6 The Wonderful words
Poem 7 Vocation



Also See : 

Honeysuckle Book Poems

Honeysuckle Book Summary

A Pact With The Sun Book Summary