Class 12 Geography Migration MCQ Question Answers for CUET 2024

1. Which of the following information was added in the 1981 Census?

2. __________ predominate the rural to urban stream of inter state migration due to economic reasons.

3. What is the major reason for female migration in India?

4. Which of the following is not a PULL factor of migration ?

5. Which one of the following states receives the maximum number of immigrants in India?

6. As per 2011 Census, how many people have migrated to India from other countries?

7. Which of the following is the economic consequence of migration?


9. What are the main reasons behind male migration in India from rural to urban areas?

10. How many emigrants belong to Utter Pradesh?

11. Which one of the following is the main reason for male migration in India?

12. What work was done by Indian Migrants in the West Indies?

13. Which states of India receive the highest amount of remittances from migrators?

14. What was the reason for migration from India to the Middle-East?

15. Which of the following is not an environmental consequence of migration?

16. Migration during British period were covered under the time bound contract known as

17. Which one of the following states receives a maximum number of immigrants?

18. In which stream, female migration is highest?

19. Which one of the following states receives a maximum number of immigrants?

20.  India has not witnessed waves of migrants from-

21. Which of the following is the social consequence of migration?

22.  In which of the following states male migrants after getting married?

23. When was the first time migration recorded in the Census of India?

24. The state which receives a very significant amount from their international migrants are :

25. Which one of the following streams are dominated by male migrants in India?


Also See : 

Class 12 Geography (Fundamentals Of Human Geography)

Class 12 Geography (India People And Economy)