Migration MCQ Question Answers suitable for CUET 2025 from Class 12 Geography Migration

To score full marks in the CUET 2025 Geography exam, Practice Class 12 Geography Migration MCQ Test any number of times free on our website. These questions have been created by our experts from the latest Class 12 Geography Syllabus and as per latest exam pattern. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) are a type of objective assessment in which a person is asked to choose one or more correct answers from a list of available options. An MCQ presents a question along with several possible answers. Most of the exams in India including the CUET exam conduct an online test to check your knowledge.

Class 12 Geography Migration MCQs

1. Which one of the following states receives a maximum number of immigrants?

2. During which period millions of Indians were sent to Mauritius, Caribbean islands?

3. Which one of the following streams are dominated by male migrants in India?

4. Name the stream that is dominated by male migrants in India.

5. How many percent of women migrate after marriage?

6. Which of the following is not an environmental consequence of migration?

7. The state which receives a very significant amount from their international migrants are :

8. Migrants act as agents of:

9. Which is not a Push factor?

10. Which one of the following states receives the maximum number of immigrants in India?

11. What work was done by Indian Migrants in the West Indies?

12. Which of the following information was added in the 1981 Census?

13. When was the first major modification introduced in Census by bringing in two additional components – place of birth and duration of residence?

14. Which of the following is the social consequence of migration?

15. Which one of the following urban agglomerations has the highest share in migrant population?

16. How many emigrants belong to Utter Pradesh?

17. Migration leads to the _______ of the population within a country.

18. Which one of the following states receives a maximum number of immigrants?

19. Men predominate in which of the following streams of migration ?

20. When was the first time migration recorded in the Census of India?

21. How many streams of migration?

22. Unregulated migration to the metropolitan cities of India has caused:

23. As per 2011 Census, how many people have migrated to India from other countries?

24. Migration leads to intermixing of people from:

25. What is the major reason for female migration in India?



To summarize, revising for free using our MCQs on Class 12 Geography Migration is highly beneficial for scoring full marks on the CUET 2025 Geography exam. We provide a sophisticated online test platform tailored for unlimited practice through proficiently crafted questions built on the most recent syllabus and exam pattern. Practicing MCQs regularly will boost conceptual understanding as they are significant for objective assessments. Start practicing now to succeed in your CUET 2025 Geography exam!

Also See : 

Class 12 Geography (Fundamentals Of Human Geography)

Class 12 Geography (India People And Economy)