Class 12 Geography Chapter 2 – Population Distribution, Density and Growth MCQ Question Answers for CUET 2024

1. How many Million Plus towns are there in India (in 2001)?

2. Which one of the following continents has the highest growth of population:

3. Where does India rank as a world population?

4. What is life expectancy in India?

5. Which state has the highest sex ratio?

6. The period from 1901 to 1921 is referred to as period of:

7. When was the first census held in India?

8. The literacy rate in India is:

9. Where does India rank in the world as regards area?

10. The average density of population of IndIa (2011) is per km

11. How much percent of World’s population is in India?

12. The number of farmers per unit area of farmland is known as

13. What was the annual growth rate of population in India as per 2011 census?

14. Which country has the highest density of population?

15. The ten most populated countries have a world population:

16. India’s population as per the 2011 census is:

17. Which one of the following is not an area of the sparse population?

18. Which of the following is the largest religious minority in India?

19. What was the population of India as per 2011 Census?

20. Which phase is referred to as population explosion in India?

21. Name the state of India having the lowest share of population as per 2011 Census

22. The period of steady population growth was of: Ri

23. Development of transport network has lead to the high concentration of population in-

24. What is the average sex ratio In India (2011)?

25. According to the 2011 Census, which one of the following states has the highest population density?



Also See : 

Class 12 Geography (Fundamentals Of Human Geography)

Class 12 Geography (India People And Economy)