The Last Leaf Summary, Explanation, Word meanings Class 9

The Last Leaf Summary
By Ruchika Gupta

CBSE Class 9 English Chapter 7 The Last Leaf Summary, Line by Line Explanation along with Difficult Word Meanings from Moments Book

The Last Leaf – Here is the Class 9 English Moments Book Chapter7 The Last Leaf Summary and Detailed explanation of the Lesson along with meanings of difficult words.


The Last Leaf Class 9 English Moments Book Chapter 7

By O Henry




The last leaf is a touching story of how a painter inspires a girl to live and in the process, loses his life.


The Last Leaf Class 9 Video Explanation



The Last Leaf Summary

The Last Leaf Summary – Two friends Sue and Johnsy live together in a rented apartment. It is the month of November when Johnsy contracts pneumonia and loses her desire to live. The doctor who checked her became worried and asked Sue if anything was the matter with Jhnsy because it seemed that she had lost her desire to live. In such a situation medicines would not prove beneficial in her treatment. 

Sue wanted her friend’s well-being and tried several ways to cheer her. She shifted her drawing board to Johnsy’s bedroom and whistled as she worked. She ran upto Johnsy on hearing her murmur. Johnsy was doing a backward counting as she looked out of the window. Sue noticed an iny creeper outside the window and the backward counting was the count of leaves that remained on it. Gradually, the leaves were shedding off the creeper due to the wind. Johnsy said that two days ago the creeper was full of leaves but now only five of them were left. Sue said that the falling of leaves was normal during the autumn season. Johnsy said that when the last leaf would fall off, then she would also die, she knew this for the last three days. Sue commented that her thought was baseless because the doctor had said that she would recover soon. She got a bowl of soup for Johnsy but she refused it and waited for her death.  

Sue kissed Johnsy and requested her to stop looking out of the window. She could not draw the curtain because she needed light to complete the painting and fetch some money. Johnsy asked her to paint quickly because she wanted to see the last leaf fall, when her death would arrive as she was tired of living. 

Sue requested Johnsy to sleep. She had to paint a miner and so, she went downstairs to Behrman to request him to be her model. Behrman was sixty, a painter who desired to paint a masterpiece. Sue shared her worries with him. He commented that Johnsy had lost her mind. 

Both of them went to Johnsy’s room and Sue peeped out and saw that only one leaf was left on the creeper. Owing to the intense storm, it could fall off anytime. Behrman saw this and left. 

The next morning, in her weak voice Johnsy requested Sue to open the curtain. They saw that despite the storm, the last leaf was still there. Johnsy kept on looking at the creeper, every hour, hoping for the leaf to fall and death fall upon her. However, when it did not fall till evening, she called Sue and confessed that she had behaved in a wrong manner. In her depression and sadness, she had hurt Sue. She accepted her misdeed. Sue was glad that Johnsy was back to her normal self. She gave her soup and a comb for her hair. 

The doctor examined Johnsy and was glad that she was on the road to recovery. He disclosed that he had to see Behrman too who had contracted Pneumonia. The next morning, Sue informed Johnsy that Behrman died in the morning and he had created the masterpiece, the leaf on the ivy creeper was the one painted by him. The janitor had reported that he had been found wet, lying on the bed and he had been out in the storm. There was a ladder, a lantern, paints and brushes kept by his bed. Sue told Johnsy that the last leaf on the ivy was the masterpiece painted by him.


The Last Leaf Summary in Hindi

दो सहेलियाँ सू और जॉन्सी एक किराये के अपार्टमेंट में साथ रहती हैं। नवम्बर का महीना था जब जॉन्सी को निमोनिया हो गया और वह जीने की इच्छा खो बैठी। उसका चेकअप करने वाले डॉक्टर को चिंता हुई और उसने सू से पूछा कि क्या जॉन्सी को कुछ हो गया है, क्योंकि उसे लग रहा था कि वह जीने की इच्छा खो चुकी है। ऐसी स्थिति में दवाइयाँ उसके इलाज में कारगर साबित नहीं होंगी। सू अपनी सहेली का भला चाहती थी और उसे खुश करने के लिए कई तरीके अपनाए। उसने अपना ड्राइंग बोर्ड जॉन्सी के बेडरूम में रख दिया और काम करते समय सीटी बजाने लगी। उसकी बड़बड़ाहट सुनकर वह दौड़ी हुई जॉन्सी के पास गई। जॉन्सी खिड़की से बाहर देखते हुए पीछे की ओर गिनती कर रही थी। सू ने खिड़की के बाहर एक छोटी लता देखी और पीछे की ओर गिनती उस पर बचे हुए पत्तों की गिनती थी। धीरे-धीरे हवा के कारण लता से पत्तियाँ झड़ रही थीं जॉन्सी ने कहा कि जब आखिरी पत्ता गिरेगा, तब वह भी मर जाएगी, यह बात वह पिछले तीन दिनों से जानती थी। सू ने टिप्पणी की कि उसका विचार निराधार था क्योंकि डॉक्टर ने कहा था कि वह जल्द ही ठीक हो जाएगी। उसने जॉन्सी के लिए सूप का कटोरा लिया लेकिन उसने इसे लेने से मना कर दिया और अपनी मौत का इंतजार करने लगी। सू ने जॉन्सी को चूमा और उससे खिड़की से बाहर देखना बंद करने का अनुरोध किया। वह पर्दा नहीं खींच सकती थी क्योंकि उसे पेंटिंग पूरी करने और कुछ पैसे लाने के लिए रोशनी की जरूरत थी। जॉन्सी ने उसे जल्दी से पेंट करने के लिए कहा क्योंकि वह आखिरी पत्ता गिरते हुए देखना चाहती थी, जब उसकी मौत आ जाएगी क्योंकि वह जीने से थक गई थी। सू ने जॉन्सी से सोने का अनुरोध किया। उसे एक खनिक का चित्र बनाना था और इसलिए, वह बेहरमैन के पास गई और उससे अपना मॉडल बनने का अनुरोध किया। बेहरमैन साठ वर्ष का था, एक चित्रकार जो एक उत्कृष्ट कृति बनाना चाहता था। सू ने उसके साथ अपनी चिंताएँ साझा कीं। उसने टिप्पणी की कि जॉन्सी अपना दिमाग खो चुकी है। वे दोनों जॉन्सी के कमरे में गए और सू ने बाहर झाँका और देखा कि लता पर केवल एक पत्ता बचा था। तीव्र तूफान के कारण यह कभी भी गिर सकता था। बेहरमैन ने यह देखा और चला गया। अगली सुबह, अपनी कमजोर आवाज में जॉन्सी ने सू से पर्दा खोलने का अनुरोध किया। उन्होंने देखा कि तूफान के बावजूद, आखिरी पत्ता अभी भी वहां था। जॉन्सी हर घंटे लता को देखती रही, इस उम्मीद में कि पत्ता गिर जाएगा और मौत उस पर आ गिरेगी। हालांकि, जब शाम तक पत्ता नहीं गिरा, तो उसने सू को बुलाया और कबूल किया कि उसने गलत व्यवहार किया है। अपने अवसाद और दुख में उसने सू को चोट पहुंचाई थी। उसने अपने गलत काम को स्वीकार कर लिया। सू को खुशी हुई कि जॉन्सी वापस अपनी सामान्य अवस्था में आ गई थी। उसने उसे सूप और बालों के लिए कंघी दी। डॉक्टर ने जॉन्सी की जांच की और खुश थे कि वह ठीक हो रही है। उन्होंने खुलासा किया कि उन्हें बेहरमैन को भी देखना है चौकीदार ने बताया था कि वह भीगा हुआ पाया गया था, बिस्तर पर लेटा हुआ था और वह तूफान में बाहर था। उसके बिस्तर के पास एक सीढ़ी, एक लालटेन, पेंट और ब्रश रखे हुए थे। सू ने जॉन्सी को बताया कि आइवी पर आखिरी पत्ता उसके द्वारा चित्रित उत्कृष्ट कृति थी।


The Last Leaf Lesson Explanation


Passage – SUE and Johnsy, two young artists, shared a small flat. The flat was on the third storey of an old house.
Explanation of the above passage– Two girls by the names of Sue and Johnsy lived together in a small flat. They were artists. The flat was on the third floor of an old house.

Passage – Johnsy fell very seriously ill in November. She had pneumonia. She would lie in her bed without moving, just gazing out of the window. Sue, her friend, became very worried. She sent for the doctor. Although he came every day there was no change in Johnsy’s condition.
Word Meanings:
Pneumonia: a disease caused due to the infection of the lungs
Gazing: looking
Explanation of the Above Passage – In the month of November Johnsy was struck by pneumonia. She remained in bed and would look out of the window. Sue was worried about Johnsy and called the doctor. The doctor visited them daily but there was no improvement in Johnsy’s health.

Passage – One day the doctor took Sue aside and asked her, ”Is anything worrying Johnsy?”
Explanation of the Above Passage – The doctor secretly asked Sue if something was the matter with Johnsy.

Passage –“No,” replied Sue. “But why do you ask?”
Explanation of the Above Passage – Sue replied that there was nothing to worry and asked why did the doctor think so.

Passage – The doctor said “Johnsy, it seems, has made up her mind that she is not going to get well. If she doesn’t want to live, medicines will not help her.”
Explanation of the Above Passage – The doctor said that it seemed that Johnsy had decided not to live and did not want to recover from the illness. In such a case, medicines would not work on her.

Passage – Sue tried her best to make Johnsy take an interest in things around her. She talked about clothes and fashions, but Johnsy did not respond. Johnsy continued to lie still on her bed. Sue brought her drawing-board into Johnsy’s room and started painting. To take Johnsy’s mind off her illness, she whistled while working.
Explanation of the Above Passage – Sue tried to liven up Johnsy. She discussed interesting things like clothes and fashion with her but Johnsy remained unaffected. She lay in bed. Sue sat beside her and started painting in order to create interest in her and take her mind off her illness. Sue would whistle at times to brighten up Johnsy.

Passage – Suddenly Sue heard Johnsy whisper something. She quickly rushed to the bed and heard Johnsy counting backwards. She was looking out of the window and was saying, “Twelve!” After sometime she whispered “eleven”, then “ten”, then “nine”, “eight”, “seven”. Sue anxiously looked out of the window. She saw an old ivy creeper climbing half-way up the brick wall opposite their window. In the strong wind outside, the creeper was shedding its leaves.
Explanation of the Above Passage – Sue heard that Johnsy was speaking softly. Johnsy was making a backward counting while looking out of the window. Sue was curious and looked outside. She saw an ivy creeper plant beside the window of the room. As strong winds were blowing, the leaves of the creeper were falling.

Passage – “What is it, dear?” Sue asked.
“Six,” whispered Johnsy. “They are falling faster now. Three days ago there were almost a hundred leaves. There are only five left now.”
Explanation of the Above Passage – Sue asked her what the matter was. Johnsy said “six”. Then she said that the leaves were falling faster. She added that three days ago there were a lot of keaves on the ivy creeper – almost one hundred but now only five were left.

Passage – “It is autumn,” said Sue, “and the leaves will fall.”
“When the last leaf falls, I will die,” said Johnsy with finality. “I have known this for the last three days.”
Explanation of the Above Passage –  Sue replied that it was autumn season and it was natural for the creeper to shed its leaves. Johnsy said that she would die when the last leaf fell. She added that she had known this for the last three days.

Passage- “Oh, that’s nonsense,” replied Sue. “What have old ivy leaves to do with your getting well? The doctor is confident that you will get better.”
Explanation of the Above Passage – Sue replied that this did not make any sense. The leaves had nothing to do with her health. The doctor was sure that she would recover.

Passage – Johnsy did not say anything. Sue went and brought her a bowl of soup.
Explanation of the Above Passage – Johnsy remained quiet. Sue got a bowl of soup for Johnsy.

Passage –“I don’t want any soup,” said Johnsy. “I am not hungry… Now there are only four leaves left. I want to see the last one fall before it gets dark. Then I will sleep forever.”
Explanation of the Above Passage – Johnsy did not accept the soup. She was not hungry. Then she said that four leaves were remaining on the ivy plant. She wanted to see the last leaf fall before sunset and then she could die peacefully.

Passage – Sue sat on Johnsy’s bed, kissed her and said, “You are not going to die. I can’t draw the curtain for I need the light. I want to finish the painting and get some money for us. Please, my dear friend,” she begged Johnsy, “promise not to look out of the window while I paint.”
Explanation of the Above Passage – Sue tried to show affection towards Johnsy. She said that Johnsy would not die. She kept the curtain open because she needed the light to complete the painting. She would sell it to fetch money for them. Sue requested Johnsy not to look out of the window.

Passage – “All right,” said Johnsy. “Finish your painting soon for I want to see the last leaf fall. I’m tired of waiting. I have to die, so let me go away peacefully like one of those poor, tired leaves.”
Explanation of the Above Passage – Johnsy agreed and asked Sue to finish the painting so that she could be in time to see the last leaf fall off the ivy plant. She was tired of waiting to see it fall. She wanted to die and was tired just like the poor tired ivy leaves.

Passage – “Try to sleep,” said Sue. “I have to paint an old miner. I will call Behrman up to be my model.”
Explanation of the Above Passage – Sue asked her to try to get some sleep. As she had to paint an old miner, she would call upon their neighbour, Behrman to be a model for her.

Passage – Sue rushed down. Behrman lived on the ground floor.
Explanation of the Above Passage – Sue went downstairs to the ground floor of the house where Behrman lived.

Passage – He was a sixty-year-old painter. His lifelong dream was to paint a masterpiece but that had remained a dream. Sue poured out her worries to Behrman. She told him how Johnsy was convinced that she would die when the last leaf fell.
Explanation of the Above Passage – Behrman was a 60 year old painter. He aspired to paint a masterpiece. Sue discussed Johnsy’s condition with him. She said that Johnsy was sure that she would die when the last leaf fell off the ivy plant.

Passage – “Is she stupid?” asked Behrman. “How can she be so foolish?”
Explanation of the Above Passage – Behrman commented that Johnsy was being silly.
Passage – “She is running a high temperature,” complained Sue. “She refuses to eat or drink and that worries me a lot.”
Explanation of the Above Passage – Sue said that Johnsy was suffering from high fever. She was not eating too. Sue was worried about her.
Passage – “I will come with you and see Johnsy,” Behrman said.
Explanation of the Above Passage – Behrman went to see Johnsy.

Passage – They tiptoed into the room. Johnsy was sleeping. Sue drew the curtains together and they went to the next room. She peeped out through the window. There was only one leaf on the creeper. It was raining heavily and an icy-cold wind was blowing. It seemed as though the leaf would fall any minute now. Behrman did not say a word. He went back to his room.
Explanation of the Above Passage – They entered the room quietly. Johnsy was asleep. Sue drew the curtains and they went to the adjoining room. Sue looked out of the window. There was only one leaf left on the creeper plant. There was heavy rain accompanied by strong, cold winds. The leaf was due to fall any moment. Behrman did not say anything and went back to his room.

Passage – Johnsy woke up next morning. In a feeble voice she asked Sue to draw the curtains. Sue was nervous. She drew back the curtains very reluctantly.
Word Meanings:
Feeble: weak
Explanation of the Above Passage – The next morning, Johnsy woke up and in a weak voice, asked Sue to open the curtains. Sue was worried and hesitantly drew them back.

Passage- “Oh!” Sue exclaimed as she looked at the vine creeper. “Look, there is still one leaf on the creeper. It looks quite green and healthy. In spite of the storm and the fierce winds, it didn’t fall.”
Explanation of the Above Passage – Sue was glad as she announced that there still was one leaf on the creeper. It appeared green and healthy. It hadn’t fallen despite the storm.

Passage – “I heard the wind last night,” said Johnsy. “I thought it would have fallen. It will surely fall today. Then I’ll die.”
Explanation of the Above Passage – Johnsy said that she had heard the winds the previous night. She had thought that the leaf would definitely fall. She added that it would fall that day for sure and then she would die too.

Passage – “You won’t die,” said Sue energetically. “You have to live for your friends. What would happen to me if you die?”
Explanation of the Above Passage – Sue said that Johnsy would not die. She had to live for her friends. She added that she would become lonely if Johsy died.

Passage – Johnsy smiled weakly and closed her eyes. After every hour or so she would look out of the window and find the leaf still there. It seemed to be clinging to the creeper.
Explanation of the Above Passage – Johnsy smiled and closed her eyes. She was weak. After almost every hour, she would look out if the leaf was still there or not. It seemed that the leaf was stuck to the creeper.

Passage – In the evening, there was another storm but the leaf did not fall. Johnsy lay for a long time looking at the leaf. Then she called out to Sue.
Explanation of the Above Passage – There was another storm that evening but the leaf did not fall. Johnsy kept on looking at it and then she called to Sue.

Passage – “I have been a bad girl. You have looked after me so lovingly and I have not cooperated with you. I have been depressed and gloomy. The last leaf has shown me how wicked I have been. I have realised that it is a sin to want to die.”
Explanation of the Above Passage – Johnsy said that she had been a bad girl. Sue looked after her while she did not cooperate and remained sad. The last leaf had made her realize her mistake. She said that the desire to die was a wrong one.

Passage – Sue hugged Johnsy. Then she gave her lots of hot soup and a mirror. Johnsy combed her hair and smiled brightly.
Explanation of the Above Passage – Sue was glad to see the change in Johnsy. She got soup for her, gave her a mirror to tidy her hair. Johnsy was happy and bright.

Passage – In the afternoon the doctor came. After examining his patient he told Sue, “Johnsy now has the will to live. I am confident she’ll recover soon. Now I must go downstairs and see Behrman. He is also suffering from pneumonia. But I am afraid, there is no hope for him.”
Explanation of the Above Passage – The doctor visited that afternoon and said that the desire to live was back in Johnsy. He was sure that she would recover. He went downstairs to check Behrman who was suffering from pneumonia and there was no hope that he would recover.

Passage – The next morning Sue came and sat on Johnsy’s bed. Taking Johnsy’s hand in hers she said, “I have something to tell you. Mr Behrman died of pneumonia this morning. He was ill for only two days. The first day the janitor found him on his bed. His clothes and shoes were wet and he was shivering. He had been out in that stormy night.”
Word Meaning:
Janitor: a person whose job is to look after a building
Explanation of the Above Passage – The next morning Sue sat beside Johnsy and told her that Behrman die that morning. He had been ill for the last two days. The caretaker of the building had found him in his bed. His clothes and shoes were wet and he was shivering. He had gone out at night during the storm.

Passage – Then they found a ladder and a lantern still lighted lying near his bed. There were also some brushes and green and yellow paints on the floor near the ladder. “Johnsy dear,” said Sue, “look out of the window. Look at that ivy leaf. Haven’t you wondered why it doesn’t flutter when the wind blows? That’s Behrman’s masterpiece. He painted it the night the last leaf fell.”
Explanation of the Above Passage – A ladder and a lantern were lying near his bed. Paint brushes, green and yellow coloured paint were also lying nearby. Sue asked Johnsy to look at the leaf. It did not flutter when the wind blew. It was the masterpiece that Behrman aspired to paint. When the last leaf fell at night, he painted this one.


Class 9 English Moments Book Chapter-wise Explanation

The Lost Child Chapter 1 Explanation The Adventures of Toto Chapter 2 Explanation Iswaran the Storyteller Chapter 3 Explanation
In the Kingdom of Fools Chapter 4 Explanation The Happy Prince Chapter 5 Explanation Weathering in the Storm of Ersama Chapter 6 Explanation 
The Last Leaf Chapter 7 Explanation A House is not a Home Chapter 8 Explanation The Beggar Chapter 9 Explanation

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