The Midnight Visitor Question Answers


NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Footprint without Feet Midnight Visitor Important Question Answers Lesson 3

Class 10 English Midnight Visitor Question Answers – Looking for The the Midnight Visitor question answers (NCERT solutions) for CBSE Class 10 English Footprint Without Feet Book Chapter 3? Look no further! Our comprehensive compilation of important questions will help you brush up on your subject knowledge. Practising Class 10 English question answers can significantly improve your performance in the board exam. Our solutions provide a clear idea of how to write the answers effectively. Improve your chances of scoring high marks by exploring Chapter 3: The Midnight Visitor question answers now. The questions listed below are based on the latest CBSE exam pattern, wherein we have given NCERT solutions to the chapter’s extract based questions, multiple choice questions, short answer questions, and long answer questions

Also, practising with different kinds of questions can help students learn new ways to solve problems that they may not have seen before. This can ultimately lead to a deeper understanding of the subject matter and better performance on exams. 


Class 10 English Midnight Visitor Question Answers Lesson 3 – Extract Based Questions

Extract-based questions are of the multiple-choice variety, and students must select the correct option for each question by carefully reading the passage.

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A. Max was slender, a little less than tall, with features that suggested slightly the crafty, pointed countenance of a fox. There was about him — aside from the gun — nothing especially menacing. “The report,” he murmured. “The report that is being brought to you tonight concerning some new missiles. I thought I would take it from you. It will be safer in my hands than in yours.” Ausable moved to an armchair and sat down heavily. “I’m going to raise the devil with the management this time, and you can bet on it,” he said grimly. “This is the second time in a month that somebody has gotten into my room through that nuisance of a balcony!” (CBSE QB,2021)

1. Owning a gun gave a menacing impression to Max’s character because
A. gun is only used by police officials.
B. he was carrying it without any official license.
C. A gun has a threatening implication.
D. the gun was particularly huge.
Ans: C. A gun has a threatening implication.

2. Choose the option that displays the correct analogy.
A. crafty : fox :: menacing : gun
B. report : missile :: management : devil
C. crafty : fox :: management : balcony
D. armchair : grim :: balcony : nuisance
Ans: A. crafty : fox :: menacing : gun

3. Delnaaz is a new tenant in her locality and Mrs. Mehta is the landlady. Choose the option that lists an action that would require Mrs. Mehta to ‘raise the devil’ with Delnaaz.

raise the devil

1. She uses the elevator five times a day. 2. She feeds the stray dogs in the street. 3. She works late at night and stays home in the afternoon only. 4. She plays music louder than is necessary late into the night.

A. Option 1
B. Option 2
C. Option 3
D. Option 4
Ans: D. Option 4

4. Which word replaces ‘sat down heavily’ in the sentence—’Ausable moved to an armchair and sat down heavily’?
A. dumped.
B. flumped.
C. pumped.
D. jumped.
Ans: B. flumped.


B. Ausable did not fit any description of a secret agent Fowler had ever read. Following him down the musty corridor of the gloomy French hotel where Ausable had a room, Fowler felt let down. It was a small room, on the sixth and top floor, and scarcely a setting for a romantic adventure. Ausable was, for one thing, fat. Very fat. And then there was his accent. Though he spoke French and German passably, he had never altogether lost the American accent he had brought to Paris from Boston twenty years ago. “You are disappointed,” Ausable said wheezily over his shoulder. (CBSE QB,2021)

1. “Following him down the musty corridor of the gloomy French hotel where Ausable had a room…” Choose the correct option to replace the underlined words.
A. expansive, abnormal
B. lighted; formal
C. damp; dingy
D. uncanny; smart
Ans: C. damp; dingy

2. Amy is an American woman who teaches French and German in a primary school. This means that Amy is
A. an empathetic teacher.
B. a rational human being.
C. an experienced guide.
D. a multilingual instructor.
Ans: D. a multilingual instructor.

3. It can be inferred from the extract that a secret agent is expected to be
1) fit.
2) compassionate.
3) apologetic.
4) suave.
5) violent.

Choose the correct option among the following:
A. Option 1, 3 & 5
B. Option 1 & 4
C. Option 2 ,4 & 5
D. Option 2 & 3
Ans: B. Option 1 & 4

4. The reason Fowler was disappointed by Ausable when he met him was because Ausable
A. lived in a shady French hotel.
B. was related to the cops.
C. didn’t have the personality of a spy.
D. had a very strange accent.
Ans:: C. didn’t have the personality of a spy.

5. Choose the option that lists the INCORRECT statements about the given passage.
1. Fowler had no expectations at all from Ausable.
2. Fowler was elated when he met Ausable.
3. Ausable was living in France as a spy.
4. Ausable had acquired the French accent over twenty years ago.

Choose the correct option among the following:
A. 1, 2
B. 3, 4
C. 1, 3
D. 2, 4
Ans: D. 2, 4

C. Ausable was, for one thing, fat. Very fat. And then there was his accent. Though he spoke French and German passably, he had never altogether lost the American accent he had brought to Paris from Boston twenty years ago.

“You are disappointed,” Ausable said wheezily over his. shoulder.

A. Who is Ausable ? To whom is he talking ?
Ans: Ausable was a secret agent. He is talking to Fowler, a reporter.

B. How is Ausable different from others of his class ?
Ans:. Ausable is different from other secret agents as he is very fat. Moreover, he lives in a room where there is no environment of romantic and thrilling adventure.

C. Which word in the above passage means the same as “the tone of speaking some particular language”?
Ans. ‘accent’.

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D. Name the languages mentioned in the passage.
Ans: German, French and American.

D. Max was slender, a little less than tall, with features that suggested slightly the crafty, pointed countenance of a fox. There was about him aside from the gun – nothing especially menacing.
“The report,” he murmured. “The report that is being brought to you tonight concerning some new missiles. I thought I would take it from you. It will be safer in my hands than in yours.”


A.  Who was Max ?
Ans:. Max was another secret agent.

B. Why had he come to Ausable’s room ? What did he do thereafter ?
Ans: He had come to Ausable’s room demanding a secret report from him. After intruding in the room, he threatened Ausable with a pistol.

C. Which word in the passage means the same as ‘cunning’ ?
Ans: ‘crafty’.

D. Which words describe Max’s physique ?
Ans: Slender, Crafty features.


E. The doorknob turned. Swiftly Max pushed with his left hand to free himself from the still and drop to the balcony. And then, as he dropped, he screamed once. Shrilly.

  1. Who was there at the door ?
    Ans: A waiter was knocking at the door.
  2. Could Max be able to jump from the balcony ? Why ?
    Ans: Max wasn’t able to jump from the balcony because Ausable, to save himself from Max, told him a false story about the existence of a non-existent balcony.
  3. Which word in the extract means the same as ‘in a high pitch’ ?
    Ans: ‘shrilly’.
  4. What frightened Max ?
    Ans: The turning of the door knob.


Class 10 English Footprint without Feet Midnight Visitor Lesson 3 Multiple Choice Questions

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) are a type of objective assessment in which a person is asked to choose one or more correct answers from a list of available options. An MCQ presents a question along with several possible answers.


Q1. Ausable was a ———.
A) Doctor
B) Writer
C) Business person
D) Secret agent
Ans: (C) Secret agent.

Q2. Ausable took the room in a –
A) French Hotel
B) Russian Hotel
C) German Hotel
D) Chinese Hotel
Ans: (A) French Hotel.

Q3. Ausable’s room was on the —— floor of the hotel.
A) 5th
B) 4th
C) 6th
D) 2nd
Ans: (C) 6th.

Q4. Fowler was a —— by profession.
A) Secret agent
B) Journalist
C) Writer
D) German
Ans: (C) Writer.

Q5. Ausable had —— accent.
A) French
B) American
C) Russia
D) German
Ans: (b) American.

Q6. There was another man standing with a pistol in the room of Ausable, named.
A) Marck
B) Marcco
C) Max
D) Morocco
Ans: (C) Max.

Q7. According to Ausable’s knowledge Max should be then in –
A) America
B) Berlin
C) Iraq
D) Paris
Ans: (B) Berlin.

Q8. Max’s face was like that of a –
A) Fox
B) Eat
C) Dog
D) Owl
Ans: (A) Fox.

Q9. The report was supposed to reach in around –
A) 12:30 at night
B) 1 p.m.
C) 12:30 at afternoon
D) 5 p.m.
Ans: (A) 12:30 at night.

Q10. Max became nervous by the sound of the knocking at the door as he thought —– had come to the door.
A) Waiter
B) Police
C) Hotel manager
D) Security guard
Ans: (b) Police.

Q11. Max decided to hide himself ——-.
A) Inside the cupboard
B) Under the bed
C) in the balcony
D) Behind the sofa
Ans: (C) in the balcony.

Q12. There was a ——– at the door.
A) Waiter
B) At the door
C) Police
D) A friend
Ans: (A) Waiter.

Q13. The name of the waiter was ——–.
A) Henry
B) Hari
C) Herry
D) Heeralal
Ans: (A) Henry.

Q14. The waiter brought a tray with ——–.
A) A bottle of juice
B) Chicken
C) A bottle of wine
D) Coffee
Ans: (C) A bottle of wine.

Q15. “He won’t return” – who is “he” referring to this line.
A) Ausable
B) Max
C) Waiter
D) Fowler
Ans: (B) Max.

Q16. What was Ausable’s profession?
A) a tourist
B) secret agent
C) diplomat
D) soldier
Ans: (B) secret agent

Q17. What did Max want?
A) Fowler
B) phone
C) report
D) all of the above
Ans: (C) report

Q18. How did Max claim to have entered?
A) a passkey
B) balcony
C) window
D) None of the above
Ans: (A) a passkey

Q19. How, according to Ausable, did Max enter?
A) a passkey
B) balcony
C) window
D) None of the above
Ans: (B) balcony

Q20. Where did Max actually enter from?
A) door
B) balcony
C) window
D) None of the above
Ans: (A) door


Class 10 English Midnight Visitor Short Question Answers (including questions from Previous Years Question Papers)


In this post we are also providing important short answer questions from the chapter The Midnight Visitor for CBSE Class 10 Boards in the coming session. These questions have been taken from previous years class 10 Board exams and the year is mentioned in the bracket along with the question.


Q1. Why had Fowler wanted to meet Ausable?

Ans: Fowler was a writer who wished to meet Ausable, a well-known secret agent. Fowler was curious about how Ausable handled dangerous situations. When he saw Ausable, he was disappointed because he didn’t resemble what Fowler had imagined a secret agent should look like.

Q2. Describe Fowler’s reaction after entering Ausable’s hotel room. (CBSE 2014)

Ans: Ausable was taken aback when he discovered Max in his room. But he remained composed. Ausable didn’t try anything shady because Max had a pistol with him. He just kept his cool and fooled Max by inventing stories with his brain.

Q3. ‘Ausable shows great presence of mind in a situation of danger and surprise.” Do you agree with this statement? If yes, why?

Ans: Yes, I agree with this statement, as Ausable demonstrated great foresight when Max pointed a gun at him as he entered the hotel room with Fowler, surprising and endangering both of them. He remained calm and cool, making up stories to trick Max into jumping to his death.

Q4. Why did Max’s face turn black with anger? What did he want Ausable to do?(CBSE 2012)

Ans: Max’s face darkened with rage as he realized that his plan to extract the important document from Ausable was in jeopardy due to the knocking on the door, which Ausable identified as the police. He wanted Ausable to dismiss the cops.

Q5. Why did Ausable frame the story of the balcony? (CBSE 2012)

Ans: Ausable framed the balcony story to counter the rival secret agent Max’s use of the pistol to threaten him. If Ausable had not concocted this story, the rival would have been able to obtain the critical report on the new missiles.

Q6. How does Ausable manage to make Max believe that there is a balcony attached to his room?

Ans: Ausable gives a thorough account of how his office was part of a larger apartment and how the room next door was connected to the balcony directly. It was a convincing story because he said that someone else had also broken into his office through that balcony. 

Q7. Who actually had knocked at the door of Ausable’s room? Why did he come there? (CBSE 2010)

Ans:The server in the hotel where Ausable stayed knocked at the door of Ausable’s room.

He’d brought the drinks which Ausable had ordered when he arrived in the hostel with Fowler. 

Q8. Why did Fowler want to meet Ausable? Why was he disappointed?

Ans: Fowler was a young romantic writer. He loved adventure and thrill. He was usually interested in understanding the lives of mystery sellers. He wanted to meet Ausable who turned into a secret project. He was a touch disappointed when he did not locate anything mysterious and romantic in Ausable. Ausable, in fact, turned into a fat, everyday character.

Q9. Who was Henry? What role did he play in Ausable’s plans?

Ans: Henry was a server at the French hotel where Ausable had a room. He played a vital part in helping Ausable’s plan as it was Henry’s knock at the door which frightened Max as he mistook it to be a policeman at the door. This confusion forced Max to jump from the window assuming it to be a deck and hence helping Ausable’s plan to get relief from Max. 

Q10. What was someone expected to bring to Ausable’s room?

Ans: Ausable expected to get a very important report about missiles, which was to be delivered to him after midnight.

Q11. Why was Ausable angry with the hotel’s management?

Ans: Ausable pretended to be angry with hotel management for not paying attention to the balcony, which was a safety risk for him. In fact, he made up a story about a non-existent balcony to trap Max.

Q12. How did Max enter the room? Why did he do so?

Ans: Max entered Ausable’s room through the front door using the passkey. He wanted to take an important report from Ausable. So he decided to shock Ausable. He thought it would be easy to shock Ausable into beating him.

Q13. Was there a balcony outside the window? Give instances from the text in support of your answer.

Ans: There was no balcony outside the window. The following lines show that there was no balcony: 

 “And then, as he fell, he cried out.” 

 “But what about the man on the balcony?” Fowler asked 

 “No,” said Ausable, “he will never come back.” 

 So we know that the man died jumping from the 6th floor.

Q14. Did Fowler find this episode thrilling or disappointing? Give a reason for your answer.
Ans: Fowler found the episode very fascinating. At first, he was unimpressed by Ausable’s personality, which was not suitable for a secret agent. After reading about mysterious figures, exploding guns and drugs in wine, she wasn’t particularly impressed with fat Ausable. But he couldn’t believe Ausable’s quick response and intelligence. The whole episode felt pretty incredible.

Q15. State one likely reason the writer of The Midnight Visitor chose to characterise Ausable as short and fat.(CBSE Sample Paper 2022-23)

Answer. The author wanted to distinguish between Max and Ausable. Max, despite his athletic appearance, is not particularly bright. He succumbed to Ausable’s meticulously devised plan.

Meanwhile, Ausable maintained a sharp mind and capitalised on events as they unfolded. As a result, even though he was short and fat, his clever plan saved him.


Class 10 Midnight Visitor Long Answer Questions Lesson 3

Q1. Ausable has the ability to think quickly, act calmly and wisely in a situation of danger and surprise. These are some values and skills that save us from danger. How did Ausable use the above skills in the story, ‘The Midnight visitor’?
Ans:: Ausable overcomes a very critical situation simply by his presence of mind, without the use of physical force. He was a fast secret agent. He made Max believe he was scared when he found him in his room with a gun in his hand. He cheated on her on the balcony, knowing full well that this room did not have a balcony.
He made up a story about the report and the arrival of the police. When there was a knock on the door, he assured Max it was the police. Max freaked out and jumped to his death on a non-existent balcony. Thus Ausable showed that the presence of spirit is more powerful than physical force. Ausable had the qualities of being calm, composed and intelligent in a dangerous situation. These are values ​​that can be practiced in times of adversity. Because of these features, usability exceeded Max.

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Q2. What is superior, physical strength or intelligence in a difficult situation? Which one of these qualities and skills would you stress upon? Why? Elaborate with reference to the story, ‘The Midnight Visitor’.
Ans: Physical strength and intelligence both have their own meanings. They complement each other. Intelligence without physical abilities is useless and vice versa. But of the two, intelligence is better. The use of physical force can lead to violence and bloodshed, but the use of intelligence saves without bloodshed and violence. In the story “The Midnight Visitor”, Ausable overcomes a very critical situation voluntarily, without physical strength. He used his intelligence to get rid of another secret agent, Max. He showed that the presence of spirit is more powerful than physical force. I would like to emphasize intelligence more, but at the same time not neglect physical strength.

Q3. How did Ausable get rid of Max? Would you call the act of Ausable a violent act? Do you support violence in prevention of crime?
Ans:Max was in Ausable’s room, gun in hand. When there was a knock on the door, Ausable assured Max it was the police. He inspired her to hide on a non-existent balcony. Max jumped from the sixth floor in fear and faced him. No, it cannot be called non-violent. Ausable saved himself but led Max to his death. He jumped her from the eighth floor.
He made up a story about a non-existent balcony and made him hide there. He trusted him and jumped to her death. Violence should never be encouraged, but it is inevitable in crime prevention. We cannot fight criminals without weapons and violence is inevitable.

Q4. Give a brief character sketch of Fowler?
Ans: Fowler is a young romance writer who loves to read mystery stories. He has a fantasy of meeting a secret agent or seeing mysterious figures at night, exploding guns, drugs in wine, etc. He is not very interested in meeting boring people. He gets bored and frustrated easily. Although he is a writer, he is very cowardly at heart.He gets upset and upset easily. As soon as she enters Ausable’s room and her eyes meet Max, automatic pistol in hand, she is excited. He is frightened the moment he realizes that it was the waiter who knocked on the door, not the police. He wants to know about the man on the balcony. He has a terrible experience with Ausable, who handles risky situations so calmly.

Q5. How does Ausable convince Max that there is a balcony in his room? How does his intelligence and presence of mind help him?
Ans: Ausable realized that Max had no idea about the balcony of his house. He quickly thought of a plan. When an accuser entered the room and knocked on the door, Ausable made up a story to convince Max about the balcony. When Max realized the danger, he jumped onto the balcony; which proved fatal.
As Ausable complained earlier about having an uneasy balcony, Max couldn’t think of it the wrong way and jumped to his death happily. Ausable was an intelligent secret agent. He could think quickly. He knew Max was scared and used his ignorance and stupidity to his advantage. His intelligence and presence of mind helped him in a dangerous and critical situation. 

Q6. Max was a cunning spy but his carelessness and foolishness proved fatal for him. Do you agree? How do casual carelessness and foolishness spoil our life?
Ans: Max was definitely a reckless and stupid person who could be called a stain on the image of a secret agent. Max had an important mission to receive an important report about some new missiles. So it goes without saying that the person given the task must be a genius and a total planner, but Max didn’t bother checking the hotel or Ausable’s room first. Max fell into the trap of a lie and jumped onto a non-existent balcony, which ultimately cost him his life.
No doubt Max was just as intelligent, but his personality was flawed. He trusted his rival without thinking. He was a victim of his own recklessness and stupidity. Yes, our carelessness and stupidity can become fatal.

Q7. What information did Ausable give about the imaginary balcony? Why did he do so?
Ans: Ausable produced a detailed description of how his room was part of a larger residence and how the adjacent room had direct access to the balcony. His claim that someone else also entered his office through that balcony made it a compelling story. Ausable did this to trick Max into thinking there was a balcony just outside the window, knowing that the waiter bringing the drinks he ordered would soon be knocking on the door, which might prompt Max to jump to hide on the imaginary balcony.

Q8. Why did Max scream shrilly when he dropped to the balcony? (CBSE 2011)
Ans: A person screams loudly when something unexpected happens to him. Here, Max screamed loudly when he fell on the “balcony” because there really wasn’t a balcony; it was just a figment of Ausable’s imagination. Ausable described it so vividly, including its history and use, that Max was convinced there was a balcony behind the window and tried to jump despite it. Since the room was on the sixth floor, Max would surely die if he fell from such a height.

Q9. A calm mind can help you tackle direst stress. Explain.
Ans: A calm mind definitely helps to face the worst stress. If Ausable had panicked and done something shady, Max probably would have killed him. But Ausable remained calm. In addition to this story, he can give examples from real life. We are always told to focus on the exams when we get there or not to panic in a difficult situation because such things hinder our ability to think. We can’t make any real decisions right now. If we keep our composure and concentration, we will only find ways to get rid of difficulties.

Q10. At the beginning of the story, Fowler felt disappointed with Ausable. Do you think Fowler had the same feeling towards the end of the story? Give reasons for your answer.
Ans: At the beginning of the story, Fowler was disappointed by Ausables because she looked nothing like the secret agent he imagined. He found her quite boring. She didn’t want to be with him anymore. But when he found Max in his room with a gun, he was thrilled. He found that Ausable was not bothered at all. He made up a story about the balcony outside his window. When the waiter knocked on the door, Ausable told Max it was the police. He told her that he called the police for the safety of this important newspaper. Hearing this, Max jumped out of the window onto the balcony. But there was no balcony. He fell from the sixth floor and died. So Fowler was excited to see it all. So at the end of the story, he was not disappointed in Ausable. 

Q11. Describe the incident leading to the death of Max.
Ans: Ausable was a secret agent. He lived in a French hotel. His room was on the sixth and top floor of the hotel. One evening a young writer named Fowler came to see him. When they entered the room and turned on the light, they found a man standing in the middle of the room. He had a gun in his hand. His name was Max. He came there to intercept an important report from Ausable. Seeing Max, Ausable remained cool and silent. But he seemed angry with the hotel management. He said that because of the balcony under the window, anyone can enter the book.
When there was a sudden knock on the door, Ausable said it might have been the police. He said he called the police himself. Max jumped from the window to the balcony. But there was actually no balcony. So Max fell from the sixth floor and died.

Q12. Write a character sketch of the secret Agent Ausable.
Ans: Ausable was a secret agent. He was a fat and soft-spoken man. In appearance, he did not seem to be a romantic character. He came from Boston to Paris twenty years ago. He had a satisfactory command of French and German. He hasn’t lost his American accent. Ausable was a very intelligent man. He was in a great mood. He was not discouraged in a difficult situation when he faced a man with a pistol in his hand. He kept his cool. He made up the story about the balcony. He upset Max by telling him about the police. He killed Max without a fight or a shot. Fowler, disappointed to meet him at the beginning of the story, is very impressed by his intelligence and presence of mind by the end of the story.

Q13. How did Ausable use ‘the knock’ at the door in his favor? What light does it throw on his character?
Ans: Ausable was a secret agent. He lived in a hotel. A guest named Fowler comes to see him. Ausable hands the waiter a bottle of wine and an order for two glasses. Entering the room, they were surprised to see an intruder named Max in the room. The man had a gun in his hand. After a while there was a knock on the door. Ausable knew it was a waiter, but he told Max it was the police. He himself said that he called the police to secure an important report. Hearing this, Max jumped from the window to the balcony. There was no balcony. He fell and died. This episode shows that Ausable had a great mind. He was a really smart spy.

Q14. Presence of mind and intelligence are more powerful than a gun. How far is it true in the case of Ausable, the secret agent?
Ans: Ausable is not really what we read about in detective stories and books. He is also not like the heroes of the James Bond films. Exceptions are applicable. Fowler, a young writer, is disillusioned after meeting Ausable. Used does not match the description of any secret agent. He is fat and lazy. His room is quite small and also on the sixth floor. But appearances are usually deceiving. Ausable proves that the presence of mind and intellect is more powerful than a gun.
The presence of mind and intelligence are assets of Ausable. His acute reaction, especially to a dangerous situation, is very quick and thorough. When he finds the cunning Max in the room with a gun in his hand, she immediately understands the purpose of her visit. A rival secret agent who has come to deliver an important message about new missiles must be beaten at his own game. Ausable makes up stories about the balcony and the police so convincingly that Max falls into his trap. Although there is no balcony under the window of his room, it was not the police, but his waiter who knocked on the door. Confused and nervous, Max jumps out of the window in despair. Thus, through his mind and intelligence, Ausable proves to be more powerful than a gun.

Q15. How did crafty and foxy Max fail to take away the all-important report concerning some new missiles from Ausable? Or How did Ausable outsmart and outwit the crafty Max and get rid of him?
Ans: Naturally, it was a battle between two secret agents belonging to two different organizations. The subject of the dispute was a very important report on some new missiles. It was on Ausable and Max wanted to take it out with his gun. The report was so important that several men and women risked their lives to obtain it. One day, this report could very well influence the course of history.
No doubt Max prepared. When Ausable turned on the light, he saw Max standing in the middle of the room, holding a small automatic pistol. Ausable had to use his presence of mind and fertile brain to get out Max’s door. He baked two balcony-related stories under his window, and the police were his masters. In his easy way, Ausable manages to convince Max that both stories were true. In fact, there was no balcony under his window. He wanted to harass Max by spreading the lie that the loud knocks on the door were from the police. Desperate, Max jumped out of the window, and Ausable was forever freed from his cunning rival.


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