JEE Advanced 2020 to be conducted by IIT Delhi
IIT Delhi to conduct JEE Advanced 2020 – The Joint Entrance Exam (JEE) Advanced for the 2020 session would be conducted by the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi on May 17, 2020. The official website for JEE Advanced 2020 is which was launched by IIT Delhi recently.
The official notification released by IIT Delhi stated that the website would consist of required information for the eligible candidates who wish to appear for JEE Advanced 2020. The candidates are advised to check the website frequently so that they do not miss any important announcement.
In 2019, the JEE Advanced paper had taken place on May 27 in two shifts – Paper 1 (9 am to 2 pm) and Paper 2 (2 pm to 5 pm).
JEE Advanced paper will be held in three languages – Hindi, English and Gujarati from 2020. Mamta Banerjee the Chief Minister of West Bengal had questioned the government why other regional languages including Bengali were not included to conduct this exam.
See: List of JEE Advanced Participating Institutes and Courses